(UK) Elizabeth Watson

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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by SteveUK »

More garbage

QB Division High Court
Royal Courts of Justice
The Strand, London WC2

Dear David Jenkins and Martina Rodrigue-Taylor

Public Intervenor Notice Re: 3PB03079 & QB 2014/0039

Please pass this before HHJ Mitting and HHJ Knowles at the earliest opportunity: This is a formal Notice, being sent on the suggestion of Ms Claire Larbey, the Director of Risk at Eversheds LLP - which is copied to her, accordingly.

I had originally asked Ms Larbey to write to the Court on her own volition but she has agreed that in the first instance I ought to be the one to put the Court on notice pending her notifying her Underwriters of the Eversheds LLP Professional Indemnity insurance cover and Public Liability cover that a serious Fraud Upon the court has occurred in both my sister's case (referred to above) and our own case (8PC26793 and 2013/0079) at the hands of a few dishonest individuals who have knowingly and wilfully misled the Court for 3.5 years and 8.5 years respectively. You may, of course, wish to verify this information and 'red alert' with her directly. I had notified Ms Larbey that our lengthy phone conversation last week has been recorded in case it needs to be referred to in evidence.

Despite the strange and unjustified attempts by the High Court in recent years to prevent me from sharing the key evidence that I hold as a Witness to Ms Copeland's sorry plight (alongside our own), thus preventing her from accessing any of her Article 6 rights (as well as ourselves having the same embargo), as well as making orders in private sittings where no jurisdiction exists, and where no 'prayer' is written at the end of any of the orders including the latest one which appears to have been drafted by conflicted Paul Mitchell, acting in fraud, I now place it formally on record and in the wider Public Interest that the said 'proceedings' are clearly a nullity.

There can be no question that HMCTS are permitted nor may continue to be abused as a money-laundering vehicle for criminal activity to flourish - as is demonstrably the case here.

Irrespective of any judges opinion of me (and I am aware this has come about directly due to ongoing slander and vexatious litigation and malicious actions by Paul Mitchell serving his own vested interests for substantial pecuniary advantage and promotion to "QC" status in February this year, including his egregious efforts to try to protect his own back through years of his criminal concealment of the Truth), please may the Court take careful note that my sister and family have far too much at stake to roll over and allow these gross violations of Justice and the appalling professional misconduct, to continue. Their game is over.

Will you therefore kindly inform HHJ Mitting and HHJ Knowles that substantial documentary evidence exists to demonstrate in a criminal court that the above "claim" is 100% fraudulent and is based on fraudulently opened accounts which are not on the Bank of Scotland's ledger and were set up without any signed Mandate of authority from the named account holders to evidently launder money and misappropriate assets. The evidence is incontrovertible but has never been examined since no valid claim has ever been defined. This makes a mockery of British Justice!

Full details are given in the attached Public Intervenor's report which I emailed to David Jenkins on the eve of Ms Copeland's last court session which took place on 17 November 2016 - but I gather this was not passed on to either judge nor was it made known to Ms rodrigues-Taylor the Clerk of HHJ Mitting.

Unfortunately, although this may not be what the Court wishes to hear, at no time have HMCTS ever had lawful jurisdiction to hear this matter, because there is no regulated or registered debt. This inevitably renders all Court proceedings a futile exercise.
The rogue employees within Eversheds have tried their luck at stealing our assets but have failed and been ambushed due to my 10 year forensic investigation in to this matter. There is also no Law that allows a property to be taken by a Mortgagee from a Mortgagor, as the learned Judges must realise. The claims are vexatious and unsubstantiated in their entirety.

Both the FCA and the Financial Ombudsman Service have further confirmed that alleged 'debts' which fall into this category are unenforceable. Notwithstanding, does the Court realise that there is no valid contract to enforce and no Certificate of Title on Ms Copeland's current property!

