Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

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Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

I don't know if it's just me or if the world is finally going completely crazy. ... 2985467434

Elisabeth Nolson‎Land Council Uk / The Community Trusts
3 August at 08:26 ·
We also have positions for land council security facilitators
You will be given an education in law, arrest, restrain and peace keeping and protection of the public.
In return you will be released of all your liabilities from your debts, your bills, live a life of no charges and be exempted from taxation paid to terrorists as is currently the situation. A reimbursement in excess of £50k a year with a warrant to heal and help instead of harm.
Please email us at for those of you interested xx
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NG3 »

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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by schismatrix »

Land Council Trust mad AND bad?
As a box of frogs with a switchblade.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Hyrion »

Elisabeth wrote:you will be released of all your liabilities from your debts, your bills
I wonder if PoE is aware of this - that Elisabeth can release all PoE's customers from the debt and bills they have with him like that debt in the form of the worthless PN and the monthly service fee he charges.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

My CV is in the post. Released from all debts, £50k a year and a super power too? Be mad not to.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by schismatrix »

YiamCross wrote:My CV is in the post. Released from all debts, £50k a year and a super power too? Be mad not to.
Call me a cynical old thing, but I suspect the generous remuneration package may be similar to that offered for the live-in carer vacancy:
Approx re numeration package valued £12k to £25k
emphasis mine
Normal Wisdom
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Normal Wisdom »

I watched the video and that woman barely said anything intelligible in over 5 minutes. What was the "free energy" stuff all about. Did she mean "free labour"? The bloke did at least make a little sense about saving money by growing fruit and vegetables (when he was able to get a word in edgewise).

As I understand it, the plan is to take over some land that you don't own and don't have permission to use and grow fruit and veg? I'm a bit hazy about the next step but I think it includes giving a third of the produce to local charities, foodbanks etc and selling a third to local shops. I could be wrong.

I'm not sure they have though this through as an enterprise although it potentially makes an interesting point about unused land.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by longdog »

schismatrix wrote:
YiamCross wrote:My CV is in the post. Released from all debts, £50k a year and a super power too? Be mad not to.
Call me a cynical old thing, but I suspect the generous remuneration package may be similar to that offered for the live-in carer vacancy:
Approx re numeration package valued £12k to £25k
emphasis mine
Either that's a misspelling of remuneration or the job pays a number of Re :shrug:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Forsyth »

schismatrix wrote:
Approx re numeration package valued £12k to £25k
emphasis mine
And this one's mine. I am not a number! Also:
United we stand divided
well that's not an option!
A missed comma and an unfortunate line-break :-)

Joking (and nit picking) aside, that is a remarkably well presented site - we're not talking Time Cube here. With a little bit more proof reading, and perhaps leaving off the Fluoride=Nazis image, they'd look quite respectable. There are a few tell-tales, such as a lack of a registered charity number, list of patrons or physical contact details that may indicate a general lack of respectability but many readers won't notice what's not there.

The casual reader is also likely to assume from the stock photos of The National Botanical Gardens in Wales that they are a Land Council achievement. The National Botanical Gardens in Wales were actually made possible through large amounts of National Lottery and Welsh Assembly (government) funds, in addition to public donations. I was unable to find any reference to Elisabeth Nolson or Land Council on

Many of the other images can also be found on The Bournemouth Echo, which has some quite disturbing content:
I really hope that's an example of bad journalism and not the terrifying scene it brings to mind.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by longdog »

Normal Wisdom wrote:What was the "free energy" stuff all about. Did she mean "free labour"?
Nope... She means free energy in the over-unity-machine sense apparently based on the work of a certain Mr Bogdan Majkic whose grasp of basic physics is about on a par with that of my very lovely but very dense greyhound.

At best he's reinvented pumped storage hydo-electric generation ( ... lectricity) 40 years after they built Dinorwic, which wasn't even the first, and the rest of it is the usual perpetual-motion crap that's been around since god was a lad.

JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by longdog »

The dream...


The reality...

JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by guilty »

Definitely mad....
Here is the official response from Land Council. Please refer to this also should the councils rebut your trespass prosecution,.
Witness Statements regarding :
TORT of Trespass and Conspiracy to Commit Fraud against ALL County, Borough, City and Metropolitan Councils of England Scotland and Wales.
Details of the Community Protection Order served in August 2015 through the relevant Community Trusts for each area.

