(UK) Elizabeth Watson

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by letissier14 »

Bones wrote:
I have skimmed read it Letisser but I must have overlooked where it says that.

I can see that she went on a British trade mission, but this is something that people that run businesses do.
http://www.discoveries-international.co ... %20are.pdf
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by letissier14 »

I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by IDIOT »

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by guilty »

From Eviction Fraud FB site. Tom Crawford appeals for help for Elizabeth Watson.
URGENT REQUEST FOR YOUR SUPPORT - to stop an illegal Possession Order succeeding where no moneys have been advanced!

Please see the Executive Summary below, regarding the 'last hurrah' and final ditch most aggressive-of-all-attempts, after a 7 year monstrous battle imposed on Liz Watson & her family by criminals working from an apparent 'shadow solicitor set up' at the CARDIFF office of EVERSHEDS LLP, to try and obtain possession of the Watson's family home of 22 years....which has had 3 invalid 'charges' put on to it by deception without their awareness until 9 years after the deception occurred, AND:
no moneys ever advanced, no compliant bi-lateral mortgage or loan contract, using VOID DEEDS and vexatiously motivated because Liz uncovered the Truth behind the VAVASSEUR heist where $200 MILLION is still reported "missing" at the hands of a SHADOW BANK (IN PARALLEL SOLUTIONS) set up by criminals within HBOS PLC back in 2001! (led by ex-disgraced CEO James Crosby and ex-Head Auditor FRASER MACKAY, of 34 years standing. Liz discovered that Mackay acted in the role of an undisclosed Trustee over all the illegally pooled client funds, which he had steered through a team of financial advisors at ST JAMES' PLACE - also set up by Crosby when he took it over from J. Rothschild Assurance in Oct 2000 & re-named it after himself!).

Hope can you attend in just a few days time - It should be a very interesting 3 days early next week, the details are:.....

1. BOURNEMOUTH COUNTY COURT (Deansleigh Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH7 7DS
For a 2-day "Possession Hearing" on 30 June and 1st July 2015 at 10.00 AM (Tuesday & Wednesday this coming week)

For an Ex Parte INJUNCTION hearing in COURT 37 on Thursday 2nd July 2015 at 2pm (where, no doubt, Evershites and Master-perjurer "barrister" PAUL MITCHELL of Hailsham chambers, will attend)

I'm very thankful for everyone's help and support, as we have huge strength in numbers to fight this endemic corurption and fraud, and to change things for future generations...
Liz Watson

(If you'd like to see the Executive Summary & more details on the Case, just send a skype message to Liz: discoveries2006)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Written 26 June 2015 by Liz Watson

Eversheds solicitors are trying to steal a £2 million house on a "loan" we never had! Incredibly, this unsubstantiated and invalidly brought, "claim" has dragged on for 7 years now, relentlessly. All because no compliance was done by Bournemouth County court from Day 1 - evidently it's all been conducted in a private capacity.

It started on 5 November 2008, around the time that Liz had just secured legal funding and a City Law firm to take forward a CLASS ACTION to help the 400 other victims of the 'Vavasseur' fraud. If this spurious 'claim' was intended to derail that effort, it certainly succeeded. Liz had set up ONE VOICE ACTION GROUP in February 2008, after the startling things she had discovered in the preceding 3 years, to help her fellow victims as the COVER UP traced back to the highest levels in the UK Government! that may go some way to explaining why its dragged on so incredibly long: institutionalised fraud and endemic corruption, for certain. Liz says:

"I found out only a few days ago (22 June 2015) that a 2-day possession hearing had been set in an ex parte secret hearing without me being notified, at Bournemouth County Court, which had taken place on 29 April 2015 without me knowing, and yet now is set to repossess my family home since 1993 on Tuesday and Wednesday next week! 30 June & 1st July.
Since exposing there was NO COURT SEAL on the void "claim" at a hearing on 15 Sept 2014 in front of 10 witnesses, the Judge had made an Order for PART 31 Disclosure - something that rarely happens with major banks! However, that Order (delivered orally on 15th Sept) was intercepted and what arrived in the post within 15 hours was an inferior Order which substituted PART 39 Disclosure for Part 31, instead! Check it out and see for yourelf how different these two Disclosure rules are! One is Private and the other is Public, reserved for "national terrorism issues" etc - a clear abuse of process.
It had all then died down after that - until now, 9 months later: so this bolt out of the blue is incomprehensible.

