Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by JimUk1 »

As predicted. Nothing more than expected. Dirty laundry in public is now beign aired.

Chrisy will end up in jail is my prediction. Sounds like there is a lot more going on then meets the eye. His Facebook profile states he is single. He never gives a real name or address and he tries to brow beat people into falling in line.

All the hall marks of a man with short person syndrome. And just because he did a bit boxing, he's not to be feared, I don't know why people are still l using his arse.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Chaos »

they should just share a gerbil and be done with it
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Around 538 people where burnt alive by our own government a few days ago - your bickering is deflecting attention away from the REAL ISSUES we need to address.

(s this the new reality regarding the London tower block fire?
notorial dissent
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by notorial dissent »

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

The snippet was extracted from the posted exchanges of the crissy tobe spat on FB

I assume that is what Manuel is referring to?

It is irrelevant to the thread but mildly interesting. It could be said to speak to the mental state of the people inasmuch no-one questioned this nonsense
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Around 538 people where burnt alive by our own government a few days ago - your bickering is deflecting attention away from the REAL ISSUES we need to address.

Is this the new reality regarding the London tower block fire?
No, it's overblown hyperbole. Current estimate is that 'only' 58 residents perished in the Grenfell House tower block fire, which was not caused by the government. It was probably caused by an ordinary domestic accident or misadventure in one flat, and then spread in a way that should not have been possible.

It does seem likely that review of building regulations and fire safety codes has not been given much priority in recent years, and that if a more rigorous (and costly) standard had been applied then this fire might have been contained better. There will now be an orgy of finger-pointing and "told you so", but I think it will focus on scapegoating individuals rather than addressing the systemic culture and context.

Because the real story here is dangerous underfunding of public services, and the exploitation of "austerity" as a licence for skimping. This tragedy could have happened in the NHS, on our roads or railways, in a prison or military setting. Reckless cost-cutting is endemic, and the government has certainly set the tone for that culture.

And this is where it becomes very relevant to the sovcit, FMOTL & PLD agenda. Because these people have taken considerable efforts to evade paying towards public services. This very often includes council tax and rent to social landlords, which directly funds the maintenance and regulation of low-income accommodation. They have gleefully defied their legal and moral obligations, and they share responsibility for the consequences.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Bungle »

Excellent post Hercule Parrot !!!!!
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Perhaps an excellent point but one moving too far into politics. a banned topic on Quatloos. The issues that resulted in the tower burning and the responsibility of the British government in respect to them are not topics for this forum. Quatloos went down that road before with the 2012 presidential elections with very unhappy results.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by exiledscouser »

And this is where it becomes very relevant to the sovcit, FMOTL & PLD agenda. Because these people have taken considerable efforts to evade paying towards public services. This very often includes council tax and rent to social landlords, which directly funds the maintenance and regulation of low-income accommodation. They have gleefully defied their legal and moral obligations, and they share responsibility for the consequences.
I hope the CT/rent dodging time-waster on the likes of PLD, "Sovrns R Us 2015", former hard-core Goofy members and all the other self-righteous arseholes look to themselves and reflect on this well made point. Sadly however they are entirely selfish, part of the snowflake generation where its always someone else's fault, never their own and the world owes them a living.

The following is a little o/t - mods my apologies, delete if inappropriate but it is borne out of HP's post and recent events.

The Grenfell tower disaster continues to dominate the news here in the UK and everything possible that could and can be done, should be done for those who've lost family, friends, loved ones and in most cases for the survivors everything they own. I heard a commentator on the radio blaming a politician for reducing rent rates for social housing in London, claiming that this selfish act wiped £millions off the income of housing authorities with which to make these very same investments. Another know-it-all demanded rises to fund improvements.

Anyone in any way connected to this disaster really can't win in the current environment.

I've heard folk blaming the police (?), the fire service, local authorities, planning. People are angry and they have a right to be, having suffered terribly. Answers are needed but as is the way of these things, Public Enquiries are not speedy affairs. That said, something is needed by way of an interim report and pretty sharpish else I have no doubt whatsoever that at some stage we'll have another session of out-of-hours shopping and arson, attacks on police, on fire fighters, ambulance staff in order to complain about the err....lack of erm.... fire protection. One man, himself a member of the same community has already been jailed for 3 months for taking snaps of the dead, opening their body bags for a cheap photo posted straight onto social media for a ghoulish moment of infamy.

Part of me wonders whether we'd still be reading about it if it had happened in Rochdale or Glasgow but if nothing else it does illustrate the cheek-by-jowl existence of the haves and have-nots in London, the juxtaposition between social strata is no-where more stark than in the capital. In similar buildings with sprinklers installed they are constantly being set off by valued members of the vandal community, to the ruin of the occupants' property. Certain residents modify the interiors of properties, intentionally or otherwise compromising or defeating fire safety measures. Folk prop open fire doors, strew litter and other rubbish in stairwells, damage fire alarms, use the lifts as public urinals and worse. Whilst the building management should take some responsibility, fire safety is the responsibility of all. It's not someone else's fault, its everyone's fault.

