UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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notorial dissent
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

rosy wrote:I don't think Neelu understands the concept of parody. Like many SovCit type people, she is convinced that anything on the internet (as long as it isn't an .ac, .edu or .gov address) is absolutely true.
I'm quite certain Neelu doesn't, an probably never did, have a sense of humor, she certainly doesn't have a sense of reality. She is like a four year old running from fantasy to fantasy nad then throwing a temper tantrum when her magic wand won't turn you in to a pumpkin.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Taking a break for a while from Swizzindo universal prosperity, New Age mysticism and forking out fifty billion dollars for each one of us for ever and ever, Neelu has been out early for halloween, trick or treating and generally menacing her local council meeting which in a long rambling post she has written up for our (read mostly my) amusement.
Things have got so bad lately after we thought they couldn't get worse, so I said "Remedies will be falling out of the sky".
Probably the exhaust from Lord Ashtray's flying saucer needs a new gasket. Or try singing the words to the tune of the bicycle song from Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid. There, that's one tune you won't be able to stop humming now....
At 5pm, a friend told me about the local Council meeting in the Ilford Town Hall at 6pm, on 17 October
Holy Prosperity Payments Lien Girl!!!!
fire up the Remedymobile!
saw off the wheel clamp!
remove the Notice of Understanding and Claim of Right from the windscreen!!!!
distract the bailiffs,
there's dissolving, gold mandating and Universal Commercial Coding to be done!

So when I arrived an hour late, there was no room for me
Bugger, after such a build up. Never mind;
so I ended up early for a Cabinet meeting at 7.15pm. I had no idea what a Cabinet meeting is. I saw about 35 T shirts buzzing to attend.
The Citizenuk gang are a bit of a hodge-podge of various social justice warriors so possibly kindred spirits and allies with common cause.
All the Councillors were sitting there whom I had given up on regarding the Baby Murder Remedy of my baby neice in 2000 in the care of Redbridge Social Services. My family had been persecuted and tortured in every possible way in Harassment & Ruin Frauds by corrupt officers since that time and ongoing. I noticed the two speakers gave their 2 minute speeches and left with the T shirt supporters. It was just me and my friend with about 30 Council staff with at least a dozen Councillors left.
The Citizenuk 'broad church' approach to each and every right-on radical cause and perceived injustice does not appear to extend to supporting crystal-scattering fruitcakes. They made their excuses and did one after their bit leaving Neelu and Lien Girl all alone. But, no matter, time to get busy;
My friend wanted to know who the Section 151 officer was, so when I put up my hand to speak the Leader of the Council Cllr Mr Athwal told me there was no format to allow me to speak unless I had informed them 24 hrs earlier. I told them that they were self-regulating, this was not a public meeting because there was no public present, it was a private meeting and that I was witnessing crimes being committed.
Quick someone, call the cops! Crime's afoot! Although exactly what the crime is isn't clear. Perhaps it's some obscure law from Bouviers 1798 or Blacks 1845 law dictionary. For those unaware, the council 151 officer is;

An officer appointed under section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 which requires every local authority to appoint a suitably qualified officer responsible for the proper administration of its affairs.

So now you know. Back to the narrative;
I proceeded to ask the question, which was answered, then I asked the details of the Public Liability Insurer, which I was told I could get from the S151 officer to make a claim. I informed the Cabinet that my claim had not been processed, but instead my family had been persecuted after we exposed high death rates of babies in the care of Redbridge Social Services followed by unlawful organ removal .
Anyone familiar with Neelu's history will realise that by now she's breaching a long-standing restraining order yet again, not that she has ever taken any notice of it. Rather disappointingly and despite their seeming omnipresence in and desire to do harm to all things Neelu, TPTB seem equally disinterested in enforcing it. Anyway, time for some classic Neelu, now in full flow as she continues her tale;
Cllr Athwal was very concerned and asked me to write to my Ward Councillors which I informed him I had done over the years without remedy, and each time, the persecutions had got a lot worse. So I told them all that London Borough of Redbridge was trading illegally since the 1930 bankruptcy of all nations, I was dissolving London Borough of Redbridge and will be claiming a refund of all Council Tax on all properties of all Redbridge Residents.
Oh dear. No council tax and no council to run things and Neelu sitting on a fat pile of cash courtesy of Redbridge residents. I do wish she'd think through her grandiose plans. I guess the worthies by that time had had enough;
The CEO and Cllr Athwal looked at each other, the CEO whispered to Cllr Athwal then Cllr Athwall immediately adjourned the Cabinet meeting until their lawyer came in my face to escort me out but I had nothing more to say or do so I told her I was leaving anyway.
I can hazard a guess as to Cllr Athwal's conversation with his colleague -

