(UK) Elizabeth Watson

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by AndyPandy »

.https://www.facebook.com/groups/5311314 ... 393690755/ (Sent to the WHAT DO THEY KNOW website)
To: Companies House,
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Unlawful treasonous practices of Companies House, criminalising Company directors for non-indictable administrative events
(11 June 2016)
Dear Companies House,
Why are Companies House ignoring Serious Organised Crime of major financial institutions and Law firms, yet criminalising small company directors for non-events?
I returned from a period of nearly 6 months abroad where I have been tackling from a safe distance the most serious UK financial frauds perpetrated against my home and family Estate and a much wider community in England (which Companies House have oddly categorised as
" the United Kingdom PLC"), which has inadvertently resulted in late filing of my company accounts, due to the distraction of dealing with spurious and vexatious litigation by Eversheds LLP initiated nearly 8 years ago in what turns out to be a complete hoax and Fraud upon the Court.
Not only this, it involves (as I am sure Companies House must, by now, realise, through my recent approach to the disconcertingly indifferent PRA and Bank of England), the startling widespread practice of major financial institutions within the UK (including HBOS PLC and their various 'clone' trading entities and shell companies which includes IN PARALLEL SOLUTIONS set up in April 2000 as a mere domain name), operating fake bank accounts using void sort codes and account numbers with no records kept on the Bank's ledger.
In addition, operating these fake accounts from rogue trading addresses (evidently undetected by Companies House nor, to date, any of the named Authorities, entrusted with tackling such matters) without any forensic audit trail off balance sheet due to no filing of such fraudulent transactions being possible because of the deceitful scam set ups being used - apparently all being condoned by Companies House and others?
I note that Companies House have issued a "Statutory Notice" threatening me with a criminal prosecution for being just over a month late with the filing of my accounts, something I have never seen before in 31 years of trading.
I therefore request under the FOIA, the following information from Companies House, to please advise:-
1. The number of company directors facing Criminal Prosecution (as they say we will be in 4 weeks) for non-submission of accounts after the same small time period lapse as us.
2. The number of Criminal Prosecutions issued for non-submission of accounts after the same small time period as us.
3. The number of companies whose Accounts are currently as late as ours (just over one month).
4. The number of those companies who have been threatened with prosecution already.
5. How does Companies House construe a "criminal" offence over a commonplace administrative event where no party is harmed and no 'mens rea' nor 'actus reus' has occurred?
6. How does this square up with all of the UK companies of solicitors and dishonest White Collar workers who are engaging in Crime Syndicates and Serious Organised Crime, who are being ably assisted by Companies House through lax controls, poor monitoring, no-touch regulation over the relevant professions, and turning a Nelsonian blind eye to their asset-stripping and unlawful practices for their "business"?
7. Why is it that thousands of unscrupulously-run UK companies in the category of (6) above are known to be running offshore shell companies and running their 'unclean business' through their offshore companies in order to avoid the scrutiny of their UK regulators like the SRA or the FCA? This includes Redstone Mortgages who are running TWO versions of registered companies, one in Skipton, Yorkshire, and the other in London Wall - with one digit different in the latter (notified by the FCA to be a CLONE company) which is being used to steal houses and properties from rightful owners on a monstrous massive scale across the UK - tying directly in to HML (Home Mortgage Loans) operating from the same Skipton Address? This is a scam of incredible proportions.
8. How many decisions and rulings are being made which hugely adversely affect small and medium business owners and enterprises, by the secret form of 'government' that exists through the PRIVY COUNCIL - aptly described by Peter Oborne as a "the shadowy insidious Establishment Mafia that have covered up torture, led us to an illegal war, and are now placing the Press under State control"? (namely without any say from the Electorate)
Doesn't this make a mockery of British politics, whose decisions Companies House rely upon through Parliament, and who pay your wages?
see the link below:
It's time to kill off the shadowy mafia that is the Privy Council - Daily Mail
16 Oct 2015 - PETER OBORNE explains why the Privy Council is one of the most sinister ... They changed the statutes of the Chartered Institute of Public ...
9. Why the hypocrisy of Companies House (who've taken their legislation from the corrupt EU who've rammed unenforceable statutes down our gullets with a mere show of hands, never ratified by the Electorate let alone voted for, who themselves have never signed off or properly audited their accounts in at least two decades - directing Companies House's actions), in turn invoking Companies House to engage in the unacceptable practice of meting out injustice to honest Company directors who are seeking reasonable support and help from the Government in going about their business, but instead receiving vexatious unwarranted threats and Draconian proposed measures for minor administrative blips? Is this not a sign of corporate insanity?
Where are you taking your authority from, without the Electorate's consent?
How is Companies House benefitting by criminalising innocent directors over minor administrative lapses and what is the scale of this?
What is the purpose of doing so?
What steps are Companies House taking to SUPPORT small and medium business enterprises, which have been robbed, interfered with, bullied, oppressed, dictated to, and pillaged and stripped by unscrupulous banksters and White Collar criminal activity for at least 2.5 decades now? Your priorities seem to all be upside down, with due respect. I submit that Companies House should be made the subject of a Public Enquiry and full national review by the People of England.
I await your responses.
Yours truly
Elizabeth: watson
Managing Director - Discoveries International Limited
All this because she's one month behind in submitting accounts to Companies House and has been fined :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Firthy2002 »

