UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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notorial dissent
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

What about the ones made from cut out letters from magazines and newspapers?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

Looks like she got a result, if not the one she was hoping for. Posted yesterday afternoon ..
Ved Chaudhari
Finally got in front of a judge and were told we could not have anyone represent us who is not a solicitor or a barrister - we have an Order, sealed by the court saying so - so if we have no money, there is no justice served
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

so if we have no money, there is no justice served
In the real world there is some foundation to this. The effective abolition of legal aid has rendered many deserving cases without practical remedy (as well, to be fair, as many undeserving ones)

I really don't know if this is right or wrong. Legal Aid was getting quite expensive in the form it had. It should be mentioned that criminal cases still have free representation for the indigent, and it may be argued that civil cases are less serious to those involved, althoughit may not seem that way to the parties.

Having read many court transcripts involving pro se defendents, they do seem to get reasonably fair treatment from the courts which make often considerable allowances to be fair to the parties.
I think an arguable case with a genuine cause of action, credible and organised evidence and a reasonable remedy could be expected to get a fair shake of the whip from most courts, although this may be naive of me.

Not unsurprisingly, cases presented by the likes of Neelu tend to have none of the requirements to even be a case, so no matter how much money they had to throw at it (I imagine finding someone with rights of audience willing to accuse a judge of treason could be tricky) it does not really make any practical difference if they are penniless.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

There’s little enough money in the Legal Aid budget to fund worthwhile folk in genuine need without a bunch of half-wit chancers wasting everyone’s time - and money - with conspiracies featuring a non existent 12th planet and equally baseless financial theories involving extra dimensional beings and other fiscal foolishness.

She is probably borderline vexatious anyway.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

The Seventh String wrote:I doubt Neelu & co. ever get to take part in a judicial hearing of any kind other than ones they were ‘invited’ to by a letter titled “Summons to appear before...... to answer the charge of....”

All they do is wander into a court building and pester staff and passers-by until security spot them and show them the way out. Once back on the pavement they make yet another video as proof of their failure....
Unfortunately it is somewhat more than this.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Neelu isn't happy that her recent court experiences have failed to live up to her expectations.

She sees conspiracy and intrigue behind every setback. She bemoans that 'the good ones' who try their hands at the RCJ get falsely accused of something or other and then 'disappeared' for challenging the PTB.

In the second war the Germans used something called "Nacht und Nebel", literally, "night and fog" where the Gestapo would take dissident folk way, never to be seen again, their families not informed of their whereabouts or fate.

I don't however think we are quite there yet in the UK in 2017.

Her latest 'hero' is Ashok Mahajan;
Ved Chaudhari wrote;
Well we have full proof of how good honourable humans who fight corruption being "disappeared" from the RCJ - Ashok Mahajan was falsely accused of Contempt of Court DURING a hearing and of throwing acid on a female barrister in Court 37 when the TRUTH is he flicked an empty plastic cup of water with a few drops of water AFTER a court hearing for her patronising remarks - he has lost a kidney now 8 years in jail or possibly passed away???
As ever with Neelu, the 'truth' is somewhat different. From the Telegraph in 2009;
Accountant jailed indefinitely for throwing acid on lawyers.

A former accountant with an 'obsessional hatred' of the legal profession has been jailed indefinitely for an acid attack on a team of lawyers.
Given the time of year, definitely on the 'naughty' list this one;
Ashok Mahajan, 55, showered a barrister, solicitor and pupil with the contents of a bottle of hydrochloric acid after his race discrimination claim was thrown out. Trainee barrister Lucy Colter suffered a burned eye as corrosive fluid dribbled down her face and melted through her tights.

Former accountant Mahajan had a decade-long history of courtroom outbursts including an incident where he threw a shoe at one barrister and threatened to shoot him.

Mahajan was handed an indefinite period of imprisonment for the public protection after reports indicated he posed a high risk of serious harm to members of the legal profession.

He was convicted of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent following a three week trial earlier this year.
It appears he was already well known to the judiciary for all the wrong reasons;
Judge Nicholas Lorraine-Smith branded Mahajan the most difficult defendant he had ever dealt with.

Sentencing at Southwark Crown Court the judge told him: "I have had extensive dealings with you, Mr Mahajan, over the last six months, and I have no doubt whatsoever that there is a very significant risk of serious injury being caused by you committing further specified offences.

"I don't consider this offence warrants a life sentence, but the sort of revenge that you tried to take last October and the increasing intensity of your obsessional hatred of lawyers and now others who have to deal with you in a professionally persuades me that I must pass a sentence of imprisonment for the public protection, which means that you will not be released until it is safe to do so.

"This was an attempt to cause grievous bodily harm to members of the legal profession, simply because they were carrying out their professional duty."

The judge ordered that Mahajan will not be assessed for parole for a minimum of five years the equivalent of a 10 year determinate sentence.
The BBC also carried the story;
A man who sprayed acid at lawyers when his negligence claim was dismissed by a court has been found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Ashok Mahajan, 55, of Wembley, north-west London, denied three counts, claiming he had only thrown water. The acid sprayed in the High Court went into pupil lawyer Lucy Colter's eye and mouth and burned her hands and legs.

After the verdict, dock officers surrounded Mahajan and escorted him out of Southwark Crown Court.

Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith remanded him in custody until 21 August and ordered "an assessment of his dangerousness" and psychiatric reports, which hinted at a possible indeterminate sentence. Mahajan accused the judge of denying him a "fair" hearing at the Old Bailey and said:

"I have seen corruption, I have seen conspiracy - I did not want to be tried by this court."
Where have we heard that sort of thing before? The article continues;
Mahajan, of Penpath Place, had brought a claim against solicitors Hodge Jones and Allen after losing a race discrimination case against employment agency AOC Ltd and Kingston Primary Care Trust.

When the negligence case was dismissed in January 2008 he appealed and represented himself at the High Court in October.

But when the case was thrown out he "hurled abuse at all" and threw acid over the legal team - barrister Richard Liddell, Ms Colter and solicitor Claire White.

Ms Colter suffered a mild corrosive burn to her eye from the 32% hydrochloric acid but did not suffer any permanent damage. She also had two burns to her left and right thighs after the acid had burned her tights.
The tape in the court recorded the outburst.

Prosecutor Philip Bennetts said Mahajan had previously attacked another lawyer with a shoe following another case.

In 2004 Lord Justice Brooke called Mahajan a "vexatious litigant" and spoke about his "unwillingness to ever take no for an answer".

Mahajan had also sent a string of "acutely unpleasant" letters to another judge.

Following the verdict Mahajan, who represented himself, asked: "I think I have the right of appeal under the Human Rights Act within 28 days?"

The judge told jurors: "There are all sorts of unpredictable cases in the crown court, but that he would go quietly, that I did not predict, which is why there were a number of dock officers around."
Another hero of these people.

Here he is in 2014 having a pop at the Legal Ombudsman who's office he considers to be "littered with institutionally racist, corupt and morally bankrupt manufacturers of evidence and lying criminal thugs".

I see the same sort of simmering obsessional resentment in Neelu and her gang as was evident within the likes of Thomas Mair who murdered the MP Jo Cox. To hold characters like Mahajan up as a poster boy only serves to confirm this.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Just a bit more on the above.

Neelu predictably enough claims Mahajan was 'falsely accused' but in other reporting he actually admitted the matter, saying;
I intended to burn and blind them. They have burned me for 20 years. They are the true Nazis.
The report goes on to state;
Anticipating the judge would rule against him, he smuggled the dangerous substance into court using a medicine bottle and struck after hearing the verdict.

During his trial, pupil barrister Lucy Colter described how the substance melted the tights of both her and solicitor Clare White.

She said: “Liquid started coming through the air and it splashed and it rained down around me. I was aware that it came down on Clare. I looked back and Mr Mahajan was throwing liquid.”
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

For some unfathomable reason, I have a very hard time believing Neelu's version of things. Maybe her past track record is against her?????

I can well believe she has a court order against her filing more of her frivolous nonsense and if she's not already she should have been/be listed as Vex Lit for everyone's sake.

Any hint as to what her latest legal magnum opus was all about?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by grixit »

BBC News wrote:After the verdict, dock officers surrounded Mahajan and escorted him out of Southwark Crown Court.
How polite british law enforcement is! If he had done what he did in a US court, the officers who delivered him to jail would report that he had fallen down 10 or 12 flights of stairs along the way.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

We don't have the very tall buildings you chaps do.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:We don't have the very tall buildings you chaps do.
Nonsense. He could have fallen down the same flight of stairs 10 times. :shock:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Strange that it happened in between entering and exiting the elevator, though.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

BoomerSooner17 wrote:Strange that it happened in between entering and exiting the elevator, though.
Ever so slightly off topic but picking up the theme;

"How many UK cops does it take to break an egg"?

"None - it fell down the stairs all by itself".

Lawyer to US cop;

"Why did you shoot my client sixteen times"?


"Because I ran out of bullets".
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

BoomerSooner17 wrote:Strange that it happened in between entering and exiting the elevator, though.
No that was where his hands and legs accidentally got caught in the doors.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by The Seventh String »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
The Seventh String wrote:I doubt Neelu & co. ever get to take part in a judicial hearing of any kind other than ones they were ‘invited’ to by a letter titled “Summons to appear before...... to answer the charge of....”

All they do is wander into a court building and pester staff and passers-by until security spot them and show them the way out. Once back on the pavement they make yet another video as proof of their failure....
Unfortunately it is somewhat more than this.
Sometimes, but very often it’s Neelu and co. attempting to serve yet another notice on the courts that they are bankrupt, the judges all sacked and charged with high treason and all the banks forclosed on for bankruptcy, treason and not accepting that Neelu’s print-outs of Swissindo “bonds” are worth the billions she says they are.

Or making a nuisance of herself during someone else’s case, usually to the detriment of the party she claims to be there to help.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by The Seventh String »

notorial dissent wrote:What about the ones made from cut out letters from magazines and newspapers?
Never saw one of those. Though the post opening rules in the 80s did say that any package addressed in that manner should be regarded as suspect, not opened and the police and bomb squad notified.

The same applied to any packages with protruding wires, visible batteries, ticking contents or smelling of marzipan.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Arthur Rubin »

The Seventh String wrote:The same applied to any packages with protruding wires, visible batteries, ticking contents or smelling of marzipan.
Is marzipan a controlled substance? (Should marzipan be a controlled substance?)
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by grixit »

Perhaps there is an explosive that smells like marzipan, i know that some of them look like it.

Personally i think it would be great if marzipan were a controlled substance, that might induce confectioners to make halvah instead.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

grixit wrote:Perhaps there is an explosive that smells like marzipan, i know that some of them look like it.
Various nitro-glycerine based explosives have a slightly marzipanish smell. I would not say it is a great diagnostic tool, though.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

No Neelu. It isn’t.

Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????