(UK) Elizabeth Watson

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by NYGman »

Firthy2002 wrote:Curiously this event at the Hive is not listed on their site in the schedule of upcoming events.

I wonder if they know what is comming?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Slowpoke »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
letissier14 wrote:Apparently Tom Who is a legend according to Nutty Liz Watson

Another meeting of like minded idiots
Liz will be sharing her experiences & research spotlighting a few tricks being used by the Legal 'profession' against civilians and L.I.P's, and how to counter these....
Oh, did she get her house back then?
She hasn't been evicted ...yet, we'll know when she is by the shout out for boots on the ground. No way she'll go quietly, I'd expect nothing less than another tc tantrum.

Edited wrong post.
Last edited by Slowpoke on Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Slowpoke »

[AndyPandy"]She's never going to accept she made mistakes, blames everyone but the cat for her misfortunes. It's also the first I've heard she was imprisoned for 30 days for non payment of Council Tax, contempt of court yes, but Council Tax ??

She was quoting someone else that had been jailed. I can't recall the who vs who at the bottom but it wasn't her. Although it wouldn't be surprising, wasn't she jailed at some point for contempt?

After reading it I'm not longer sure it wasn't her, it sounds like her as the initial trial for money owed to the bank was for around that amount. If so then I wonder what this at the bottom pertains to?
Ond x
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Last edited by Slowpoke on Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Firthy2002 »

NYGman wrote: I wonder if they know what is comming?
I have asked the question since they seem pretty meticulous with keeping their schedule up to date.

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by mufc1959 »

Here's a FOIA request to What Do They Know to HMLR from the rather verbose Mrs Watson (see the comments section).

https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/ ... s_of_how_l
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by letissier14 »

Over on EFOTB
Elizabeth Watson
19 July at 04:47

Why the void "warrant no." 04216/16 is a false instrument procured in fraud, and may not be used to enforce any possession of the property belonging to the rightful occupiers: Juliette Mottram and her five children at 10 Silver Birches, Small Dole, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9YT.

This is a very distressing Case of illegal eviction, which involves the harassment and displacement through a brutally executed police-assisted illegal eviction on false court paperwork, of a vulnerable mother and her 3 children (12, 15 and 19 yrs), and 2 older children.

It occurred on 6 June 2016 at 12.10pm when several thugs, purporting to be "bailiffs" from the High Court Enforcement office yet with no ID, turned up at the property in West Sussex and smashed the door down with a crowbar and terrorised the family, some members being in the house at the time.

The thugs looted the property and stole a gold Rolex watch belonging to the mother amongst other jewellery and valuables, with the children screaming and highly distressed in the property whilst the mother was out at that time.
No pre-action protocol had taken place, and the void 'claim' had been taken on by Walker Morris LLP who did absolutely no checks or Anti-mlra investigation into the validity of the said 'claim': it turns out the matter had been entrusted to admin staff who were NOT solicitors nor qualified in the Law, treated as "volume files" on a conveyer belt to take properties by pen & paper without any responsible consideration to what is being claimed nor the reasons why.
Worse, Walker Morris have ostracised and isolated the rightful owner and occupier of the property by denying her all disclosure of any evidence, thus rendering her powerless and defenceless to defend her home where she lives with and her children for over two decades.

Their suffering, distress and trauma has been unimaginable - sleeping on the floor in one room, difficulty in accessing washing facilities, unable to concentrate at school and crying all the time, separated from all their belongings, being deprived maliciously of their Family Life, all their clothes and chattel stolen or still in the property which has been boarded up with steel shutters.

The police turned up on the scene on 6 June 2016, and after admitting they could see that there was no paperwork to support the displacement of the family from their home of 20 years, were then overpowered by the thugs who used bully-boy tactics to intimidate, pretending to be "bailiffs" yet refusing to show any ID nor any paperwork nor Warrant! Certain eyewitnesses said the gang of about 15 thugs "turned very nasty" which caused the police to apparently capitulate and allow the thugs to steal possession of the property by force - breaking the Law on all rules of entry: set down by very strict Government guidelines.

