Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:What fun!

There are Safari Parks if you cannot afford to go to see animals in the wild, or just don't like tropical diseases. I think there can be very few people interested in the wilder backwoods of human behaviour who will ever encounter a live, free FOTLer. It would be pleasant if some could be rounded up, agreeably housed in what they would consider their natural habitat, like the park animals, and be made available for visitor encounters. I suggest the visitors could play the roles of police, bankers, bailiffs and other natural adversaries of the FOTLer, in simulated encounters, to watch them perform.
There are a few technicalities to sort out. I will ask my Illuminati probationary board if my plan of picking the FOTLers up at evictions and other dead end situations and offering them accomodation elsewhere, combined with a little mind control to stop them straying too far (I envisage a simulated housing estate for them to drive around for police encounters, with a simple distance anxiety control to stop them wandering off), and there could be a bank, and a few shops, etc. as enrichment activity.
Some say zoos are cruel, but I think most such objections could be either dealt with or ruthlessy crushed, and I am sure secret FOTLand would be a popular attraction with many.
The Freeman Show. Brilliant.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by aesmith »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Some say zoos are cruel, but I think most such objections could be either dealt with or ruthlessy crushed, and I am sure secret FOTLand would be a popular attraction with many.
You could also push the conservation angle, assuming your captive FOTLs could be persuaded to breed then you'd be ready to reintroduce if the wild population were to die out.
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Good points.
It may be that some form of artificial insemination would have to be used as many may be unable to mate naturally, some will be infertile, and the number of males is likely to exceed the female availability, so some sharing would have to be arranged. Members of the Legion of Succubi could be expected to buckle down to provide a cosmetic and palliative temporary solution as something of a stop-gap measure. They could be expected to consummate unions that would be unacceptable to un-modified human females. Similar actions may, indeed, will be needed for the average female FOTLer, another logistic problem as the use of incubii, superficially an obvious solution would need some form of rigourous segregation, due to the mutual attraction of these demons which causes them to merge to form a neutral but rather larger and less useful demon, we have more than enough driving test examiners already.

There is some concern about the viability of any young raised in such an environment. They may rebel against parental influence and become acountants, bank clerks or policemen according to ability. The 'wild' is already full of these.
Testing at various ages may be able to reveal which of the young can be left to mature as FOTLers and which will need to be passed on to Satanic Pedoland to keep up the numbers there. Last year's All Hallows Gorefest was a bit OTT, and may lead to questions about what happened to the population of Hanley, Stoke on Trent, however unlikely this is.
Like all modest proposals, there are many factors to consider in what is basically a simple concept.
I suggest that the finer details be passed on to a reptilian sub-commitee who may be more in favour of eating the surplus population in accordance with Depoulation Directive VII Para. 8 to 11, as revised.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by mufc1959 »

grixit wrote:
Since we have no conflict of interest rule here, feel free to give us all the details that aren't confidential.
This is the part I was able to redact, replacing names and my office address, whilst still keeping the sense of it. Although 'sense' in the context of this garbage is a term loosely used. The rest of it is a bit too specific in terms of detail to be able to redact and yet still keep some semblance of narrative.

Excuse the lack of formatting, this was taken from a Word document.


Affiant: [Freetard]: of the family [Moron]
Sworn on: _________________________

Statement of Truth of
[Freetard]: of the family [Moron]

In relation to the individual who accepts liability for the Name: “[mufc1959]”.

Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent; Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal.

I, [Freetard]: of the family [Moron] (as commonly called), being the Undersigned, do solemnly swear, declare, and depose:

1. THAT I am competent to state the matters set forth herein.

2. THAT I have first-hand knowledge of the facts stated herein.

3. THAT all the facts stated herein are true, correct, and certain, admissible as evidence, and if called upon as a witness, I will testify to their veracity.

4. THAT the eternal, unchanged principles of Law are:

a) A workman is worthy of his hire.
b) All are equal under the Law.
c) In Law, truth is sovereign.
d) Truth is expressed in the form of an Affidavit.
e) An unrebutted Affidavit stands as truth in Law.
f) An unrebutted Affidavit becomes the judgment in Law.
g) All matters must be expressed to be resolved.
h) He who leaves the battlefield first loses by default.
i) Sacrifice is the measure of credibility.
j) A lien or claim can be satisfied only through an Affidavit by a point-for-point rebuttal, resolution by Jury or payment.

5. THAT Commercial processes (including this Affidavit and the required responses to it) ARE NON-JUDICIAL and pre-judicial because:

I. No judge, court, government or any agencies thereof, or any other third parties whatsoever, can abrogate anyone’s Affidavit of Truth; and
II. Only a party affected by an Affidavit can speak and act for himself and is solely responsible for responding with his own Affidavit of Truth, which no one else can do for him.

