UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Wakeman52 » ... ers/neelu/

For those who might like to more about Neelu Berry. Warning; possibility of information overload.
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Hercule Parrot
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Wakeman52 wrote: ... ers/neelu/

For those who might like to more about Neelu Berry. Warning; possibility of information overload.
I hugely admire the Hoaxstead team, they kept up a brave, persistent and witty de-bunking throughout that appalling episode.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Wakeman52 wrote: ... ers/neelu/

For those who might like to more about Neelu Berry. Warning; possibility of information overload.
More succinctly and perhaps with more entertainment this tells you all you need to know about Neelu (aka Lou Lotus, aka Ved Chaudhari) ...
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

The treasonous council have issued some sort of penalty notice which neelu has evidently ignored. It's bailiff o'clock (again )!

Cue the typically long rant.

11.15am Bailiffs, Confero, Ilford Police (now gone around 12.30pm) and ambulance at my door over a parking fine I know nothing about, waiting for a pick up truck - with ambulance still here despite Police checking I am ok. Ambulance now gone 1pm, clamp still on car, Dark blue Confero van with two ladies and dog still here blocking two cars parked on private drive 13.00pm..Update 2pm - Plain Blue truck with two female Bailiffs and dog just drove off, left the clamp on saying pick up truck is on its way to take the car. I pleaded with them to take payment of the maximum amount of £5 per month I can afford, under protest and duress, so as to use the car.. they ignored and drove off


2min 35 sec Part video 28 July 2017 11.15am to 2 pm Multi Agency Seige - Confero Collections Limited, Ilford Police, Ilford Ambulance for an unknown, un-notified fictitious "No Right Turn" fine of £513. They clamp a BMW 330D worth £12,000, not the Nissan Almera next to it worth £1,000 so as to steal it.
Please phone Confero Collections Limited Directors, the car clampers and car pick up company to ask why their bailiffs
1. Clamped the car at 11.15am, on arrival, when clamping is a last resort
2. before speaking to the owner, when the owner must be present
3. Left the car clamped at departure
4. Refuse the reasonable amount offered of £5 per month under duress and protest
5. Insisting on full payment before removing clamp
6. Not recognising the mother -son relationship under Divine laws
7. Refusing to give Public, Private, Professional Liability Insurance Bond details without which no interaction may occur between anyone impersonating a public servant and public service and a divine child of God, whilst they are trading illegally under corporate policies and counterfeit currency outside the Gold Mandate Banking license which expired on 17 August 2015, see
8. Lacking in compassion
9. Refusing to Cease & Desist
10. Committing Treason - violating the oath to God to maintain Gods laws to serve and protect God's children

Please call Confero Collections, email them on or phone them on 020 8661 4477


Full Video 10min 8sec 28 July 2017: Press Release - For Immediate Publication -
Please share widely -
Title: Anti-Corruption Witnesses Persecuted by Pirate UK plc "State Terrorism"

Confero collections limited admitted they were sent by the London Borough of Redbridge, to the home of Neelu (of the Berry and Ved Chaudhari Clans), three days after the suspicious death of her elderly mother within its NHS Trust and 17 years after the death of her baby niece from drug overdoses whilst in the care of London Borough of Redbridge social services.

In 2009, London borough of Redbridge maliciously and falsely prosecuted the parents of the baby without law, in the Redbridge Magistrates Court and Snaresbrook Crown Court to extort fines of over £21,400 in a conspiracy with the London Borough of Bexley, breaking entries at three family homes, on the would be 14th birthday of the late baby, without warrant to kidnap the mother of the late baby, hold her ransom in a police van for four hours and in a cold cell until Bexley Police Station received the fraud fine on behalf of Ilford Police from the late baby's family.
Neelu's Late mother, severely disabled Raj Chaudhari, nee Dhawan, is seen here terrorised and left on her own minutes after she witnessed the kidnap by Bexley Police of her daughter Sadhana, mother of late baby Sunaina on behalf of Ilford Police of the London Borough of Redbridge on 25 May 2014 in its false licensing prosecution without law, authority or jurisdiction to persecute the Whistleblowing family for exposing Health, Justice, Legal, Corporate, Government frauds and treason.

Neelu's two late dads who taught her about the corruption within the UK plc, namely Dr Akena Adoko, author of the book "The Most Corrupt British Judges" Ex-President of the Law Society of Uganda and Ved Parkash Chaudhari, Delhi Advocate and Jullunder Judge exposed the criminal cover-up of high baby deaths in the case of baby Sunaina in a conspiracy between the multi-agencies including British courts, health service, Home Office & Coroner service. In 2007, when the family ex-patriated the body to India for a proper investigation they discovered that the corruption is worldwide through the man-made charities and Governments against the people, especially in India.