They applied threats and intimidation, looting, theft, affray, violent force was used, and the children were bullied into standing outside in scorching sunlight in scant clothing and suffering untold trauma and distress. Photographic evidence is available. GBH was caused due to the thugs man-handling the mother and her eldest daughter and they acted like gangsters. There was far far more than just "a breach of the peace" - this family were forcibly and brutally evicted from their family home, for no good reason or fault of their. It all comes down to the plausible allegations of the crazy acts of the ex-partner of the property owner, who died in August 2015 and suffered with mental health problems and severe psychosis, with a history of abusing his eldest child and engaging in acts of violence, making death threats etc.

Through probate fraud, he set up his two sisters as alleged "trustees" before he died - seeking revenge on his own offspring, aided and abetted by Walker Morris solicitors LLP.

This bizarre case appears to involve Legal Fraud, Probate Fraud, Mortgage fraud , Third party fraud, and there is even a suggestion of Insurance fraud (potential).

The mother and her eldest daughter who is her carer, has been forced to sleeping rough and in her car with a serious disability and on life-saving medication, and staying with in her mother's house (with extremely strained relations between them as a result of this) as the mother and children's grandmother are struggling to cope.
All the children are being housed in one bedroom in the mother's house, apart from the eldest teenager with ME who is bed-ridden and in his own room.

They have been targeted because of the extreme frailties of the mother and children's health issues.
It involves a contentious separation from an ex-partner (Stuart Mark - deceased) back in 2002, which led to the father of 3 children seeking revenge before he died ( in 2015) against his own offspring and their mother, by the following methods:

1. MORTGAGE FRAUD: Entering in to a fraudulent mortgage with Halifax as a third party with no POA, in 2009, being some 7 years after he had moved out from the property in which his 3 children and their mother had been living in since 1996. Prior to that, he had made frequent death threats to the children and mother and engaged in all forms of abuse and violent dysfunctional behaviour. He died of lung cancer in August 2015.

2. EVIDENCE OF PROBATE FRAUD: Creating a fraudulent Will in which he claimed Title to the property despite having no power or attorney or Title to it and appointing his two (uninvolved) sisters as alleged "trustees";

3. LEGAL FRAUD: Misleading a firm of solicitors (Walker Morris in Leeds) that he had a right to evict his own offspring and their mother in favour of the alleged "trustees" who were his sisters of course and with none of them having any legal right whatsoever to claim Title to the property.

4. INSURANCE FRAUD: They've set up a questionable policy with AVIVA which is owned under the Lloyds Banking Group, and so is in conflict with any other member of the Group (in this case Halifax who are trading under a false address for Chieltenham & Gloucester) - insider dealing and serious conflicts of interest.
And so, to summarise it -

1. Fraud by illegal eviction (with no due process of Law, no defined debt or claim, no right of claim, no jurisdiction re facts or parties, no compliance with pre-action protocol etc etc and no jurisdiction at county Court level in a property dispute which exceeds £30k in value and so MUST be referred to the High Court

2. Mortgage fraud ( purportedly a debt with Halifax, yet no basis for the debt to have legally arisen, no disclosure of a debt)

3. Insurance fraud - (involving home insurance provided by Aviva who are owned by Halifax, whom the dispute stems from!)

4. Probate fraud - (false 'wills' created by Stuart Mark who has instigated all of the above, more than 14 years ago)

5. legal fraud (by Walker Morris) - No solicitor has supervised the bringing of the 'claim' against the deceased party; they purport to be acting for the deceased party's "trustees" (who are his two sisters) who are NOT legitimate trustees. Stuart Marks departed from the property in 2002 under contentious circumstances and has had no residence there since that time, up until he purportedly died in August 2015 (I'll check the date of his death)

6. third party fraud (LSL Corporate client Department instructing Estate agent H.J. Burt to do a fire sale on the property - it appears that Walker Morris instructed LSL without lawful authority to do this)
The priority needs to be to get Juliette Mottram back in her home asap, and to file an application for a listing at the High court for disclosure and further and better particulars, because of the illegal eviction to JM and her family.

(1) In order to achieve this, it appears we need to get to obtaining full Part 31 Disclosure on 1,2,3 & 4 above via issuing an injunction or claim or written warning against Walker Morris (para 5) for their failure to do any compliance checks or due dilligence before taking on the 'claim' from Halifax, ostensibly!