6. THAT the lawful seizure, collection, and transfer of ownership of money or property must be effected by means of a valid Commercial Lien.

7. THAT I am not the creation or chattel property of any person or any government agency whatsoever. I am not under any obligation whatsoever to any governmental agency, state or federal (i.e. union), or any of their self-passed laws, statutes, regulations or policies.

8. THAT any and all of the various papers, documents, adhesion contracts, or "agreements" I may have signed with any government agency or entity or any others that might be construed to indicate a conclusion contrary to my herein-below assertions were made, signed by me on the basis of mistake due to lack of full disclosure creating a deliberate lack of full knowledge, a deliberate action of fraud, non-disclosure, concealment of material fact, and misrepresentation. Such action thereby creates a stressful situation of duress and intimidation, vitiating all documents by such action of fraud.

9. THAT it is the sincerest belief and spiritual conviction of this Affiant that slavery and peonage are immoral, are violations of the First Precept of Commercial Law (“a workman is worthy of his hire”), that fraud, misrepresentation, nondisclosure, intimidation, deceit, concealment of material fact, lying, and treachery are morally wrong.

10. THAT I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to be a "client" (slave) of any governmental agency, state or federal (i.e. union), or any of their Principals, or the "United Kingdom," or to incur any debts or obligations to said entities for whatever "benefits" said entities might purpose to provide or seek to provide to this Affiant, or be directed by, subject to, or accountable to any parties other than my own conscience and best judgement for the purpose of preserving inviolate my unalienable/inalienable indefeasible rights to life, liberty, freedom and property while engaging in the honourable, productive, and non-harmful activities of my life.

11. THAT I, [Freetard]: of the family [Moron], am the sole and absolute owner of myself, my body, and my estate, and possess unconditional, allodial, sovereign title thereto, and that I abjure, renounce, forsake, and disavow utterly and absolutely now and forever all presumptions of power, authority, or right by any governmental agency, its Principals, over the rights, life, liberty, freedom or property of this Affiant from whatever source presumed or derived.

12. THAT I, the Affiant, am NOT a Legal Fiction Person (as defined in a Law Dictionary) “[FREETARD MORON]” as being a Corporate Entity (incorporated or non-incorporated) or some other kind of Partnership, BUT INSTEAD a living breathing, sovereign, flesh and blood Human Being with a living soul, with a distinct Mind that is capable of possessing personal knowledge commonly called [Freetard]: (of the family [Moron], when necessary to distinguish my Clan).

13. THAT all parties who act against this Affiant on their alleged basis must produce the Commercial Affidavits of TRUTH, sworn by the claimants to be "true, correct, and complete (certain)," which prove the origin and foundation of their claims and include providing the contract(s) or agreement(s) with the signature of this Affiant thereon wherein this Affiant has knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily, in full legal and lawful capacity, agreed to waive or surrender rights to “[mufc1959]”, their Principals, or the "United Kingdom" or agreed to become subject to or the slave or property of said entities in any way or in any jurisdiction whatsoever.

14. In order for a crime to exist, four elements must exist; there must be a defined crime, there must be a victim, and that the victim must have been damaged, and the intent must be established on the part of the accused. Without proof of all four elements, no crime can said to have been committed. In this Affidavit, crimes are defined – namely the unlawful ejection and the lack of Duty of Care, the Affiant is the victim, this Affidavit verifies the damages, and the intent is established at the end of the thirty (30) day grace period, if the respondents fail to rebut (respond to) the wrongs they have been a party to as noted herein.

15. NOTICE is hereby given, and demands made, on “[mufc1959]” that:

a) ALL properties taken unlawfully, removed in violation of commerce, or otherwise converted, sold, or seized by “[mufc1959]”, or other Parties in collusion therewith, be immediately returned IN FULL VALUE (£) PLUS 10% to the original Owner, the Undersigned Affiant; OR

b) All Parties who proceed to act or assist in said actions, against this Affiant, [Freetard]: of the family [Moron], without thorough, verifiable, point-by-point rebuttal of each and every point set forth in this Affidavit shall be immediately charged with criminal fraud, theft, conspiracy of extortion, theft and fraud, and commercial liens shall be placed against all their real and personal properties (defined crimes: criminal conspiracy, robbery, misprision of felony, conspiracy against the rights of peoples, extortion, fraud and false statements, and other such crimes as are related to issues of RACKETEERING plus such Constitutional violations not listed combined and described simply as TREASON); and

c) All court costs and legal fees relating to this instant case shall be paid by those who have drawn the Undersigned Affiant [Freetard]: of the family [Moron] into this instant matter.