Is it just me or does the freetard definition of treason differ from it's real world definition?

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by daveBeeston »

When i first started my business i was late submitting my accounts due to me being overly focused on growing the business, when i received my fine i didn't rant i took responsibility for it(as adults do)paid it and learned from the error so it wouldn't happen again.

Ranting at companies house will only result in them keep a very close eye on you for any future administrative lapses.

These people really don't help themselves do they.
Never argue with an idiot,they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Firthy2002 »

daveBeeston wrote:When i first started my business i was late submitting my accounts due to me being overly focused on growing the business, when i received my fine i didn't rant i took responsibility for it(as adults do)paid it and learned from the error so it wouldn't happen again.

Ranting at companies house will only result in them keep a very close eye on you for any future administrative lapses.

These people really don't help themselves do they.
That's what separates the freetards from law-abiding citizens, they want all of the benefit with none of the requisite responsibilities.

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

Firthy2002 wrote:That's what separates the freetards from law-abiding citizens...
And most law breaking citizens who try their hardest not to get caught but accept the consequences if they do.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Bones »

I read the previous comments about old Lizzy's mental health whilst I was away and I have to say, please lets stop all the PC nonsense, Lizzy is about as bat shit crazy as they come.

She is trying to use all the freeman woo to get herself out of a self made hole and all she is doing is dragging other poor souls into that hole.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

Bones wrote:I read the previous comments about old Lizzy's mental health whilst I was away and I have to say, please lets stop all the PC nonsense, Lizzy is about as bat shit crazy as they come.

She is trying to use all the freeman woo to get herself out of a self made hole and all she is doing is dragging other poor souls into that hole.
Speaking as a person who has a (moderately well controlled) mental illness I would say the majority of my fellow loonies and looniesses don't take offence at people like Liz OTF Watson being called mad, insane or completely hat-stand because quite clearly that is exactly what they are and in ways that most genuine loonies find utterly inexplicable. Most medically diagnosed nutters are actually fully aware that they are a bit nuts but even we have standards.

I'm sure that there is a certain element within the whole 'freeman' scene that are suffering from a genuine mental illness but I doubt that it's a significantly higher proportion than for the population as a whole. In my opinion the vast majority of the people who get involved in these idiotic 'movements' are not actually ill. They are selfish, ignorant, egotistical, self-centred and not particularly bright arseholes who are totally unwilling to accept that they have fucked their own lives up through their own inability to cope with the world as it really is rather than the world which, they think, should revolve around them.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by AndyPandy »

She's never going to accept she made mistakes, blames everyone but the cat for her misfortunes. It's also the first I've heard she was imprisoned for 30 days for non payment of Council Tax, contempt of court yes, but Council Tax ??