(2) Originally, I thought "We then need to get on to Halifax, to determine if there is any debt, and if so how it arose? and see forensic PROOF of the alleged debt, and compliant paperwork (a valid deed, contract, application for the loan etc)" but now I see this is a pipe dream as it isn't an address for Halifax, it is an address for C&G in a SPOOF SET UP !!

(3) And to Land Registry, to see what is on record there
note - JM states that Walker Morris allegedly found a way round the RESTRICTION which had been put on to JM's property to protect it in 2013 against attempted theft, and displaced the HSBC charge with a Halifax "charge", all bypassing JM, instigated maliciously by her ex, it appears.

(4) We then need to challenge the insurers on the basis of insider dealing and conflicts of interests

(5) We need to re-open the matter with the NFIB and the police

(6) We need to put the police on notice that their protection is required to reinstate JM and her family back into their rightful home, failing which they may be joined under Section 26 of the Criminal Justice & Courts Act 2015 on corruption grounds / aiding and abetting.

(7) We need to get an injunction issued against LSL and Walker Morris and any H.J> Burt estate agents and any other party aiding & abetting the attempted theft of JM's property.

Liz watson
* Aviva is owned by Halifax Group / Lloyds so is hugely conflicted and its insider dealing

* When I rang H.J. Burt on 01903 879488 on 5 July 2016, I spoke to Karen Osborn and was told that the person dealing with it is ROBERT TURNER (Branch manager).
* I asked Karen to suspend all activity on a fire sale, on the basis of stolen goods
* He rang me back and revealed they are "merely a conduit for L.S.L.
* I found LSL PLC on line, based in Newcastle & London HQ. I spoke to Ellie Hall there who was helpful - she said she'd call me back with details of who ASHTON PIM is (the name given by Robert Turner at H.J> Burt)
* LSL Corporate Client Department are at 17 Northernhay Place, Exeter EX4 3QH (tel: 01392 355542)
* H.J. Burt claim to have dealt with LSL before and said I need to speak to them who are instructing them!
Home Options policy summary - Halifax
http://www.halifax.co.uk/insurance/pdf/ ... ne1111.pdf

Your contents insurance is underwritten by Aviva Insurance Limited, and your Legal Expenses cover is .... legal action relating to tax investigation by.
Halifax UK | Policy booklets | Home insurance
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Find the right policy documents for your Halifax home insurance policy.
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8 Aug 2007 - Lloyds Banking group owns Halifax Insurance and Lloyds Insurance ... Aviva is one of the well-known insurers who only deal direct, or do they?
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Llwellyn »

Elizabeth Watson
19 July at 04:47

Why the void "warrant no." 04216/16 is a false instrument procured in fraud, and may not be used to enforce any possession of the property belonging to the rightful occupiers: Juliette Mottram and her five children at 10 Silver Birches, Small Dole, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9YT.

This is a very distressing Case of illegal eviction, which involves the harassment and displacement through a brutally executed police-assisted illegal eviction on false court paperwork, of a vulnerable mother and her 3 children (12, 15 and 19 yrs), and 2 older children.

The police turned up on the scene on 6 June 2016, and after admitting they could see that there was no paperwork to support the displacement of the family from their home of 20 years, were then overpowered by the thugs who used bully-boy tactics to intimidate, pretending to be "bailiffs" yet refusing to show any ID nor any paperwork nor Warrant! Certain eyewitnesses said the gang of about 15 thugs "turned very nasty" which caused the police to apparently capitulate and allow the thugs to steal possession of the property by force - breaking the Law on all rules of entry: set down by very strict Government guidelines.
I have never... NEVER seen a case where the police, in ANY country, city, nation.. whatever.. were 'overpowered' and 'capitulated'... intimidated????... yeh... and they didn't call for backup, support or anything... would tell me that the so called thugs were in the right of what they were doing... but hey, the obviously correct answer still often eludes the most observant.

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Footloose52 »

I can smell the bulls%$t from here!