16. THAT failure to respond as herein required to this Affiant, within the herein a prescribed time of thirty (30) days will be deemed by this Affiant to invoke the doctrine of acquiescence and admission, to recover, in commerce, the lost or damaged properties plus damages, penalties and costs.

17. THAT this Commercial Affidavit, Notice and Warning of Commercial Grace, is the ONE AND ONLY such Notice and Warning. If all actions are not abated within thirty (30) days, or if at any time in the future any actions are reinstated, it shall be considered a wilful disregard for this Notice and Warning, and such shall engender the immediate filing of Criminal Complaints (Affidavits of Information) and Commercial Liens (Affidavits of Obligation) against all parties involved.
18. THAT the foundation of Commercial Law, being based on certain eternally just, valid, and moral precepts, has remained unchanged for at least six (6) millennia. Said Commercial Law forms the underpinnings of Western Civilization if not all Nations, Law, and Commerce in the world, is NON-JUDICIAL, and is prior and superior to, the basis of, and cannot be set aside or overruled by, the statutes of any governments, legislatures, quasi-governmental agencies, or courts. It is therefore an inherent obligation on all Authorities, Officials, Governments, Legislatures, Governmental or Quasi-governmental Agencies, Courts, Judges, Attorneys, and all aspects and Agents of all Law Enforcement Agencies to uphold said Commercial Law, without which said entities are violating the just basis of their alleged authority and serving to disintegrate the society they allegedly exist to protect.


19. THAT if the Respondent, “[mufc1959]” fails to rebut such claims or charges, the Undersigned is LAWFULLY entitled to claim default against the Respondent. In that case, the Undersigned is fully entitled to take whatever LAWFUL steps may be necessary in order to execute this Lien.

20. THAT only I, the Human Being involved against my free will in this instant matter, can determine how much stress, harassment, and other disturbance I have suffered by virtue of being UNLAWFULLY TRESPASSED UPON AND SUBJECTED TO FEAR, HARRASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, ASSAULT UPON MY PERSON THROUGH WORDS AND THREATS, UN-WARRANTED CONTACT, DEMANDS OF FAIDA, AND THE CRIME OF REAFLAC and consequently only I am in the position of decide and dictate my desired compensation, Angylde and Amercement, being the amount of THIRTY FOUR MILLION POUNDS STERLING (£34,000,000) for all combined attempts to trespass on my absolute sovereignty, that being the sum total demanded by this Commercial Lien on the individual who accepts liability for the Name “[mufc1959]”.

21. THAT by specifically offering “[mufc1959]” the chance to apologise in writing (although the opportunity has always been there for the taking) via a Notice of First And Final Warning, dated the twenty-ninth day of July in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Seventeen, in this instant matter, I come to this position with clean hands as having shown good faith.

22. THAT for all the purposes of all of the forgoing, all references to “[mufc1959]” shall be construed to refer to an individual who considers their Legal Fiction Name to be[MUFC1959]”, or any variant thereof, including Names phonetically sounding the same or similar, and who can accept service via [work address].

23. THAT I, [Freetard]: of the family [Moron], the Undersigned Affiant, depose and certify that I have written the foregoing with intent and understanding of purpose, and believe the statements, allegations, demands and contents herein to be true, correct, and complete, commercially reasonable, and just, to the best of my knowledge and belief.

* All words herein are as Affiant defines them.

Signed and sealed this Twenty Sixth day of August in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Seventeen

All rights reserved.

By: ___________________ (Affiant)
[Freetard]: of the family [Moron], in rerum natura



For verification purposes only

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by [Freetard]: of the family [Moron], known to me or proven to me to be the real human signing this Affidavit this

_______________________ day of _________________________, 20_____.

WITNESS my hand and official seal.

___________________________________ ________________ (Seal)

Sworn at:_________________________________ ________________________________________

(Above bits were handwritten so didn't come out on a copy/paste)
End of document.

This is the follow-up to an almost identical screed of bog-roll which 'put me on notice' a month ago. There's some rather entertaining words in there I had to look up - 'faida' (blood money) and 'reflac' (robbery) for a start. I intend to start using these in my correspondence with debtors henceforth.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by longdog »

He appears to have ommited 'nunc pro tunc' and therefore his affidavit is void ab initio :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Burnaby49 »

That is almost exactly what Chief Rock Sino General was flogging here in Vancouver almost a decade ago. He'd print them out for his Freeman buddies then notarize them himself even though he isn't a notary. You can judge his success by the fact that he was convicted of contempt of court after a court injunction ordered him to cut out pretending to be a notary and he didn't. That stopped him.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

aesmith wrote:
Siegfried Shrink wrote:Some say zoos are cruel, but I think most such objections could be either dealt with or ruthlessy crushed, and I am sure secret FOTLand would be a popular attraction with many.
You could also push the conservation angle, assuming your captive FOTLs could be persuaded to breed then you'd be ready to reintroduce if the wild population were to die out.
Siegfried has continued his thoughts elsewhere but when I read the above all I could think of was Ronnie Barker doing his TV Appeal for Clumsy People. "We also wish to make future provision for clumsy children, but there haven't been any so far..."
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Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Here if anyone cares.

notorial dissent
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by notorial dissent »

That is truly a fine collection of genuine sovereign jibber jabber. I would equally bet that the "affiant" doesn't even understand half or better of the words in the thing.

