Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Moderator: ArthurWankspittle

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Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

1988 Tom and Sue Crawford buy 3 Fearn Chase with an endowment mortgage from the Bradford and Bingley (the B&B), capital advanced of £41,800. A Mortgage Indemnity Guarantee policy for £11,000 is taken out along with an endowment policy with Royal Life, the full details of which are currently unknown.

1989 The Crawfords borrow a further £5,000 for home improvements from B&B repayable as capital and interest.

25th June 1991. Last payment received on Royal Life endowment policy from Mrs Crawford.

10th July 1992. Tom claims B&B surrendered the endowment on this day without telling either him or his wife.

22nd July 1992. Endowment surrendered with payout of £178.75.

23rd July 1992. Crawford mortgage account credited with £178.75.

22nd January 1999. B&B claim to receive a telephone call from a Crawford who says that they still owe £41800 and they stopped paying the endowment four years earlier, at which point the mortgage should have been changed to a repayment. Tom Crawford denies making this call.

29th January 1999. Sue Crawford signs a Customer Needs Analysis which discusses the lack of capital payment arrangements and changing the mortgage to a repayment type.

B&B send a letter referring to a telephone conversation and stating they can not find any instructions (from the Crawfords) to change the mortgage to a repayment type. The letter goes on to offer to change the mortgage to a capital and repayment mortgage backdated as of 1st January 1995. A gift of flowers is sent around this time too. The B&B offer to change the mortgage to a repayment mortgage is never replied to.

2005. Just over six months worth of mortgage payments are received in the calendar(?) year.

January, February March 2006. No mortgage payments made.

Mortgage account in arrears and possession order sought by B&B.

25th April 2006. B&B write a letter saying Crawfords never instructed them to change mortgage to repayment type.

28th April 2006. Crawfords telephone B&B claiming that B&B have cashed the endowment.

May 2006. Proceedings halted when arrears paid.

December 2006. Last of six capitalisations of arrears applied to mortgage account.

May 2012 Arrears on mortgage of £895.25.

May, June, July 2012 Monthly payment of £302.55 missed for each of these three months.

August 2012. Possession claim by B&B commenced. B&B claim February 2012 is the last time they received a payment from the Crawfords.

5th September 2012. B&B claim arrears now total £2105.45. Last payment made by Crawfords was £198.79 on 27th February 2012. Total outstanding is £45763.85.

14th September 2012. Tom says he could afford to pay £30/month towards the arrears.

19th September 2012. DDJ Murray-Smith gives B&B a possession order for 3 Fearn Chase, suspended while the Crawfords pay their normal monthly mortgage payment starting this month. To be reviewed in 6th months. Tom is injured and not likely to return to work until January 2013.

27th March 2013 review by DDJ Holt, no changed noted.

April 2013. The Crawfords complain to the Ombudsman that they were making payments into an endowment up to 1999 and that the endowment policy has been lost.

15th April 2013. The Crawfords seek to appeal the judgements of September 2012 and March 2013.

29th April 2013. Tom posts on GOODF admitting that in four months time B&B want the mortgage paying back in full.

9th May 2013. HHJ Godsmark refuses permission to appeal.

18th July 2013. Ombudsman rejects claims made in April 2013.

31st August 2013. Mortgage term ends. B&B say approx £45k owed.

27th September 2013. Tom Crawford tries to get the charge on 3 Fearn Chase removed. It is not removed. The Crawfords stop paying the mortgage. HHJ Godsmark later notes this a breach of the suspension of the possession order.

24th July 2014. Attempt by bailiffs to take possession of 3 Fearn Chase is thwarted by presence of supporters of the Crawfords.

23rd January 2015. Attempt by bailiffs to take possession of 3 Fearn Chase is thwarted by presence of supporters of the Crawfords.