I've never even HAD an order from Bmth court re this 2nd set of illegal "proceedings". I had to boycott the Bournemouth County Court because of the maladministration of Judge Meston QC who failed to discharge his judicial obligations last Autumn 2014. He left everything on the clearly invalid "claim" up in the air, by skirting the preliminary issues of 'no compliant contract', no proof of debt or of moneys being delivered, no burden of proof for right of claim ever MET, and thus he ignored that Eversheds Cardiff are acting WITH NO POA !).....
NB: We were never given the money. We were apparently "advanced" CREDIT - which is a totally different thing ! (money is issued as 'debt' with nothing to underpin it, there was no actual 'money' deposited anywhere!)

Last Sept 2014, after being shown there were NO PROCEEDINGS because the originating 'claim' bore NO COURT SEAL, thus no valid issuance of the claim which could not, therefore, proceed - but instead of striking it out, (as he ought to have done under CPR 3.4(2) a&b), Judge Meston QC instead ordered they produce part 31 DISCLOSURE (requiring hard evidence both adverse and favourable to the 'claimant') and asked two key questions to be answered by Eversheds (who are pretending to be acting for Bank of Scotland PLC), by ordering they provide the necessary documents under Part 31:-

1. Is the "claimant" entitled to an order for possession of the Property?
(Note my answer: There is no provable right of claim by Eversheds, who I have hard evidence are acting with no instruction from Bank and have no POA, and no contract to enforce and no proof of any moneys being advanced, so the clear answer is 'no')
2. Is the "Claimant" entitled to a money judgment in relation to the mortgage loan and the overdraft on the servicing account?
(Note: We discovered that the "servicing account" was opened ILLEGALLY as it was done without any signed Mandate of authority from us, we were naive, and it has never been recorded on the Bank's balance sheet, using evidently forged 'bank statements' and used as a money laundering vehicle & false instrument to misappropriate 'loan servicing costs' on a non-existent "loan" (advanced as mere 'credit' in an invalid book entry), from us, all done in a Breach of Trust and Breach of Fiduciary duty by Fraser Mackay who duped us into believing the (unseen) "loan moneys were held to the BANK'S order" (not ours) and "held in custodian accounts" (which they weren't, it turned out). Thus, without even realising it, we lost / were deprived through fraud, ALL CONTROL AND ALL ACCESS to "our" money (which never existed in any physical form) and which Mackay did NOT hold 'in our name' (as the FSMA 2000 CAS Rule 7.5 requires, to prevent money laundering). Due to the fact that it was done through the ultra vires rogue trading entity "IN PARALLEL SOLUTIONS vehicle or 'shadow bank', they weren't even regulated, unbeknown to us, let alone insured, and weren't keeping accounting records! So the clear answer to this is also 'no'.)

NB: Judge Meston QC's Order was delivered orally in court on 15 Sept 2014 in front of 10 witnesses by judge Meston QC was evidently intercepted. Just 16 hours later, overnight (with no time to have typed it up), a false substituted 'order' arrived citing Part 39 (allowing NO disclosure) and having changed what Judge Meston had ordered.

So, through apparent skulduggery, no disclosure was given of any of the documents listed in our 'Extraordinary conditional offer of acceptance" dated 1st June 2015 (no response received) and of the documents which were referred to in the unsealed "claim" brought invalidly on 5/11/2008, which has never had any Directions hearing nor Disclosure in nearly 7 years, not even 'prima facie' evidence at the outset!

Judge Meston QC was also shown hard evidence of money laundering by the bank employee, as well as being alerted to the fact the Court could have no jurisdiction since this is a 'civil' claim relying upon the Law of Contract and Eversheds are neither instructed by the Bank of Scotland PLC (I told him of the taped evidence I hold) but are also doing this without any bi-lateral agreement contract, compliant with the law of Property (Misc Provisions) Act 1989, provided! i.e. so nothing to enforce. ALL THE 'BANK' HAVE EVER BEEN GIVEN IS A SIGNED 'ACCEPTANCE' OF A "FACILITY OFFER" - which is NOT a "facility LETTER" (a different thing) as Paul Mitchell has averred in his misleading written submissions recently.