Freedom of Information request summarily rejected by the MoJ :shrug:

https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/ ... ment-70572
Dear Ministry of Justice,

1. Why are over 70,000 people employed at the Ministry of Justice, and how can these employees be made more efficient? Because the MOJ appears to be so disappointingly run.

2. How many directors are there? Is Michael Gove the key player or does he have others of equal rank?

3. Why aren't HMCTS, being Public buildings, displaying Public Liability insurance details, as required under the Law for all public buildings?

4. Who is indemnifying the Public Liability in HM Court buildings, and how?

5. How does one make a claim for EXTRINSIC FRAUD by court staff who have evidently been unduly influenced by dishonest court officers, or involving corruption issues?

6. Why aren't the Judiciary monitored or regulated like every other sector in the government?

7. Why is the Office for Judicial complaints so apparently effete when it comes to dealing or addressing the really serious issues - like bribery and corruption, inappropriate contracts with court staff and/or members of the Judiciary, running shadow "courts" (i.e. ones that are bought or paid for by wealthy corporate clients or banks who have deep pockets, frequently filled with the proceeds of crime), gross malfeasance in Public Office, counterfeit "court orders" created by solicitors and NOT sealed by the court etc

8. How does one distinguish between a VALID court seal, and an invalid one? Why are so many alleged "court orders" containing unconsciable content or "decisions", many of which have been deprived of due process of Law, merely showing an imprint which is visible on line and NOT of any specific court at all, and showing no date? Why is there no compliance by the MOJ over such a critical thing as a valid court seal?
After all, if a bank note is forged and coutnerfeit, there is a way of detecting this with a silver strip etc. So why not with Court seals?

9. Why does the MOJ feign "separation of powers" when UK Judges are hired, paid, promoted and pensioned by the Government? where is the separation in that?

10. Is it correct that HMCTS are being funded solely by the major Banks, and so therefore are ultimately controlled by these Banks - who are generally known to be abusing the Public as their bailees across the board?

11. Why is information so inaccessible to the Public as to how to progress a complaint about unduly influenced court staff, who have been aiding and abetting serious organised crime and money laundering - as with our case of nearly 8 years! It has dragged on for all this time and it is self-evident now (after scrutising the said "claim" bought invalidly by Eversheds) that the following are critical issues, never yet addressed by any Court, in over 7.5 years so far:-

a) There is no court seal
b) there is no defined claim
c) there is no supporting evidence nor prima facie evidence to suppor the said 'claim'
d) The wrong form has been used (N5) to try to repossess a property when no contract exists to enforce such a "repossession" and the N5 form itself is intended solely for use on abandoned properties which have been empty for 2 years or more and are being claimed back by the rightful owner or occupier!
e) There has been NO DISCLOSURE from the outset
f) There has been NO COMPLIANCE with the Law
g) There has been NO COMPLIANCE with any of the Court's "Overriding objectives"
h) The lack of disclosure or defintion of any valid 'claim' has thus prevented any FACT FIND from taking place! This, in turn, has prevented any determination of merits, and so, no due process of Law. But what checks and balances are meant to be in place to deal with such things? The Law has been ignored, Justice has been perverted, due process has been denied, and there is clear evidence of extrinsic fraud within the court as well as UPON the court by Eversheds who bought the false "claim" which is incurably VOID AB INITIO!
i) Why is it that HMCTS condone inequality of arms, and treat solicitors and barristers in an entirely different way, when the same rights should be afforded to the litigant in person?
j) How and why are the predatory practices of the legal profession being allowed to take over the right to unfettered access to justice, such that if one can not afford "representation" then their chances of success might be significantly reduced? where is the justice in that?

