Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by longdog »

FatGambit wrote:One could say someone placing their faith in a treatment that's core basis is to kill the infection before it kills you, is equally as deluded.
Apart from the minor difference that one is a load of pseudo-scientific horse-shit and the other one works. :naughty:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

FatGambit wrote:One could say someone placing their faith in a treatment that's core basis is to kill the infection before it kills you, is equally as deluded.
Not sure what you mean here. I guess I'd go with the one which has some properly verified evidence of efficacy behind it. You can go to Tijuana and be alkylised by oxygen if you like.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by FatGambit »

longdog wrote:
FatGambit wrote:One could say someone placing their faith in a treatment that's core basis is to kill the infection before it kills you, is equally as deluded.
Apart from the minor difference that one is a load of pseudo-scientific horse-shit and the other one works. :naughty:
My family history says otherwise so I will respectfully disagree with you on how well chemo 'works'.

Not saying I'd go to the out edges of the earth to be pumped with oxygen (whatever that means), but I'm afraid my experience with chemo does not tally with the rosey happy ending story they tell you.

On Sunday I had the starting of a very heavy cold, due to a childhoon illness I'm particularly susceptible to them, and they can leave me bedridden for weeks if they take hold, so I went out and bought some real lemons, and some nice and expensive New Zealand honey, today I'm 99% clear of the cold with that particular pseudo-scientific horse-shit, yet the last time this happened, I dived for the other 'officially recommended by your doctor cold rememdies' and ended up with pneumonia.

So yeah, you stick to your horse-shit, and I'll stick to mine.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

FatGambit wrote:
Not saying I'd go to the out edges of the earth to be pumped with oxygen (whatever that means), but I'm afraid my experience with chemo does not tally with the rosey happy ending story they tell you.
Sorry to hear things haven't worked out well for you and chemo therapy is no fun even when it is effective. No medicine offers a 100% cure rate but chemo therapy has been proven to work whereas vitamin suppliments and oxygen treatment, as far as I know, have not. I personally know several people who are alive and well now some years after chemo treatment and I'm only sorry this is not so for you and yours.

To encourage anyone to ignore real medical advice in favour of mumbo jumbo is tantamount to murder in my book. Can't see any other way to look at it.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by FatGambit »

..and how many people do you know who have not been so fortunate?

I would never encourage anybody to ignore medical advise, but I would encourage them to do research before committing and not take the word of a doctor just because he is a doctor, and I wouldn't dismiss them as dumb or whatever because they had chosen to seek treatment in a form that differed from what is generally socially acceptable.

There are exceptions of course, some things are just so obviously snake oil that it sticks out like a sore thumb, but I wouldn't automatically dismiss something because it's not conventional.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Gregg »

I am a cancer survivor, didn't have chemo but did get directed beam radiation therapy, which didn't take the first time so I waited 6 months to recover from it (the whole kill the cancer slightly faster than killing the patient is somewhat true) and did it again. I was a very sick person for better than a year, but my brother, two years older than me, same diagnosis (prostate cancer which is hereditary linked) diagnosed less than 6 months after me, died in November of 2008. Up until a few weeks before he passed away the fact is that to the outside observer he was the one recovering and I was the one terminal, again, the treatment made me much sicker than I would otherwise have been. Bob smoked marijuana which I suspect helped him eat better than me and didn't lose as much weight. I would point out that this is in fact how your body fights natural infection, a fever is the body trying to kill with antibodies things in your body before they cause more problems. A fever maintained too long can be fatal, too.

I'll stick with the Doctors of Oncology over ANY psuedo treatment because if any of them do any good at all, it is first a happy coincidence and second, very likely not known or not properly recognized.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by AndyPandy »

It's a difficult one, friends step father currently on HDU following 'pioneering' surgery for bowel cancer. It all Went horribly wrong, currently he's in an induced coma whilst his system is rapidly poisoning him.

I know they have to develop new techniques, but to be fair you don't want to be the Guinea Pig when they're trialling something new.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by longdog »

FatGambit wrote:
On Sunday I had the starting of a very heavy cold, due to a childhoon illness I'm particularly susceptible to them, and they can leave me bedridden for weeks if they take hold, so I went out and bought some real lemons, and some nice and expensive New Zealand honey, today I'm 99% clear of the cold with that particular pseudo-scientific horse-shit, yet the last time this happened, I dived for the other 'officially recommended by your doctor cold rememdies' and ended up with pneumonia.

So yeah, you stick to your horse-shit, and I'll stick to mine.
I'm not sure any decent doctor would claim any of the cold remedies were a cure rather than symptomatic care and there's a massive difference between 'home remedies' for minor illnesses and quack remedies for cancer which can leave you very dead.

