(UK) Elizabeth Watson

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Chaos »

grixit wrote:logomania?
Legomania. The new lego Batman movie looks hilarious.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by TheNewSaint »

JamesVincent wrote:I remember there being a disorder associated with writing 5k words when 10 would do but I can't remember what it was, besides politicianitis.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by letissier14 »

And ....................................................... wait for it .............................................. she is off on one again lol

HAIL THE SHAM! Name & shame gallery - this "QC" is a total FRAUD... he wont' dare challenge it as it can be proven 100% and he'll end up in jail even sooner


This is a formal complaint against "QC" Paul Mitchell from hail-the-sham chambers has proven himself through abusing his position for nearly 8 years on a nullity 'case', to be little more than a common thief.

Posing as a civil courts barrister, and suddenly acquiring the status of "QC" since February 2016 for his dirty deeds and prolonged under-handedness on a high profile cover up of a case involving the creation of 6 fake bank accounts by HBOS' ex Head Auditor (Fraser Mackay), Paul Mitchell has demonstrated an insatiable proclivity to pervert Justice for an undisclosed hidden Agenda.

He has shamelessly peddled a false 'claim for possession' against our family home of 22 years standing through HMCTS for nearly 8 years, in bad conscience and has acted in bad faith, and in full knowledge that there is neither any debt in existence nor any contract to enforce. I submit that it will be certainly demonstrated in due course that Paul Mitchell has committed a Fraud Upon the Court and risked his entire career and livelihood for the evident criminal 'gang' who have put him up to this: his chicanery against HMCTS and huge deceptions perpetrated against us, in the vexatious litigation he has relentlessly pursue through HMCTS since November 2008 - on an unsealed and undefined 'claim' !

* If you examine the 1st attachment, you will see there is no 'claim' whatsoever in the first page of the said 'claim form'. It claims 'mortgage arrears' and yet shows a blank section under "arrears details';

* If you examine the 2nd attachment you will see the BofS confirmed in a letter of May 2011 that "there is no evidence that a mortgage exists" but they can't explain how there is a 'charge' showing on record!

* No proof of debt exists nor anything to suggest we are "borrowers" and Paul Mitchell knows this

* No Contract exists, and no T&C's nor repayment vehicle nor exit to the 'offer letter' which was fraudulently converted into an alleged 'contract' by Eversheds, acting without any POA from Bank of Scotland PLC.

* You will see that an uninstructed third party, solicitor acting for the vendor, has created void "deeds' against our freehold Title - which Title he appears to have kept for himself. He has acted without any lawful POA at all times, and Paul Mitchell knows this (or ought to know).

* Worse still, I have disclosed evidence to Paul Mitchell in late 2013, of fraudulent bank accounts which have been opened by a domain name purporting to 'be' HBOS PLC (now Bank of Scotland, part of Lloyds BG), and he has condoned this outright. It turns out there are at least SIX such fake 'bank accounts'! All using void sort codes and invalid account numbers.

* Paul Mitchell has ignored senior judges rulings in our favour, and used dishonest methods and means to keep the spin of the non-case, going - on a void form (N5, meant for abandoned properties which have been empty for two years or more).

* Mithcell has also peddled the fake 'claim' through HMCTS who have no jurisdiction to hear property disputes exceeding £15k (for a District judge) or £30k (for a Circuit judge)!

* these are just a handful of many anomalies giving evidence of serious misdemeanour at the hands of this 'professional' - the only thing he is professional at, is lying.

Worse still, over the past 8 years, Paul Mitchell has defied the rules of gravity by perjuring his way through every court level - right the way up to the Supreme Court, using cognitive dissonance and unethical mindset to bluff his way through the Justice System. All this he has done with an UNSEALED undefined "claim", even bought on the wrong form (N5, see above).

Not only has Paul Mitchell wilfully and defiantly abused the process of the Court by committing a very serious Fraud Upon the Court, but he has prevented due process of Law by deliberately blocking all disclosure of evidence - even of prima facie evidence! He knows or ought to that there is no defined claim nor any case to answer to, yet has persisted relentlessly for nearly 8 years, misleading judges and acting without any valid pOA from the 'real' Bank concerned (who advised me 3 years ago that "no debt exists against our property" and "no solicitors or counsel instructed").