12. Is the MOJ aware that certain court staff who are being unduly influenced by dishonest solicitors working in a major law firm like Evershites (sorry, I meant "Eversheds", seeking to shed everyone's money and divest them of their properties), are, since about 3 years ago now, repeatedly disconnecting the telephone on me, issuing void "orders" on the 'void ab initio' alleged "claim" (referred to above), refusing to speak, denying all the human rights of the L.I.P. being abused and persecuted by the APARTHEID PRACTICES of certain ignorant people who appear to have been bought off with evidently inappropriate contracts?
Why are such practices permitted by employees of this rancorous organisation called the Ministry of Justice? (or should I amend that to "injustice" ?)
Why is nobody being held personally accountable?

Why don't court staff do any compliance when a "claim" form arrives in their intray?
How is this reasonable?
What will it take to curtail the apartheid practices within HMCTS at this time?

It seems the MOJ are too big for their own good, certainly too big for the Public's good.
What is the correct procedure to obtain due redress where court employees and staff have been abusive, unjust, discourteous for no good reason, dishonest, colluding and aiding and abetting fraud and money laundering in a brazen 8 year attempt to steal our property through the protagonists reliance upon a void deed?

Yours faithfully
Elizabeth watson.
Annotation Liz Watson - 12 July 2016
.A few years ago HMCS placed a CCJ in my name for over a quarter of a million pounds, showing unpaid, by "accident"! They didn't even bother to write and tell me...
I was just trying to raise funds to launch my company, four years in the planning, thousands of man hours and over £200k of investment via myself and smaller investors.
After 13 months of being declined funding I ran out of money and had to close the co. and put my staff out of work. It took a further 3 months to get the CCJ removed and I received an "apology" in writing but was refused compensation.
I then sued the Ministry of Justice @ The Royal Courts of Justice, before Justice Blair, Tony's brother, who ruled that Crown civil servants are not liable for any negligence created whilst going about their "normal" working duties...
I argued that I wasn't suing a civil servant but the MoJ and that as he was employed by them there was a clear conflict of interests and that he should stand down and appoint a jury - he smugly and laughingly declined.
An exhaustive and well structured appeal was further declined by Lady Justice Hallett with a simple one line refusal with no explanation whatsoever.
It virtually bankrupted me and has kept me impoverished ever since as I could no longer keep up payments on loan, remortgage and credit cards that I'd used to try and prop up the company till funding arrived.
I'm angry to this day that a single bewigged muppet was ever allowed to make such a judgement and that it was never allowed to be heard in an open court.
I will never pay tax again and indeed was jailed for 30 days because I couldn't afford council tax for year ahead on my house after that ruling - and have had to rent it out for past four years because I can't afford to live there any more and don't wish to do 90 days next time.
Finally, the Council got a charge for over a thousand pounds placed on my house thereafter so they will get paid if it ever comes out of negative equity and I sell it...
Can you see why, when the likes of Cameron says "we're all in it together", I'd like to ram my fist down his throat?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

AndyPandy wrote:She's never going to accept she made mistakes, blames everyone but the cat for her misfortunes. It's also the first I've heard she was imprisoned for 30 days for non payment of Council Tax, contempt of court yes, but Council Tax ??

Freedom of Information request summarily rejected by the MoJ :shrug:

https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/ ... ment-70572

I will never pay tax again and indeed was jailed for 30 days because I couldn't afford council tax for year ahead on my house after that ruling - and have had to rent it out for past four years because I can't afford to live there any more and don't wish to do 90 days next time.
Finally, the Council got a charge for over a thousand pounds placed on my house thereafter so they will get paid if it ever comes out of negative equity and I sell it...
Can you see why, when the likes of Cameron says "we're all in it together", I'd like to ram my fist down his throat?
The offence that gets you jailed is 'wilful refusal' to pay your council tax not 'can't afford to' so I would take that, along with everything else that comes out of her mouth, with several large truck loads of salt. It's worth remembering that Liz o.t.f Watson is, or was, an acolyte of Roger Hayes who also got jailed for refusing to pay his council tax so I very much doubt she's telling the whole truth here.