"ere' Jas - seeing as we're dissolved, press the nutter button will you, there's a good lad, time for a schooner of sherry".
As I went out, the lawyer followed me out and gave me her contact email address and said she would provide me with a link to the audio and the audio will be on the website in a few days. I am eagerly waiting for the audio by email and on their website, then it will be put here. Things are truly falling from the skies and the sky is the limit, so prepare to catch the remedies as they fall out of thin air, just like their paper currencies...we do not need public servants occupying public buildings for their private meetings and self-regulation against the wishes of the people they are meant to serve.
So if the Council do provide the recordings we'll be in for a treat as Neelu liens and dissolves her way through local authorities and their employees. And if worthless paper currencies should fall like manna from heaven, then I for one will be eternally grateful.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by HardyW »

The audio of the meeting is on the council's website ... ecordings/

the relevant part is starting from 17:45 but nothing more than in her description. Also on my main laptop+browser there was no way to move the time cursor but on another PC I could do so. Not worth it though.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

As I went out, the lawyer followed me out and gave me her contact email address and said she would provide me with a link to the audio and the audio will be on the website in a few days. I am eagerly waiting for the audio by email and on their website, then it will be put here. Things are truly falling from the skies and the sky is the limit, so prepare to catch the remedies as they fall out of thin air, just like their paper currencies...we do not need public servants occupying public buildings for their private meetings and self-regulation against the wishes of the people they are meant to serve.
Ah, the old classic. You serve the public, I am a member of the public, therefore you must obey my wishes. Good ol' Patrick Cullinane bellowing "I am your master!" at bemused switchboard operators (until the Frankfurt lab rigged that covert micro-EMP hairdryer for us, lol).

Why do these idiots imagine that their personal demands supersede any public servant's duty to serve the whole community and enforce the actual, democratic and real laws of the land? Behave yourself, Nelly, or we'll have to see what "remedy" Dr Krieger can arrange.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by The Observer »

exiledscouser wrote:...[C]rystal-scattering fruitcakes.
Best new name for sovruns/FOTLers.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

She's on a roll now.
So if you were sitting there, all smug thinking that the only pain was heading the way of the good folk of Redbridge, know that your own local authority is now dissolved too. No more bins emptied or fire brigade to come to your rescue.
REF: 2017 10 17 Formal Dissolution of London Borough of Redbridge and return of all Council Tax & Property to all Residents at Cabinet Meeting in the Ilford Town Hall at 7.40 pm on 17 October 2017
Further to my Public and Formal Dissolution of London Borough of Redbridge and demand to return all Council Tax & Property to all Residents at the above meeting on grounds of ongoing crimes of :-
Here we go, the crimes are about to be listed in Neelu's top 5.....
1. Torture, Mutilation and High Death rates with theft of organs from babies in the care of Redbridge Social Services without remedy to date
There is a link to a site which perpetuates Neelu's contempt of a still-live restraining order. Naughty naughty.
2. 17 years of Persecutions & terrorism of the above clans by London Borough of Redbridge & ilford False Prosecutions without law or jurisdiction, Police Unlawful Breaking Entry x 4, Property Damage, kidnap, Extortion, in conspiracy with other Councils
Kinda reminds me of James Bond and his enemy SPECTRE (Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion). Close enough anyway.
3. Benefit Denial Frauds for the Redbridge Residents including the above clans whilst Redbridge Council extorted Blood Sweat & Tears in Council Tax for illegal Money Laundering with counterfeit currency outside of the 1930 bankruptcy Gold Mandate of the Uniform Commercial Code in Impoverishment and Ruin Frauds
Can anyone tell me wtf a Ruin Fraud is? Anyway, in at number 4, last week's number 7 (not 'arf pop pickers);
4. Daily theft of vehicles by car clampers and unlawful evictions of landlords and home owners using PCN Frauds, Council Tax Benefit Denial Frauds, Housing Benefit Denial Frauds of Redbridge residents especially Targeted Corruption Witnesses such as the above clans whilst denying the Gold Mandate Prosperity Payments 1-11 of
Daily? really? She's dissolved everything from the monarchy, the government, HMRC (some progress then) and even the RSPCA yet complains when those very same dissolved institutions refuse her free handouts of money, housing and council tax benefits. Amazing.
5. Deny Public Liability Insurance Punitive Damages Claim to continue crimes of Treason, see attached.....
This refers to Neelu getting pre-paid Gaz and Leccy meters installed over which she lets rip in August this year via a typical U Toob. I'm not certain who's house this is but Neelu isn't pleased. Not pleased at all. The best quote; "It's about the corrupt corruption". Jeeze, when even corruption is corrupt its time to just throw your hand in.