2nd February 2015. Tom Crawford and a solicitor for B&B appear before HHJ Godsmark. Tom wants the most recent warrant suspended and wants to challenge the original possession order. Tom claims that the payments to the B&B included the endowment and that the B&B had changed the mortgage conditions. Tom also claims he doesn’t owe B&B anything. HHJ Godsmark is concerned about the amount outstanding and suspends the warrant for possession to allow Tom to seek leave to appeal the possession order of September 2012.

1st May 2015. HHJ Godsmark allows Mr O’Bernicia to act as a McKenzie friend. At times during the hearing Tom parrots exactly what Mr O’Bernicia tells him. Tom’s appeal is out of time. This is a significant issue for HHJ Godsmark. Ms Sandells for B&B asks that the out of time appeal is permitted as the B&B are not opposing this point.

14th May 2015. Decision published. HHJ Godsmark allows the permission to appeal out of time to be granted but denies permission to appeal. He lifts the suspension of the warrant for possession.

30th May 2015. It is believed this is the day Sue Crawford’s mother passed away.

2nd July 2015. Bailiffs enter 3 Fearn Chase to take possession on behalf of B&B. There is a reportedly between 20 and 60 Police present and about 50 protesters. Five arrests are made including that of Tom Crawford for assaulting a Police Officer and breach of the peace. Two people were arrested for assaulting a police officer, one for a breach of the peace and one for a racially aggravated public order offence. The property is secured and guarded by a security firm who are using dogs.

20th July 2015. Master McCloud at the High Court Queen’s Bench issues a letter requesting that court staff give the Crawfords all relevant paperwork as per Civil Procedure Rules.

22nd July 2015. DJ Owen dismisses an application by the Crawfords against B&B over the goods and chattels from 3 Fearn Chase.

24th July 2015. Protesters get into 3 Fearn Chase and six are seen on the roof with banners. Mark (Ceylon) Haining, Henry Kellie, James (Jay) John Bradley (aka Mary the Clamp Fairy), Martin (Tin) Atkin, Betty Shier (nee Berkeley?) and Mark Hawkins are allegedly those on the roof. Craig Crawford, Sue Crawford, Amanda Pike (nee Crawford), Mickey Summers and Guy Taylor are seen in Fearn Chase. The event is live streamed by an activist Christopher Morgan (aka SgtGingerChris). Obviously this causes a large Police presence and supporters of the Crawfords to go to Fearn Chase. Police lines are formed and people are removed from the area in Fearn Chase near to number 3. Police lines further away prevent any new protesters from getting to Fearn Chase. There are reports of an arrest of one of the rooftop protesters, Jay, in the evening along with reports of parts of the ceiling being removed in the upper floor of the house. There is also an allegation that a security guard and a dog were sprayed with something by a protester.

25th July 2015. Day starts with protesters still on the roof or in the house. Christopher Morgan and Craig Crawford are arrested for “criminal damage”. Around lunchtime the Nottingham Post reports five arrests of males between the ages of 31 and 51. The conclusion being that at this point another two of the rooftop protesters had also been arrested. By late evening the remaining rooftop protesters have come down and been arrested.

26th July 2015. Craig Crawford and Christopher Morgan released on Police bail. Others remain in custody pending Magistrates Court appearance on Monday (27th July). Nottingham Post is still reporting that all eight people face charges of “conspiracy to commit violent disorder”.

27th July 2015. The six rooftop protesters appear in Nottingham Magistrates Court before DJ Devas. All are now charged with Affray. All pleaded not guilty. All defendants except "Jay" Bradley are bailed on conditions of no contact with each other, they must not visit the area surrounding Fearn Chase. It is report by local media that all have to obey a 7pm to 7am home curfew but this turns out to be incorrect. For some reason "Jay" Bradley is remanded in custody. Mark (Trial by Social Media) Gillard is detained for taking a picture inside the court. He is later released after apologising to the judge.
The six rooftop protester's next court appearance is at Nottingham Crown Court on 10th August 2015 as the judge directed the case warrants a Crown Court trial. Under English law this will be a jury trial.

