pigpot's Pot

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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by AndyK »

YiamCross wrote:I've said it before and I'll say it again. Is it worth the effort? I'm all for free speech but when it amounts to nothing but irksome gibberish I wonder if it's time to save everyone a lot of effort and irritation and boot him out. I've seen nothing of any value contributed by pigpot, ever.

I admire the exceptional tolerance shown him to the point of giving him his own thread but it's becoming more and more annoying to find his muck spread around everywhere else whenever he feels he's not gettting enough attention. He is a pure troll who contributes nothing to the site and I would ask again that he be let go.

I was under the impression that the owners of this site have a desire for it to be taken seriously as a library of some sort and I wonder if finding a dosser languishing on the furniture blathering incoherently about any mad thing that floats into what's left of his mind is conducive to that ambition.
Expulsion / banning is an absolute last resort and only applies to posters who really cross the line(s). Previous examples include child pornography, repeated (even after multiple warnings) posting of the same material on multiple threads, and blatant commercial posts/links.

Even though this is a privately owned Internet forum, it is intended to be public both in terms of reading and posting material. That philosophy makes the moderators' jobs much more challenging, but the result is worthwhile.

So, just stop feeding the troll.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by bmxninja357 »

I have made a point of not responding to pigpot but I think he has been a burden to the mods here and a disruption to the purpose of this forum long enough. I do not like this particularly useless troll and belive he is lowering the high bar this forum generally sets.

I have had the distinct pleasure of banning him from my last site not only for being a general douche but for taking private photos from a private site, of a posters children, and threatening to make them public. They were a poster and his kids at the beach. It was winter here and summer there. Like him or not k1w1 can confirm this. Pigpot wrecked the security of that site. Further he was banned for trolling at ickes turd fest and for being a troll on wfs (after several chances and suspensions the majority of which were not by me) and he is a few curse words away from getting banned off Marc Stevens forum also.

That's what he does. Jump site to site causing as much destruction to the forums integrity as possible. He does so by any means necessary to complete the trolls intent. Destruction of integrity and disruption discussion. I could go on but I think the mods and administrators here get the idea.

If your looking for a reason you have many. Not the least of which is the couple dozen digs at me on these boards which I have not responded to. I believe this is a violation of the rules. If he is allowed to continue to troll both these fine forums and me personally there may be two bans to issue because the next time it's allowed I will have to believe this is acceptable behavior on these boards and respond in kind. And I do not wish to lose my good name here by doing so.

He is a cancer on these boards or any other. Remove it before you can not.
I mean the mods, administration, and posters no disrespect. Just had to finally say it.

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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote: I admire the exceptional tolerance shown him to the point of giving him his own thread but it's becoming more and more annoying to find his muck spread around everywhere else whenever he feels he's not gettting enough attention.
It's why I post to him on this thread, because it's visible that when he's not getting enough attention in this thread he starts spamming other threads.

It usually keeps him distracted for a while and allows me to read other threads without scrolling past his gibberish.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by YiamCross »

Just seems odd how the owners of this thread can take offence at a profile picture showing a woman's backside becuase it lowers the tone of the place but having a dribbling idiot who's only agenda is to disrupt and annoy is no problem at all.

Strange set of priorities from people who claim to want to be taken seriously. Then again when it makes sense to make a Wankspittle moderator I guess being taken seriously is one of those things that means something completely different on that side of the pond to what we understand from it here in the retarded UK.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Burnaby49 »

YiamCross wrote:Just seems odd how the owners of this thread can take offence at a profile picture showing a woman's backside becuase it lowers the tone of the place but having a dribbling idiot who's only agenda is to disrupt and annoy is no problem at all.

Strange set of priorities from people who claim to want to be taken seriously. Then again when it makes sense to make a Wankspittle moderator I guess being taken seriously is one of those things that means something completely different on that side of the pond to what we understand from it here in the retarded UK.
I was the one that forced the issue of taking your disgusting avatar down. Wankspittle just conveyed the message. If you are so upset about our priorities and the way you have been treated here you are free to go elsewhere.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by wserra »

This board really dislikes moderating or banning. In 12 years of operation, we've banned fewer than 5 people, and moderated fewer than 10. When someone's content-free nonsense starts disrupting the forum, however, it's time to put a stop to it.

pigpot, if you don't stop the gibberish trolling, you will be moderated. To be sure we're on the same page, that mean that no post you make will see the light of day without a moderator's prior approval. No further warnings, it will just happen. And, if you protest that you really don't know what gibberish is, I guess you'll have to learn simply by seeing what is approved and what isn't.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Burnaby49 »

If I do the moderating it will mean that any posts that Pigpot makes that are equivalent in their gibberish quota to the ones I have been moving here will instead be deleted rather than moved. This will save the rest of the Quatloos posters from having to read his pointless disruptive drivel.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Burnaby49 wrote:If I do the moderating it will mean that any posts that Pigpot makes that are equivalent in their gibberish quota to the ones I have been moving here will instead be deleted rather than moved. This will save the rest of the Quatloos posters from having to read his pointless disruptive drivel.
I've long since stopped reading his posts. Since Day 1 he has never had anything to say; and if he doesn't like what you say or is bothered by your criticisms and demands for proof, he will respond with irrelevancies which he clearly thinks are witty (he's half right).
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by YiamCross »

Burnaby49 wrote:
YiamCross wrote:Just seems odd how the owners of this thread can take offence at a profile picture showing a woman's backside becuase it lowers the tone of the place but having a dribbling idiot who's only agenda is to disrupt and annoy is no problem at all.