I will be sending in the formal complaint as soon as I am able to, please advise what evidence you will need to see in order to STRIKE HIM OFF THE ROLL of barristers at the Bar? He is a dangerous man because of his proclivity to lie in court like a city slicker with a severe case of cognitive dissonance.

Paul Mitchell is an absolute disgrace to the entire legal Profession and must be disbarred immediately. I hold full supporting evidence to substantiate everything written here in this serious complaint.

Below is a summary of the matter, to give you an initial idea of the unconsciable acts he has committed, fraudulently purporting to be acting for Eversheds and pretending to be acting on an 'instruction from Bank of Scotland" when this is impossible as no debt exists and there is nothing to support any claim.

The information and proof concerning what has actually occurred, has only very recently come to light. These are the basic facts:-

1. A fraudulent' order for possession' against our property was created in tort by Martin Alan Gordon Dancey on 1st July 2015. This was done without any due process of Law, nor evidence of any Contract nor any prima facie debt.
We now know that it is because an unauthorised third party solicitor, David Ross Webb of Matthew & Matthew solicitors at 194 Seabourne Road in Bournemouth, acting without instruction nor any lawful Power of Attorney, had applied for various unauthorised loans in our names with 4 different lenders (unbeknown to us), back in Dec 1993 onwards to at least last Summer 2015 or beyond. He was able to do this by hijacking our purchase of our property back in Dec 1993 - which is the genesis of all the problem.

2. It has resulted in the theft of the proceeds of those unauthorised 'loans' by the offending party and the information has been veiled from us because of compound deceptions over many years.

3. This was done after :-
a) misappropriating Elizabeth watson's entire purchase funds for the property DT66145 from a Northern Rock account where they were held in cash(approx £200,000) - only recently discovered. Northern Rock have failed to account for this money. This coincides with a period when interest borrowing rates were ITRO 15% per annum.
b) In addition, we now know that the same parties (2 solicitors working with a 3rd solicitor who abandoned the conveyance regarding the sale of Craig Watson's Poole property in Dec 1993 and held a lien on all the paperwork, instead) also stole at least £50,000 equity which was left over from the sale of the Poole property, after the Bradford & Bingley mortgage was redeemed.
No paperwork was provided at any time, because we were tricked into moving in to the new property 9 days before Christmas, on the false promise that the "paperwork would follow in the new year". It never did. Despite chasing it up, there were several fob offs and it was eventually forgotten about: we did not realise there was a major fraud in progress.
c) We now realise we did not ever exchange contracts on either the sale of Craig's Poole property nor the purchase of our current property, making it impossible for any valid conveyance to have ever taken place on either transaction.
Land Registry have confirmed in a letter received on 29 July 2016 that the Poole property is showing in Barbara Milburn's name, and yet there is no supporting paperwork for this that we've yet been able to access.
d) We now know that these parties are behind, and responsible for, further criminal events which followed these financial thefts (£250,000) - which was at least £ 47,000 more than was needed to pay the full £203,000 price agreed and accepted by the vendor of our property purchase.
e) Instead, we have been deprived of this money for over 22 years, and subjected to gross hardship, theft, abuse, deception, financial hardship etc all imposed through further unconsciable acts that have been committed by the same parties (David Webb, David Monk, Guy Perrins). The corrosive impact has been enormous.

4. The same party, David Ross Webb of Matthew & Matthew Ltd., was acting for the vendor, who sold the house to us which we've lived in for over 22 years now, since 16 Dec 1993. Now we realise all we've been duped into having for all this time, is merely squatters rights.
The Dorset police appear to be protecting David Webb and the other two solicitors, as they have consistently refused to investigate the matter since 2006 when they were first approached by us. We believe there are strong Masonic links with all the parties involved in this matter, which may be responsible for what has been driving these unconsciable acts for so many years.
It all occurred, of course, when interest rates were at a record historical high (averaging 15% pc on borrowings and 7-8% on savings).

