Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by PeanutGallery »

Burnaby49 wrote:She's not blaming Cleveland, the American city, she's blaming "Cleveland common purpose terrorists". A quick google check shows Common Purpose to be some form of young people's leadership program;
Common Purpose is a training methodology that has been adopted by a lot of organisations, it teaches a management style that places an emphasis on everyone working towards the same goal in an organisation, ie having a common purpose.

More information is available on their website

It's been drawn into the UK scene by the meandering rantings of Brian "UK Column" Gerrish, who thinks it is something much more sinister than it actually is. Brian thinks that "Common Purpose" is a conspiracy against him and all the other 'alternative thinking types' and that it is secretly trying to oppress the world and take over everything.

Among some of the UK scene common purpose is practical a synonym for local government, even if the training organisation hasn't actually done any training, because those in the truth movement aren't necessarily interested in actual facts when they have so many more outrageous imagined ones.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

They've now made their group secret. They seem to be jumping on every crazy bandwagon going.

They're still advising people to remove their meters, gas and electric, and replace them with thier own. Apparently they have engineers "up there" that will do it but none down south yet.

Should all be moot soon, though, now someone is releasing free fusion energy to the world. A short extract from the website link_

The Keshe Foundation is NOT selling these units to YOU AND I—they are offering the prototype and blueprint for the reactor to those who wish to MANUFACTURE, SELL AND DISTRIBUTE the units to WE, THE PEOPLE.

I am astounded at the negativity displayed by those who SUPPOSEDLY know what is going on. READ and LISTEN before you attack the Lightworkers. Unbelievable.

They tried to distribute this technology via thumbdrive to all government ambassadors, but as you may know, so many governments are CORRUPT and thriving on the oil and gas industries that they simply locked it up and didn’t tell their people about it.

AS a result, THIS IS THE WAY IT MUST HAPPEN to release this technology to the world....
For those with the stomach to take more, here's the link.

http://www.starshipearththebigpicture.c ... ber-video/

I don't think I have the strength to watch the video but if anyone wants to give it a go and let us know...
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

Sometimes I despair. What chance do people like this have in life?
Kim Lawley Stig have you done any research on the damage to the sun by harvesting it. I WONT be having any solar. There's far better ways of making free energy than killing the sun. And Jon Jon Candoo take a look at Galan Winsor the uranium lies we've been brainwashed with will shock you it made me very angry because from a cheap low cost fuel the entities forced its value up to more than the price of gold solely for greed and one guess who owns the worlds uranium mines 90 odd % a clue she controls the worlds heroin and it's her crops in Afgan
Harvesting solar energy kills the sun? You can't make this stuff up, you just can't.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote:
The Keshe Foundation
Mehran Keshe pops up a lot, never delivered yet though, as far as I'm aware, despite taking money for orders for at least half a decade now.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

These people are my top tip for some serious shit to go off sooner rather than later.

Jon Shackleton has a court case coming up soon, no idea what for but it doesn't seem to be trivial. He appears to be happy to ignore it.

They are claiming to have replaced a number of utility meters in their area, which I believe is Redcar, though they travel the country "educating" people in their strange system of beliefs which are pretty much pure FOTL with a lot of organic food, spiritual woo and free energy stuff thrown in.

They claim to have set up some kind of family trusts which allow them to operate outside of the law of statute, including the need to tax, insure and MOT their vehicles. Again, they don't make it very clear exactly what or how preferring to spread the details of their philosophy at private meetings. They have made their FB page private and expect everyone to sign NDAs and, oddly, they threaten litigation (I assume through the corrupt corporation courts) against anyone who breaches confidentiality.

They're showing strong signs of a recent FOTL tendency to go underground and avoid the harsh spotlight of publicity for their actions, preferring instead to claim the need for a cloak of secrecy to protect them from TBTB. Every time they get arrested and taken to court it shows how successful they are and how desperately TBTB are opposing them through fear which all adds the mystique of their conspiracy theories in the weak minds of the desperate and dispossessed.

Sadly they don't seem to be much good at anything considering how many times they've been run off land, arrested, and generally baulked at every turn.

Had to laugh at this example of their programming prowess:

Design skills, grammar and spelling are clearly not in their skillset. I haven't tried it, who knows, it could be a CIA/GCHQ trap designed to harvest info on those taking part in the revolution. Don't want the secret police appearing on my doorstep in the middle of the night. Note the instruction to reclaim 6 years of council tax payments through the direct debit guarantee scheme. What could possibly go wrong?

Most scary part? They have over 1500 members and they seem to be quite active.

I predict death and or serious injury sooner or later with this lot.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by longdog »

Hmmm.... Just followed the Facebook link at the bottom of that page and surprise, surprise... There's every known lunatic conspiracy theory and associated bullshit.