The High Court will probably not even know about the above, because :-

a) Incredulously, there has never had any FACT FIND or DETERMINATION OF MERITS in any Court, and no claim has been validly issued either (this one was done as a MCOL converted to a PCOL with a false 'summary judgment' prior to any trial - the Law states nothing can be appealed before any merits of case are determined, yet both the fraudulent claim against Ms Copeland and against ourselves, involved bogus "appeals" which were "refused").

b) Counsel Mukhtiar Singh has also seriously misled the Court and violated the OC Bar Standards rules along with Paul Mitchell (after his opening words to Ms Copeland were "I can see you are a victim of fraud")

c) and no claim nor any right of claim exists because no debt exists and there is simply no forensic evidence of the same - not a single penny has ever been transferred from the Bank to Ms Copeland!

d) nor have Eversheds ever been instructed by Bank of Scotland PLC - the Court has been totally misled because of a Fraud Upon The Court by two rogue employees working within Eversheds - Timothy Pyle (who Eversheds LLP confirmed had left their firm quite suddenly at the end of January 2015 after he received warnings of possible prison sentences for committing the rost offence that any solicitor can commit). His successor, Richard Pitt, has unwisely taken over the claim but hidden heavily behind the rogue "QC Paul Mitchell, who has also totally and willfully misled the court which is a serious violation of OC1 and all the OC Rules in the Bar Standards Handbook - also being the worst and most serious offence that any barrister of leading counsel can commit.

The above-named "officers of the court" have committed gross professional misconduct and criminal acts as well as contempt of court, as they have been misleading the Court for all these years. It remains Ms Copeland's unalienable right to secure a legal remedy to have her position fully restored (and ourselves, too). Please take note that I have lodged a Professional Indemnity insurance Claim and Public Liability claim with the Director of Risk at Eversheds LLP, Claire Larbey, who has suggested that I notify the Court at the earliest of this, along with the above. It remains to be seen how the British Justice system will deal with things from here.

I am a first-hand witness to the Serious Organised Crime that is involved in this matter - which I submit is all stemming from Fraser Mackay, the ex-Head auditor of HBOS PLC (now trading as Bank of Scotland PLC).
The documentary evidence (which has never been examined or tried by the Court on Ms Copeland's case) suggests strongly that Mr Mackay is directly involved with the disappearance and misappropriation of over $200 million at 2001 values (which moneys have never been accounted for and have mysteriously vanished, confirmed in an SFO Press Release in June 2008), and HHJ Hughes QC at Winchester saw this back in December 2011 and his judgment saw through Paul Mitchell and Tim Pyle's criminal cover up - who you may wish to convene with?. Would you like to call for evidence ?

I believe that it is fair to say that it may assist the criminal courts to know that I hold the missing links:

a) that Fraser Mackay was instrumental in setting up an unknown number of fake bank accounts in collusion with disgraced ex-CEO James Crosby - abusing their positions within the Bank in a heist they had masterminded

b) that these two were instrumental in setting up a 'shadow bank' trading entity which they named IN PARALLEL SOLUTIONS, which was run ultra vires & off ledger, in a conspiracy to steal from their clients to boost "growth" and their 'offer' was dressed up as a 'Bond underwriting scheme which was risk free' (because of Dobb White's PIC insurance, underwritten by Lloyds of London);

c) that they used a spoof address (2 Robertson Avenue, Edinburgh EH11 1PZ) which the site owners confirmed to me by telephone was an "uninhabited building construction site for over 10 years";

d) that over £50 million was steered to and collected at 2 accounts set up by Mackay and David Taylor (Dobb White's accountant) at Butterfield Bank in Guernsey, where Mr Mackay had his own commission account which Stephen Myers Head of Case at the Serious Fraud Office confirmed to me on 3/3/2014 "was a source of great embarassment to the Bank" - and from there the client funds were misappropriated and stolen.

e) that Mr Mackay used just 2 of his 35 agents (who were mis-selling the fraudulent "investment" scheme on the "bank's" (Private Banking unit where he was a director cheating inside the bank) behalf, as scapegoats and 'fall guys' so that he and Mr Crosby and their criminal cohorts could walk away scot-free, having cleverly concealed their 'footprint' through the fake 'bank accounts"with no forensic audit trail, run out of the IOM being the Bank's offshore HQ - full evidence is available upon request.
They slipped up when the Bank's archive unit gave me (in Autumn 2007 before I gave evidence at the Birmingham Trial) of a print out of the fake USD account set up by Bank employee Derek Wells in July 2002, through which Wells sent nearly $546,000 without a valid instruction to an unknown bank called BANAMEX in mexico.