5. The conveyancing solicitor whom we had orally instructed (David Monk of Bennett Thomas) had been working with Webb behind the scenes and colluding in a conspiracy to steal our property, it appears.
Monk became an employee of Webb's in later years.
Neither party set up any Client account in our names.
This enabled them to launder and steal money from us, due to there being no Letter of Engagement in place in our favour. We were seriously deceived over many years.

6. We now know that these solicitors had sequestered or stolen or withheld the Freehold Title which we were purchasing. It appears they instead substituted it for a worthless 'registered lease' bearing an erroneous Title number (an extra digit added). The latter 'Transfer of whole' document was only revealed to us via Land Registry shortly before Christmas 2015 - this was the first time we were alerted to the apparent Freehold Title theft.

7. Messrs Webb and Monk then used the above situation to apply for a series of invalid 'loans' against our Freehold Title Certificate, in the ensuing 22 years, without us understanding this.
They duped Craig that he had a "re-mortgage" when in actual fact, no mortgage existed in either of our names, nor was even needed, nor possible on a fake registered 'lease'!.
Webb and Monk appear to have stolen the proceeds of the various 'liar loans' they'd applied for.
The 'loans' are 100% invalid because obviously one can't charge a 'lease', let alone a lease on a false Title number.

8. It appears that David ross Webb may now have the freehold Title (stolen), or else it has never been transferred over from the vendor, Michael Vincent Baynham (who disappeared off the Electoral Roll in or around 2013).
The whereabouts of the Freehold Title Deed and name of who has it, needs to be established and we are trying to do this at this time. This is because this act of theft has been used to obtain a significant pecuniary advantage by Messrs Webb and Monk.

9. There are 2 void 'charges' now remaining on the 'toxic' register in this regard, and it appears these two named parties above, have misappropriated all of the moneys advanced from the said 'loans' without us realising this was taking place.
They have unjustly enriched themselves in excess of £1.5 million it appears, based on a brief calculation of all the void transactions they have conducted over the past 22 years.

10. We have discovered, from obtaining some paperwork from Land Registry in December 2015, that David Webb has created the void 'deeds' that are involved in the above.
He has done this without any basis in Law whatsoever.
He has forged our signatures in the fake 'deed' in favour of Bank of Scotland,in particular. It turns out to be a clone 'bank' operating as an inside track within HBOS PLC at the material time.
They came on the scene 8 years after we had moved in.
David webb aided and abetted the scam on this front, too. Paul Mitchell knows or ought to know, where there is a toxic trail of void paperwork. He has acted with zero integrity.
He has pretended that Fraser Mackay (the HBOS PLC Head Auditor of 34 years standing at the Bank) was justified in colluding with a known and convicted, fraudster because he claims his 'client' " didn't know" that the FSA had published written warnings of Shin Gangar's unlicensed deposit taking and money-laundering activities on their website! (which lies about "the bank didn't know" is what Mitchell told Judge Iain Hughes QC in Winchester County Court in Dec 2011 when challenged - see excerpts from this Hughes judgment).
No original for this has been disclosed in all these years, and we, as the Equitable Title holders, had never granted any deed whatsoever against our property.
The other 'deed' in favour of Alliance & Leicester is a provable nullity, as neither 'deed' complies with the Law of Property (Misc Provisions) Act 1989: neither has two independent witnesses and no signing ever took place in front of us nor was either of the said "deeds" executed in front of us.
Both these requirements are in the LPAMP 1989 and the wholesale failure to comply with these Sections 1&2 of the Act, render the 'deeds' null and void. Notwithstanding that neither Webb nor Monk had any POA!