Please see the attachments. Bottom line? One needs to appreciate that 'no lawful or factual jurisdiction' and no Power of Attorney to even BRING the (invalidly issued) "claim", means clearly it should have been STRUCK OUT years ago.
I wrote to Bournemouth Court and reported there has been a FRAUD ON THE COURT because of the above, but they ignored me, and never given me a "fair hearing" nor allowed me due process, with umpteen Procedural errors and wrong technicalities, and NO DISCLOSURE of the core evidence given to me (only my own evidence documents being farmed back to me, not the critical items needed), as they have done these past 8 years or so.
Hence, for my own health & safety reasons, I had no option but to boycott them, because of the abuse of court process and provable fact that Eversheds Cardiff are acting IN CONTEMPT OF COURT ! yet they have still carried on the 'spin' of this criminality....as a result,
I've never received any Order from Bmth Court because there was non-aceptance of service on provable corruption grounds.
Now it appears they are bulldozing their way forward in what can only be described as a 'conspiracy to steal through abuse of the court process' in this hideous nightmare of a "case".

If anyone has time, please can you do one or more of any of the following?;-

1. To telephone the DORSET POLICE Economic Crime Unit (tel: 01202 223135/12/14 ) or 101 and ask for Dorset police
to complaint about their absent 'policing' and to voice how disgraceful it is to see that they have not investigated this huge fraud case in over 8 years, which is a massive conspiracy involving 'capture regulation' and over £130 still "missing", with HBOS being illegally protected by the UK Establishment turning a blind eye to their monumental criminality and wrong doing - a full Public Enquiry and criminal investigation is clearly in the Public Interest! This shows that "crime pays the FCA and the People are the lowest priority of the UK Govt" !
And PLEASE please ask them to take appropriate action and DO THEIR JOB, especially as the back-door "hearings' have clearly been conducted maliciously in Eversheds knowledge that Liz is abroad, thousands of miles away.
Let them know how widespread these happenings are, with criminal gangs infiltrating HMCTS and breaking the law with forced entry etc etc, terrorising the people of England because they ARE NOT REGULATION, ARE NOT INSURED, KEEP NO ACCOUNTS, WORK IN GANGS, and ARE OUT OF CONTROL!

2. To telephone HMLR (Land Registry) at their FRAUD UNIT (Tel: 030000 67508) to complain about JOHN POWNALL the Land Registrar in Weymouth who has involved himself in obvious criminal collusion with Tim Pyle (I have paperwork to prove this, and evidence that he must have tipped off Tim Pyle to intercept the Bank Staff at HBOS from sending me a LETTER OF RELEASE after I'd discovered the galling Truth in the last quarter of 2013, by ringing the BOS myself, direct, and enquiring about the bank accounts (which turned out to ALL be false along with the forged "bank statements"!)

3. To telephone Eversheds Solicitors Complaints Department at their Cardiff office or London Office (Tel: 0292 0477062)
to complain about their hugely dishonest activities which they've pushed under the carpet at Senior Management level, using stone-walling tactics instead. I've discovered they have got huge conflicts of interest, with an ex-CEO, JOHN HEAPS, sitting on the Board of the CPS and of the FOS!! Can it get any worse, I ask myself? This is aking to Insider dealing....

4. To ring the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (Tel: 0121 329 6824) to complain about the illegal protectionism of Tim Pyle, the "solicitor" from Evershites who bought the invalid 'claim', has disapppeared and fled at the end of January 2015 - and get anyone you know of who's been affected by Eversheds Cardiff and/or Tim Pyle. A few enquiries have revealed the following information, which anyone else who is similarly affected, might like to follow up with complaints to the SRA, Companies House etc etc on:

Registered PYLET LEGAL CONSULTING LTD 09476060 on 6/3/2015
2 ID's for Director & Sec (919562362 & 919562361)

However, His wife, SADIE PYLE has an interesting employment Record.
1990 - 1993 KELSEY + HALL where she was Secretary to IAN KELCEY
1993 - 2001 EVERSHEDS PA to PETER FISCHER - JONES in Banking Finance Litigation Team

5. A call to complain to the FCA (who enabled the entire fraud to succeed and flourish) - Tel:
and the SFO (tel: ) who allowed the fraud to continue to run AFTEr the undercover American SEC injunction order, without alerting the rightful fund-owners! Instead they stood by and just watched the obviously fraudulent scheme, expanding and growing, leading to everyone's losses.