To be honest I don't believe this ever happened as we would never hear the end of it if it had. Liz Watson is an incorrigible liar and a fantasist.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by letissier14 »

Apparently Tom Who is a legend according to Nutty Liz Watson

Another meeting of like minded idiots
Elizabeth Watson with Craig Watson.
5 July at 03:07
The (magnificent) Wake Up project - set up by legend, Tom Crawford:
BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!! London Talks on 23 July 2016
11am for 11.30am start - to 7pm
Venue: The Hive, 260-264 Kingsland Road, London E8 4DG
H.I.V.E. - Human Interest Versatile Environment
Liz will be sharing her experiences & research spotlighting a few tricks being used by the Legal 'profession' against civilians and L.I.P's, and how to counter these....
Also, Liz will touch on the following in this WAKE UP project and looking at remedies we can apply to many of these topics which are Public Interest issues:-
a) UK's secret government - The insidious, shadowy Privy Council: undermining and neutralising all notions of a "democracy" in England.
Why are any of us bothering to even vote?
b) Bent barristers and how a 3 minute You Tube video resulted in the removal of a fake "order" for £88,000 "costs" by bent judge Martin Alan Gordon Dancey!
c) The tricks & racketeering that the Legal "Profession" play on civilians and Litigants in Person: orchestrated asset-stripping through vexatious and spurious litigation, involving greed-driven targetting for pecuniary gain: the hyena mentality stuck in 'survival' mode: and how you can vanquish their skulduggery and put them on the back foot.
d) Spotting the signs of ABUSE OF THE COURT PROCESS: learning how to trust your intuition and instincts, and how to distinguish between a genuine claim and a fake one. Then, to turn the tables round, stand in truth and deliver!
e) How to pin down State band-wagon jumpers in organised asset-stripping: crimes of the State and their 'closed shop' accomplices parading as 'government' (the private agendas neutralising any help from the police, County Councils, Bailiffs, Ombudsmen, High Court enforcement office, Information Commission Office, Bar Standards Board, the Solicitors Regulatory Authority, the Financial Conduct Authority etc)....
Fairly soon, I will be filming a series of didactic videos to expose and assist people in tackling common issues, both inside and outside of HMCTS, which include these topics:-
1. (part one) All evictions are illegal and unlawful! There is NO Law nor legislation that allows a rightful owner or registered occupier to be dispossessed of their home, nor for a mortgagor to repossess a property from a mortgagee - not to treat the Lawful occupier as a trespasser!
2. (part two) The Machivelian Land Registry: and their phantom "indemnity fund", partners-in-crime with the LEGAL MAFIA (a game of thrones) - evidence of fraudulent intent by JOHN POWNALL, ex Weymouth Land Registrar and now Head of Litigation and the LR Indemnity fund!
"exposing a whole range of outrageous Machiavellian manoeuvres"
Machivelian synonyms: devious, cunning, crafty, artful, wily, sly, scheming, designing, conniving,opportunistic, insidious, treacherous, perfidious, two-faced, Janus-faced, tricky,double-dealing, unscrupulous, deceitful, dishonest;
3. LIAR LOANS & Forensics of legal Fraud (banking on the human fear factor) - The astonishing case of a crazy nullity "claim" peddled for 8 years through HMCTS, showing an example of a void "claim for possession" - which can only lead to VOID ORDERS! (never issued by HMCTS, no court seal etc) - and how the Judiciary and Banking death grip set in and defied gravity for all these years.
