UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Moderator: ArthurWankspittle

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

Skeleton wrote:
Footloose52 wrote: Interesting that Craig isn't posting on his facebook page any more. I have to admit at feeling depressed and frustrated by just how dimwitted the followers are, how do we produce people so bad at understanding reality. And boy are some of the followers being wound up by one poster in particular :haha:
Unless they are providing access to PC's in police stations these days, Craig will not be on FB until at least Monday Morning. Given the seriousness of what he was arrested for I can see them going for remand even after that. I do not buy into this arrest them for the highest possible offence then water it down to a lesser charge, I think the Police will try to carry this through. If they do not this could rumble along for the rest of Summer and that will not be good for budgets and definitely kill the overtime budget.
So Craig thought he could avoid the fallout by staying on the ground. Ha ha ha.

The police will give it their all and I suspect the judiciary will be unwilling to make any concessions or allowances. They want to stamp this thing out and the only way they're going to do that is dole out long stays at HMP.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Anyone know where Craig left his Audi? I just hope it's in some "residents only" parking zone and he finds it covered in tickets when he gets back to it. Also "Tony L Wood" is trolling Craig's Facebook with clips and comments and winding up all the Crawford supporting morons. Craig isn't around to moderate it, apparently. :whistle:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

guilty wrote:Some loon called Tom on the roof says that there is a court writ that states the protesters must be shown the writ of possession. ...
I'm beginning to wonder how many of these people can read, and I mean that in a factual rather than a pejorative way, and of those few who can how much they can comprehend. They seem to think that a seal on a court document makes it mean whatever they want it to mean. Sadly they have sway with a lot of idiots who believe them and I can only imagine that those on the roof are convinced that when the documents are provided by the court everyone will see that the whole eviction was wrong and the house will be returned.

Somehow they forget that they've been seen already on several occasions and the courts have ruled the same way every time.

Even better, they bang on about the official power of the seal on a document they think is useful to them when they would and will again, dismiss it on documents they don't like.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by YiamCross »

PeanutGallery wrote:I think it's more a determination to prove us wrong. If we posted that Ceylon wouldn't have the guts to stand up to the Judge in court and tell him what he really thought about the queen and country then I would suggest that Ceylon would do exactly that.
My sister used to be like that, if I told her not to do something then she would do it. Great fun. But then she was about 5 and I was about 6 and she has moved on since then. Sadly, I haven't.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by notorial dissent »

PeanutGallery wrote:Careful, next you'll be playing Wagner while assembling a fleet of helicopters. As for American police being rather freer with the Taser, I am very glad to be in a country where they aren't as free with using force to ensure compliance. Then again this sort of conversation would likely veer into the forbidden topic of politics if continued.
Ah, I see you've either met or heard about Gregg's reputation. He and webhick used to play war games together, the end result wasn't pretty and we finally had to stop them before it became too obvious, not to mention cutting in to the revenue stream. Hard to explain whole countries being obliterated and all that, messy.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Jeffrey »

Guy is live on the ground
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford - Eviction

Post by Gregg »

I am going to lock this thread here, we've reached a new level of nittiness and there are some technical as well as adminstrative reasons for not letting a thread go on too long...please continue the discussion at the new thread I have set up here

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