And then finally, off into full rant;
....This demands settlement of the un-rebutted Commercial lien served on Barkingside Magistrates Court in June 2014 see to cease illegal dishonourable trading, seize all Proceeds Of Crime and Extortion Acquired Assets of lands, properties, offices, buildings, farms, parks, forests, with Treason Charge for violating the oath to God to maintain God’s Laws to serve and protect God’s children by UK plc and and their companies such as the London Borough of Redbridge. For example, Fairlop lake & Hainault Forest Country Park is denied public access to the poor people of Redbridge due to Blood Sweat and Tears meter parking charges enabling only private use for Corporate users. Parking attendants terrorise users whilst businesses have failed as a result despite Treasonous taxation of blood sweat & Tears from all Businesses.

This demands settlement of the claim HQ16X02369 in the sum of £100,000,000 million for [snip - my edit] corruption Witness Family for enduring 17 years of Persecutions by Corrupt Officers in the London Borough Of Redbridge, ongoing, with Multiple Bailiffs and Confero Collections threatening to clamp excess levy car for the third time in 3 months.

This demands Redbridge MP's, Councillors and Leaders Provide all Remedies sought and Mandate Gold Prosperity of as intended by M K Gandhi who set up League of Nations in 1919 to stop Piracy of the Shipping Companies,, which sold Canada to kidnapped child Maharajah Duleep Singh, today known as the Charities Commission
Another breach of her restraint hence my edit. The first link in this last section takes you to a compendium of craziness unequalled anywhere on the interwebby. It's all there, the two trillion liens, amusing swivel-eyed videos, ranty and ultimately meaningless written tirades against every aspect of authority. Beware though, descent into Neelu-ville can seriously damage your mental health.

Also Burnaby take note - Canada belongs to someone else apparently.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm not worried, Neelu will have to get in line to claim ownership of Canada. Our own crazies grabbed it years ago. Or at least billed us for such massive damages for whatever incomprehensible offenses we've committed that they effectively own it all now anyhow.

In any case it sounds like Neelu is fully occupied trying to collect her trillions from the UK.

As an aside we get the same logic from the good Minister Belanger. He claims that all Canadian laws are invalid because nobody but his God has the legal right to make laws. However he was quite happy to accept, in fact demand as an entitlement, government welfare, which only exists as a creation of statutory law.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by rosy »

Neelu's mind must be a horrifying, scary place.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

That is a for real and sure fact.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

Amongst her many videos dissolving various public and private bodies I've heard a couple of her 'victims' politely tell her that their religion is none of her business but I've yet to hear one say... "Madam... I am an atheist which is my right under articles 9 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights... Wotchagonnadoaboutit?"

It'd be good for a laugh anyway :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by The Observer »

exiledscouser wrote:Can anyone tell me wtf a Ruin Fraud is?
Isn't that what happens when Wrecka Patel starts renovations on a cottage?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by The Seventh String »

Hercule Parrot wrote:Why do these idiots imagine that their personal demands supersede any public servant's duty to serve the whole community and enforce the actual, democratic and real laws of the land? Behave yourself, Nelly, or we'll have to see what "remedy" Dr Krieger can arrange.
I guess they believe it because a boss who pays wages tells their employees what to do. So, logically, when they perceive themselves as paying the wages of a public servant via, in part at least, taxation they expect the same obedience a boss gets from employees.

And some people do seem to think “public servant” means “scullery-maid/junior footman at my beck and call”.