4. A string of VOID ORDERS is the only possible result stemming from a fraudulent & invalid "claim for possession" (giving examples and highlighting irregularities of invalid "orders" made in the County Court, High Court, even the Supreme court) - on an N5 form, meant for abandoned properties that have been empty for at least two years!
5. Shadow Banking and fake "bank accounts" copyrighted by HBOS PLC - sanctioned by the Bank of England. I will define what i understand to be "shadow banking" - & provide Proof and evidence of counterfeit "bank statements" created under a shell trading entity (domain name), operating from a spoof (unauthorised & invalid) trading address: so everyone can watch out for these criminal hallmarks!
6. (part one) TRUTH REVEALED: How I discovered the astonishing truth in Autumn 2013, by contacting the Bank of Scotland PLC, direct! (hidden by HMCTS who failed to do any compliance on the fake 'claim')
(part two) FRAUD UPON THE COURT by Eversheds' nullity "claim": A malicious and vexatious act by dishonest "court officers", acting without any instruction from BOS, allowing no due process of Law, with no existence of a debt, and no enforceable contract!
7. The void UNSEALED "possession order" of 1/7/2015 with no judgment or due process of Law, nor proof of debt, and NO CONTRACT to enforce! by corrupt excuse-for-a-"judge" Martin Alan Gordon Dancey - and how it led to discovering and unravelling the deeper truth that was concealed from us for over 22 years!
8. (part one) CONVEYANCING & PROPERTY TITLE FRAUD by a thieving conspirator posing as a Solicitor: DAVID ROSS WEBB owner of Matthew & Matthew - an unconvicted serial criminal and footsoldier of an international criminal cabal operating inside HBOS PLC, Santander, Woolwich Barclays (highlights of his unconsciable acts of larceny against our property over 22 years), and how he stole over £1.5m of equity against our Freehold Title which he also misappropriated in Dec 1993.
(part two) Police corruption: how inappropriate contracts are entered in to with the police, paid for using the proceeds of crime and favours from the banksters of liar loans which police would not otherwise be able to access under FCA rules of lending!
9. (part one) How David Ross Webb hung himself in Bournemouth court room on 30 June 2015: by criminally colluding in a private kangaroo "court" with bent "judge" Martin Alan Gordon Dancey - through over-stepping the mark.
(part two) INTRINSIC & EXTRINSIC FRAUD: How distraction proceedings were used by Eversheds to derail a Group action against HBOS in 2008 (intrinsic fraud) & how Bournemouth County Court expunged the evidence of the non-'hearing' by withholding all copies of a transcript! (extrinsic fraud)
10. (part one) IDENTITY THEFT AND SERIOUS DATA ABUSE; How I discovered the unconvicted fraudster David Webb of Matthew & Matthew purchased a £660k neighbouring property that was securitised on the equity of my house! (so I technically own the neighbouring property, alas)
(part two) How the ICO shirk their Public duty regarding Data abuse by defying the Consumer Rights Act 2015
11. (part one) CAUGHT OUT: Exposing NORTHERN ROCK now T/a Virgin Money - they never accounted for our money! (ITRO £200k accrued since about Summer 1991) - falsifying evidence
(part two) How Woolwich Barclays shut down our SARN request, to hide their complicity in the fraudulent cover up that threatens to disband them.
(part three) How A&L and Santander shirked the issue on SARN for 3 years so far....Inverse evidence! Legal deadlocks and the antidotes....
12. Silence of the lambs: HBOS' tactics to steal by tacit denial of responsibility - banking on human fear reactions and using silence and fraud by non-disclosure to misappropriate assets on a national scale.