11. The above is endorsed further by the fact that no moneys ever changed hands nor were transferred from 'transferor' to 'transferee' so we do not meet the Legal definition of "borrowers" in any way.
Nor does any Contract exist, and no T&C's were ever provided nor agreed to, so the entire matter is void ab initio. With there being nothing to enforce, and no proof of any debt attributable to ourselves nor borrowed or transferred to us, no debt and no mortgage exists.
Please trace, list, and disclose ALL "interest" payments made in favour of Alliance & Leicester (now T/A Santander) to these phantom 'loans' on these account references (which we now know to be void, of course):-
"Alliance & Leicester account ref: M009/6 18200-02-01" = £59,729.00"
"Alliance & Leicester account ref: M009/6 18200-02-02" - £9,000.00"
TOTAL £68,729.00

12. We hold further critical evidence, obtained from SARN Disclosure from Alliance & Leicester PLC, that David Ross Webb, their panel solicitor, was paid two cheques in November 1997 totalling the above two amounts, directly relating to the unauthorised loans.

These moneys were never passed on to ourselves. It is evident that David Webb stole these cheques.
Paul Mitchell appears to be acting on Webb's instruction, not the Bank of Scotland PLC, who say they have NO DEBT!

This appears to indicate that the interest payments, (which we estimate to be ITRO more than £100,000 including various 'loan product arrangement fees for Fixed Terms etc' at 2001 values escalating over 16 years up to February 2013 when all payments were summarily curtailed on discovering the above via SARN disclosure), to be returnable to us IN FULL as they were obtained in FRAUD using false instruments -

(Namely, void deeds, void account numbers, no compliance with LPAMP 1989, no Contract, no T&C's, no repayment vehicle, no exit, no consideration, no POA, no valid instruction to the solicitors amongst other things).
Unfortunately, this is not the only loan deception we are having to seek restitution against. There is an even bigger one (purporting to be five times as much) created in favour of Bank of Scotland by David Ross Webb and his employee David Monk. Another £101,000 'loan servicing costs' were stolen through this one, too.

You will appreciate we have carried a very heavy financial burden all these years.

I enclose a copy of one of the void "deeds" that have been used to attempt the unjust enrichment and torts, which you can clearly see does not comply with LPAMP 1989.

You can also see the excerpts from a senior Circuit judge's ruling in December 2011, which Paul Mitchell has ignored and perverted Justice against through higher levels of court.

This included him in lying before Lewison LJ on 28 May 2012 that he "had not had any appeal hearing at Winchester" (he'd had TWO days) and using this as his "compelling reason" to get past CPR 52.17.

He also CHANGED his 'grounds' of appeal, inventing new lies (res judicata, right of estoppal, abuse of process, against ME, when he is guilty of all and lost on all these points as well) - and then failing to serve these 'grounds' thus preventing any challenge from my side when I was in hospital recovering from life-threatening stress-induced illness in 2012, thanks to Mr Mitchell's antics in court. and behind closed doors.

Mitchell then created a huge scam at the High court of appeal before Lloyds, Jackson and Laws LP, after accessing an 'appeal' that he was not lawfully entitled to (see above how he slipped through the CPR rules net by disabling all checks & balances in place to prevent such things).

Mitchell perjured himself repeatedly in court and evidently paid a substantial bribe or entered in to an inappropriate contract with the CA judges, AFTER I had won on all points of Law! This is why I've never been able to access a transcript of those proceedings, it appears.

Mitchell, lied to the CA that the Winchester 2 days was "a re-hearing for Mrs Watson" (I'd had NO hearing or Fact Find at all in the past 7 years) and has committed Fraud by non-disclosure, misrepresentation and abuse of position.

Paul Mitchell has, in effect, done the impossible - he 'appealed' an "appeal" against our right to defend our home by counterclaiming against the nullity' claim' seen in the 1st PDF attachment, and did this BEFORE and WITHOUT any merits determination - disallowed under Court rules! He's never had any case whatsoever to answer to.

Mitchell then wrote out a diatribe of lies in the High CA which was passed off as being a "judgment" from Lloyds/Jackson/Laws in January 2013 - which illegally struck out our counterclaim AND our Defence! (which had never been appealed against) - any qualified or unqualified legal person can see this is a nonsense, as no one has the right to prevent one from defending their home. It was in the unmistakeable style of Paul Mitchell's writing, and the sham 'judgment is VOID AB INITIO and is based on untested hearsay, supposition and presumption.

