Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Moderator: ArthurWankspittle

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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by daveBeeston »

Stop raising issues and making comments on court cases which are sub judice. That's why I have deleted the previous comment and its quoting in this post.

Your so called court reports are somewhat incomprehensible as they just waffle on, they appear to be largely inaccurate(i don't for one moment believe the judge swore or told a defendant to jog on) ,have huge spelling and grammar errors(that even i can spot and i am not academic).

The thread is nothing to do with Tom's former home it is to do with his failed Judgement(the clue is in the thread title)and you are dragging this thread far away from what it was created for.

Finally what has Bradley got to do with anything in this thread about Tom's failed Judgement? and before you answer i shall he has nothing to do with it and nor does his previous history with the legal system.

I shall no longer reply to you.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Crawfrauds »

ive beeen blocked?
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Crawfrauds wrote:ive beeen blocked?
No see above.

I intend to let this thread finish with the outcome of the trial(s) next week. After that I would like to close this thread off and any further antics of any member of the Crawford family can be discussed in a new, specific thread.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Crawfrauds »


arthur, i removed that post about not knowing. are you english. Nothing i have written is "sub judice". trust me i know the law. You have your opinion thats fine. Im not having a debate about it, end of.

During jury selection potential jurors will be asked if they know about the defendants and to what extent. Thats probably why it got sent to Leicester. At the end of every day of the trial the judge will say to the jury 'no reading about this case online, have a nice evening'. Also the judge said he expects the trial to last two weeks. What about possible appeals and sentencing (probably a month later)


bradley is a defendant in the trial thats starting on the 5th. You know the fella who was on toms roof

My court report is sarcastic, no the judge did not tell him to f off or jog on, but thats kinda what he was saying and no its not verbatim(the eviction/house in this trial is irrelevant, except for the fact they did what(allegedly) they did because of it). I cant write down verbatim everything that is said, so I generalise. I got spell checker and have no interest in grammar

finally the court usher/clerk told me im not allowed to take notes. I said yes i am and did so. I did not hit him. I did make a formal complaint and was told basically it wont happen again

You will see from arthurs last post that this thread is in essence now about the rooftop six trial.

Quats, if i go court and make a report i promise not to be sarcastic, or make stuff up, make my own opinions/thoughts and be verbatim as is humanly possible

Is anyone going to watch the trial?
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Hercule Parrot »

daveBeeston wrote:Is it not worth closing this thread seeing as the Crawford's saga is pretty much over,all that is left is the rooftop 6's day in court and that will have no bearing on the Crawford's battle of the Bungalow.
ArthurWankspittle wrote:I intend to let this thread finish with the outcome of the trial(s) next week. After that I would like to close this thread off and any further antics of any member of the Crawford family can be discussed in a new, specific thread.
Yes, it's time to close the chapter. I think there's some merit in Dave's suggestion of drawing a line now and starting a new topic for the rooftop trial (because whatever happens next week will certainly not be 'the end'). But Arthur's plan is okay too. After 1,300 posts in the topic, we just need a fresh start. Preferably with less trolling. HNY, everyone!
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Crawfrauds »

****ESSAY TIME*********

Dear craig crawford, RE your latest proof of stupidity(facebook post about court)

First of all your deluded, backward, detached from reality, live in a fantasy land and suffering from a severe bout of stupidity(as are your co defendants). You are also a hypocrite

Saying 'when we win' is delusional

Going to watch someone's court hearings is not stalking. if it is then why have you not reported me to the police(detached from reality) Using your same argument is your Dad(no fixed abode), the jugdes, anyone who you dont personally know, clerks and court reporters(who have attended more court hearings involing you than me) not stalking you. Are you being stalked by the nottingham evening post

So you're planning on getting a restraining order against me? You should contact a law firm and get a free consultation unless. You could also do it by yourself, im happy to co-operate in any legal proceedings you open against me. I hear your trying to do to Yiamcross what hes doing to you. You have my name and address, feel free to stick my name in the paper work

Im speculating you and your co-defendants(unrepresented) have not attend any trial, so as to improve your advocacy(non existent) and your understanding of the law. I suggest you do, bit late now though(haha)

There is a very good reason I have watched most your lots hearing. I was once a supporter of you and yours, however your unfounded conduct/treatment of me and complete and utter lies(both about me and yourself's) makes me have a very low opinion of you and yours. I shall let you know more in the future.