(This unauthorised and bogus a/c was set up in the Watson's names without any signed mandate from us and with no access to any funds therein - it appears to be the same a/c used to launder funds to bribe the US official, which appear to have come from Banamex Bank "Secured Clearing Corporation)

f) That Mr Mackay has perverted the course of justice at Birmingham Crown Court on 26 & 28 November 2007 when he purported to give evidence as an ostensible "witness" to the Prosecution counsel, by pretending to be a 'victim' of Shin Gangar and Alan White of Dobb White, yet failing to disclose it was his own fraudulent Scheme and that Mr Gangar was a mere agent of his, and failing to disclose his vested interests and his own private commission account at Butterfield Bank (which it slipped out at the Trial had $214,050 in it), where over £50 million of client funds that he steered there had disappeared into thin air, and failing to disclose the CLUB 100 he set up to reward and give incentives (using stolen client funds from Scott's Private client services), to his army of footsoldiers and agents who mis-sold his fraudulent Scheme and "introduced high net worth clients for bank business" (which was his instruction to them).

Note - I have the names of several other agents who are also solicitors aiding and assisting Mr Mackay's 'business venture' for more than 23 years prior to the 15 year sentencing of Terry Dowdell from the 1990's- one of those solicitors who is a serial thief and is being protected by Dorset police is David Ross Webb and his employee David Monk, Webb is a business partner of Martin Alan Gordon Dancey at Bournemouth County Court who created a void order dated 1/7/2015 to try to steal our family home on false papers with no claim ever issued or validated by HMCTS -

all made possible because Mr Webb, its been discovered, had withheld the transfer of our Freehold Certificate of Title and stolen all my purchase money from 2 a/cs at Northern Rock, back in December 1993 - all concealed from us for all these years and only discovered in recent months! These two have acquired more than 21 properties securitised fraudulently on the back of our Freehold Title in the past 23 years and I have the hard proof of this - they've stripped over £2.5 million from our Estate, to date - and no one is stopping them!.

g) That some of the proceeds of crime have been utilised to buy off silence from certain parties aiding & abetting the 16 year criminal cover up, including the police and especially Dorset police who have refused to investigate this matter for over a decade.

The Birmingham Case against Mr Gangar and Mr White was provably a mis-trial because of Fraser Mackay's perversion of Justice.
At all times the Bank of Scotland PLC's name has been used and has been the licensed deposit taker, but Mr Mackay has deceived the 'world' through the shadow banking set up which he artfully created with Mr Crosby - and this is not yet acknowledged in the Public domain, but needs to be as a matter of urgency and international Public Interest.
Everything I have stated here is true because it is based on the facts of the matter, and I am willing to give a sworn Affidavit to this effect and to appear as a witness in the criminal courts provided a Jury Trial is arranged.

Yours sincerely
Elizabeth watson

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Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

TL;DR :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by notorial dissent »

TL;TI;WTF????;DB. The woman apparently doesn't understand the concept of brevity any more than she understands the concepts of law.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by SteveUK »

Why use 1 paragraph when 20 will do
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by notorial dissent »

Particularly when you don't have anything of merit or validity to day in even one paragraph. Pretty well covers it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Bank of Scotland commenced proceedings for possession over 8 years ago, but Elizabeth Watson is still living in that house. There is surely no remaining equity to meet legal costs now, so every application and hearing is an irrecoverable loss to BoS. Eversheds are a major City firm, they will be billing this handsomely.