Land Council and its authority. Land Council is a structure of direct democracy that has been adopted by many thousands of inhabitants of the land mass known as UK. These members have created their own Community Trusts to administrate their resources and source energy, their cestui que vie trusts and the cestque use as well as their national insurance numbers collateral and value. They recognise they are the true source of all the countries wealth and that their access to their resources have been stolen and made obstructed through corporate hold on the licenses issued by the government to the corporations who then supply the contaminated food, water, energy and pharmaceuticals. This is the tort of trespass.
The councils who allow this corporate trespass on their constituents permitting infarct the licenses for this trespass to be inflicted makes the councils completely liable for the facilitation of such crimes to be committed.
A further TORT of TRESPASS is then continued in the manner and form known as Council Tax Enforcement Liability and Collection. This tax is without merit and ab initio it has no contract between the recipient of the fictitious liability order and council. This is tantamount to operating a cartel. There is evidence to prove that councils on average claim liabilities ranging from £120,-180,000 a year from the Grants from HM Treasury. We know that the money from these grants is generated through hedge funding the bond numbers of the enslaved people through the birth certificate fraud, created in non disclosure and also therefore ab inito.
We also have evidence to demonstrate that council tax is in fact extortion of money by menace as there is no contract in place to execute in a court of law. This is conspiracy to commit fraud.
The Council create a liability order apply to the Treasury and the Treasury pay the money but the people are getting 8% spent and the rest is pilfered while your corporate entities scream austerity and send the families who have diligently paid this fraudulent tax to food banks to obtain free GMO food being supplied to our communities. This TORT is one of conspiracy to commit fraud and cause harm with intent to profit. The GMO food causes disease and the birth certificate numbered stock increases in value in the pharmaceutical industry market because of this. This is Human Farming.

Bio ethics Law is a corruption of the universal Law and to permit pharmaceuticals to be pertained to as medicine under Canon 4945 The first Bio Weapon and or chemical weapon used as treatment in chemotherapy was “mustine” mustard gas for the treatment of Lymphomas. This is a trespass of the severest degree.
This creates a further TORT of Operating Slavery Systems guilty by all parties operating and supporting such systems.
The Cest que tu vie trust is the 1/7th billionth share of this planets resources held in trust. All of our public and community assets and property are held in trust by the councils, however when the councils became a corporation they also privatised the market of “councils” this is when they opened up to competition and this is where the Land Council came from. Created directly by the community members that the current corporate councils have assumed jurisdiction over through the administration of the birth certificates of the constituents of their borough. The families of the communities have been protected with a divine universal family trust. This Trust along with the Land Council Trust and the Community Trusts are written and governed by the Universal Community Trust under Universal, Natural Law. We do not recognise Roman Law, only as a corruption of truth and all that is universally natural.
As the councils are no longer a trust they can no longer hold our assets “in trust” which means the councils are now guilty of theft of public assets and from the treasury. HM Treasury has been notified and paperwork is being created to file a country wide law suit against every single member of every single council that has supported this and continues to do so even after the serving of The Community Protection Order. The Universal Community Trust ordered this Notice due to the irrevocable harm you are causing on all inhabitants of this planet that has a direct effect on the environment its situated in, the Universe. Under Universal Law you are charged with the TORT of UNIVERSALLY TRESPASSING against the inhabitants of this MULTIVERSE and are hereby stood down because of that fact.

Our state of being is Universal Source Energy manifest in the form of being human, currently. The members of our Community Trusts are protected through a Non Disclosure and all trespass against our members will be compensated for with due process through a court of Universal Law and the sentences shall be issued in accordance with the direct democratic consent of each community trust .

The Community Trusts warrant that the Community Protection Order be adhered to with immediate effect there is no further NOTICE period
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

I love the technical detail in this drawing, might have been good enough to scrape a pass in a primary school science project but Concept proof? Where's the proof that "more energy is gained than what have been pot in"? I guess if the calculations are as accurate as the grammar and spelling there's a chance it may not work as advertised. Unless it rains a lot at the top of the hill.

Why is it the crazier the scheme the more superlatives are used to describe it? Super hydro power station indeed. Good use of crayons, though.

I too had plans to get free electricity from a hydro power plant but then I worked out how much water needs to flow and from how high I had to have a rethink. The project stumbled when my bid to anex Wales failed and has not yet managed to get up again.