A huge THANK YOU to all.... I hope to see you on Tuesday next week if you can manage to get down to sunny Bournemouth.

kind regards, liz watson

And A FEW REVELATIONS ABOUT BOURNEMOUTH COUNTY COURT.... some excerpts of what I sent to them earlier today:

The hearing in May resulted in the Judge leaning heavily in my favour, and yet the alleged "judgment" which followed on 30 July 2014 (which is now mysteriously missing from my computer, which has evidently been hacked and stripped by an interested party seeking to protect themselves - could it be Mr Pyle?) was incongruent with the events at the hearing on 9th May 2014! I therefore wish to check what was said, please, as I believe (with compellingly good reason I must add) that Justice may have been deliberately perverted by Timothy Pyle - before he eventually fled at the end of January 2015 and set up his own "legal consultancy" business on 6th March this year. (ref. PYLET LEGAL CONSULTING LTD 09476060 on 6/3/2015)

The reason I need the TRANSCRIPT for the 15 Sept 2014 hearing, is because there was a critical discovery during this hearing, which resulted in HH Judge Meston QC making an Order for PART 31 Disclosure. This section as you will see in the excerpt below, requires standard disclosure of all documents relied upon by the "claimant" (which "claim" refers to a 'servicing account' which was never compliantly opened in accordance with the Law and FSMA 2000 with a signed Mandate of Authority to open the said account, and refers to a "loan advance of £345,000" which we've never seen or had access to! And makes reference to a "mortgage" which we have never taken out & for which we have no bi-lateral agreement and were served no Terms & Conditions!, also refers to moneys that were never received compliant with FSMA 2000 CASS 7, and refers to a Consumer Credit agreement we've never had, amongst other critical issues).

Standard disclosure – what documents are to be disclosed
31.6 Standard disclosure requires a party to disclose only–
(a) the documents on which he relies; and
(b) the documents which –
(i) adversely affect his own case;
(ii) adversely affect another party’s case; or
(iii) support another party’s case; and
(c) the documents which he is required to disclose by a relevant practice direction.
hearing took place concerning the above Case 8PC26793 and at this hearing it was discovered that the originating 'claim form' bore NO COURT SEAL.

I draw the Court's attention to CPR 2.6 which states:

Court documents to be sealed
(1) The court must seal(GL) the following documents on issue –

(a) the claim form; and

(b) any other document which a rule or practice direction requires it to seal.

(2) The court may place the seal(GL) on the document –

(a) by hand; or

(b) by printing a facsimile of the seal on the document whether electronically or otherwise.

(3) A document purporting to bear the court’s seal(GL) shall be admissible in evidence without further proof.

Unfortunately, HH Judge Meston QC's Order was intercepted evidently by Eversheds / Timothy Pyle, because what arrived within 15 hours the following morning was a completely different "order" to what Judge Meston had delivered in the court room on 15/9/14 and that made no reference to Part 31 Disclosure but instead substituted it for Part 39 Disclosure!
I also am very concerned to note that 'Part 39 Disclosure" is inappropriate and prejudicial to me and refers to "it involves matters relating to national security" and "it involves confidential information and publicity would damage that confidentiality" and "the court considers this to be necessary in the interests of justice" and, most onerously "the court may order that the identity of any party or witness MUST NOT BE DISCLOSED if it considers non-disclosure necessary in order to protect the interests of that party or witness"!

This act of intercepting HH Judge Meston QC's Order of 15 Sept 2015 is clearly an attempted perversion of Justice.

This is plainly wrong! and is prejudicial to me. On this basis, I object 100% to the invalid and FOREIGN "order" that was posted to me in what was clearly an interception to pervert Justice by Eversheds to try to gain a tactical advantage by cheating the System!

PART 39 - Justice.gov.uk
http://www.justice.gov.uk › … › Rules & Practice Directions
39.1 In this Part, ... any party or witness must not be disclosed if it considers non-disclosure necessary in order to protect the interests ... more visit GOV UK
(a) publicity would defeat the object of the hearing;
(b) it involves matters relating to national security;
(c) it involves confidential information (including information relating to personal financial matters) and publicity would damage that confidentiality;
(d) a private hearing is necessary to protect the interests of any child or protected party;
(e) it is a hearing of an application made without notice and it would be unjust to any respondent for there to be a public hearing;
(f) it involves uncontentious matters arising in the administration of trusts or in the administration of a deceased person’s estate; or
(g) the court considers this to be necessary, in the interests of justice.
(4) The court may order that the identity of any party or witness must not be disclosed if it considers non-disclosure necessary in order to protect the interests of that party or witness.