Mrs Watson is audacious and persistent, ready to use any trick to delay or proliferate the dispute. So far she has run rings around the Bank and their lawyers. If they're not prepared to get serious and win this case, BoS would be sensible to abandon the possession proceedings and settle for a Charge on the eventual property. In 30 years or so they might get their money back.

And that is Elizabeth Watson's objective. To make this so painful for BoS that they leave her alone for the rest of her life. I can't say I like or admire her, but I have to admit she's played a weak hand of cards exceptionally well.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Bones »

Such nice people, someone takes their own life and they say it is good news


http://www.kentonline.co.uk/sevenoaks/n ... ge-121143/
A leading ex-family judge 'died by his own hand' in Sevenoaks after being diagnosed with a rare form of dementia, his family said.

Tributes have been paid to Sir Nicholas Wall, 71, a former president of the Family Division who leaves behind his wife Margaret, four children and two grandchildren following his death.

A notice published in the Times said Sir Nicholas had endured 'years of suffering' before it was revealed he had the devastating neurological condition in his fronto-temporal lobe.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by longdog »

She's still claiming she was sent down illegally on a 'trumped up' civil charge in spite of the fact the judgement was made public, she was clearly guilty of an appalling contempt of court involving the naming of children and she made a grovelling apology to purge her contempt in order to get released.



I had a run in with Elizabeth of the family Watson over on YouTube some time ago and the woman is clearly not even on speaking terms with the truth. She denied everything and accused anybody who called her out on her lies a 'masonic paedophile' right up until I (and others) posted the links above and then <POOF!!!> Posts deleted, account deleted.

It's hardly surprising she celebrates the death of the judge... She's completely unhinged and thinks anybody who disagrees with her on anything deserves death.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by He Who Knows »

Yes she's unhinged all right. Suffers from querulous paranoia, NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) and Dunning Kruger Syndrome too. She's also a super litigant according to December's Guardian:
https://www.theguardian.com/global/2016 ... -litigants
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

So Watson borrowed a six figure sum to put into a dodgy investment; and when the "investment" -- if such it was -- went south, Watson decided that She Was Not To Blame for being such a damn fool with her money, and that the bank should soothe her injured feelings by telling her that she doesn't have to pay the money back.


Gee -- I wish that I could borrow money and invest it, and keep the gains and write off the losses without having to pay back the lender....
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by The Observer »

She says she was told it had the backing of senior people at the Bank of Scotland. The bank lent her £345,000 to invest in the scheme, but it was a fraud.
I am having a hard time believing that a bank would loan money for the purpose of putting it into an investment. My guess is that she borrowed the money against her home and the issue of what she was going to do with money was never raised.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by NYGman »

What is amazing about this lady, is how long she managed to hold on to here home, rent/mortgage free. I hope she invested the money she saved on housing.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by jcolvin2 »

The Ponzi scheme that Ms. Watson apparently invested in (Dobb White) received quite a bit of coverage back in the day. It claimed to have investors such as Andrew Lloyd Webber and David Frost, and took in hundreds of millions of dollars/pounds from "investors" in the US and UK (chiefly Leicester and Nottingham if I recall correctly). Two of the people associated with the fraud were recently sent back to prison:

https://www.sfo.gov.uk/2016/02/04/two-c ... to-prison/
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by aesmith »

The Observer wrote:I am having a hard time believing that a bank would loan money for the purpose of putting it into an investment. My guess is that she borrowed the money against her home and the issue of what she was going to do with money was never raised.
I agree. Last time we moved I took out additional borrowing against the current house, enough to buy our new place. Nobody questioned what it was for, so long as the valuation of the property it was secured against met their criteria.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by notorial dissent »

As I recall, the Executive Summary of this little debacle, (and as I came late to the party I don't know or remember all the finer details, so those who do, feel free to add to the narrative), was that Madame Not as Bright as a Doorpost got involved in some kind of complicated investment scam, (the details of the scam which I totally DO NOT remember, but it was a big time scam, ), which as I gather even gave the people investigating it migraines of major intensity, borrowed a whopping big chunk of change, £300K and some, and which, of course, has gone quite west, BUT, it was a sure fire too good to be missed once in a life time deal and she just had to be in it, SO she used the sizable funds she borrowed against the properties she owned to make the investment, and like all super duper not to be missed magnum platinum investment deals, IT WENT BUST!!!!