Which brings me back to the issue of tax dodgers and rent evaders. Whilst their antics provide an interesting and it must be said at times entertaining view on an attitude alien to me, it exposes the very real dichotomy between those promoting FMOTL or variations thereon, all of which appear to me to be "demand everything and contribute nothing" schemes and their reaction at the consequences when local authorities are forced to make financial choices, in part through an inability to collect rent and CT from the self-same selfish twats.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by TheNewSaint »

I'm perplexed as to why someone is scheduling a Tobe-Chrisy debate, when Tobe's beef is with the show producers.

Chrisy is not a producer. He had no say in what footage was and wasn't included. We know this, because that wasn't the documentary he would have made about himself. Most likely, the footage of Tobe's eviction was shot by 9 Lives Media, for the expressed purpose of this show. Which means Tobe would have at least known it was being filmed for TV (the klieg lighting in the front yard is a dead giveaway). So this whinge boils down to: someone was knowingly filmed for a reality show, and doesn't like how they were portrayed in it. :violin:

I note also that Chrisy isn't named as a co-defendant in Tobe's alleged legal action. I say "alleged" because there's no verifiable detail on the cover sheet provided. And I find it extremely unlikely that Tobe filed a case, got a positive ruling, and a complete transcript the evening the show aired.

So Tobe is mad at the wrong person, but Chrisy will fight anyway because can't turn down a confrontation. What a bunch of incompetent rage cases.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Burnaby49 »

If there is any more commentary on the Grenfell tower fire I'm locking the thread. Politics is a banned topic and the Grenfell tower fire has absolutely nothing to do with the Chrisy Morris.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by littleFred »

After ploughing through the Chrisy/Toby handbags-at-dawn, it seems the argument is:

Toby viewed the programme a couple of days before it aired. He claims the programme-makers had misrepresented what the programme would be about, and he wanted his segment, of about 4 minutes, pulled. That's what his court case was about. Chrisy then accused Toby of wanting to pull the entire programme. Toby then accused Chrisy of ... And the thing escalated into nuclear war.

Yes, Toby's real issue is with the programme producers. But it is Chrisy's baby, his love-child, his 15 minutes of fame.

Before and after the programme aired, Chrisy said that most of the participants had pulled out. Chrisy didn't give their reasons, but perhaps they realised the show would focus on Chrisy (and his self-important bullying ego), and perhaps his fellow bailiff-battlers didn't approve.
notorial dissent
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by notorial dissent »

Or maybe they twigged to the idea that they might inadvertently being providing filmed evidence of their legal violation activities. Something that may come back to haunt Chrisy.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Chaos »

Chrisy said that most of the participants had pulled out
unlike his father should have........amirite? :D
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by TheNewSaint »

littleFred wrote:Toby wanted his segment, of about 4 minutes, pulled. Chrisy then accused Toby of wanting to pull the entire programme.
So, these two idiots are bickering over something neither of them has the power to do.

I'm not conversant with the UK media law. But in my experience, once you agree to appear in something like this, you don't get to "pull out" later if you don't like the final product. You subject yourself to the judgment of the show producers. It would be impossible to produce a program under these circumstances.

Inevitably, someone will be unhappy with their final role in a story like this. When ordinary people hear "we want to film your story for a documentary", they hear "we want to record a 60-minute special vindicating everything you've ever believed." They don't consider that they're merely part of a larger story, or that the producers would dare to let their opponents have a say. That's if the production is above board to start with, and not some sleazy reality show that will edit your words into whatever story they want to tell.

Again, just a couple of incompetent rage cases going at it.
notorial dissent
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by notorial dissent »

The participants in these little adventures often think that it is going to be ALL about them and portray them in a flattering and golden light, and it seldom if ever does. This kind of light is seldom flattering and they never come out looking the way they think they should, and by then it is usually far too late. I generally ascribe it to a variation of the Jerry Springer/Maury/Steve Wilkos syndrome.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by wanglepin »

notorial dissent wrote:Or maybe they twigged to the idea that they might inadvertently being providing filmed evidence of their legal violation activities. Something that may come back to haunt Chrisy.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Wingding »

On Toby Lee's facebook, the saga continues...
Toby Lee
8 hrs · Edited
so Chrisy Morris, answer me this then, the court order was to give possession to the claimant ! look in the top right hand corner at who the claimant was !

yes you got it it was me, the only way they could have took possession was if I was not in the house hence me staying inside defending my home you mug !

you knew this on tbe day but your so fame hungry you wanted to be seen as the hero of the day to the general public. your nothing but a fraud Chrisy !

that's why I went to court to get an injunction, cos channel 4 misrepresented the truth as are you, by telling every one that you stopped it ! fraudster
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by Penny Wise »

Tobe is an idiot of the highest order but good for him for standing up to the bully Chrisy Morris.

Reading all the posts made I could not find a single one by someone that thanks to Chrisy shouting a bailiffs and claiming everything was a fraudulent document actually saved their home.

Infact it has done nothing but to highlight Chrisy's lies. There never showed the warrant but in his own video they show him the warrant.
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Re: Chrisy Morris - Parking Tickets and Bailiffs.

Post by littleFred »

So, Tobe was the landlord, evicting tenants? It turns out Tobe and Chrisy were on opposite sides? Weird.