It’s not restricted to the Neelus of this world either. My wife’s a civil servant/government regulator/non-CPS public prosecutor and she’s had the same nonsense spouted at her by some pretty wealthy business owners she’s had to enforce the law of the land on.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I'll have to dig it out but PC Hipsta (twitter, cartoon) has the answer when a protester says "I pay your wages". PC Hipsta replies "You also pay for the cell at the Police station you are heading for."
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by John Uskglass »

Say what you like about Ms Berry, but she's prepared to offer a compromise on her demands. In a letter to the British Transport Police dated September 2014, she generously advises that -
The penalty for acting dishonourably £5,000,000 unpaid at the end of the 30 day period ​in accordance with biblical law [Leviticus 26 v 28 and Proverbs 6 v 30-31] becomes seven fold, that is £5million x 7 = £35 m​illion. Alternatively, we, on behalf of the British Public would agree to free travel in the UK, for all, henceforth.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Neelu Berry wrote:Alternatively, we, on behalf of the British Public would agree to free travel in the UK, for all, henceforth.
I would agree to free travel for Ms. Berry to the nearest loony bin.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Arthur Rubin »

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by The Seventh String »

John Uskglass wrote:
The penalty for acting dishonourably £5,000,000 unpaid at the end of the 30 day period ​in accordance with biblical law [Leviticus 26 v 28 and Proverbs 6 v 30-31] becomes seven fold, that is £5million x 7 = £35 m​illion.
It’s news to me that Israel used the Pound Sterling in biblical times. Shouldn’t she be demanding shekels or mites or something?

I guess the letter’s a follow-up to one of her most entertaining videos. Neelu, having been stopped by a ticket inspector for travelling on the London Underground without a ticket - or is that being kidnapped, robbed, assaulted and etc. - leaps through the looking glass and off down the rabbit hole. The obviously very disconcerted inspector gets support from a couple of London Transport Police officers and off we go.

After which, all is pure Neelu gold as she valiantly struggles against being expected to buy a ticket like everyone else. The two London Transport Police officers are truly excellent guest stars, offering very good value in their responses to Neelu’s increasingly frantic catch-phrases. Mr Gore in particular surely deserves a series of his own.

A true classic of its kind. Future generations will watch this in awe and wonder, regretting that they aren’t fortunate enough to live in such times themselves.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by JimUk1 »

John Uskglass wrote:Say what you like about Ms Berry, but she's prepared to offer a compromise on her demands. In a letter to the British Transport Police dated September 2014, she generously advises that -
The penalty for acting dishonourably £5,000,000 unpaid at the end of the 30 day period ​in accordance with biblical law [Leviticus 26 v 28 and Proverbs 6 v 30-31] becomes seven fold, that is £5million x 7 = £35 m​illion. Alternatively, we, on behalf of the British Public would agree to free travel in the UK, for all, henceforth.
A quick Google of those proverbs leads us to this-
Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God. ... I am the LORD
How in batshit crazy hell has she made up her own proverb?

She needs to see a doctor!
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The penalty for acting dishonourably ......
"Acting dishonourably" is vaguer and more subjective than "loitering with intent to use a pedestrian crossing" and "wearing a loud shirt in a built up area".
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by rosy »

The Seventh String wrote:
John Uskglass wrote:
The penalty for acting dishonourably £5,000,000 unpaid at the end of the 30 day period ​in accordance with biblical law [Leviticus 26 v 28 and Proverbs 6 v 30-31] becomes seven fold, that is £5million x 7 = £35 m​illion.
It’s news to me that Israel used the Pound Sterling in biblical times. Shouldn’t she be demanding shekels or mites or something?

I guess the letter’s a follow-up to one of her most entertaining videos. Neelu, having been stopped by a ticket inspector for travelling on the London Underground without a ticket - or is that being kidnapped, robbed, assaulted and etc. - leaps through the looking glass and off down the rabbit hole. The obviously very disconcerted inspector gets support from a couple of London Transport Police officers and off we go.

After which, all is pure Neelu gold as she valiantly struggles against being expected to buy a ticket like everyone else. The two London Transport Police officers are truly excellent guest stars, offering very good value in their responses to Neelu’s increasingly frantic catch-phrases. Mr Gore in particular surely deserves a series of his own.

A true classic of its kind. Future generations will watch this in awe and wonder, regretting that they aren’t fortunate enough to live in such times themselves.
That was brilliant. Four Great Western staff, two PSCOs and one police officer, plus over half an hour of ranting, all because Neelu "couldn't find" the machine (or was the machine "broken"? She kept changing her story) to touch in on her Oyster card.