I note that a very odd letter has been written by Mrs Sanford of yesterday's date (27 June), which appears to contain familiar phrases that I have seen on another letter elsewhere last year, (and which issues were already raised with the Court and yet have never been answered!) and replicated 8 times on to my computer, apparently it has hacked into my laptop records and removed all of my documents from there relating to Judge Meston QC who only passed a RESERVED judgment on 30 July 2014 which was "unapproved" and therefore it is denied that the 15 September 2014 hearing was or could have been, any sort of "formal handing down".
For a start, that process to 'hand dow, even if it HAD been the case (which is denied) became 100% procedurally flawed and prevented, by virtue of the discovery made of there being NO COURT SEAL on the originating "claim" ! (see above)

Therefore the letter of yesterday was referring incorrectly to the hearing of 15 September 2014 being "a formal handing down of the judgment of 30 July 2014" because that was NOT the case. Instead, it is a matter of record (and is another reason for requiring the TRANSCRIPT, to prove that the Judge orally delivered an interim judgment which ordered further directions on the matter including the VITAL long-awaited DISCLOSURE under Part 31!!
Indeed, the Judge was extremely nervous, was visibly shaking like a leaf such that he could barely hold his water jug to pour a glass of water (observed by all those present), and was clearly rattled by there being no court seal. He had also abandoned the Court room for a considerable period of time, beforehand. As a result of these events, Judge Meston QC then delivered his ORAL Order (which was intercepted, as explained above) and in it he asked two key questions, evidencing his serious concerns about the veracity of the entire court sessions to date. He ought to have STRUCK OUT the provably vexatious claim as all criteria were met under CPR 3.42 (a & b) but instead he appeared to sidestep the incendiary issues (as if he had been threatened or something), and instead asked the 2 questions cited above:

1. Is the "claimant" entitled to an order for possession of the Property?
2. Is the "Claimant" entitled to a money judgment in relation to the mortgage loan and the overdraft on the servicing account?

Mrs Sanford's letter of 27 June 2015 even confirms that the Court received my Appellant's Notice on 22 August 2014, and the directions given in the letter were evidently not passed on to me in time for the hearing just 3 weeks later. It says "no order will be made until after the judgment has been handed down" - and it was NOT handed down, as witnessed by all the eyewitnesses present in that court room!

This is just further evidence of the long string of maladministration and irregular / wrongful procedural issues meted out to me by Bournemouth County Court.

Moreover, it was NOT a second appeal, it was a first Appeal against an erroneous 'judgment' which did not reflect the hearing or findings made by the Judge in early May 2014. So was that judgment intercepted, too, I ask?

The reference to consolidation of cases was never considered, either.

Given that the said "proceedings" DO NOT EXIST on the grounds of the originating "claim" never having been validly issued, it is crystal clear that everything falls away on account of what was noticed after SIX years, in the Court room on 15 September 2015.
It is therefore entirely misleading for the Property Chamber to have been halted and delayed from removing the 3 VOID CHARGES made by the three Rothschild-owned Financial Institutions.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I haven't got time to read fully, check and counter all that sovereign bs but first thing that strikes me is a two day possession hearing? Aren't they normally like 30-60 minutes? I would not be surprised if she has lost the case by the end of day one.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by #six »

I've not the time not the inclination to read through all of that drivel but will just comment on one point she made
NB: We were never given the money. We were apparently "advanced" CREDIT - which is a totally different thing ! (money is issued as 'debt' with nothing to underpin it, there was no actual 'money' deposited anywhere!)
It would appear that she is relying upon the spurious argument that money does not really exist. On that basis alone she will lose the case.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

To be honest I have better things to do than read another one of LotfW's rambling screeds... LIke scratching my arse for instance.

The woman is an habitual liar and her version of any given sequence of events is so untrustworthy as to make reading it a futile waste of time.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
notorial dissent
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by notorial dissent »

My mind got numb and bored and wandered off somewhere around the second paragraph. I think it is probably best summarized as blah blah blah, blah blah, sovrun gibberish blah, blah blah. Bleh!!