31st July 2015. Tom Crawford and Monika Godos appear in the Magistrates Court before DJ Devas. Both plead not guilty to separate charges of assaulting a Police officer. Trial for both is set for 18th November (not sure if Magistrates Court or Crown Court). Both are released on conditional bail. Tom Crawford is described as being of no fixed abode.
3 Fearn Chase is sold for £55,000.

August 2015. Reportedly after viewing information from seized mobile phones, the six alleged rooftop protesters are all additionally charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage.

10th August 2015. The six rooftop protesters appear in court. Trial is set for 6th November 2015.

27th August 2015. Charges against Christopher Morgan (aka SgtGingerChris) are dropped. It is still unclear as to exactly what charges he was facing.

3rd September 2015. Craig Crawford has the charge of criminal damage withdrawn and replaced by a charge of conspiracy to commit criminal damage. He is bailed to appear in Crown Court on 1st October 2015. Tom Crawford petitions the High Court to "reinstate" his ownership of 3 Fearn Chase. Justice Phillips rejects his claim as "totally without merit" and grants B&B a civil restraint order preventing Tom Crawford from further litigation in this matter without the permission of a High Court judge for a period of two years.

1st October 2015. Craig Crawford appears at Crown Court for what appears to be a procedural hearing. A further date of xxx is set for trial.

15th October 2015. It is reported that in the course of Tom Crawford's petition hearing in the high Court, he states that UKAR/B&B are claiming £98,000 from him (and presumably Sue as joint mortgage holders).

6th November 2015. The six rooftop protesters appear in court and trial is set for xx January 2016.

18th November 2015. Tom Crawford is acquitted of assault. Monika Godos changes her plea to guilty and is ordered to pay costs, fines and compensation totalling £800.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I want to keep this as a factual record of what has gone on in this case. Please PM me or comment as to any corrections or additions that would help complete this record.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by Burnaby49 »

Welcome aboard Wanky!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by Normal Wisdom »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:I want to keep this as a factual record of what has gone on in this case. Please PM me or comment as to any corrections or additions that would help complete this record.
Very good. I was thinking of doing the same myself but glad you beat me to it and had the work.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by Bungle »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:1988 Tom and Sue Crawford buy 3 Fearn Chase with an endowment mortgage from the Bradford and Bingley (the B&B), capital advanced of £41,800.

1989 The Crawfords borrow £5,000 for home improvements repayable as capital and interest.

25th June 1991. Last payment received on Royal Life endowment policy from Mrs Crawford.

10th July 1992. Tom claims B&B surrendered the endowment on this day without telling either him or his wife.

22nd July 1992. Endowment surrendered with payout of £178.75.

23rd July 1992. Crawford mortgage account credited with £178.75.

22nd January 1999. B&B claim to receive a telephone call from a Crawford who says that they still owe £41800 and they stopped paying the endowment four years earlier, at which point the mortgage should have been changed to a repayment. Tom Crawford denies making this call.

29th January 1999. Sue Crawford signs a Customer Needs Analysis which discusses the lack of capital payment arrangements and changing the mortgage to a repayment type.

B&B send a letter referring to a telephone conversation and stating they can not find any instructions (from the Crawfords) to change the mortgage to a repayment type. The letter goes on to offer to change the mortgage to a capital and repayment mortgage backdated as of 1st January 1995. A gift of flowers is sent around this time too. The B&B offer to change the mortgage to a repayment mortgage is never replied to.

2005. Just over six months worth of mortgage payments are received in the calendar(?) year.

January, February March 2006. No mortgage payments made.

Mortgage account in arrears and possession order sought by B&B.

25th April 2006. B&B write a letter saying Crawfords never instructed them to change mortgage to repayment type.

28th April 2006. Crawfords telephone B&B claiming that B&B have cashed the endowment.

May 2006. Proceedings halted when arrears paid.

December 2006. Last of six capitalisations of arrears applied to mortgage account.

February 2012. B&B claim this is the last time they received a payment from the Crawfords.