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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NG3 »

longdog wrote: The reality...
Plastic, plastic everywhere, nothing eco-friendly in sight.

I have a modicum of sympathy for these sorts of ideas. I had contact with a couple of alt. communities growing up and I am actually supportive of the concept that if somebody wants to set up an alt. society then, providing they stay within the law, and everything is properly done, then why not?

There's been quite a few such communities in this country, some coexisting quite happily with the outside world for decades. In fact Forsyth mentions Wales in their comment, and I'm aware of an eco community there at present, who bought their land, got proper planning permission, liaised with appropriate councils and coexist with the local community quite happily.

All power to them, I say, but as others have observed this version is just a crazy, badly thought out version of such communes and communities, with no obvious respect for the law, or people living in that area.




In it's own way, yes


Possibly, got to dig a little further first to find out one way or the other.
Normal Wisdom
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Normal Wisdom »

longdog wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote:What was the "free energy" stuff all about. Did she mean "free labour"?
Nope... She means free energy in the over-unity-machine sense
Oh one of those. I remember watching a YouTube video of someone cranking up a machine and lighting three bulbs to resounding oohs and aahs from the assembled throng who were apparently quite oblivious to the fact that the machine was plugged into a socket on the wall. The name "Hopegirl" rings a bell.

If Elizabeth believes in all that nonsense and thinks she's going to change the world by planting some potatoes on a bit of council scrub land and use the "notice to agent is notice to principal ...." heading then she is indeed quite, quite mad.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Dai Kiwi »

NG3 wrote:
There's been quite a few such communities in this country, some coexisting quite happily with the outside world for decades. In fact Forsyth mentions Wales in their comment, and I'm aware of an eco community there at present, who bought their land, got proper planning permission, liaised with appropriate councils and coexist with the local community quite happily.

All power to them, I say, but as others have observed this version is just a crazy, badly thought out version of such communes and communities, with no obvious respect for the law, or people living in that area.

I pretty much agree with NG3. In NZ we've also had communities of the sort he describes for decades - the oldest I can think of began in the 1940s and is still running (Riverside). This lot, however, give a bad name to the ideals. Scam? Probably not, just not in touch with reality and no respect for anyone except themselves. What I tend to think of as "bright eyed syndrome" - fanatics.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by longdog »

guilty wrote:Definitely mad....
Here is the official response from Land Council...

Blah, blah, blah

...The Community Trusts warrant that the Community Protection Order be adhered to with immediate effect there is no further NOTICE period
Well that ticks all the boxes :haha:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by longdog »

NG3 wrote:
longdog wrote: The reality...
Plastic, plastic everywhere, nothing eco-friendly in sight.

I have a modicum of sympathy for these sorts of ideas. I had contact with a couple of alt. communities growing up and I am actually supportive of the concept that if somebody wants to set up an alt. society then, providing they stay within the law, and everything is properly done, then why not?
I have great sympathy for the idea of turning wasteland into a community food resource but this just isn't the way to go about it. If they had approached the council with a well thought out proposal for a "community garden" they might have been given permission, there are a few in my home city, but erecting shacks, pitching tents and then claiming that the land is theirs was only ever going to piss people off.




In it's own way, yes


Possibly, got to dig a little further first to find out one way or the other.
I would've said mad but not bad were it not for the autocratic pseudo-law attitude and freeman bullshit.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

Normal Wisdom wrote:
longdog wrote:
Normal Wisdom wrote:What was the "free energy" stuff all about. Did she mean "free labour"?
Nope... She means free energy in the over-unity-machine sense
Oh one of those. I remember watching a YouTube video of someone cranking up a machine and lighting three bulbs to resounding oohs and aahs from the assembled throng who were apparently quite oblivious to the fact that the machine was plugged into a socket on the wall. The name "Hopegirl" rings a bell.

If Elizabeth believes in all that nonsense and thinks she's going to change the world by planting some potatoes on a bit of council scrub land and use the "notice to agent is notice to principal ...." heading then she is indeed quite, quite mad.
After losing his car to the crusher and getting pissed off with drinking his own piss Dave "traveller" Murphy invested heavily in one of those zero point Tesla machines. There's a video somewhere on YouTube for anyone desperate enough to want to see a broken man in the last throes of madness. I can't be arsed.