You say i am making your lives a misery. By attending court hearings, your argument is both irrational and deluded

Please say to jack naylor to come to to court or give him my address so he can pay me a visit "fucking looks like bacon....givin it biggun to me...fucking weird as fuck....anyway congrats on case and happy new year! if he messages again am i aloud to meet him in a carpark now the case is over haha" The case is not over, not messaged him either but gent seems easily confused. Also ask your other facebook associates who have threatened me in your posts to do the same, too many to name.

You say i have threatened you, in that video of me you say "are you nervous of us, you should be"(I see that as a threat). Hence my question. If you view the video you will see fear. Have you any evidence whatsoever that i have threatened you. No, why not. Its obvious to most but not you and yours

You have called for support in court, again. The problem is 1) you have no support left(ten of thousands, really). 2) If someone turns up simply to watch your case and you or yours dont know them personally you will end up saying they are trolls/stalkers/harassing you(suffering from a severe bout of stupidity). Peanut gallery, you are correct I am just some poor guy who was watching a court hearing, as I do often. I also like to keep myself to myself

Of topic: You should have stayed in court on november 6th? i did. Next defendant enters the dock for sentencing(pleaded not guilty age 25). Judge "it was a gay encounter". Basically two males(def&vic) went back to the victims house. Victim ended up naked and chose to end this sexual encounter. Defendant goes nuts, beats him badly, threatened him with a knife and scissors, victim runs off naked. Def stole laptop, phone and car. Came back with hammer. End off. 9 years total, serve 6.

you want to take my picture when your next in court. Why?
The following is all comments from craig on fb my responses are in brackets

The guy follows me/my family around recording our cases in court(no i dont, I take notes, whats your point). He's Threatened me(NO). Insulted me(you approached me like a twat so i said so )... I've heard of what he's done in the past(not all, not the worst parts, also you have been lied to). He's an arsehole. And anyone following you round like a stalker(viewing public case, whats your point).These people are trying to make my parents lives a misery(by viewing a court case? you made your own lives a misery by your utter stupidity/freemanory). I could of gave his address out to everyone or posted it on here etc.. But I don't because he lives with his mum and it's unfair(so if i lived alone you would give out my address and it would be fair, for what purpose? ). He's pushing my boundaries following us(not following you just like interesting court cases, watched poca the other day 500k benefit went down to £1), because I'm on bail... He knows this(so the inference is, you would do something to me if you were not on bail? such as? Im not on bail).You should be telling him to stop being a prick(are law students pricks as well). Unless you agree with stalkers?(you lack comprehension of the english language)

I put his picture out there because I know he's not sound of mind(Dr Crawford md, phd). He's potentially dangerous(whos not). And my friends who are going to be in his presence should know. I'd like to see him get help(for watching a court case, is it a disease), but there's no way of that(dont need help thats probably why, however I hate idiots and dont understand them, can you help me craig?). So I'd sooner warn others(about what? a man may watch our court case)

Craig Crawford For the record. I don't wish any harm to come to these people(why post photos and videos calling people stalkers/trolls for attending court) who are trying to make our lives hell(again your victims of yourself's). There's clearly a problem with their views and attitudes(please elaborate, because we have views based on logic and common sense)

And I don't condone any violence. I just want the people supporting us to know who these people are... I think the guy on the right is possibly unstable and should be aware of the people with bad intentions(what) following us..(unfounded, illogical etc)

Infact it's my duty to show the people who are stalking others.(stalking is a crime please dial either 101 or 999 in an emergency)

As Anyone can see I've never threatened to harm or asked anyone to ever do anything to these people.("Are you nervous of us, you should be" craig crawford)

No matter how strange and disturbing their actions are!(prey tell Dr.)

what reason do have to call me a troll/stalker/post pictures and videos of me on facebook other than to cause me distress, alarm, harassment and feeling threatened. Why are you and yours obsessed with knowing who i am simply for exercising my common law right to view a public court hearing.

I have never engaged anyone of you nor do I want to. You engaged me(being in the presence of anyone of you is detrimental to anyone's intelligence, I feel sorry for the judge)

I will try and get your dad a retrial.

