Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

Hercule Parrot wrote:I would have hoped that the banks had got a grip on this by now. It wouldn't be hard to devise a screening system which deterred fraudulent clawbacks.
The problem is they can't do anything without changing the legislation. Which will of course make it a royal pain in the backside for legitimate claims and the whole thing will cost more so who's going to pay? Not the banks, not the idiots who try to screw the system. It will be the usual suspects, the ordinary law abiding decent people who have to pick up the tab.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by longdog »

The official blurb says....

"If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by the organisation or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society

If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when the organisation asks you to"

Which does sound very cut and dried but I'm pretty sure that somebody who tries to do a suspicious claw-back or worse still a series of them would soon prick up the ears of the bank to a potential fraud and have their accounts frozen or closed down for fraudulent activity.

This might be the next big thing in Goofy-land but I doubt it will last long before the banks get wise and start to ask for evidence of an error before the refund large or repeated sums... "OK... We'll refund your last four year's CT / utility payments just as soon as you produce the statements / bills for the period in question. It would be a piece of piss for a genuine claim but would soon put the mockers on the goof's masterplan".
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote:
Hercule Parrot wrote:I would have hoped that the banks had got a grip on this by now. It wouldn't be hard to devise a screening system which deterred fraudulent clawbacks.
The problem is they can't do anything without changing the legislation. Which will of course make it a royal pain in the backside for legitimate claims and the whole thing will cost more so who's going to pay? Not the banks, not the idiots who try to screw the system. It will be the usual suspects, the ordinary law abiding decent people who have to pick up the tab.
It's one of my main concerns with this stuff, the costs, not to themselves, but to society at large, the invisible victims of all this. There is no regard for others, just selfish greed, egged on by a corrupt collective of thieves, voyeurs, and the mentally unwell, many of whom will go on to become victims themselves.

I have wondered if the "conspiracy" charges in the rooftop case are perhaps not indicative of any future actions.

In America a lot of the more extreme groups in the political counterculture have fractured into much smaller units in the last couple of decades, partially because of the inevitable infighting that accompanies such groups, but also because of an increase in targeting groups for responsibility, rather than an individual, leading to lengthier sentences and an easier route for victims to seek redress in their own prosecutions.

It was this change in tactics that was one of the factors that lead to Louis Beam becoming the first important domestic proponent of the strategy of leaderless resistance, or what's often referred to as a lone wolf.

With these groups effectively working as loose collectives of thieves and fraudsters the CPS may well want to legally test the strength of the conspiracy charges against such groups, with a view to a possible organised crime prosecution at a later date, allowing them to slam an enabler guru with a hefty sentence and use the provisions for recovering proceeds of crimes to allow victims a means of some claw back.

All supposition of course. I guess a lot will depend on how far this spreads and how many silly stunts they pull. If it withers and dies I'd imagine they'd just watch.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by FatGambit »

Hercule Parrot wrote:In probably-connected news, a group of new-age hippy squatter types have been finally turfed out of the so-called "Runnymede eco-village". Despite what you might imagine about peaceable vegan farming and self-sufficiency, the site looked like a municipal tip:

Image ... e-10072125.

The ex-squatters and their associates are of course up in arms about their removal. Some of them physically resisted the Police & Bailiffs, and they were manhandled, thrown to the ground and arrested! One lady ran away from the scene, fell over and hurt her finger, and she is now being showcased as a martyr of state brutality.

Meanwhile the mob have wandered up the road and "renewed" (eg broken into) a large building owned by Surrey County Council, so the game goes on. ... /timeline/
I don't know what the photo is of, but it's not the 'eco-village' which was located deep in the woods.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

YiamCross wrote:
Hercule Parrot wrote:I would have hoped that the banks had got a grip on this by now. It wouldn't be hard to devise a screening system which deterred fraudulent clawbacks.
The problem is they can't do anything without changing the legislation.
Of course they can. Here's one obvious way -

1 - Establish a DD Clawback Liaison Centre, comprising representatives of all the main banks, councils and utility companies. Staff it in a single location, or connect them virtually by web.

2 - Create a screening algorithm for DD Claims, a simple formula which weights suspicious circumstances. Agree a threshold score at which bank staff will refer claims to the Liaison Centre.

3 - When a suspicious claim comes to the Liaison Centre, carry out an immediate second screening. Has this person made other DD Clawback claims recently, have they contacted the council or utility company to question their account?

4 - If it still looks dodgy, the relevant council or utility company immediately applies for an emergency injunction prohibiting the relevant bank from refunding the DD, on grounds of suspected fraud. The bank does not defend or resist this.