Burnaby is also right, I have seen that or versions of it with slight changes for years now. I think who ever is peddling it at the time makes a few minor changes or expands the already steaming pile of error so they can claim it as their own. It doesn't improve it or deal with its faults, but it does expand the comedy.

Fun to read, thanks for sharing.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Firthy2002 »

John Uskglass wrote:I note that despite the incessant quibbling about 'persons' and 'man and woman', he refers to the children in question as 'property' throughout his ramblings.

Recording a hearing of this nature and posting it on the internet shows and astonishing combination of arrogance and stupidity. I suspect he might be looking at some jail time if/when the authorities catch on.
Seems like that's happened:

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Siegfried Shrink »


The dramatic arrest. I gather he has been taken to Govan Police Station (Office, in Scotland) but my grasp of the language was not good enough to make out most of the conversation.
It's the wee dog I worry about.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Firthy2002 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rz2_KdoqSU

The dramatic arrest. I gather he has been taken to Govan Police Station (Office, in Scotland) but my grasp of the language was not good enough to make out most of the conversation.
It's the wee dog I worry about.
That video is 3 years old.

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by aesmith »

Firthy2002 linked the correct video ..
On September 1st 2017 at approx 7.30pm, robert sproul was falsely arrested by corporate criminals working for the corporation "Police Scotland" for content on this YouTube channel. The charge he is being held for is 'contempt of court' for showing common law being ignored in a court building. The video where robert exposes the corruption can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-XTG...
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Firthy2002 wrote:]

That video is 3 years old.
My mistake. I should have noticed the posting date.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by SteveUK »

Sounds awfully familiar. Interest only mortgage. Arrears. No means to pay. 'Mortgage term expired'. OAP.

And it's from Nottingham , naturally.

http://www.nottinghampost.com/news/gran ... oot-452979
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by daveBeeston »

SteveUK wrote:Sounds awfully familiar. Interest only mortgage. Arrears. No means to pay. 'Mortgage term expired'. OAP.

And it's from Nottingham , naturally.

http://www.nottinghampost.com/news/gran ... oot-452979
I was just about to post that link in the Crawford thread as I expect him to resurface to help this poor individual in his fight against Santander.

I used to live in Cotgrave many moons ago(moved away in 2000) and some of the people there with the biggest mouths are very anti bank and anti establishment so this has the potential to be very entertaining.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by aesmith »

It's not quite clear whether there are arrears in the interest payments, or whether it's just the inability to repay the capital.
In 2008 the customer went into arrears, these were cleared in December 2012. However, following this point, the customer failed to make any repayments.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by daveBeeston »

aesmith wrote:It's not quite clear whether there are arrears in the interest payments, or whether it's just the inability to repay the capital.
In 2008 the customer went into arrears, these were cleared in December 2012. However, following this point, the customer failed to make any repayments.
There are clearly many months of arrears, he stopped making any payments in December 2012 and the mortgage term didn't end till October 2013(10 year term starting in October 2003).
I'm not sure why the post even see it worthy of reporting, he owes £50,000 and he shouldn't even be allowed to fight the eviction it's just wasting the courts time and adding to his debt.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

After that he helped to build some of the most famous aircraft who flew in RAF colours including Volcano and Shackleton bombers and the Lightning fighter.
:beatinghorse: Ignorant something of a reporter - it's a Vulcan not Volcano and I doubt he built them but he may have worked on them. Nottingham isn't where you'd live if you build them.
Anyway, looks like he got a mortgage at the peak of lax lending and made no arrangement to pay off the capital. I also think what happened is he paid the arrears up back in 2012 or he'd be in court and out of a home faster than 2017. I can't have much sympathy for him as he must have known the situation four years ago at least, so the question is what has he been doing to make an arrangement with Santander because the answer appears to be nothing.
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John Uskglass
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings from idiots unable to sustain their own thread

Post by John Uskglass »

You've got to admire the local things for local people subtext of:
Mortgage Broker Jonathan Saint, who is originally from Nottingham and now lives in Grantham, explained more about interest only mortgages.