Strange set of priorities from people who claim to want to be taken seriously. Then again when it makes sense to make a Wankspittle moderator I guess being taken seriously is one of those things that means something completely different on that side of the pond to what we understand from it here in the retarded UK.
I was the one that forced the issue of taking your disgusting avatar down. Wankspittle just conveyed the message. If you are so upset about our priorities and the way you have been treated here you are free to go elsewhere.
So let me get this right. You don't find the term Wankspittle disgusting but a picture of a femal rear end, such as can be seen on any beach or on TV before the watershed is? I have to seriously question your judgment.

The drivel that pigpot spews out and the fact that he contributes nothing to the is not a problem to you but your weird moral system shudders at the sight of female buttocks? Really? Maybe it's you who should go elsewhere.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Burnaby49 »

Feel free to question my judgment all you want but you are stuck with it. Your stuck with Wankspittle too.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by YiamCross »

Burnaby49 wrote:Feel free to question my judgment all you want but you are stuck with it. Your stuck with Wankspittle too.
I don't have a problem with the person, but I do have serious concerns about the mentality of someone who finds wankspittle an attractive descriptor for a representative of a serious public library but an avatar of a female rear end disgusting.

I suppose I must not be qualified to judge as I find myself opposed to your ideals in that I find the concept of wankspittle bizarre and more than a little stomach churning whilst a well formed femal rear end is both normal and aesthetically pleasing. Opinions I would be surprised to find many, if any, sane person would quarrel with. You are, of course, entitled to your opinions nomatter how perverse and disturbing they may be to the rest of the world. Perhaps this is what cleaves you so closely to the tortured and unfortunate soul who's thread this is.

I suspect that even this polluted thread is not the best place to discuss this and I propose to terminate this discussion at this point, unless you feel you really must have the last word in which case might I suggest a PM would be more suitable.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I certainly don't speak for the Mods or any of the PTB on this board, but I have been posting here a long time, and I can tell you that we have had worse trolls here than pigpot, and many of them have lasted a long time-- they really don't like to ban people here.

Likewise, I understand why you find the "wankspittle" name offensive, but most Americans wouldn't realize its vulgarity-- we don't use the word "wank" here in the same sense you do.

In any event, and speaking only for myself, I've learned a lot from your posts here, and hope you don't leave.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby49 wrote:If I do the moderating it will mean that any posts that Pigpot makes that are equivalent in their gibberish quota to the ones I have been moving here will instead be deleted rather than moved. This will save the rest of the Quatloos posters from having to read his pointless disruptive drivel.
I concur whole heartedly with the above with the additional proviso that I am neither as forgiving nor forbearing as Burnaby, and if the comments disrupt the thread and I am the one seeing them, buh bye, and I roam all over the place. To paraphrase from Star Wars, "Stay on topic, stay on topic."
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by pigpot »

I cannot stay "on topic" as you put it due to only having one place to post.

So if I wish to create a new topic I must do so in reality here, in "pigpot's Pot".

So here is another new thread in the "Pot".
"Woe Unto You Lawyers Part 1"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYnTSyO ... LLYQJMP_Fl
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by pigpot »

So my post was deleted in totality then. Maybe I've looked in the wrong place. The post I'm talking about was the one that showed I was correct about Santos Bonacci's mate not being charged with "harbouring a fugitive" is the one I'm on about.

I can't find it.
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Burnaby49 »

pigpot wrote:So my post was deleted in totality then. Maybe I've looked in the wrong place. The post I'm talking about was the one that showed I was correct about Santos Bonacci's mate not being charged with "harbouring a fugitive" is the one I'm on about.

I can't find it.
Beats me, it's around somewhere. None of your posts have been deleted. They are either here or still in their original discussion.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by pigpot »

Dr. Caligari wrote:Yiam,
I certainly don't speak for the Mods or any of the PTB on this board, but I have been posting here a long time, and I can tell you that we have had worse trolls here than pigpot, and many of them have lasted a long time-- they really don't like to ban people here.

Likewise, I understand why you find the "wankspittle" name offensive, but most Americans wouldn't realize its vulgarity-- we don't use the word "wank" here in the same sense you do.

In any event, and speaking only for myself, I've learned a lot from your posts here, and hope you don't leave.
Dr. Caligari wrote:In any event, and speaking only for myself, I've learned a lot from your posts here, and hope you don't leave.
This is true. So have I. You should not leave.
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by Jeffrey »

I too recall seeing the Santos post.

Doesn't really matter, the guy is still in jail, and there was never a definitive prediction stating for a fact that he would be accused of harboring a fugitive. If you scroll back a few pages there was discussion about how I was unable to find the law specifically making harboring a fugitive a crime in Australia.