(i) Non response from various fraud units - fraud by non disclosure, inaction & collusion w/ Eversheds
(ii) Non response from an alleged "mediation meeting" on 28 Aug 2015 - fraud by non disclosure
(iii) Non response from their (specially set up fly by night) "legal department" re false BBC comments
(iv) A Lloyds Jersey employee (Robert Lockyer) was wheeled in to defend the matter, just days after their Jersey Banking licence was revoked!
(v) Failure to comply with Critical SARN Disclosure for over 10 years
(vi) Perversion of Justice by Eversheds using undue influence over senior Bank employees at Lloyds: tipped off by bent Land Registrar John Pownall!
(a criminal tipping off offence from one who is in a position of trust)
(vii) Conspiracy of silence by umpteen Bank staff after Eversheds manipulated the course of Justice
(viii) Collusion by HMCTS with fraudsters & Eversheds by blocking & fettering my access to justice
13. (part one) Why Fraud by non-disclosure is so critical to detect early on in any claim or attempted claim: the reason it is vital to deal with Preliminary issues (and how to identify these) in any court proceedings
(part two) LEGAL SCAM: How Eversheds attempted to steal our family home by robbing us of our right of a defence! This was done through skulduggery & chicanery, suspected inappropriate contracts through the higher levels of court, dirty tactics conducted with a denial of due process - involving FRAUD BY MISREPRESENTATION, FRAUD BY NON-DISCLOSURE AND BY ABUSE OF POSITION.
14. (part one) The bent Dorset police: a trail of corruption in cahoots with their administrative paymasters, Bournemouth Borough Council - Dorset police internal Mafia's refusal to even INVESTIGATE the serious crimes committed since 2006 & their bent Masonic Crime Commissioner Martin Underhill. How they also blocked a complaint to their PSU to prevent any IPCC ruling against them.
(part two) The frauds by Bournemouth Borough Council, leading to a false 'final charging order' against our property for a fictitious debt, which has denied all due process of Law.
15. (part one) FAKE COURT ORDERS & VICTIMISATION BY COURT STAFF CUTTING OF ALL COMMUNICATION - HMCTS Public scam and cover ups by staff, unduly influenced by an Establishment firm like Eversheds, deploying deliberate ostracisation tactics and treating me discourteously by cutting me off repeatedly & using victimisation techniques to cause deliberate distress.
(part two) paving the way for Eversheds to WRITE THEIR OWN "ORDERS" - using a forged signature of a senior circuit judge who normally works in the Crown Court in Swindon: nothing validated nor verified by the Court, not in the proper format!
16. (part one) FRASER MACKAY: The crooked head Auditor of HBOS PLC of 34 years standing and the nucleur trail in his wake.... his legacy of misery to innocent people (both clients and non-clients of the Bank of Scotland PLC)
(part two) Anatomy of the Vavasseur Fraud: a $233 million international scam that traces to the highest levels in the UK & US Governments (Central Banking Cartel) - a synopsis of a 15 year COVER UP involving Serious Organised crime, capture "regulation" and shadow banking.
17. (part one) Fraud pays the FCA: no-touch regulation and capture regulation with insider dealing and Market abuse by Banking cronies (partners in crime and how they swindled the Vavasseur victims, illegally repatriating over $200m British money to American soil, without jurisdiction to do this).
Feel free to let me know which of the above topics are most relevant or most interesting to you....
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