Grade A fruitcake.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

YiamCross wrote:Had to laugh at this example of their programming prowess:
Guestbook : Friday 16th of October 2015 05:15:59 PM
they have despite a denial of jurisdiction notice , issued a liability and sent it to my employer who has started deductions by the payroll department
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

This lot are destined for great things. They only need 90,000 people to donate £1 each and they can buy something like 13 acres of Welsh land to grow free organic fruit and vegetables for all. I'm guessing there's not one of them with the slightest clue about farming or even gardening.

This link appears in the Crawford's Eviction Fruaud of the Banks Page where one of the funniest comments I've seen for ages appears under it, no prizes for guessing it's the last one:
Francis Hanney
10 hrs
Come on people get behind this, it is a solution, please share this post far and wide, if 19k good people donate just £5 each we can buy 13.5 acres of land to grow in abundance organic fruit and vegetables For all. Together we can make this happen, we can do this. Http://
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4 people like this.
Kelly Killian
Kelly Killian Where is this located?
Like · Reply · 10 hrs
Francis Hanney
Francis Hanney South Wales to start with
Like · Reply · 10 hrs
John Sammers
John Sammers Count me in!
Like · Reply · 8 hrs
Francis Hanney
Francis Hanney Thanks john, lets do this brother
Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
Tommy Penney
Tommy Penney It's still owned by the crown
Like · Reply · 7 hrs
Francis Hanney
Francis Hanney Not if the people say different, its time to stand up or kneel and serve... The latter is not for me.
Like · Reply · 7 hrs
John Sammers
John Sammers One way could be to form a common law pure trust foundation or a co-operative and creative sovereign certification (I have completed the process) in each of us and if we like under the Cest Qu Vie Act S4 (if we need ancient statutes to stand on. S4 speaks of 'returning from beyond the seas' through sight recognition by another living wo/man. All ancient titles are reverted in him by remitter) and petition the crown to accept our allodial title. We declare a peace treaty with the Queen and to be considered an ally so we get around any emergency powers acts because we will be foreign occupiers (if we declare the land a sovereign estate and have all participants beneficiaries of the trust - and then state we are advocates of fundamental freedoms which will enable us to use anti-slavery definitions to maintain our freedom from the state and council tax and other such bs.
It's do-able IMHO - but would take a decent amount of work!
Like · Reply · 1 ·
A prize of a weekend in a mental rehab centre for the first person who can make sense of that.

So, they have just over £200 so far, any bets on whether they'll reach their total?
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Burnaby49 »

A prize of a weekend in a mental rehab centre for the first person who can make sense of that.

So, they have just over £200 so far, any bets on whether they'll reach their total?
Does it matter since it is Crown land? They might think they can just move in and take it but I'd bet the Crown will think otherwise.

This doesn't sound entirely persuasive;
Tommy Penney It's still owned by the crown

Francis Hanney Not if the people say different, its time to stand up or kneel and serve... The latter is not for me.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote: Does it matter since it is Crown land? They might think they can just move in and take it but I'd bet the Crown will think otherwise.
I think a dude by the name of Owen Glendower might be able to answer that.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Skeleton »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
YiamCross wrote:Had to laugh at this example of their programming prowess:
Guestbook : Friday 16th of October 2015 05:15:59 PM
they have despite a denial of jurisdiction notice , issued a liability and sent it to my employer who has started deductions by the payroll department
$1$EQ5uT.X8$IfHwwZ1JvwMyNu7FMWMaI0 on Saturday 17th of October 2015 06:12:11 AM
Message: Anyone can inform their employer that they wish to take care of their tax with the government directly. Notify your employer in writing that you will be paying your own tax and they have no right to deny you this freedom and then you take it up with the government.

$1$ZoCHRLVm$V2BnFXgIEd.r3xhr6mRYc1 on Saturday 17th of October 2015 06:05:10 AM
Message: Did you formally contest the deductions your employer decided to pay to a third party without your permission? Sounds like trespass to me if you have and they continue.

$1$jBVDMlp/$45HAun3O1qW4Ur48VGa0j/ on Friday 16th of October 2015 05:15:59 PM
Message: they have despite a denial of jurisdiction notice , issued a liability and sent it to my employer who has started deductions by the payroll department , is this process still valid .
Yes and the hilarity continues with the replies, presented as ever as "fact." The 3 letter process they use on that site beggars believe, page after page of utter drivel that is meaningless to the majority, but it works, they even show a letter from a DCA advising a CT bill has been sent back to the Council, victory indeed.