5 - The bank then writes to the claimant advising that they are unable to refund the DD payments due to the injunction. The customer is invited to discuss their claim with the relevant council or utility company, or to bring their own legal action at their own cost.

Yes, this will cost a fair bit of money. But it will save a lot more if it successfully deflates the DD Clawback craze and prevents the credibility of Direct Debit being seriously damaged.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

The stupid flows like water over the Niagra Falls.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Training with Blue Belt Jiu jitsu
OK so this person may well have some techniques and skills to pass on but we aren't talking Grand Master 9th Dan Black Belt are we?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NG3 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Training with Blue Belt Jiu jitsu
OK so this person may well have some techniques and skills to pass on.
Don't wish to be pedantic but actually the IBJJF considers purple belts as minimum requirement to be considered qualified to help instruct students.

A blue belt is actually only the first earned belt (white being universal beginners level and requires no skill or training), and blue isn't even universally recognised as significant, or as an earned belt.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by AndyPandy »

This DD clawback, isn't that an offence - Obtaining Monies by Deception?

Or would it be simply classed as a Civil Dispute ?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

AndyPandy wrote:This DD clawback, isn't that an offence - Obtaining Monies by Deception?

Or would it be simply classed as a Civil Dispute ?
It certainly is if there's no good reason for a refund. Lucky for them, though, council tax is not lawful, there's no obligation in law for them to pay it and it's only squandered on wars and pensions for politicians. It's a civil matter and they can't go to prison for taking back what they were deceived into believing they should pay and are rightfully reclaiming.

Anyone who points them to evidence they're wrong is just a slave or agent showing government lies and they know loads of people who don't pay and they have no problems.

Right. I look forward to many entertaining hours of "kidnap" and court farce with much eviction fun and bailiff action. It's their kids I feel sorry for.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by grixit »

Think of it as a form of self-sacrifice. Every minute spent by the minions of evil in persecuting these brave warriors is a minute they can't spend molesting children.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

The advice gets better and better, note where this idiot woman is told her friend should stop listening to politicians and watching tv and studied law. Turns out he has for 3 years but that's not good enough for the idiots who are trying to advise her. If she's such a free spirit why is she so desperate to remain tied to her state benefits? Some people should just be hearded up and dumped in the sea somewhere. They'd be free of all man made laws then, only their natural law to govern them.
Jacinta Freespirit
22 hrs
Can anybody help us please? We received a letter for council tax, saying we owe £803 and we need to find out exactly what to send to them. We were speaking to a friend who said there is no way of not paying council tax because it would be illegal?
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Lloyd Richman If you want to see illegal, don't pay it and watch them break endless laws in order to try and obtain/extort it.
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Jacinta Freespirit I tried explaining to my friend that there is a way around it, but he's adamantly convinced that there's not. I thought I would just have to send them a letter asking to them show a contract that I've signed in wet ink saying that I agree to pay the taxes and if they can do that then I'll pay. Is there more to it? He's convinced I can't do that.
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Lloyd Richman Your friend could learn a lot if he stopped listening to politicians and watching tv and started reading law.
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Jacinta Freespirit Well he's studied law for 3 years so he's convinced he would know if there was a way around it.
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Jacinta Freespirit Also, if we were to not pay our council taxes, would our housing benefits get stopped?
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Lloyd Richman If your on housing benefit, then you have an issue, because CT contributes to housing, and if you take from the system and don't give to the system then the system in theory owns you. If your friend studied law he should be aware of things like the human rights act 1998, European convention of human rights 1950, consumer rights act 2015, the fraud act, magistrates courts act, Magna Carta, terrorism act 2000, there are so many acts that the councils break to make financial gain from us. If crimes are committed in order to find you guilty of a civil dispute, then we are run by criminals, and more to the point makes your civil "debt" void!
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NYGman »

YiamCross wrote:The advice gets better and better, note where this idiot woman is told her friend should stop listening to politicians and watching tv and studied law. Turns out he has for 3 years but that's not good enough for the idiots who are trying to advise her. If she's such a free spirit why is she so desperate to remain tied to her state benefits? Some people should just be hearded up and dumped in the sea somewhere. They'd be free of all man made laws then, only their natural law to govern them. [Snipped the idiocy]
Tell him to spend 3 years Reading the law, he has done so, and calls it impossible, and they, without any real legal training, disagree, because they believe their council is violating the human rights act 1998, European convention of human rights 1950, consumer rights act 2015, the fraud act, magistrates courts act, Magna Carta, terrorism act 2000, etc.

