Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by longdog »

Jeffrey wrote:Hush down, you're doing Peter's dirty work for him. Now all he has to do is make a video saying he didn't clear the check because it was more than £150,000 and he's off the hook.
He could do that but then he wouldn't be able to claim it would have been cleared if they'd presented it for clearance like they were obliged to do by UCC /the BoEA / UN charter on lost puppies / last week's Radio Times but didn't. :snicker:
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by mufc1959 »

There were actually high-fives around the office today after I circulated this. But I wish our own courts could be as speedy and robust.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by littleFred »

I don't suppose the judgement bothers Peter. He can just declare his own court superior to all others in the world, and nullify those pesky Canadians.

To the deluded, the judgement merely confirms the delusions. On the private forum:
200660SB wrote:However horrible this looks and however dramatic it may be for the Parlees, I dare say it is good news -- and we should rejoice !!! Indeed, such a vicious attack is the sign that WeRe Bank is on the right track (which gives me more confidence in it... not 100% but...), and is felt as a threat to the ailing banking system. We all know that the judiciary's mission is to protect the banks, so no surprise here : it is doing its job.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by NYGman »

littleFred wrote:I don't suppose the judgement bothers Peter. He can just declare his own court superior to all others in the world, and nullify those pesky Canadians.

To the deluded, the judgement merely confirms the delusions. On the private forum:
200660SB wrote:However horrible this looks and however dramatic it may be for the Parlees, I dare say it is good news -- and we should rejoice !!! Indeed, such a vicious attack is the sign that WeRe Bank is on the right track (which gives me more confidence in it... not 100% but...), and is felt as a threat to the ailing banking system. We all know that the judiciary's mission is to protect the banks, so no surprise here : it is doing its job.

At least they got one thing right, the courts are doing their job, but not because their job is to protect the banks, their job is to apply the law, and deliver a judgement consistent with the law and the Facts. Here, the court rightly concluded WeRe bank is about as real as the tooth fairy, and deals in a currency accepted by no one, and akin to magic beans. Peter may as well have have called it Jack and the Beanstalk bank.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by PeanutGallery »

Burnaby49 wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote: as likely as a drunkensober Burnaby doing the onesie dance for the forums delight horror
However after the revolting image that your last posting has burned into my brain I'm forced to reconsider your participation.
May I ask what the revolting image was? As far as I can tell it could be one of two things, you doing the onesie dance and us watching in abject terror. Or sobriety.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by Burnaby49 »

200660SB wrote:
However horrible this looks and however dramatic it may be for the Parlees, I dare say it is good news -- and we should rejoice !!! Indeed, such a vicious attack is the sign that WeRe Bank is on the right track (which gives me more confidence in it... not 100% but...), and is felt as a threat to the ailing banking system. We all know that the judiciary's mission is to protect the banks, so no surprise here : it is doing its job.
The problem with this comment is that, even if true, they are still screwed. If the courts are going to support the banks then the idiots still owe the debt. Saying that the courts are doing their jobs by protecting the banks is an admission that they can't win regardless of whether Peter is right or not.

This is the first reported decision but I suspect the courts are going to continue their mission of hammering WeRe members just trying to pay off their debts in an honest and responsible manner. Since I don't see the Parlees, in their demented world, having any reason to give up I anticipate another decision from the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta in due course. Then the Court of Appeal of Alberta then the Supreme Court of Canada which will obey its bankster overlords by denying the Parlees leave to appeal. It's like it is pre-ordained.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by Burnaby49 »

PeanutGallery wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
PeanutGallery wrote: as likely as a drunkensober Burnaby doing the onesie dance for the forums delight horror
However after the revolting image that your last posting has burned into my brain I'm forced to reconsider your participation.
May I ask what the revolting image was? As far as I can tell it could be one of two things, you doing the onesie dance and us watching in abject terror. Or sobriety.
You? You? Who cares about you? I had a nightmarish flash of me and Amanda doing the onsie together. Me abominably drunk of course, how else would you get me in the same room with her? The image of the pair of us going at it in haphazard unison was overwhelming. Thank for that peanut.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by exiledscouser »

Over on Goofy they are going nuts about this. ... kOMv4QoT8s

What has particularly resonated is the comparison between the Re and Magic Beans. It is after all nearly panto season.

For the record, if I were Peter I'd insist on a 2:1 ratio for his Re - Magic Bean equivalency and not be tied to parity by the Fairy Dust standard which the UK abandoned at the Gingerbread house in the Enchanted Forest Once Upon a Time & Long Ago.