When I checked with the HIgh Court last year, I discovered it did not even exist on their system, until the records were then manipulated and tampered with to 'correct' this damning revelation.

Latterly, Paul Mitchell overtly colluded with Blair QC at Swindon County Court (who was evidently bought and paid for in a private capacity) on an unnotified 'hearing' of 20 May 2016 - when justice was further perverted in the brazen attempted conspiracy to acquire our home of 22 years.

Criminally colluding "judge", Peter Blair QC (who normally sits as a criminal judge in Swindon County Court), was egged on by malevolent Mitchell to issue an "LCRO" - which they knew or ought to have known was illegal and lawless and a Common Law offence - but the foolish gullible and bent 'judge' went ahead and did so, WITH NO JURISDICTION! Problem is, he forgot to sign it and forgot to apply the court seal - another nullity document.

Words can not describe this man, Paul Mitchell, who needs to be criminally prosecuted for what he has done, and there are no two ways about this.

He has provably been aiding and abetting the most serious frauds for almost 8 years now, perpetrated by an evident 'shadow bank' parading as being HBOS PLC, and has condoned Lloyds Banking Group various FRAUD UNITS who've confirmed that none of the 8 'bank accounts' in ours and my sister's names, are valid but instead are fraudulently opened using fake sort codes and void account numbers.

I look forward to hearing from you soon -

Yours sincerely

Elizabeth: watson
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by AndyPandy »

I'm really surprised no one's issued this verbose lunatic with a defamation claim and gagging order, she's truly potty, she needs to take responsibility for some stupid financial decisions and move on ! :beatinghorse:
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm really kind of surprised that she hasn't been locked up for harassment. I'm fairly certain that what we actually see is minor in comparison to what she actually does. She is quite unhinged at this point, or at least certainly appears so to me .
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

TL;DR but...

"this "QC" is a total FRAUD... he wont' dare challenge it as it can be proven 100% and he'll end up in jail even sooner"

How many times have we heard footlers in general and LotfW tell us they have 100% proof?

I remember getting into an argument with LotfW over on YouToob some years ago about that time she got jailed for contempt. She claimed to have 100% proof that the judge who jailed her released her after 9 days because he realised he was acting 'unlawfully' and had to release her or he would go to jail. When asked to prove it and explain the public judgement releasing her after she grovellingly purged her contempt she did what she always does... Called me a paedophile and a masonic disinformation agent and then deleted all of her other posts.

Liz otf Watson is a pathological liar, an egocentric loon and all round whack-job and I can prove that 100%!!!!
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Worse still, over the past 8 years, Paul Mitchell has defied the rules of gravity
Well, I might suspect a lawyer of Satanism if he was able to levitate in court...
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Slowpoke »

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Slowpoke wrote:I'll just leave these here for those who want to read them.

http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cg ... y=(watson)
http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cg ... D+(Watson)
It's working for her though - 15 years later, they still resist eviction. It makes a mockery of the law.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Bones »

Lizzy is still bat shit crazy
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by NYGman »

Bones wrote:Lizzy is still bat shit crazy
But as pointed out, being BSC has allowed her to remain in here home far longer than she should have remained, and I am guessing she isn't paying any rent, or mortgage, that is amazing. 15 years is a lot of saved money, assuming she put her payments away. Perhaps enough to recoup the money she lost in the Ponzi scheme.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Bones »

NYGman wrote:
Bones wrote:Lizzy is still bat shit crazy
But as pointed out, being BSC has allowed her to remain in here home far longer than she should have remained, and I am guessing she isn't paying any rent, or mortgage, that is amazing. 15 years is a lot of saved money, assuming she put her payments away. Perhaps enough to recoup the money she lost in the Ponzi scheme.
True but I am confident that her time will come (in my best doctor evil laughter)
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by NYGman »

Bones wrote:True but I am confident that her time will come (in my best doctor evil laughter)
I hope so, 15 years rent/mortgage free is simply amazing. Wasn't' the original term 10 years? Heck, If I could stop paying my Mortgage and Maintenance for 15 years, I would be a happy and rich man, even if I had to loose my equity, I would more than make up for it based on the savings. I think at this point, I may have to give her a Win, even if not exactly a win...
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by littleFred »

She hasn't been paying her gas bill, so they fitted a prepayment meter.