The not quite final act was the mean old bank, RBS as I recall for some strange reason wanted their money, which she had lost, and they proceeded to foreclosure, which they have now been attempting for goign on ten years now I think it is. She, of course, was of the opinion that because she had "lost" the money that she shouldn't have to pay the money back and that it was all RBS's fault anyway being mean old bankers and all that.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by littleFred »

Yes, but Mrs Watson alleges the bank, and especially one employee, advised (even "enticed") her to make the investment. So, in a nutshell, she counterclaimed against the bank. See http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2013/6.html
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by notorial dissent »

Yes, and it went so well in court, too, also. I do have to wonder what "enticed"/"advised" translates to in Elizabethspeak?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:Yes, and it went so well in court, too, also. I do have to wonder what "enticed"/"advised" translates to in Elizabethspeak?
Accordingly, it seems to me that neither lending the Watsons the money nor paying it, on their instructions, to the Cotswold Trading Co account could amount to assisting Dobb White in misappropriating the money in breach of trust.
Originally Mrs Watson alleged that the bank assisted in Dobb White's breach of trust by lending the money in 2001 and transferring it to the Cotswold Trading Co account. Now she seeks to rely on things done in 2002 as well. It is not clear whether these are said to be further acts of assisting in a breach of trust; if they are not, they seem to be irrelevant, since what matters is what the bank knew at the time it did whatever is said to have been the acts of assistance.
Apparently, inventing new accusations after the original ones failed?
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by Hercule Parrot »

The Observer wrote:
She says she was told it had the backing of senior people at the Bank of Scotland. The bank lent her £345,000 to invest in the scheme, but it was a fraud.
I am having a hard time believing that a bank would loan money for the purpose of putting it into an investment. My guess is that she borrowed the money against her home and the issue of what she was going to do with money was never raised.
Well, brace yourself because that's exactly what happened. She really was the innocent victim of a sophisticated scam :

19. In February 2001 Mrs Watson met Mr Gangar, having been told by an acquaintance that he was offering exceptionally attractive returns on investments. He persuaded her to deposit £45,000 in his scheme, promising that the funds would never leave the control of the firm and would be covered by the firm’s professional indemnity insurance. She received handsome returns on this initial investment, as had been promised. She then persuaded other members of her family to make larger investments, and Mr Gangar suggested to her that she and her husband might deposit larger sums by obtaining a loan secured on their home. He offered to introduce her to a contact of his at the Manchester office of the bank who could recommend the making of loans for such purposes.

20. Mrs Watson followed this suggestion. The contact was Mr Fraser Mackay, Director of Client Services at the bank’s Manchester private banking division. He approved a loan of £345,000 in July 2001. The matrimonial home was subject to a mortgage securing a debt of £70,000 to Alliance & Leicester plc, but the bank was willing to accept a second mortgage, subject to that security, and stipulated this in its offer. Mrs Watson had to provide a statement of means to the bank. Mr Gangar completed this for her, on the basis of information which she supplied...

21. An internal note of the bank at the time, requesting the approval of the loan, stated that the Watsons had been introduced by Mr Gangar, that their main asset was their property, and that they had some small businesses which provided a modest income. “Their family background and wealth is the main reason that we looking at this proposal.” The purpose of the loan was stated as being to provide a vehicle to release equity from the property which would be invested through Dobb White....

"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: (UK) Elizabeth Watson

Post by notorial dissent »

So the question comes around, was Mackay colluding with Grangar, or was he just a loan officer making questionable loans? I suspect at the time that may have been common practice, and was got lots of US and UK banks in big trouble later on. I would assume this was all hashed out in court and went no where?

My original comments on what happened stand, just now have more and better details. The scheme sounds like it was in essence a ponzi scam à la Bernie Madoff.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.