Society of the Specsavers is one of the more tiresome and predictable posters who as ever attacks the messenger rather than the message.

And this site gets name-checked - hurray! But he's gunning for the IRS who have no sway in the UK........ or DO they!
Are you laughing at US because the guns are on your side ?
Because the LAW certainly fucking isnt.

Just thought i'd correct that for you.

Another thing.
The IRS that Funds Quatloos, is a private trust based in puerto Rico.
The more I read about it ,
the more im convinced that any payment collect3ed by the IRS is FRAUD.
There are a few new joiners who bait and taunt the regulars and given the reaction they generate who can really blame them.

Deadbeatdad can always be relied upon to defend the indefensible:
the fact is they don't care; they spend their time taking the piss and deriding anyone who posts here - seeing this as a freak show - a circus
He's right in a way, that site is the modern day equivalent of a bearded lady or two headed cat sideshow. It is after all public and invites comment from the public. The site content is a vehicle for the open expression of conspiritards, freemen who want everything for nothing, Troofers and some quite nasty anti semitism which largely goes unchallenged. They fail to see the irony that they have the right to express those views without a visit from state security After all, in his latest rant PoE blames the Jews for downing the Russian airliner; no wait, its MI5 - or is it errr the CIA.

If some on Goofy insist on leading others down the route to failure then they should respect the right of others - in a public forum, like this - to point out to potential victims the risks they are taking. Note if you will that the adherents don't practice what they preach or 'live the dream' kiting Peters worthless cheques. Neither will they join here and engage in reasoned debte.

Oh no. Not for them the risks, just like Peter they prefer Useful Idiots to take the hit. I enjoy reading about the bizarre and ultimately pointless antics of some but if it were in my gift to stop someone spiralling down to the point where they lose their home then I would. If Peter truly cared about his WeRe membership he'd do more than offer them biblical references when it all goes tits up.

Back to DBD;
(aequitas) don't you worry about it..I know I get it wrong sometimes...but you strike me as one of those quatlosers who come here simply to poke fun at the 'goofers' for sport - only to return to your treadmill and share all the guffaws and snortle with ya' good ol' boys
DBD - your stuff and that of the usual suspects is comedy gold and yes, I do "guffaw and snortle" - I'm on my third keyboard lost to coffee involuntarily squirted out whilst reading some posts. Goofy never fails to amuse and alarm me in equal measures, it is entirely cyclic in promoting the same well-worn successive failed schemes and the general lunacy deserves - nay begs - derision and piss taking. Your only saving grace DBD is for having the admitted courage to confront those on that site who blame the Joos for everything. You are the only voice that does.

Finally, no WeRe post on Goofy would be incomplete without Robswift. First he's mad for it. WeRe this, WeRe that, crack on with the cheques, I'm right behind you to see how you get on. Then he crosses his own Road to Damascus and with a shrill voice denounces, with the fervour of a scorned mistress the WeRe Bank and Peter respectively as a scam and scammer.

But! But! That Quatloos crew denounce Peter too! The fuze in his tiny brain finally blows as he tries to work out the Freeman equivalent of the square root of -1. Can't be seen to be in agreement with the shill, trolls and paid disinfo merchants, gotta street-cred to defend so predictably he's now back 'on message'. For the sake of decency I've had to redact the first part of his latest post;
Well here's one for your broken record collection: PoE is not doing anything different to the "Legal" Banking system, so you lot saying he is a fraud and a scam means you are also in complete agreement the "Legal" Banking system is a fraud and a scam as well...

Fricking Idiots :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And so we roll on. They won't stop, they seem hard-wired to reject logic and reason. And I for one won't stop taking the piss and warning those with a lot to lose of the dangers they face.

Now, I have to go, the missus has sent me off to town to sell the cow, I hope I don't feck things up and settle for some Magic Res.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by Burnaby49 »

Another thing.
The IRS that Funds Quatloos, is a private trust based in puerto Rico.
The more I read about it ,
the more im convinced that any payment collect3ed by the IRS is FRAUD.
The IRS funds Quatloos? THOSE BASTARDS! I got conned into doing this for free when I could have been swilling out of the public trough if they hadn't hidden the truth from me.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by Jeffrey »

The IRS that Funds Quatloos, is a private trust based in puerto Rico.
That certainly jives with the recent revelation that one of Dean Clifford's trolls resides in a Puerto Rican ferry terminal.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by Hercule Parrot »

200660SB wrote:However horrible this looks and however dramatic it may be for the Parlees, I dare say it is good news -- and we should rejoice !!! Indeed, such a vicious attack is the sign that WeRe Bank is on the right track ...
Classic delusional thinking. Abject failure should be rejoiced as evidence of success.