Amanda Pike "its her *****?? oops see. id be so embarrassed if my family acted that way". You and your family are an embarrassment to humanity, common sense. logic and intelligence

Finally I now believe why they dont want people at their court hearings. It is because people take the piss out of their stupidity/legal incompetence, however they dont see this as they are blinded by their own stupidity. Ignorance is bliss

Can any Quat pass this on, notify craig on facebook or somewhere, if yes please do


Kieth, McKenzie at law

ps arthur enjoy and dont delete. If something needs editing/deleting let me know or do it yourself. thanks
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by YiamCross »

Crawfrauds wrote:...
Finally I now believe why they dont want people at their court hearings. It is because people take the piss out of their stupidity/legal incompetence, however they dont see this as they are blinded by their own stupidity. Ignorance is bliss

Can any Quat pass this on, notify craig on facebook or somewhere, if yes please do


Kieth, McKenzie at law
We have ample evidence the Crawfords watch these pages closely.

I think you hit the nail on the head there, one thing this lot hate with a vengance is the truth. Brings to mind that old saying about fooling some of the people some of the time etc.

When someone is out there reporting the facts it gets harder and harder to fool anyone except the really really foolish. Which is all they're left with now. I'm convinced even they know what's what & it's only that dumb street loyalty, and maybe a bit of fear, which keeps the last few around.

My advice is carry on and report the facts with as little emotion as you can, it improves credibility and gives them nothing to twist against you. They do twisting very well, I can attest to that.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Crawfrauds »

Question time

Does anyone on here know what happens on the first day of a CROWN COURT trial. To clarify, how long will it take before the jury is sworn in, is this done in open court, will it be done before the trial starts?(trial should start at 10 am?)

I know we will get opening statements from pros and def(5 are lips, should be funny but will they do it/be able to) and then evidence, witness's etc and then closing arguments, jury retire then verdict

Is it possible there will be a lot of time spent on legal submissions?(public are not allowed to view this)

Will there be time 'wasted' on talking about evidence, before trial begins

If attending a crown court trial what is the most IMPORTANT DAY, the first day to hear evidence and opening arguments? do not say the last day when jury returns verdict

Will the trial begin on the 5th or will there be the aforementioned, thus delaying it for a day or two

Why do i ask, I dont want to waste a day or two in leicester

Yes I know how the cjs works but having observed the previous hearings I am worried about a few things, the
aforementioned, and what warthur will delete

Like I said the hearing on the 22nd was a joke, however I learned and craig enjoyed a conversation with the prosecution, most of which i did not hear

Is anyone planning to attend on the 5th? The odds, me v freetards at least 7/1. However freemily and frieends will attend, thus making the odds between 15/1 and 20/1.

"Wanted: Somebody to go to court with. This is not a joke. P.O. Box Leicester ... You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before"

*********Faccebook time********(Im being sarcastic and taking the piss, you see what i did there), this is verbatim

Craig Crawford added 2 new photos — feeling determined.(about your advocacy?)
January 1 at 6:33pm ·
Hey all!! So on the 5th of Jan - 10am(ish) at Leicester crown court we're going into court to defend ourselves on some bullshit charges that the crown prosecution service have somehow come up with... WHICH they have no evidence on! Zero. Nada. Zilch
Four of us are representing ourselves and two represented (It's going to be interesting)

Dearest Craig 4+2=6. I note from previous hearings there are 6 defendants. However the rooftop six plus the the rooftop six=6, not 12(mathematically impossible). I hearby notify, Craig Crawford, of freeland, oxfordshire (1215) to attend Leicester crown court on th 5th of January twenty16. On this date you will become number 7. You already are, but stupidity has defeated you Sir. However, maybe someone has had their charges dropped. We shall see

Finally and sincerely I wish you all the best of luck in your struggle/fight/endeavours in the soon to be heard criminal trial at leicester crown court.

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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Bill D'Berg »

This place has turned into a shit hole of a joke that is no better than GOODF with all the bitching and slagging off.

Can a moderator delete my account please.
Bill D'Berg
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by YiamCross »

Kind of melodramatic way for someone I've never seen make a contribution to put work on the moderators when they could have maintained a perfect record of silence and saved others effort by deleting their own account. It would also have helped reduce the bitching and slagging off too.

Personally I'm happier to tolerate a bit of off-topic chat even when it strays into bitching rather than suffer the heavy handed redaction and account deletion of Goodf. Free speech does have the unfortunate downside of providing a platform to those we disagree with and maybe even dislike but I think it's a price worth paying myself.