Remember the quote was "What the doctor did was pump her body with vitamins and alkalize her body with oxygen. She also used cannabis oil." That's just plain quackery. 'Megavitamins' and cannabis have both been tested in-vivo as treatments for cancer and both have been shown to be ineffective. As for 'alkalising' with oxygen that's just plain bullshit and nothing more.

Incidentally I use the massive doses of vitamin C and hot lemony drinks at the first sign of a cold and yes, it seems to work but that doesn't mean I'm going to start treating my diabetes with crankery.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NG3 »

longdog wrote: Incidentally I use the massive doses of vitamin C and hot lemony drinks at the first sign of a cold and yes, it seems to work.
I dose myself with various products at the first sign of anything, however I'm aware that I'm merely masking unpleasant symptoms, while my bodies fighting the actual problem.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by FatGambit »

Fair point longdog.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

I do, or should I say did, know at least one person who didn't make it but that was a long time ago and cancer treatments, chemo included, have come a long way since then.

I also know someone who is a reasonably big name in cancer research, proper stuff in a leading UK university, and as she says, if canabis oil cured cancer there would be no way of stopping it. Then again, we all know how good asprin is for headaches but chewing willow bark is unlikely to be as effective or consistent or reliable as an accurately measured purified tablet form of the active ingredients.

Sure, by all means take lots of vitamins, suck all the oxygen you can, even suck on a few bongs if it makes you feel good but make sure you know how all that stuff is going to affect the properly tested medical treatment you should be on before you go too far down the alternative therapy route.

Medical science isn't perfect but as I understand it, more people survive cancer than die of it and that has nothing to do with quack therapies which have never been properly tested or even proven to work in any way shape or form and everything to do with treatments developed with billons of dollars of clinical research behind them.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

YiamCross wrote:I also know someone who is a reasonably big name in cancer research, proper stuff in a leading UK university, and as she says, if canabis oil cured cancer there would be no way of stopping it.
That's the crux of it. If researchers found that cannabis, prayer or acupuncture could cure cancer, they would report that, ensure that their own loved ones were treated that way. It would be impossible to suppress that secret, someone would tip off the papers or anonymously send a file to their MP. What new-age treatments can do is to make you feel more in control, more confident, more positive - they have a valuable role as an ancillary treatment to the bare medical procedures, but never as an alternative.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by PeanutGallery »

The other issue is that the placebo affect can't be ruled out when dealing with alternative therapies. You might feel better for taking them because you expect to feel better and not because they are actually doing anything to help. Cannabis does have some use in Cancer treatment, but purely as a means to enhance the appetite and help with the rigours of chemotherapy.

Unfortunately we are at a very early stage of being able to deal with cancer, we know what it is and in some cases we can deal with it, but we don't yet have a treatment that is 100% affective across all types of cancer, in fact I would suggest we are a long way off from such a breakthrough.

As to the conspiracy theorists who believe we have a cure and it is being suppressed by big pharma, that is not the case. If it were we would still be seeing polio as a thing that happens along with smallpox.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

PeanutGallery wrote:The other issue is that the placebo affect can't be ruled out when dealing with alternative therapies. You might feel better for taking them because you expect to feel better and not because they are actually doing anything to help. Cannabis does have some use in Cancer treatment, but purely as a means to enhance the appetite and help with the rigours of chemotherapy.
I've had accupuncture and I found the biggest benefit from it was being left for half an hour in a darkened room with relaxing music. It was a pleasant experience, I can't honestly say I found the results to be any better than I would have got laying in a darkened room at home with relaxing music.
PeanutGallery wrote:Unfortunately we are at a very early stage of being able to deal with cancer, we know what it is and in some cases we can deal with it, but we don't yet have a treatment that is 100% affective across all types of cancer, in fact I would suggest we are a long way off from such a breakthrough.

As to the conspiracy theorists who believe we have a cure and it is being suppressed by big pharma, that is not the case. If it were we would still be seeing polio as a thing that happens along with smallpox.
Cancer is not just one thing. It takes on a variety of forms, there are any number of causes for different cancers some of which are better understood than others. Breast cancer is one of the most treatable and surviveable if caught early enough as far as I can tell.

One thing is for sure, though, and that is when cancer has spread to all the major organs of the body and a person's body weight has dropped as severely as the case mentioned above any remission would be bordering on the miraculous.

Which brings up another point. Cancer can go into remission for no apparent reason. It's also impossible to know whether a treatment has caused the remission or whether it would have happened anyway or if a different treatment might have worked where one failed. I have never found one of these anecdotal alternative cure stories to have stood up to close scrutiny of the facts. Either the person who puts their cure down to some snake oil quackery is also having a full on dose of chemo and radiation or they looked like they were better one day and a week later they were dead. Or, in a surprisingly large proportion of these miraculous cases, they never had cancer at all.