I wonder if at the end sharing of her experience and research she will come right out and say "And of course none of this had any effect whatsoever"?

These loons don't seem to realise that the more "secrets" they uncover and the more theories they spout the more obvious it becomes that they have achieved precisely nothing. If any of E o.t.f W's cunning plans worked she wouldn't be in the position she's in now. Just one of them working would probably be enough but it's really just a catalogue of failure.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Firthy2002 »

Kinda tempted to attend that meeting at The Hive to maybe provide some rebuttal to her and/or Tom, since these crackpots generally don't expect any kind of scrutiny at these meetings.

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Skeleton »

Firthy2002 wrote:Kinda tempted to attend that meeting at The Hive to maybe provide some rebuttal to her and/or Tom, since these crackpots generally don't expect any kind of scrutiny at these meetings.
I wouldn't bother. Tom and her are not used to criticism or any questioning of the bullshit and lies they spout. Every social media group they are a member of instantly removes any criticism and the poster is banned. Its the same in real life, your going to be in a room "full" of like minded people who as many YouTube videos prove get instantly aggressive the minute they are questioned. Tom as an example was instantly aggressive when he met someone who regularly posts on this forum, that was a few months ago now and his nasty side seems to be getting worse. They are not debaters, they want things their own way and will unleash venom and anger at anyone who does not buy into their bullshit, I would steer well clear purely because it is pointless trying to engage with them.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by AndyPandy »

Skeleton wrote:
Firthy2002 wrote:Kinda tempted to attend that meeting at The Hive to maybe provide some rebuttal to her and/or Tom, since these crackpots generally don't expect any kind of scrutiny at these meetings.
I wouldn't bother. Tom and her are not used to criticism or any questioning of the bullshit and lies they spout. Every social media group they are a member of instantly removes any criticism and the poster is banned. Its the same in real life, your going to be in a room "full" of like minded people who as many YouTube videos prove get instantly aggressive the minute they are questioned. Tom as an example was instantly aggressive when he met someone who regularly posts on this forum, that was a few months ago now and his nasty side seems to be getting worse. They are not debaters, they want things their own way and will unleash venom and anger at anyone who does not buy into their bullshit, I would steer well clear purely because it is pointless trying to engage with them.
Plus it would be an afternoon of your life you'd never get back :beatinghorse:
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by NYGman »

letissier14 wrote:Apparently Tom Who is a legend according to Nutty Liz Watson

Another meeting of like minded idiots
Fairly soon, I will be filming a series of didactic videos to expose and assist people in tackling common issues, both inside and outside of HMCTS, which include these topics:-
1. (part one) All evictions are illegal and unlawful! There is NO Law nor legislation that allows a rightful owner or registered occupier to be dispossessed of their home, nor for a mortgagor to repossess a property from a mortgagee - not to treat the Lawful occupier as a trespasser!
The first topic is so crazy, If it were true, then no bank would ever loan you money to buy a home, and no one would rent to you, as they would have no way to remove you if you stopped paying. Only those that have saved enough on their own could buy a home, would have a place to live.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by littleFred »

Dizzy Lizzy wrote:There is NO Law nor legislation that allows [...] for a mortgagor to repossess a property from a mortgagee - [...]
You'd think she might at least get them the right way round. The mortgagor has borrowed the money. The mortgagee has lent the money.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Chaos »

littleFred wrote:
Dizzy Lizzy wrote:There is NO Law nor legislation that allows [...] for a mortgagor to repossess a property from a mortgagee - [...]
You'd think she might at least get them the right way round. The mortgagor has borrowed the money. The mortgagee has lent the money.
no, she's exactly right. just ask ole tommy c-fraud.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Hercule Parrot »

letissier14 wrote:Apparently Tom Who is a legend according to Nutty Liz Watson

Another meeting of like minded idiots
Liz will be sharing her experiences & research spotlighting a few tricks being used by the Legal 'profession' against civilians and L.I.P's, and how to counter these....
Oh, did she get her house back then?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Llwellyn »

I for one, would love to be able to attend one of these meetings. Sadly, theirs is .. rather far .. for me to transit.. (dangit Burnaby, you should have delayed your trip for just a wee bit longer, you could have had a pint with Tom!)

I have been to a handful of the various 'Freeman' meetings out here in Canada, as I love seeing who is espousing what, and who has plans etc. While at these, I will often stand up and question/challenge things.. not to be overbearing or confrontational, but to (in the hopes of) place the spark of logic.. rational thought.. ? for the people to mull over. Only at one have I had 'speakers' become aggressive.. most of them are passive aggressive, and cowardly when challenged. In my situation, I offered to step outside if they wished.. and then I continued on questioning. 99% of the people involved (it seems to me) are rather that style of passive aggressive, some (Tom as example) exhibit aggression, however none so far have been willing to back it up with actual action.

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Firthy2002 »

Curiously this event at the Hive is not listed on their site in the schedule of upcoming events.


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