this is what happens when Idiots try to play lawyer. There is a reason why there is Law School, Bar Exams, and in the UK Training/Pupilage. The fact that these morons believe they can read and understand complex laws and legal issues, and provide sound legal advice, always amazes me. The fact that people listen, is even more amazing. This person should Run, run far far far away from these quacks, and listen to her legally trained friend, who will probably have to help defend you, when you end up in legal trouble. :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I tried explaining to my friend that there is a way around it, but he's adamantly convinced that there's not. I thought I would just have to send them a letter asking to them show a contract that I've signed in wet ink saying that I agree to pay the taxes and if they can do that then I'll pay. Is there more to it?
...well, maybe just a little bit more.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NYGman »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
I tried explaining to my friend that there is a way around it, but he's adamantly convinced that there's not. I thought I would just have to send them a letter asking to them show a contract that I've signed in wet ink saying that I agree to pay the taxes and if they can do that then I'll pay. Is there more to it?
...well, maybe just a little bit more.
In and return, they will send you a letter, stopping your benefits, and asking you where is the contract they signed with you in Wet Ink, promising to pay you, "your" benefits.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - As sung by Janis Joplin (and others) Written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Hyrion »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Training with Blue Belt Jiu jitsu
OK so this person may well have some techniques and skills to pass on but we aren't talking Grand Master 9th Dan Black Belt are we?
White - Blue - Purple - Brown - Black

Apparently Blue Belt is only in the ranking for adults, not children, and is the second belt in the rank. Also apparently many quite at Blue belt because they're unable to progress further for one reason or another.

So, in my humble layman opinion: you're not just getting someone who is only a cut above beginner, but also someone who is unable to progress further themselves. Not exactly someone I would trust to train me.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by AndyPandy »

NYGman wrote:
YiamCross wrote:The advice gets better and better, note where this idiot woman is told her friend should stop listening to politicians and watching tv and studied law. Turns out he has for 3 years but that's not good enough for the idiots who are trying to advise her. If she's such a free spirit why is she so desperate to remain tied to her state benefits? Some people should just be hearded up and dumped in the sea somewhere. They'd be free of all man made laws then, only their natural law to govern them. [Snipped the idiocy]
Tell him to spend 3 years Reading the law, he has done so, and calls it impossible, and they, without any real legal training, disagree, because they believe their council is violating the human rights act 1998, European convention of human rights 1950, consumer rights act 2015, the fraud act, magistrates courts act, Magna Carta, terrorism act 2000, etc.

this is what happens when Idiots try to play lawyer. There is a reason why there is Law School, Bar Exams, and in the UK Training/Pupilage. The fact that these morons believe they can read and understand complex laws and legal issues, and provide sound legal advice, always amazes me. The fact that people listen, is even more amazing. This person should Run, run far far far away from these quacks, and listen to her legally trained friend, who will probably have to help defend you, when you end up in legal trouble. :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:
Sorry, not having it - Lloyd Richman is NOT a true Freeman, he missed the Bill of Rights Act !! :naughty:
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NG3 »

According to interested parties (sorry guys, some secrets have to be kept) they were "observed" at a meeting in Nottingham very recently.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

They went through farcical to dangerous pretty quickly with their gas and electric meter nonsense. Now they're dipping deeply into lethal with cancer cures from vitamins and canabis oil. I wonder how many people this crock will kill?
Lisa Phillips shared Liz Buenrostro's post.
1 hr · Edited

Liz Buenrostro
4 October at 22:38 · Edited
I have a neighbor who was dying of cancer. Her tumors had spread all over her stomach, colon, liver, and intestines. Here in America they told her she was going to die.. Well in all honesty she was dying. She weighed about 80lbs, she is thirty years old mind you. The only thing doctors would recommended here in the states was chemo. They told her and her family to make arrangements and that she should spend her last days enjoying herself. The family did not want to give up so they went to severel doctors here in America to get a second oppinion and they all said the same thing. Her mother had heard of a doctor in Tijuana, Mexico who does alternative treatments so she was determined to give that a try. What the doctor did was pump her body with vitamins and alkalize her body with oxygen. She also used cannabis oil. This morning I saw her and she was walking around talking, driving.... Which is remarkable because she use to be bedridden, weak and unable to talk. She is in good health and Cancer clear. I will upload a picture of her when I get a chance. Hopefully she will allow me to do a small interview. If she and her family would have listened to the doctors here in America she would have left behind two small children and a husband. Alternative treatments is the way to go. It is unfortunate that our government does not allow this treatment and allows people to die everyday knowing there are so many cures. Those are the type of leaders we have people
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by FatGambit »

One could say someone placing their faith in a treatment that's core basis is to kill the infection before it kills you, is equally as deluded.