Although I kind of agree with your general gist, the guy had some pot, some flails, a rusted out gun and some spare bullets. That's not really worth jailing someone over, but if he knew he had things that were illegal in his home, he shouldn't have allowed Santos to move in with him which is what gave the police the authority to enter his home.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by pigpot »

bmxninja357 wrote:I have made a point of not responding to pigpot but I think he has been a burden to the mods here and a disruption to the purpose of this forum long enough. I do not like this particularly useless troll and belive he is lowering the high bar this forum generally sets.
Firstly I'll respond not to this poster but to the general allegations made here. The poster that has made such remarks about wouldn't like if I picked upon his grammar which is third grade at best. So I won't go down the road of "beliving" that is the right or correct approach. I'm also not here to be liked (certainly not be him). Secondly don't go down the road of letting him suck up to you. He did that over at this mates place and quickly sh1t all over them. Wonder why he's had his moderation title taken away.
bmxninja357 wrote:I have had the distinct pleasure of banning him from my last site not only for being a general douche but for taking private photos from a private site, of a posters children, and threatening to make them public. They were a poster and his kids at the beach. It was winter here and summer there. Like him or not k1w1 can confirm this. Pigpot wrecked the security of that site. Further he was banned for trolling at ickes turd fest and for being a troll on wfs (after several chances and suspensions the majority of which were not by me) and he is a few curse words away from getting banned off Marc Stevens forum also.
"A general douche", meaning... Sorry I can speak English and some French but not getting down with the kids stuff. Go check out his channel where he says at 5 minutes 16 seconds,


I don't normally party with the kids

Well as a grown man I'd expect you not to, regardless of the love of bmx's. For someone in their fifties I wouldn't imagine it's much fun anyway. Riding to keep up the fitness on rally push bikes yes but... bmx's... It must hurt those old knees of yours. :roll:

Concerning the Marc Stevens Forum, again, you need to read it or is your high performing internet not working out for you. Marc and I are quite fine. Just because you lost it over on the WFS, it has nothing to do with me. Don't slate me on-line when it looks like you live out of your truck. I have made no reference to you until this post "bmxninja357" but please don't think you can post what you like over the internet about me and expect me not to defend myself.

I'm not sure any parent want's a man convicted (in his own words) of "xyz" looking after their kid / s whose been done for that. Thanks for trying to be next Batman though. k1w1 cannot attest to any such thing as you and he don't know anything and have just bad mouthed me for ages about the stuff over at the WFS. I can say that I took no-such images and if you read the posts it's just a bunch of assumptions. I refuted it there and was hounded over there (at the WFS) threatened by k1w1 and that was that. He got banned and later "bmxninja357" aka D. C. banned me.
bmxninja357 wrote:That's what he does. Jump site to site causing as much destruction to the forums integrity as possible. He does so by any means necessary to complete the trolls intent. Destruction of integrity and disruption discussion. I could go on but I think the mods and administrators here get the idea.
No I don't.
bmxninja357 wrote:If your looking for a reason you have many. Not the least of which is the couple dozen digs at me on these boards which I have not responded to. I believe this is a violation of the rules. If he is allowed to continue to troll both these fine forums and me personally there may be two bans to issue because the next time it's allowed I will have to believe this is acceptable behavior on these boards and respond in kind. And I do not wish to lose my good name here by doing so.
You have responded to my perceived digs in this very quoted post. Read the last paragraph for the suck up. I couldn't care less about the idiots here. I'm asking questions. That's all.
bmxninja357 wrote:He is a cancer on these boards or any other. Remove it before you can not.
I mean the mods, administration, and posters no disrespect. Just had to finally say it.

So I have not wanted this. This has been about one man's ego and it's not mine. No flame wars here. Keep yourself to yourself and those you wish to speak TO. This is the "POT". Don't come here and jump on the banning brigades banner. You look like a fool. Step of.

P.s. Comment to all. My sexuality is not confirmed anyway up... Or down... TTFN. :?

So to the few (or less) can you please stop derailing and stick to the facts.

At "Jeffrey", thank you for your post,
Although I kind of agree with your general gist, the guy had some pot, some flails, a rusted out gun and some spare bullets. That's not really worth jailing someone over,
That's exactly what I said. Thanks again for your logical input. Let's hope it ALL stays that way.

Cheers. :wink:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: pigpot's Pot

Post by pigpot »

bmxninja357 wrote:and he is a few curse words away from getting banned off Marc Stevens forum also...

The invite is there for you and anyone else to come over there is due to it being like this place a private / public place. "Wes" ("wserra") has been there. "Jeffrey" has been over and logged on. Why not you? I've come here and shown I have "balls" to do so and am still here with over 300 posts. See whether you can match it over there.

Challenge delivered specifically to "bmxninja357" generically to everyone else. Remember you may have to play by the rules of derision or whatever you get like I have here (in my opinion :lol: 8) ). It takes something to step out of your comfort zone and put your point across and last for a substantial time. Substantial being the operative word here. WHO defines what is substantial is moot. :?
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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