Certainly many doctors who are familiar with the side effects of certain treatments and the expected outcome choose a shorter but less uncomfortable end to their life. All these things are easy to discuss when it's not us or a loved one who's facing the dilema and I sure as hell know if it were me I'd be keen to try anything that might work. Not something I would like to face but statistically there's something like a 1 in 3 chance I will have to.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by PeanutGallery »

The other thing is the simple truth that in this life something is going to kill us all eventually. We aren't immortal, we just haven't died yet. All medical science can do is put death off for a little while, but at some point our tickers going to have ticked it's last tock.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

I could be wrong but our Lisa seems upset...
Elisabeth Nolson
1 hr · Edited ·
Well the levels these parasites known as Cleveland common purpose terrorists will stoop has hit an all time low. Telling lie after lie and manipulating truth seems to be standard practise. For the record numpty legalese upholders and enforcers you need to learn the law if you continue to profess to uphold it. A woman who has gone to learn life skills to deal with the shit thrown by the common purpose brigade is now being threatened with abandoning her house. So first she is psycho then she is missing then she has abandoned her children and other property. Come on keystone cops make your minds up ..oh thats right you dont use yours do you being governed in the mente by the nazis pulling your neurons round for you... so what is it.. everytime we leave our houses we now have to report in to the public servants to imform them of our whereabouts ... or they will assume your situation would be enhanced to find yourself evicted ... first she has a contract so you need to go to court.. second continue as you are and it will be you who will be charged with abandonment .. abandoning the law and wearing a po lice outfit acting unlawfully renders you all liable for prosecution under the heading of impersonating a police officer. In fact thanks for the mind work out. The whole police service can actually be prosecuted en masse for impersonation. Extortion and running a cartel. As well as aiding and abetting criminals.. aka politicians .. who wants to add their trust number to that... we could, if we were assuming like you lot, assume with a large amount of probability, that every being in the land would prosecute them if they had the facts to hand.. its only ignorance that keeps them here .. so open your eye peeps and shut off your financial support via unlawful council tax for starters. " we do not wish to contract with you Goyim" they use it on us.. return that shit parcel to sender ...
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by notorial dissent »

I think "disturbed" is a better characterization if you want my opinion, or even if you don't.

I would say based on the rambling near incoherent expostulation that she is indeed upset about something, really doesn't like the police, and can't seem to put a coherent thought or statement together to save herself.

For those of us playing along at home with out a working crystal ball, any idea of what and who she was rattling on incoherently about?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

notorial dissent wrote:I ....
For those of us playing along at home with out a working crystal ball, any idea of what and who she was rattling on incoherently about?
I wish she would give us some kind of clue. It is frustrating to only have one side of the story, a bit like listening to one end of a phone conversation. I still hope to find out more of what happened the day she was kidnapped in her caravan. The same day she was subjected to examination by a mental health care professional.

These people are jumping on pretty much every mad and dangerous fotl theory, including the belief that they don't need to insute their vehicles. Something very bad is going to happen sooner rather than later with this lot.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by PeanutGallery »

My guess would be that she went somewhere to learn more Freeman woo type stuff, possibly abroad, possibly not, but didn't inform the council/social services/dss or take her kids with her. She's now in trouble for abandoning either her kids or her property or even both. Abandoning a council house is pretty serious and basically if you don't confirm that you live there you can lose the property.

She seems to blame Cleveland for this (which I'm guessing is the town up North and not the more famous city in Ohio). It might be that someone has made an accusation that she has abandoned the property, people sometimes do make false allegations out of spite, but she could resolve it quite easily by simply writing back to the council and saying that she does live their, that it is her only property and that she does not reside anywhere else.

This would be a sensible thing to do, because it could all be a big mistake. However chances are she is going to make this whole situation a lot worse and a lot more stressful because she'll follow advice given by some idiot of a guru.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Burnaby49 »

She's not blaming Cleveland, the American city, she's blaming "Cleveland common purpose terrorists". A quick google check shows Common Purpose to be some form of young people's leadership program; ... oCcmvw_wcB

And one branch of it does seem to be in Cleveland UK ... aduates_14
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15 November 2011
Dear George,

Thank you for your request of 12 November 2011 regarding Common Purpose. This request will be handled under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act (2000) on behalf of NHS Tees (NHS Hartlepool, NHS Middlesbrough, NHS Redcar and Cleveland and NHS Stockton on Tees). I can be contacted by telephone on 01642 745042 should you have any questions or concerns about your request.

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Under the Act we have 20 working days in which to provide the information, therefore you can expect a response no later than 9 December 2011.

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If I can be of any further assistance in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact me. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

Liane Cotterill

Information Governance Advisor
Corporate Affairs Directorate
NHS Hartlepool, NHS Middlesbrough, NHS Redcar & Cleveland, NHS Stockton on Tees

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