Crawfraud's questions regarding Crown Court procedures seem reasonable to me and I can understand his irritation with the way the Crawfords and their associates treat those they disagree with. I may not be entirely comfortable with the way he expresses his frustrations but most of it seems to be relevant to this thread.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Bill D'Berg wrote:This place has turned into a shit hole of a joke that is no better than GOODF with all the bitching and slagging off.
Somewhat hyperbolic. There has been too much personal sniping recently, and it is rightly being reined in. It involves a few people in a few topics, and has near-zero significance for the overall value of Quatloos.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by wserra »

Yiam, Hercule, thanks for your understanding. This site takes free speech very seriously, to the extent that we analyze (perhaps over-analyze) each instance of moderating or banning. Crawfrauds may take this stuff a little personally, but anyone who is offended is free to Ignore him. User Control Panel / Friends and Foes / Manage Foes / Add New Foes.

Bill, no need to delete your account. If that's the way you feel, don't read the board.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Bones »

Further to the previous comments, is it time to draw a line and move on from Tom Crawford. He lost everything and has no real way to progress any of his arguments.

The trial will is about the rooftop six and the sandwich thrower one.. May be time to close this thread and have one about those specific people and the trial - in fact I will start one.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by getoutofdebtfools »

Bones wrote:Further to the previous comments, is it time to draw a line and move on from Tom Crawford. He lost everything and has no real way to progress any of his arguments.

The trial will is about the rooftop six and the sandwich thrower one.. May be time to close this thread and have one about those specific people and the trial - in fact I will start one.
New thread or not, I'm sure the Crawfords have a lot more to give especially if Tom's threats of further court cases hold true and Amanda/Craig continue to spout shite on Facebook. :D

Maybe one should be opened for the rooftop 6/7 cases and leave this one for the 'house is ours' stuff.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Chaos »

Bill D'Berg wrote:This place has turned into a shit hole of a joke that is no better than GOODF with all the bitching and slagging off.

Can a moderator delete my account please.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

If you are fed up with trolling and unnecessary posts then stop replying to them. I have made the decision to keep this thread open for the trial related to the occupation of the ex Crawford house then it will be closed off. Starting a new thread isn't going to change the quality of the posts.
Also, stop quoting unnecessarily in replies might keep the place tidier, too.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Bones »




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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by getoutofdebtfools »

To be fair, I'm not sure Craig's misdemeanor is worthy of the court time but clearly the Judge will decide that.

As for the other morons, I believe they deserve some proper justice for their incitement, vandalism and the additional Police costs they caused.

Looking forward to the outcome but so often I'm left disappointed with the British justice system. You've only got to watch the various Police programmes to see proper criminal scrotes getting off with a slap on the wrist and a small fine, many of which no doubt go unpaid.

Do we know what the rooftop six do for work? Will they be in a position to pay any fines if any are handed down?
Oh the irony of the Get Out Of Debt Free website :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Crawfrauds »

getoutofdebtfools wrote:To be fair, I'm not sure Craig's misdemeanor is worthy of the court time but clearly the Judge will decide that.

misdemeanour's are american(i get your point). Craigs case is more about the planning

ceylon on The Graham Hart Show 2015.07.28 ... -date=true

Do we know what the rooftop six do for work? Will they be in a position to pay any fines if any are handed down?
Fines are means tested, if they are fined the court will make an attachment earnings order(benefits/employment income) or they will let them pay by their own volition(the spitter agreed to pay £100 within two weeks and then £25p/w). ceylons unemployed. liz has two address's, she works i think, craigs rich apparently(is he running a ponzi?), bradley is probabley unemployed. the rest i dont know. If they dont pay theirs fines bailiffs can kick theirs doors of and sieze goods or they could go to prison for non payment. The only way to get out of a court fine is if you cant be found.

They are all innocent until proven guilty
Last edited by Crawfrauds on Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tom Crawford failed judgment 3/9/15 Part 1 & 2

Post by Pox »

getoutofdebtfools wrote:To be fair, I'm not sure Craig's misdemeanor is worthy of the court time but clearly the Judge will decide that.

As for the other morons, I believe they deserve some proper justice for their incitement, vandalism and the additional Police costs they caused.

Looking forward to the outcome but so often I'm left disappointed with the British justice system.
I don't think it is up to anyone but the courts to decide the worthiness of Craigs ALLEGED misdemeanors but I very much agree that there are others ALLEGEDLY involved who should be subjected to some 'proper justice' and that the courts so often disappoint.