If you like your debt to increase i agree it is indeed a victory.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

WTF? I mean, really, what else can you say but WTF?
Elisabeth Nolson
1 hr
In order to attend the land councils presentations in the future you will need to bring your court summons for non payment of council tax from today
Who here is still paying for this shit can remove yourselves now as land council trust is creating a prosecution against thkse funding terrorism.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Skeleton »

YiamCross wrote:WTF? I mean, really, what else can you say but WTF?
Elisabeth Nolson
1 hr
In order to attend the land councils presentations in the future you will need to bring your court summons for non payment of council tax from today
Who here is still paying for this shit can remove yourselves now as land council trust is creating a prosecution against thkse funding terrorism.
Agreed mate, but it is a sign of desperation, the same as FB groups heading underground, they want like minded people and that is it. Sadly again these thicko's shoot themselves in the foot. They seriously believe there are tens of thousands like them up and down the UK who willfully withhold paying their CT. When no one turns up to said meeting other than a couple of hundred who could use better dress sense and have a decent wash they will claim they were infiltrated by shills and trolls.

As an aside i bet she puts her bins out every week, and i bet if her house caught fire she would dial 999.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by YiamCross »

I think they're lucky if a couple of people turn up to a meeting, let alone a couple of hundred.

This lot do seem to be particularly dangerous but I can't see them going on much longer as they're having more and more visits from the police. I might post some of the posts about their latest conflict where their goat was "kidnapped". Maybe gone to live with Betty of the Crawford family?

It would be funny if what they're encouraging people to do was not so seriously dangerous to both health and wealth.

They bang on about getting some land to produce free organic fruit and vegetables for "the people" but I've never yet seen an example of them growing so much as a bean. And why do they think it's possible to produce fruit and vegetables for nothing? As a hobby, a sideline from a vegetable garden or an allotment but even then someone will have to pay money somewhere along the line for some aspect of the growing process. I can't comprehend the level of stupidity these people show nor do I want to find myself so severely mentally disabled that I get to the point where I can.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by NG3 »

YiamCross wrote: This lot do seem to be particularly dangerous.
I agree, I also wonder how long they'll be tolerated for.

Overseas patience has been a lot more eroded: ... on-n444436
The Justice Department has created a new position to put more emphasis on countering domestic terrorism.
In the past few years, more people in the U.S. have died in attacks committed by domestic extremists than in attacks associated with international terrorist groups, according to a study cited by Carlin, speaking Wednesday to a seminar on terrorism at George Washington University.
Carlin said local law enforcement officials he talks with consider their top terrorism concern to be people who call themselves sovereign citizens.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote: Does it matter since it is Crown land? They might think they can just move in and take it but I'd bet the Crown will think otherwise.
I think a dude by the name of Owen Glendower might be able to answer that.
I had a beer at a pub called the Owen Glendower in Shrewsbury. Almost Wales.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Dai Kiwi »

Burnaby49 wrote:
grixit wrote: I think a dude by the name of Owen Glendower might be able to answer that.
I had a beer at a pub called the Owen Glendower in Shrewsbury. Almost Wales.
I sometimes used to drink in the Owain Glyndwr pub in Cardiff. Definitely Wales. :D
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dai Kiwi wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
grixit wrote: I think a dude by the name of Owen Glendower might be able to answer that.
I had a beer at a pub called the Owen Glendower in Shrewsbury. Almost Wales.
I sometimes used to drink in the Owain Glyndwr pub in Cardiff. Definitely Wales. :D
I was close. I spent a night pubbing in Cardiff in 2013 and had one down the block at the Goat Major. But then I headed off in a different direction to the Old Arcade and the Yard.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by Dai Kiwi »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Dai Kiwi wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote: I had a beer at a pub called the Owen Glendower in Shrewsbury. Almost Wales.
I sometimes used to drink in the Owain Glyndwr pub in Cardiff. Definitely Wales. :D
I was close. I spent a night pubbing in Cardiff in 2013 and had one down the block at the Goat Major. But then I headed off in a different direction to the Old Arcade and the Yard.
Ahh, Brainssss... [the brewery]
I lived in Cardiff for a few years (hence the 'Dai'). A pub crawl doing strictly one drink per pub down one side of High Street/St Mary Street and back up the other was a serious affair. Been a decade since I was there. Happy days.
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Re: Land Council Trust mad AND bad?

Post by morrand »

Dai Kiwi wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
Dai Kiwi wrote:
I sometimes used to drink in the Owain Glyndwr pub in Cardiff. Definitely Wales. :D
I was close. I spent a night pubbing in Cardiff in 2013 and had one down the block at the Goat Major. But then I headed off in a different direction to the Old Arcade and the Yard.
Ahh, Brainssss... [the brewery]
I lived in Cardiff for a few years (hence the 'Dai'). A pub crawl doing strictly one drink per pub down one side of High Street/St Mary Street and back up the other was a serious affair. Been a decade since I was there. Happy days.
I am sorry to say that I spent my time last year in Cardiff engaged in more traditional tourism, rather than pubbing. I am happy to say that one of the few pubs I did visit was the Goat Major (and how could I not, when the first thing you see coming into Cardiff Central is the brewery across the way, with BRAINS splashed across it in six-foot letters?), making that probably the one pub in which both Burnaby and I have been. So far.