May 2012 Arrears on mortgage of £895.25.

May, June, July 2012 Monthly payment of £302.55 missed for each of these three months.

August 2012. Possession claim by B&B commenced.

5th September 2012. B&B claim arrears now total £2105.45. Last payment made by Crawfords was £198.79 on 27th February 2012. Total outstanding is £45763.85.

14th September 2012. Tom says he could afford to pay £30/month towards the arrears.

19th September 2012. DDJ Murray-Smith gives B&B a possession order for 3 Fearn Chase, suspended while the Crawfords pay their normal monthly mortgage payment starting this month. To be reviewed in 6th months. Tom is injured and not likely to return to work until January 2013.

27th March 2013 review by DDJ Holt, no changed noted.

April 2013. The Crawfords complain to the Ombudsman that they were making payments into an endowment up to 1999 and that the endowment policy has been lost.

15th April 2013. The Crawfords seek to appeal the judgements of September 2012 and March 2013.

29th April 2013. Tom posts on GOODF admitting that in four months time B&B want the mortgage paying back in full.

9th May 2013. HHJ Godsmark refuses permission to appeal.

18th July 2013. Ombudsman rejects claims made in April 2013.

31st August 2013. Mortgage term ends. B&B say approx £45k owed.

27th September 2013. Tom Crawford tries to get the charge on 3 Fearn Chase removed. It is not removed. The Crawfords stop paying the mortgage. HHJ Godsmark notes this a breach of the suspension of the possession order.

24th July 2014. Attempt by bailiffs to take possession of 3 Fearn Chase is thwarted by presence of supporters of the Crawfords.

23rd January 2015. Attempt by bailiffs to take possession of 3 Fearn Chase is thwarted by presence of supporters of the Crawfords.

2nd February 2015. Tom Crawford and a solicitor for B&B appear before HHJ Godsmark. Tom wants the most recent warrant suspended and wants to challenge the original possession order. Tom claims that the payments to the B&B included the endowment and that the B&B had changed the mortgage conditions. Tom also claims he doesn’t owe B&B anything. HHJ Godsmark is concerned about the amount outstanding and suspends the warrant for possession to allow Tom to seek leave to appeal the possession order of September 2012.

1st May 2015. HHJ Godsmark allows Mr O’Bernicia to act as a McKenzie friend. At times during the hearing Tom parrots exactly what Mr O’Bernicia tells him. Tom’s appeal is out of time. This is a significant issue for HHJ Godsmark. Ms Sandells for B&B asks that the out of time appeal is permitted as the B&B are not opposing this point.

14th May 2015. Decision published. HHJ Godsmark allows the permission to appeal out of time to be granted but denies permission to appeal. He lifts the suspension of the warrant for possession.

30th May 2015. It is believed this is the day Sue Crawford’s mother passed away.

2nd July 2015. Bailiffs enter 3 Fearn Chase to take possession on behalf of B&B. There is a reportedly between 20 and 60 Police present and about 50 protesters. Five arrests are made including that of Tom Crawford for assaulting a Police Officer and breach of the peace. Two people were arrested for assaulting a police officer, one for a breach of the peace and one for a racially aggravated public order offence. The property is secured and guarded by a security firm who are using dogs.

20th July 2015. Master McCloud at the High Court Queen’s Bench issues a letter requesting that court staff give the Crawfords all relevant paperwork as per Civil Procedure Rules.

22nd July 2015. DJ Owen dismisses an application by the Crawfords against B&B over the goods and chattels from 3 Fearn Chase.