The only real question I had was what was "VAVASSEUR heist", that makes even less sense than any of the rest of it, if possible.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by YiamCross »

Life is too short to read rubbish like this but I did see the One Voice thing mentioned in which fellow "victims" can sign up to a class action for a very reasonable £1000 up front & a capped fee of 35% on what they win. Victims of what and how much they're after & why is somerting else I couldn't be bothered to attempt to work out. One could hazard a guess that either the money she's after getting back was borrowed and/or she lost and has to pay costs. Who knows, who cares, she's a mad person in like company and I wonder how many will bother to turn up at court to shout more nonsense. One might hope the courts are learning their lesson and will be less tolerant of these people.
Normal Wisdom
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Looks like Liz got took although given her penchant for lying and lunacy, I can't be bothered to try to understand what this has to do with the possession hearing...

http://www.readthehook.com/89151/final- ... ls-minions

http://www.theguardian.com/money/2002/a ... s.business

'It's amazing how many intelligent people succumb,' a senior British investigator said. 'Our advice is simple: if it sounds too good to be true, then it almost certainly is.'
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
Hercule Parrot
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Normal Wisdom wrote:Looks like Liz got took although given her penchant for lying and lunacy, I can't be bothered to try to understand what this has to do with the possession hearing...
1. Mrs Watson, respondent to this appeal, was a victim of a fraudulent scheme promoted by two accountants who used the firm name Dobb White & Co, Mr Shinder Singh Gangar and Mr Alan White. She invested a lot of her own money and persuaded others to do so as well. In order to invest more on her own account she borrowed £345,000 from the appellant bank (which I will call the bank), secured on a mortgage of the house which she and Mr Watson owned, and where they lived. Their investment was lost because the Dobb White operation turned out to be a classic Ponzi scheme. Now the bank seeks repayment of the loan that it made to her, and to enforce the mortgage accordingly.

"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote:Looks like Liz got took although given her penchant for lying and lunacy, I can't be bothered to try to understand what this has to do with the possession hearing...
1. Mrs Watson, respondent to this appeal, was a victim of a fraudulent scheme promoted by two accountants who used the firm name Dobb White & Co, Mr Shinder Singh Gangar and Mr Alan White. She invested a lot of her own money and persuaded others to do so as well. In order to invest more on her own account she borrowed £345,000 from the appellant bank (which I will call the bank), secured on a mortgage of the house which she and Mr Watson owned, and where they lived. Their investment was lost because the Dobb White operation turned out to be a classic Ponzi scheme. Now the bank seeks repayment of the loan that it made to her, and to enforce the mortgage accordingly.


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person :lol:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by YiamCross »

longdog wrote:
Hercule Parrot wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote:Looks like Liz got took although given her penchant for lying and lunacy, I can't be bothered to try to understand what this has to do with the possession hearing...
1. Mrs Watson, respondent to this appeal, was a victim of a fraudulent scheme promoted by two accountants who used the firm name Dobb White & Co, Mr Shinder Singh Gangar and Mr Alan White. She invested a lot of her own money and persuaded others to do so as well. In order to invest more on her own account she borrowed £345,000 from the appellant bank (which I will call the bank), secured on a mortgage of the house which she and Mr Watson owned, and where they lived. Their investment was lost because the Dobb White operation turned out to be a classic Ponzi scheme. Now the bank seeks repayment of the loan that it made to her, and to enforce the mortgage accordingly.


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person :lol:
Pretty much as I guessed then. You are a braver man than I, wading through pages of crap to find out what's what. It appears the ideal FotL Sovcit Nutjob has plenty of stupidity spattered with more than a smidgen of greed & she has it all. In spades.

The worst thing about this farce is when it's all over it will be the criminal fraudster council and or state (ie us) picking up the bill for prosecuting her, putting her up @ her majesty's pleasure and most likely homing her when she's out of chokey.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by guilty »

Sorry about this. More crap from the Eviction Fraud FB site:
(Re Liz Watson fighting a corrupt CABAL inside Eversheds, BOS, HMCTS etc)....they try to kill people through stress -

To: The Clerk of the Court,
Bournemouth County Court

Dear Sir / Madam,

Urgent - Request for an ADJOURNMENT re: 2nd day court session ref "8PC26793"
Unfortunately, I am unable to attend tomorrow's court session due to an unforeseen family emergency: my daughter has yesterday suffered a suspected stroke "suspected transient ischaemic attack" with facial numbness and speech difficulties, and has been admitted to the Acute Medical Unit ward at Bournemouth hospital for investigation and tests. I have been with her up until now (2.30 am) and am on 'standby' to attend to her needs as it has not yet been established if it may be life-threatening.

As a result, I have been unable to see to preparing for tomorrow and feel acutely stressed myself, too. It has doubtless all been brought on by the compound effects of this spurious litigation and the malicious threat of an illegal possession of our home where no debt exists nor has been proven, and we are deeply distressed by the ongoing harassment and unimaginable invasion and disruption it is causing to the lives of ourselves and my family members and daughter, in particular. We reserve all our rights.
I will therefore also be seeing my own GP in the morning as I am also feeling unwell and unfit to attend Court at this time.