Hells teeth, can't even differentiate between ownership and an agency and has done no factual research at all.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by mufc1959 »

I know a bit (a lot, actually) about this case, because I know the family (his family, the ex, Stuart). The story I've heard - and have no reason to doubt is true - is as follows:

- He owned the house, in his sole name, bought before he met her.

- They hadn't been living together long when he realised it wasn't going to work. She refused to leave, so he moved out.

- He went to court and got an injunction to get her out - years ago. She refused to go. Every time he went near the house she'd phone the police and have him arrested for assault, despite the injunction which said she wasn't allowed within 100 yards of the place.

- She knew all about the mortgage and signed the deed of postponement (which gives the lender priority over any claim she as an occupier might have, if any). No fraud, his house, he was entitled to borrow against the equity.

- He needed to sell the house but she refused to leave and there was no way he'd be able to have it with an estate agent or have any viewings. He stopped paying the mortgage. I think, not 100% sure, she tried to get the DWP to pay the mortgage interest, but because it wasn't her house and she had no tenancy agreement, they couldn't (or wouldn't) pay it.

- He was happy for the lender to take possession, as there was nothing he could do to sell the house himself, she wouldn't leave (despite the court injunction) and he'd been arrested numerous times whenever he tried to attend the property.

- The lender started possession action. She must have got some (proper) legal advice, because she made a claim under the Trusts of Land & Appointment of Trustees Act for an order giving her rights in the property (the only legislation available to non-married, non-owning occupants of a property). She lost the case. Edited to add: The court ordered the restriction she'd placed on the Land Register should be removed.

- He died, I can't remember if it was before or after TLATAct proceedings. But she once he died she started claiming his Will was fake. IIRC, she tried (and failed) to get his bank to pay out some money to her, but I'm not totally certain about that. I know she was trying to deal with his bank and they refused as she didn't have Probate, his two sisters are the Executrices under his (legal and valid) will.

- With no legal right to live in the property, and with her legal avenues exhausted, she was evicted, as we know.

Anyway, that's the story from the other side.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by exiledscouser »

And that is why I so enjoy reading and contributing to this board.

ETA to add this link which wouldn't work earlier.

Would this be the same saintly Juliette Mottram

http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/8457193. ... hree_days/

who abandoned a dog at 'her' home for three days without food or water?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by mufc1959 »

exiledscouser wrote: Would this be the same saintly Juliette Mottram

http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/8457193. ... hree_days/

who abandoned a dog at 'her' home for three days without food or water?
That's her.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Firthy2002 »

I know this thread is veering off-topic but I can't resist posting.

Let's see who defends her/if I get banned for dropping truth bombs.

ETA: Post was deleted for "shit stirring" and I got banned.

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by getoutofdebtfools »

The crazy old bint posted this in EFOTB earlier....

ILLEGAL EVICTION IN WEST SUSSEX - SOS PLEA FOR HELP AND SUPPORT... URGENT CALL FOR PRACTICAL HELP AND ATTENDANCE TO THE SITE - Regarding yet another illegal eviction, discovered to have been vexatiously instigated by an ex-partner of the main victim (deceased Aug 2015) who had moved out of the property 14 years earlier in 2002 - yet, through an act of malice and revenge before his demise, pretended to "instruct" solicitors making his sisters alleged 'trustees' to an estate upon which he had absolutely no claim and had committed mortgage fraud, its come to light.
The matter involves Bank of Scotland (what? AGAIN? I hear you ask), using a spoof website and false toxic paperwork, all aided and abetted by mere secretaries / admin staff describing themselves as "fee earners" from the infamous Walker Morris LLP and their various offshore aliases - who have been instrumental in illegally EVICTING Juliette Mottram and her children from their family home of 20 years at: 10 Silver Birches, Small Dole, Henfield, West Sussex this family urgently needs to return to their home and need supporters to attend the address in the very near future - so PLEASE please can people send a private message to me (Liz watson) to forward on to Juliette, giving your name & address and details if you can assist with re-claiming back possession of this family's home?

We need a team of VIGILANTES on a watch (vigil) w/c 1st August or sooner if possible, to re-take the property back from 15 thugs who appear to be complicit with W.Sussex police.