24th July 2015. Protesters get into 3 Fearn Chase and six are seen on the roof with banners. Mark (Ceylon) Haining, Henry Kellie, James (Jay) John Bradley (aka Mary the Clamp Fairy), Martin (Tin) Atkin, Betty Berkeley and Mark Hawkins are allegedly those on the roof. Craig Crawford, Sue Crawford, Amanda Pike(nee Crawford), Mickey Summers and Guy Taylor are seen in Fearn Chase. The event is live streamed by an activist Christopher Morgan (aka SgtGingerChris). Obviously this causes a large Police presence and supporters of the Crawfords to go to Fearn Chase. Police lines are formed and people are removed from the area in Fearn Chase near to number 3. Police lines further away prevent any new protesters from getting to Fearn Chase. There are reports of an arrest of one of the rooftop protesters, Jay, in the evening along with reports of parts of the ceiling being removed in the upper floor of the house. There is also an allegation that a security guard and a dog were sprayed with something by a protester.

25th July 2015. Day starts with protesters still on the roof or in the house. Christopher Morgan and Craig Crawford are arrested for “criminal damage”. Around lunchtime the Nottingham Post reports five arrests of males between the ages of 31 and 51. The conclusion being that at this point another two of the rooftop protesters had also been arrested. By late evening the remaining rooftop protesters have come down and been arrested.

26th July 2105. Craig Crawford and Christopher Morgan released on Police bail. Others remain in custody pending Magistrates Court appearance on Monday (27th July). Nottingham Post is still reporting that all eight people face charges of “conspiracy to commit violent disorder”.
Excellent. Very well done.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by Bungle »

Just a suggestion but an important one. I think that it would be wise to post that in 2013 Tom made the first post on GOODF and seeked opinion as to whether he could pay the capital sum of £47,000 by way of a Promissory Cheque and that this led him to be introduced to his 'advisors'.

Ps: Good to also include a link to the judgment.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by notorial dissent »

Arthur thank for a clear and insightful, not to mention concise timeline of this whole opera of the absurd.

MODERATOR NOTE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS - please DO NOT quote long strings of material unless it is REALLY germane to a point you are making. It makes following the discussions very difficult as well as tedious.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by hobgoblin »

Thanks Arthur for your very helpful post. Being new to this forum I have been trying to get my head around this Crawford stuff and your information has saved me wading through hundreds of pages!
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by Skeleton »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:I want to keep this as a factual record of what has gone on in this case. Please PM me or comment as to any corrections or additions that would help complete this record.
Very good. I was thinking of doing the same myself but glad you beat me to it and had the work.
I am kind of glad he did to, the way you write things has caused me more than one coffee spat over keyboard moment over on YT, i actually have trained myself to put my cup down now :) You can take it is a compliment because i mean it as one.

I know its a very serious subject, but a comical take on the timeline of events given some of the antics of Tom and team loony would actually be very achievable. :)
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:Arthur thank for a clear and insightful, not to mention concise timeline of this whole opera of the absurd.

MODERATOR NOTE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS - please DO NOT quote long strings of material unless it is REALLY germane to a point you are making. It makes following the discussions very difficult as well as tedious.
Let me repeat what Notorial said;


Essentially a pointless quote of a very large post by Arthur to no purpose except to say "Excellent. Very well done." at the end. Why not just say that?