Please note that in view of recent events, I will also be seeking an adjournment to the Injunction hearing at the High Court QB on Thursday, until I feel fit to attend.
I submit that there is an urgent need for a fuller investigation into various matters including the Guernsey bank account for "Cotswold Trading" (as nominated by Fraser Mackay and Angela Brogan at HBOS) which, for the avoidance of doubt, we had no prior knowledge of until we were instructed by the Bank "to provide our written authority" with their request. Indeed, it was the bank who advised us saying they wanted us to 'authorise' the transfer of funds there in July 200, and not the reverse - hence we complied with this instruction and Advice.

Given that at no time did we have any control of funds that we never received, this clearly demonstrates we can not possibly be liable. Please will the Court therefore provide an Order for disclosure and evidence to show if any funds were, in fact, received by the Butterfield Bank in Guernsey, and if so, in whose names those funds were being held. We have also been alerted to the fact that it is an actionable offence under the FSMA 2000 CASS rule 7 for a Bank to transfer funds offshore to an account which is not in the client's name, which is entirely relevant given that the "bank" nominated the said account and not ourselves.

We place it on record that :-
(i) We do not see how David Webb of Matthew & Matthew can possibly be a valid 'witness when there is a gross conflict of interests.
- This is because Matthew & Matthew is behind the placement of TWO further false and invalid 'charges' against our home (done without our knowledge and without any Application!) and
- David Webb had supposedly provided his firm's services as "solicitors" to ourselves, but it turned out they were not even registered as solicitors until 2010!
- and then became conflicted when approached by the "bank" itself in the fraudulent execution of a VOID DEED.
(ii) Worse,it turned out they were neither solicitors at the time in question nor were they competent to conduct normal conveyancing - and we were deceived by them.
(iii) On the above basis, David Webb represents a conflict of interests as his firm were never originally instructed by the Bank and they never disclosed to us they would be acting for the Bank to conspire to steal our family home.
We submit that it demonstrates that his firm committed fraudulent misrepresentation and had abandoned their 'duty of care' to us on multiple levels, using discrepant paperwork and abusing their position.. We therefore reject David Webb as a permissible or admissible witness.

Lastly, we do not consider Robert Easingwood to be a credible witness, either, given he has been unable to show any proof of any debt, anywhere, and no deliveries of any 'loan' whatsoever, to ourselves.
The alleged "evidence" provided in the attached PDF (which I have scanned for ease of reference), which is purporting to be the "bank's ledger", can not be considered to be even remotely credible. Not only is it illegible, but there is nothing to link it to the Bank of Scotland or its In Parallel solutions entity. Can you confirm how this exhibit was generated / procured please?

May the Court please take note that we remain thoroughly dissatisfied that we have STILL not been granted any Disclosure of the most critical and 'key' material evidence to prove there is any valid claim, as cited in the 'Extraordinary Conditional Offer of Acceptance letter' sent on 1st June to Eversheds, to which we are entitled.

Lastly, due to the trauma and abuse that I suffered in the Court room yesterday including the unwarranted man-handling and physical assault by one of the 4 court 'tipstaff', apropos of nothing, take note that I also intend to press charges against the assailant, who was observed by all the eyewitnesses present to have carried out a completely UNPROVOKED ATTACK in assaulting me. This mis-treatment will not be tolerated. For the record, that same 'Serco' employee/thug has also assaulted me on a previous occasion, back in 2011 or so, and that is why I require his name and details from the Court Manager please, as I intend to take things further this time.

Please therefore excuse my non-attendance on account of the above. I have a confidential medical report for my daughter and will forwarding a medical report from my own GP at the earliest opportunity.

Yours sincerely
Elizabeth watson
"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

guilty wrote:Sorry about this. More crap from the Eviction Fraud FB site:
(Re Liz Watson fighting a corrupt CABAL inside Eversheds, BOS, HMCTS etc)....they try to kill people through stress -

To: The Clerk of the Court,
Bournemouth County Court

Dear Sir / Madam,

Urgent - Request for an ADJOURNMENT re: 2nd day court session ref "8PC26793"
Unfortunately, I am unable to attend tomorrow's court session due to an unforeseen family emergency: my daughter has yesterday suffered a suspected stroke "suspected transient ischaemic attack" with facial numbness and speech difficulties, and has been admitted to the Acute Medical Unit ward at Bournemouth hospital for investigation and tests. I have been with her up until now (2.30 am) and am on 'standby' to attend to her needs as it has not yet been established if it may be life-threatening.
Now she could have just left it at that but she has to completely undermine her claim to be solely concerned with her unfortunate offspring's health and welfare by adding a load of endless bullshit.

