Rules, we don't need no rules...

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Re: Rules, we don't need no rules...

Post by Joinder »

Burnaby49 wrote:
I brought it up as a subject that invokes moderator finger wagging, as a sort of adjunct to the non existent rules that also provoke moderator action and intervention.
And hey, I didn't start this topic !
Frankly Joinder, I've thought for a while that you are a troll and comments like that just reinforce it. Don't give me any BS how you didn't start the topic. This discussion had nothing to do with Chris Riser prior to your comment. You brought him in to the discussion for no reason at all, nobody knew he even existed. And there was no "topic" of moderator finger wagging related to Riser for you to point out. You made that up for no reason I can discern. You seem to enjoy contributing here just to try and start flame wars. There is little else you contribute. I still remember the last one you started and it's my opinion that wasn't some honest difference of opinion on your part but an attempt to cause trouble. So let's stop the wounded innocence.
What I meant was I didn't start the " we ain't got no rules topic"....I've explained why I brought Riser into it, sort of broadened the topic out a bit.
I said when I was invited to join ( yeah, its true !!) that I had little to contribute in the way of investigation etc, but I admire the stirling work over here, I even enjoy your off topic beer ramblings, very entertaining.
I even like your headmasterly tone, it reminds me of my real one from years ago.
So, no wounded innocence, I don't take anything that seriously.
Troll ?.....who knows, I've supported what this site stands for, but I'm not so wound up in it that I can't see some very obvious contradictions and hypocrisy, but I won't mention them again.
Honest, cross my heart.
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Re: Rules, we don't need no rules...

Post by Burnaby49 »

What I meant was I didn't start the " we ain't got no rules topic"....I've explained why I brought Riser into it, sort of broadened the topic out a bit.
Those are just weasel words. Your idea of broadening the topic was to go totally off-topic to try and start another flame war. We allow a lot of off topic rambling but not when the only apparent purpose is to provoke other posters. You're going after YiamCross again on another discussion after being admonished about the last flame war you started with him. Such behavior is not allowed. Don't like it? Go join a website that welcomes stupid free for alls.
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Re: Rules, we don't need no rules...

Post by The Observer »

One other thing to keep in mind: continuing to be a jerk by posting the kind of stuff that is not relevant to our purpose here and only is done to stick a thumb in other peoples' eyes does get noticed. It then gets discussed in the highly classified areas of this site where only a few are allowed to enter. At some point the decision will be made that the poster is indeed a jerk and then the ban hammer falls - without notice. Again, I realize that this is not fair - but we have given up on being fair a long time ago.
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Re: Rules, we don't need no rules...

Post by Gregg »

Joinder wrote: I brought it up as a subject that invokes moderator finger wagging, as a sort of adjunct to the non existent rules that also provoke moderator action and intervention.
And hey, I didn't start this topic !
I did, and after this post, I'm ending it. Because I can.

My finger wagging, as it were, was an attempt to find a nicer way to say "don't be a wanker", and as I thought I made clear, my statements about no rules were my own and NOT any official policy of the board, and were an explanation of how I, not anyone else, just me, makes decisions with regard to moderating the forum. Apparently, you're too thick to understand what I'm about. Sometimes it is painfully obvious to me that some people either don't get it, which I think you do truth be known, and those who do get it, but just have to pick and bitch about something.

I make arbitrary decisions, and in this very tiny little corner of existence, my arbitrary decisions are pretty much the final decisions. Get used to it or get going, I've been here 10 years and you're just barely annoying enough to notice in the grand scheme of things.

Now, can we please get back to what we were discussing?

topic locked
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