These stupid, greedy people really do deserve to be fleeced, it's just a matter of which fraudster gets to them first. At least the werebank will give them a souvenir "checkbook" which they can cherish long after their homes and savings have gone.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

mufc1959 wrote:There were actually high-fives around the office today after I circulated this. But I wish our own courts could be as speedy and robust.
You may be better placed than some of us regarding something that was raised a while back. Do you know how common it is with English mortgages to have a "repayable on demand" clause in the instance of fraudulent attempt(s) to make payments in part or in full?
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by mufc1959 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
mufc1959 wrote:There were actually high-fives around the office today after I circulated this. But I wish our own courts could be as speedy and robust.
You may be better placed than some of us regarding something that was raised a while back. Do you know how common it is with English mortgages to have a "repayable on demand" clause in the instance of fraudulent attempt(s) to make payments in part or in full?
Every mortgage T&Cs I've ever seen (from numerous different lenders) has a provision that the mortgage is repayable on demand if the lender believes the borrower is involved in fraudulent or criminal activity.

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I know some lenders are seeking Counsel's advice as to whether an attempt to pay off a mortgage with a WeRe cheque when the mortgage isn't in arrears is enough to trigger immediate repayment on the basis of 'fraudulent activity'. This will mean that there'll have to be a position taken on stating in court that using a WeRe Bank cheque amounts to fraud. As I understand it from my discussions with my counterparts at the lenders concerned, the difficulty with that argument is establishing if the customer had actual intent to defraud or if they've been taken in by a fraudster and were acting in, ahem, good faith. But the Canadian judgment will undoubtedly be of use (even though it's not binding in the UK) for its analysis of WeRe Bank.

If I have any further news on this (that I'm able to share with you) I'll let you know.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by wanglepin »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
200660SB wrote:However horrible this looks and however dramatic it may be for the Parlees, I dare say it is good news -- and we should rejoice !!! Indeed, such a vicious attack is the sign that WeRe Bank is on the right track ...
That sounds like something Ebert would say. 'Tom this is fantastic news, you have won my brother, you have won'.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by mufc1959 »

PoE's moronic comment from his FB page on the judgement.


"Selective conclusion-ing is the Hall mark of the JEWdiciary...Total and irrefutable rebuttal coming soon. Polarity Principle Invoked"
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by Jeffrey »

And the anti-semitism has bubbled up to the surface.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by PeanutGallery »

Oh NOES Peter has invoked the polarity principle. Whatever that is. I'm sure it can't be good and that it totally isn't some incomprehensible mumbo jumbo that is basically the legal equivalent of doing a certain dance I can no longer mention that haunts the fevered dreams of a particular retired tax inspector from Canada.

Also if that doesn't work I am sure he can blame the Jews. It's probably all their fault anyway, and not the fact that his 'bank' isn't recognised as a real bank and certainly not because he doesn't actually transfer money, just writes stuff down in a ledger. Like this:

Credit to PeanutGallery one unvigintillion Re-Units, Debit from WeRe Bank one unvigintillion Re-Units.

There you are Peter, I just robbed your bank. Or at least I will have once I find out how many 0's are in one unvigintillion, lots I think.
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by Burnaby49 »

Go ahead peanut, scoff and mock all you want, but I have faith in Peter. He would not make such a brazen, confident, public announcement with such a short time frame (before Christmas!) without having a devastating riposte already lined up for the unsuspecting Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta. They have no idea of the forces are about to be unleashed on them! Peter has been carefully husbanding the polarity principle specifically for this eventuality and now we are about to see him demolish the skeptics and save the Parlees and all of his other true believers. Vindication and triumph for Peter and WeRe at last!
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Yesterday I splashed this decision all over PoE's Facebook page - Peter's response:
Peter Of England: This is the most clumsy response imaginable - A full rebuttal follows soon. This is like shooting fish in a barrel toooo easy bby far!
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Re: Peter of England & WeRe Bank get Canadian Court Ass-Kicking

Post by NYGman »

Is the polarity principal that thing in Ghostbusters where the can't cross the streams? :thinking:
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