Not to pick on Bungle, he's just an example, but repeated and repeated quotes are running rampant on the UK postings. Keep in mind that readers have to slog through all of these quotes to get to some actual information. If I sound a bit aggravated it's because I've been moderating all of the UK discussions and I've spent way too much time just scrolling past repeated quotes of the same picture or posting over and over just to find generally an inconsequential comment at the end.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Arthur it might be worthwhile to add to your first paragraph to explain that the Crawfords also took out a separate policy with Royal Life that was intended to be used to repay the capital borrowed at the end of the mortgage. And maybe in the second paragraph also say that the extra £5000 they borrowed was obtained from the same lender. I know that we know all of this but it would help any visitors to this site. Especially those that do not fully understand the nature of an endowment mortgage.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by Skeleton »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:Arthur it might be worthwhile to add to your first paragraph to explain that the Crawfords also took out a separate policy with Royal Life that was intended to be used to repay the capital borrowed at the end of the mortgage. And maybe in the second paragraph also say that the extra £5000 they borrowed was obtained from the same lender. I know that we know all of this but it would help any visitors to this site. Especially those that do not fully understand the nature of an endowment mortgage.
That makes sense, Royal Life as i remember sold Life Insurance which i am assuming he bought to prop up the initial endowment mortgage. He obviously was not earning enough at the time to get access to a full endowment mortgage. I had to do the same but thankfully i understood enough to know it was only ever a "temporary" measure. To be fair to Tom he was sold the wrong mortgage especially as it appears he had to buy life policies that were only ever sold to prop up a mortgage application. Trouble is like him I cashed in both policies early and moved on to a different Mortgage, he appears to have done the same but not understood you did not get to keep the little the life policies cash wise had earned you, hence his argument with B&B from then on.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in Thesaurus.com, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Skeleton wrote:That makes sense, Royal Life as i remember sold Life Insurance which i am assuming he bought to prop up the initial endowment mortgage. He obviously was not earning enough at the time to get access to a full endowment mortgage. I had to do the same but thankfully i understood enough to know it was only ever a "temporary" measure. To be fair to Tom he was sold the wrong mortgage especially as it appears he had to buy life policies that were only ever sold to prop up a mortgage application.
It doesn't fully make sense to me. Endowment policies contain an element of life insurance, that is one of their purposes and back in the 80s (IIRC) there was a tax break on life policies such that endowments had an element of tax-free-ness. There were (again IIRC) low-cost endowments and I wonder if Tom or Tom and Sue had one of those. It would fit in terms of getting stitched up by a salesman being sold such a policy in the late 80s. Note that there was also a mortgage indemnity guarantee (MIG) policy for £11k. This was popular around that time where there was a high loan to value, which I suspect there was in this case. Tom and Sue struggle to keep up with payments after say 1990 when the economy took a real dive, and Sue saves some outgoings by not paying the endowment.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by YiamCross »

Skeleton wrote:....That makes sense, Royal Life as i remember sold Life Insurance which i am assuming he bought to prop up the initial endowment mortgage. He obviously was not earning enough at the time to get access to a full endowment mortgage. ..
Not sure about that, as I recall you either had an endowment mortgage in those days or you didn't have one at all. I remember going in with a spreadsheet to prove that if I put money into a building society account it would, with compound interest, pay more than their endowment policy. Still had to have the policy because that's where the commission was. Wouldn't even let me go for a repayment mortgage. The hook was it would pay the principal with loads of cash left over. Hence, I imagine, the appeal for the Crawfords.

Never heard of a mini endowment. Many did have to make extra provision a few years down the line when they realised their super endowment wasn't going to cover the capital let alone a round the world cruise and new car on top.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by YiamCross »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:....There were (again IIRC) low-cost endowments....
Which, iirc, started out low but the premium rose steeply after a few years. Enough perhaps to make the mean and stupid stop paying. ....
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

YiamCross wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:....There were (again IIRC) low-cost endowments....
Which, iirc, started out low but the premium rose steeply after a few years. Enough perhaps to make the mean and stupid stop paying. ....
Which fits if you review the policy every 3 years, re-calculate the target and reset the premium to match.
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by AndyPandy »

I wonder if it plays on her mind that that one decision to cancel the policy payment has caused so much trouble !
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by YiamCross »

AndyPandy wrote:I wonder if it plays on her mind that that one decision to cancel the policy payment has caused so much trouble !
fat frank
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by fat frank »

AndyPandy wrote:I wonder if it plays on her mind that that one decision to cancel the policy payment has caused so much trouble !
prob not, as the are victims in life, and it is always someone elses fault
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Re: Timeline - The Crawfords and 3 Fearn Chase

Post by wanglepin »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:29th April 2013. Tom posts on GOODF admitting that in four months time B&B want the mortgage paying back in full.
Do we have a ling for that Arty ? I am also looking for Crawford's very first appeal to Goofers asking for help.
Scratch that I have found it.
http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... bc6HzTF98G
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMn-xGi ... freload=10