Neelu, a qualified Pharmacist and Teacher, was subjected to two false prosecutions by London police in October 2015 and July 2016 in the Highbury Corner Magistrates Court London and the Blackfriars Crown Court respectively, which became full proof sets of judicial corruption in the UK on grounds that lower Courts routinely exercise jurisdiction over Higher Courts in judicial frauds and the UK plc State is run by Corrupt Public Servants acting above the law.

Applications have been made for witness protection in the High Court London to stop State persecutions of anti-corruption campaigners by treasonous public servants and public services trading illegally with counterfeit currency.

Remedies for all lie in the mandate of gold currencies since 17th of August 2015, 70 years after gold was quarantined, under quarantine laws, for equal share distribution to 7.5 billion people by way of payments 1 to 11 of The M1 Master Bond distributes the equal share to everyone of $6 million to every household for home, car and trade, $1200 per adult per month, $600 per child per month. The DBLC Debt Burden Liberation Certificate writes off £150,000 worth of debts by printing it off and handing it, emailing it or posting it to Creditors. It is Treason when banks refuse these payments since their trading banking licenses expired with the 70 year quarantine of Gold after the Federal Reserve Act made Gold redundant by banning it. It was allowed to trade without the Gold but only if it acted with honour - so all interest on loans, taxes, fines, fees, bills, energy, is Dishonour and Treason to the oath to God.

Share this: ... 1746200242 10min 8 sec

Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

Stark raving bonkers.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by He Who Knows »

She desperately needs mental health treatment.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:Stark raving bonkers.
Yeah - for a start, when was the last time a Nissan Almera made £1000 at auction. :snicker:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

Please phone Confero Collections Limited Directors, the car clampers and car pick up company to ask why their bailiffs


10. Committing Treason - violating the oath to God to maintain Gods laws to serve and protect God's children
Ah yes... That well known religious oath that all bailiffs take :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

The 2006 BMW is worth about £4000-5000 or so. We have seen this one clamped before, and she rustled up the money to pay the bailiffs.
The video she included has something I missed when following the entire story from the start. I was puzzled why there was mention of fines of over £10,000 but caught a reference in passing to 'HMO'.

For colonial readers, this means House in Multiole Occupation, in other words a house rented out room by room. ... occupation

This is a section of the property market used by the very poorest people and one where abusive landlords abound since their lodgers are often desperate, ignorant, sometimes illegal aliens, and also often claiming state benefits. The advantage of the state benefits for the landlord is that the benefit system was just about a licence to print money for the unscrupulous landlord. With minimal checks the DSS would pay the landlord direct whatever inflated rent they declared for what were often little more than rat infested hovels, over crowded and in need of serious repair.
The abuse was rampant enough to finally spur some legislation and local authorities were given powers to licence HMOs which included powers of inspection and condemnation.
The fines for ignoring or flouting the rules for owning/running an HMO are rather large (to match the profits) and would account for the serious money involved in this arrest, clearly the family were renting out one or more HMOs, broke the rules and had been penalised.
This snippet is interesting in context. This income stream would account to some extent for the Neelu and family income since none of the family featured seem to have employment but the fact that legal action has been taken against them might indicate that they were part of the less particular section of the HMO business, rather an affront to Neelu's often cited God's Laws.
The mention of her two fathers (presumably one a grandfather) indicates that the clan moved from a respectable position in Indian society to a comparable position in Uganda before independence when many Indian expatriates worked in Uganda in skilled and professional capacities such as lawyers.
Independence and the advent of the dictatorship of Idi Amin was followed by the wholesale expulsion of Ugandan asians and the expropriation without compensation of their assets and businesses. Most of them had British citizenship and settled in Britain with whatever they were able to salvage. Thus it was, I assume, with Neelu's family who came to Britain. This was in 1972. ... rom_Uganda

Is it possible that this traumatic event is the root cause for her later eccenticity? I can imagine that even if she did not directly experience what must have been a massive come-down for her family, the legacy of it passed on by older family members could have fostered a massive but unfocussed sense of injustice (and certainly with good cause) that bit by bit led to where she is today. This history could have been a powerful predisposing factor that led to her going off the rails when her sister's(?) child died, and the ensuing failure to obtain the justice she deemed appropriate then led to the slowly spiralling path of consistent legal failure that a deeply rooted sense of general grievance engendered.

If I were treating her as a patient, I would concetrate on her childhood and family, not for Freudian reasons, but to try to untangle some of the root causes for the later behaviour and beliefs, and try to help her confront and deal rationally with them.
Given the years of frustration and defeat this may be a tall order, but it is a possible path to therapy.
Lay diagnoses of 'Batshit Crazy' are amusing but not helpful. She is clearly able to function on a rational level in many respects which is indicative more of an abberant world view than any purely psychogenic ailments like schitzophrenia that would not be amenable to normal psychotherapy.