Not that I actually believe anything she ever says anyway.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by FatGambit »

Probably Bell's palsy and not a stroke. :arrow:
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

Yeah... I was rushed in to hospital last year with a suspected heart attack.

It turned out to be indigestion :mrgreen:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Colin123 »

Looks like Liz Watson failed in court to get her eviction halted, she is being evicted from her home on the 29th of July

One of her brain washed minions, is asking for bodies to help stop it on BTBAB

An email sent by her explaining what is going on

I need urgent prayerful support, in the national interest, as I've been targeted for over 7-8 years & it's now come to a very ugly and incredibly traumatic & frightening, head. I've had to fly back from Qatar to stop a criminal gang stealing my home through a secret court.

I've found out that a us dollar ac was set up in our names without our signed instruction in summer 2002, and over half a million U.S.d Was taken from an alleged "corporate loan" (which we never had sight of & didn't realise until years later we were being used by third party dishonest bankers to use the "corporate loan" to bribe a U.S. Official - which directly implicates HBOS and therefore Lloyd's ), and there's been an enormous 14 year cover up. IE the missing $500 million we never saw went to the bribe without us knowing,evidently drawn against our property using invalid and fraudulent paperwork -
and then the "shadow banking set up" (called IN PARALLEL SOLUTIONS) went after our family home to foreclose on a loan we've never had but were duped was "being held to the banks order" in an account in our name (which turned out to be false) by the ex- head auditor of HBOS of 34 years standing at the bank - Fraser Mackay.
Eversheds bought the false claim in late 2008 and since sept 2013 we have multiple pieces of taped evidence of the B ofS saying "no Solucitors instructed" , "nothing coming up", " no record of any loan or debt in your name" and "accounts not recognised"....

I now realise that Mackay & his cohorts deceived 400 of us and was behind the misappropriation of $200 m off my family's money inc several false charges (using void forged deeds) on our home and my sisters home.

Check out by googling on line "Nick Wallis HBOS" to see the 13 min bbc1 inside out South documentary which was broadcast on 3 March 2014 - and had stopped the bank taking our home last year.

However, now, an unlawful possession order has been issued at Bournemouth court to repossess my house, without showing me any evidence of a mortgage or debt (we've never had any money) and denying me due process of law
Please pray for deliverance of us all from these terrorising torts
Warmest, liz

More proof :-)


Second email

I saw two men today, alleging to be from the serious organised crime division of DORSET police
It was hideous
Total deliberate obstruction
The so called head of serious crime, DI Mark Samuel 1765 kept saying "this isn't making sense - it's way over my head" etc
Not credible - I had repeated fob offs
He didn't even have any ID!!
Only a fake looking police badge!

He showed me a flash of his driving licence but wouldn't let me take down the number!!
Sgt Andy Kennard looked like a real snake

When I asked DI Samuel if he was a Freemason he answered "none of your business"! I think that says it all

I spent all day on phone trying to check if the bank have a DEED on record - for the false charge on our home ... Kept drawing a blank! No one will help
It's just awful, like entrapment by criminals
Everyone passing the buck
these people are sick
They've put a lie on us for 14 years
First they said "it's a personal loan" & now they say it's a corporate loan
They still won't show me any money
They eventually said "ring the fraud unit" - but the numbers were dead & the litigation unit was a fax number & so did not ring.!
Exasperated & exhausted, I finally got through to a guy by 6.30pm called MICHAEL KENNY in the general FRAUD UNIT. Eventually I prised it out of him that ITS EMPLOYEE FRAUD!!!
He admitted they gave a Whistleblower line only for internal staff
He said he'll have a word with some people "higher up"
I virtually had to beg him to get me at least something in writing - like confirming that all the accounts are invalid which Mackay & his team opened up, abusing our data
Shocking isn't it?
Warm regards
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by timcurgenven1 »

Is this women on drugs or something?

I wonder if people will support her like tom?, i doubt it.....
fat frank
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by fat frank »

timcurgenven1 wrote:Is this women on drugs or something?

I wonder if people will support her like tom?, i doubt it.....
a lot wont fall for it again, just look how many arnt turning out any more to stop evictions