UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by #six »

Tom looking really dejected. Has he realised how much bull he has been told by his supporters? ... =1&theater
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by PeanutGallery »

Typical, I have a lie in and miss all the fun and games. Well, we all (at least those of us who can read and comprehend basic facts), knew this was coming. I imagine it was quite a surprise for Tom. If his dog is sick then I do feel sorry for the poor animal (I love dogs).

Now Tom is in a position where he actually needs help, but I imagine that his 'friends' won't be so willing to come to his aid, simply because he's lost and is another victim of their ill advice waiting to be airbrushed from their recollection of history.

It won't be long before we never hear tell of him or his hat again.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by daveBeeston »

#six wrote:Tom looking really dejected. Has he realised how much bull he has been told by his supporters? ... =1&theater
It does look like its final sank in doesn't it, i wonder where he goes from here as the council won't give him emergency housing as he has intentionally made himself homeless and i cannot see any of the supporters helping him and his wife by offering to take them in(maybe his son or daughter will).

Although it is sad to see someone loose their home im glad this has happened and hopefully it will help wake up both Tom and some of the supporters to the down right lies peddled by Ceylon and others over on GODDF and other Sov/Cit sites.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Syf »

the house has been cleared and is being boarded up..
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by GH132 »

I've found him !!!

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Losleones »

The missing Panama hat a sign of defeat.....? & is Guy at the bar getting a round in before he spouts fraudulent Courts for the benefit of the press?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by fat frank »

tom comes from a massive family, even his daughter Amanda pike, said they could easily pay off the mortgage, so they prob go buy a house tomorrow
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by fat frank »

where is hat, I will cry laughing if a bailiff is walking around with it on
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by letissier14 »

I have just seen a picture of Tom and he looks destroyed - I think the reality of the situation has finally sunken in. I wont be making any more comments on this post as I do feel sorry for him now, even though it was all of his own doing.

I hate to see anyone like that.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by PeanutGallery »

daveBeeston wrote: Although it is sad to see someone loose their home im glad this has happened and hopefully it will help wake up both Tom and some of the supporters to the down right lies peddled by Ceylon and others over on GODDF and other Sov/Cit sites.
While that might happen, it is equally possible that people will double down on the stupid. I note that their is already talk of someone returning to reclaim the property for Tom later in the day, because that worked out so well for Guy Taylor. Unfortunately I can see this driving some of the mouth breathers further into the mire of GOODFy beliefs. While I would hope it might shake some into reality, I don't think it will be the event that ends the movement. They will simply do the following:

1) Place the blame onto the powers that be for not wanting to have 'lost' and claim they acted illegally.
2) Continue to claim that Tom should have won, if the game had been fair.
3) Either make Tom into a martyr (he was evicted for our sins) or airbrush him from history.

The GOODF machine will rumble on, because stupid is as does.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Silly Ebert »

Silly Ebert wrote:tml69,

The original warrant does not expire until mid Dec2015, suspension know lifted and re-issue of this warrant makes it live and ready for use.
The land registry trick will not delay anything. Now watch this space guys.

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by #six »

letissier14 wrote:I have just seen a picture of Tom and he looks destroyed - I think the reality of the situation has finally sunken in. I wont be making any more comments on this post as I do feel sorry for him now, even though it was all of his own doing.

I hate to see anyone like that.
I agree with you mostly. Had he not have got involved with the idiots that told him what he wanted to hear then I think he could have come to some agreement with B&B and for that I feel sorry for the guy. I hold no joy that a man has been evicted. On the other hand I am pleased that all of the nonsense they spouted has been proven wrong time and time again.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by longdog »

letissier14 wrote:I have just seen a picture of Tom and he looks destroyed - I think the reality of the situation has finally sunken in. I wont be making any more comments on this post as I do feel sorry for him now, even though it was all of his own doing.

I hate to see anyone like that.
I would feel sorry for him or anybody who has lost there home were it not for the fact that Tom has spent the last few years lying to everybody about how he came to be in this position in the first place. I can feel pity for people who bring misfortune on themselves but not people who engage in a a prolonged and dishonest campaign of rank stupidity in the face of endless warnings about the consequences.

Sad about the dog though.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by fat frank »

it is sad what happened to him, but it is his own doing, he lied and then when truth came out, every one who dare to question why they was lied to was a shill, troll, stupid, thick, he is now one of the main men in response uk, him and guy taylor, both of who have lost there homes, great advice givers then

they tried to blame everyone else except themselves, they surround themselves with idiots who haven't got a clue,

hopefully this will make a few realise that freeman and sov are just con men,

I just need everyone who has used a WeRe chq to be prosecuted for fraud and it will be a good day
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by GH132 »

Had Tom not acted like he did, a new mortgage could have been found for him that required no payments and no income proof and he could have stayed in the house for ever.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Tom, Tom, the carpet man
Stole a house, and away he ran
The judge did mete
And Tom was beat
And Tom went homeless down the street.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by guilty »

bertiebert on GOOFers:
Every police officer who assists in the unlawful eviction of the Crawfords is committing a crime ancillary to genocide. The bailiffs are personally liable for the enforcement of a plainly fraudulent claim. The bank's directors and its legal representatives are liable for fraud by false representation, non-disclosure and abuse of position.
By their despicable actions they have proven beyond reasonable doubt that justice is not possible to obtain within the overtly corporatist police state which has been imposed upon us. The time for the people to seek their own remedies, as predicted by Lord Denning, has arrived.
25 good people are therefore required for a Grand Jury to be held in the Notts area asap, to decide if there are cases to answer for the individuals charged. Please email to put your name forward, but whatever you do, don't make your interest in participating publicly known, as all jury members' names must remain private and confidential, for their own protection.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by daveBeeston »

I've just seen a post on facebook from one of the supporters asking Russell Brand to get involved with Tom's case. in the post about the minute of silence for Tunisia victims.

Just what Tom needs another long haired loon spouting nonesense and waffle.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by FatGambit »

Yeah but this long haired loon could pay off the arrears for Tom with the loose change down the back of his sofa...

But I have more chance of winning the lottery than that hapenning...
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Currently I have an unwell dog too. I also have had prostate cancer. But I've made deals with or paid my mortgages and I don't take legal advice off morons on the internet, nor do I tell people one thing but say the opposite in front of judges.
Today is a good day for exposing the bullshit that is the sovereign citizen / freeman on the land proponents in the UK. I look forward to either a few arrests or the usual youtube videos of morons shouting nonsense at the Police. I look forward even more (but it won't happen) to bertiebert and his moron minions trying to arrest the Police, bailiffs, judges etc.
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