The latter have aided & abetted the illegal eviction and keep putting the phone down now on Juliette, blocked a criminal investigation since this occurred on 6 June at 12.10pm, and unconscionable are stating "there's no crime committed" - ignoring evidence when the thugs forced entry by smashing the door down with a crow bar, smashing windows in the property, TV, ornaments and maliciously damaging contents to render the place uninhabitable, traumatising THREE SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN and terrorising them out of the property, conspiring to STEAL the house AND its contents, and standing by and watching, saying "we're here to prevent a breach of the peace"....

One 27 July 2016, Juliette attended the property to see if her mail was outside it and instead found several interlopers and trespassers there

One the evening / early hours of 28 July, Juliette and LIz telephoned the ' 101' line and after 3 or 4 attempts to re-lodge the crime report with the police at West Sussex, they knew the names and immediately began dropping the receiver and cutting off the conversation saying "there's no crime"!

Please examine the photos below of the trespassers on 27 July - one van said on the front of it: "GS LANDSCAPES & TREE SERVICES" and the number plate of the rogues who stole the belongings and a valuable watch and other chattel is Registration no: "KP08LRY".

A firm called LSL are involved (evidently national AGENTS of Walker Morris LLP) who have sub-contracted to these people and to Burt & Co. Estate agents in Henfield to attempt a fire sale in the near future of the property - transferring stolen goods, and the "police" are assisting this!

Huge obfuscation and obstruction has been put up to continue stealing the property and contents of this vulnerable family.
If you are an activist with a Social Conscience and care about Law and Order protecting rightful residential occupiers and owners exercise and enforcing their RIGHT to remain in their property and live their lives in their home IN PEACE, please contact us.

(NB: Soon we will be setting up the SOVEREIGN PROPERTY ALLIANCE Registered Charity to prevent ALL evictions, because ALL evictions are ILLEGAL, and an act of violence, without exception & there's NO LAW IN OUR CONSTITUTION TO SUPPORT EVICTION - next month, watch this space)

Please help if you can, and let us know if you have any resources you can apply to this shocking situation. Heartfelt thanks
liz watson (Bournemouth)

I look forward to seeing what this Registered Charity the "SOVEREIGN PROPERTY ALLIANCE" she claims to be setting up will do. Sweet FA is my bet :lol:
Oh the irony of the Get Out Of Debt Free website :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now owned by a debt management company :brickwall: Bye bye Ceylon :haha:
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by NYGman »

I have to ask, is there any situation where she wouldn't find an eviction unlawful? Seems under her definition and rules, a lawful eviction would be impossible.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

NYGman wrote:I have to ask, is there any situation where she wouldn't find an eviction unlawful? Seems under her definition and rules, a lawful eviction would be impossible.
She outright says it...
(NB: Soon we will be setting up the SOVEREIGN PROPERTY ALLIANCE Registered Charity to prevent ALL evictions, because ALL evictions are ILLEGAL, and an act of violence, without exception & there's NO LAW IN OUR CONSTITUTION TO SUPPORT EVICTION - next month, watch this space)
Incidentally I'm pretty sure the Charities Commission would tell her to get stuffed as that's clearly not a charitable aim.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by NYGman »

Forgot the :sarcasmon: just can't fathom how someone could believe all evictions are illegal. So why would anyone lend money to someone to buy a house, or rent to someone? Once in, there is no reason to keep paying. What happened if she were a landlord, and her longterm tennant decided to stop paying, as cumulatively they had paid the current value of the unit. I bet she would be a bit miffed at the lost income.

They really don't think it through, do they...
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by littleFred »

NYGman wrote:Once in, there is no reason to keep paying.
Well, indeed, that's the point.

Some folk think everything should be free. Merely getting out of debt for free isn't enough. They also want good credit ratings so they can borrow more money that they won't pay back. And council services and everything else should be free.

Naturally housing should also be free.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Firthy2002 »

Yep they think everyone else should foot the bill for their lifestyle and can't seem to fathom why people would be a bit peeved about it.

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by JamesVincent »

She reminds me of something that Carlos Santana said years ago talking about up and coming guitarists: "Man, some of these kids need to go to notes anonymous, learn how to play less notes."

I remember there being a disorder associated with writing 5k words when 10 would do but I can't remember what it was, besides politicianitis.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by grixit »

Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4