This latest event and posting has filled in for me some gaps and useful details in Neelu's sad story. It is inarguable that the story would have been a great deal less sad if they had not made a habit of playing fast and loose with the law.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Forsyth »

They clamp a BMW 330D worth £12,000, not the Nissan Almera next to it worth £1,000
4. Refuse the reasonable amount offered of £5 per month under duress and protest
I note she seems to find nothing contradictory between having two cars of which either one could be sold to pay the debt in full (she claims, at least), but only actually offering five pounds a month in payment.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink » ... l-mess-ep2

From Neelu's bit in this (not too far in, thanks be to Lucifer) (I'm working on my Satanic credentials to join the Elite) It appears Neelu has bigger problems like an eviction pending on the 9th of August. She is appealing for supporters on that day, although experience shows the baliffs will probably arrive a few days later.

Undoubtably Swissindo will bail her out.

I do not recall seeing anything about the eviction and what that is all about. Maybe a more skilled Neelu watcher has more on this?
notorial dissent
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

I will say again, stark staring bonkers. She is the whole basket short a picnic at this point. I would say she had what amounts to a psychotic break some time in the past, possibly about the time of her sister's problems????? And that she has only further deteriorated from there. I think she is in need of serious treatment, and even then I'm not sure it would do her any good, she has been living in her fantasy world for too long at this point. I don't know if she is a danger to herself, but I think she is a danger to mental health of the rest of the universe.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

He Who Knows wrote:She desperately needs mental health treatment.
Yes. She had some kind of paranoid delusional collapse when her infant niece died from multiple congenital abnormalities back in 2000. Before that, she was living an ordinary and productive life. Sadly she has now surrounded herself with conspiracy nutjobs, and is slipping deeper into woo.

There was once a comfortable, prosperous family life, including a pleasant and valuable house in London. There was once a rewarding professional career as a pharmacist, perhaps also the hope of marriage and family. All this is now sacrificed to the wind. A genuine human tragedy, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by daltontrumbno »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
He Who Knows wrote:She desperately needs mental health treatment.
Yes. She had some kind of paranoid delusional collapse when her infant niece died from multiple congenital abnormalities back in 2000. Before that, she was living an ordinary and productive life. Sadly she has now surrounded herself with conspiracy nutjobs, and is slipping deeper into woo.

There was once a comfortable, prosperous family life, including a pleasant and valuable house in London. There was once a rewarding professional career as a pharmacist, perhaps also the hope of marriage and family. All this is now sacrificed to the wind. A genuine human tragedy, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.
The death of her niece was definitely what flipped the switch, but reading back she was showing signs of paranoid delusional behaviour a few years before then, when she was made redundant after the closure of the hospital she worked and the positition she held ceased to exist she took the hospital trust to a tribunal claiming her inability to find an equal position was down to a conspiracy against asians. The behaviour was not as extreme as it is now but the early signs of mental illness were clearly on display.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I did not know about the tribunal but it fits into my assumed etiology of her confition.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by King Lud »

I believe she most definitely is a danger to others. Her support of the ludicrous Hampstead satanic hoax and her willingness to publish the names and addresses of completely innocent people she accuses of being part of it proves it. Thankfully nobody has been physically hurt by these people but a couple have felt compelled to move house. She seems to have backed off a bit after her last court case. To me that shows that she knows exactly what she is doing and how far she can push it.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

With mental health services having been massively underfunded for decades it's become increasingly difficult to get yourself sectioned even if you are clearly barking mad. You pretty much have to be an imminent danger to others or a danger to yourself without any insight to get a bed because there aren't anywhere near enough and some of the few there are go to voluntary patients who want and need help. Even being actively suicidal probably won't be enough on its own to get you sectioned as long as you retain a degree of rationality about it.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

In her latest video we see the usual rant to the bailiffs including the standard accusations of manslaughter. They probably did not disregard this as part of the standard spiel, including commercial liens (surely by now someone has informed her that this is meaningless in the UK) and may have taken it as a suicidal statement of intent. They notified the police, who would have requested an ambulance back up.
And so it came to pass, police at the door, entitled to break in if they thought she was in danger, and ambulance time wasted.

The baliffs may have realised it was nonsense but notified the police to cover their backs.
For whatever reason it gave her more state agencies persecuting her to write about.

So a win, probably.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Wakeman52 »

I do not recall seeing anything about the eviction and what that is all about. Maybe a more skilled Neelu watcher has more on this?
The eviction is due, AFAIK, to this: ... possessed/

The wheels are grinding, slowly, but inexorably.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by daltontrumbno »

Wakeman52 wrote:
I do not recall seeing anything about the eviction and what that is all about. Maybe a more skilled Neelu watcher has more on this?
The eviction is due, AFAIK, to this: ... possessed/

The wheels are grinding, slowly, but inexorably.
I wonder what is causing to take so long, most evictions take around six weeks from possession order becoming live to execution, even more difficult cases only take 8-10 weeks so far this case has taken just over four months since the possession order became live in march.