Oh, no, hang on, what really happened was there was a life-threatening gas leak which made her bill higher than it should have been and they didn't fix it, so she didn't pay and they got a warrant to fix her leak but there was no leak so the warrant was fake and forgery and terrorism.

No, hang on, they had to search for the current gas meter but the warrant wasn't a search warrant so they weren't allowed to search for it.

No, hang on, if you want the full story read it on EFOTB (even though it involved no eviction or banks).

Anyhow, she's going to claim at least £10,000 compensation, and will replace the prepayment meter with her own meter.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by hucknallred »

littleFred wrote: Oh, no, hang on, what really happened was there was a life-threatening gas leak which made her bill higher than it should have been and they didn't fix it, so she didn't pay and they got a warrant to fix her leak but there was no leak so the warrant was fake and forgery and terrorism.
Of course any gas leak that is after the meter is not the responsibility of the supplier. If she did call them out because of a leak a National Grid engineer would be there within an hour. If it is determined the leak was in the customer side pipework they would make it safe by shutting off the supply & putting a big notice on the meter & then telling them to get someone to fix it at their expense.

If the leak was before the meter - obviously it wouldn't clock up any charges - they will do everything possible to make it safe & get it repaired ASAP at no charge to the householder.

Seems she wants to have her gas & burn it (I'll get my coat).
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by AndyPandy »

hucknallred wrote:
littleFred wrote: Oh, no, hang on, what really happened was there was a life-threatening gas leak which made her bill higher than it should have been and they didn't fix it, so she didn't pay and they got a warrant to fix her leak but there was no leak so the warrant was fake and forgery and terrorism.
Of course any gas leak that is after the meter is not the responsibility of the supplier. If she did call them out because of a leak a National Grid engineer would be there within an hour. If it is determined the leak was in the customer side pipework they would make it safe by shutting off the supply & putting a big notice on the meter & then telling them to get someone to fix it at their expense.

If the leak was before the meter - obviously it wouldn't clock up any charges - they will do everything possible to make it safe & get it repaired ASAP at no charge to the householder.

Seems she wants to have her gas & burn it (I'll get my coat).
She's claiming 'theft' of 'her' gas meter - no it belongs to the supplier and not being given a paper copy of the warrant that was clearly fake, how would she know if it was fake or not if she's been 'denied a copy'.

She's UNBELIEVABLY verbose!
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by notorial dissent »

She's nuts.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by AndyPandy »

notorial dissent wrote:She's nuts.

These are the best bits
* Consequential losses have resulted from this incident, in that both my Airbnb guests left the property as they were alarmed at the police bullying and dramatic scene that was unnecessarily caused, with menace and intimidation
* this was a direct result of the trauma caused - resulting in significant financial loss and harm.
* In addition, the building contractors who were on my site, were alarmed by the police officers behaviour of banging on my bedroom door, and given they had taken over £2,500 cash from me for building works and refused to provide any invoice or receipt, they appear to have become fearful and believed they might be apprehended - as a result of which they also left the premises and abandoned the work they were doing - causing me undue problems and financial losses as a consequence of this.
She had Airbnb guests and builders who've been paid cash, both hit the high road as soon as the screaming hysterics started !!
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Firthy2002 »

I'm detecting a strong whiff of bs from EotfW, if the court case was still ongoing and the debt still in dispute the supplier wouldn't have gone charging round with an order to fit a prepayment meter.

My guess is they determined the leak to be on her side of the meter (which would explain the high bills) and therefore liable for the amount owed and she's refused to accept it.

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by notorial dissent »

My sense is that Firthy has got the right of this, and that she is definitely spinning a story. I personally can't imagine wanting to live in a place where there was actually a live gas leak. Not a healthful thing one way or another. So methinks she has skipped more than a few bits along the way. I also have a feeling her contractor was maybe like unlicensed and he didn't want someone checking, or else maybe she hadn't paid him either. Just too many things don't ring true here.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.