Baron David Ward

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

TheNewSaint wrote:I'm glad the eviction was completed without anyone getting hurt.
Me too. In the end, not with a bang but with a whimper.

We have no reports of what actually went on but my guess is the plods went mob-handed for trouble, the social workers wrung their hands from the sidelines, the size and lack of passion of the crowd of supporters was disappointing


and so The Baron finally saw sense.

This might signal the end for this thread but it should serve as a cautionary reminder of exactly how far Freeman tactics get you, all of the;

phony liens and fee schedules,
foisted agreements
thousands and thousands of wacky 100+ page emails to cops, MPs, the press,
reliance on a pick-and-chose smorgasbord of irrelevant legal precedents,
bluster and bluff over threats of violence
questionable if not outright illegal property ownership schemes
earnest appeals to the embassies of Tuvalu and Lesotho (to name but two)
spouting of dog Latin. (Ut a vita Baron!)

The answer is, inevitably, they get you booted out of your home.


Only after every other avenue short of this has been explored.

In The Baron's case victory in an undefended parking ticket appeal is hardly the best legal foundation upon which to base an attack on the entire structure of the legal framework in England and Wales as I'm sure that all 65.2 million or so occupants of these islands will agree.

I was struck today by the Baron's involvement in the formation of a limited company and the use to which that company was later put in Rekha Patel's maneuverings over the transfer of ownership of "Patel Cottage". He can't have had much - or indeed any - faith in the concept as he completely failed to employ it himself.

On the other hand I've been impressed with the various entities who found themselves having to deal with the likes of The Baron, Guy T, Tom C and Mr. Ebert. It shines through that eviction is the last card they want to play. The lengths they went to in efforts to seek a resolution short of eviction have shown that, far from being greedy, amoral, capricious and totally evil as the shit-for-brains on EFOTB would have you believe, they did their best to work out solutions short of eviction. The whole process wasn't rushed (some have taken years; Liz OTFW is still handing on in there) so they were hardly steamrollering over the opposition.

In each Footle case a combination of obstinacy, arrogance, skewed beliefs, willful blindness, a failure to negotiate and an over-reliance on the ill-advised counsel of others led to their downfall. Some of them advised each other with predictable results.

The Baron is the very latest to chance his arm with FMOTL nonsense but I'm sure he won't be the last. But I do hope others considering following his lead have second thoughts. I'm looking at you Noel Kennedy and the rag-tag of other followers who have prefixed their names with Baron although that said the nature and intentions of such individuals will be instantly recoginsed by TPTB. Ms. Patel won't be far behind either.

So it is written
So it is read
This is what happens
When you slip into the red

Without vexation, frivolity or ill-wills
Why not next time
Just pay your fecking bills?

Here then, some suitable songs on which to end kinda sums up the outcome in all of these cases.

He'll be possibly sleeping here.

And no, unlike some of the more irresponsible posters here, it's not bloody Rick Astley - I promise.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Burnaby49 »

On the other hand I've been impressed with the various entities who found themselves having to deal with the likes of The Baron, Guy T, Tom C and Mr. Ebert. It shines through that eviction is the last card they want to play. The lengths they went to in efforts to seek a resolution short of eviction have shown that, far from being greedy, amoral, capricious and totally evil as the shit-for-brains on EFOTB would have you believe, they did their best to work out solutions short of eviction. The whole process wasn't rushed (some have taken years; Liz OTFW is still handing on in there) so they were hardly steamrollering over the opposition.
On the other hand Canadian financial institutions seem to be going nuclear as soon as debtors start throwing sovereign gibberish at them;

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by The Observer »

exiledscouser wrote:On the other hand I've been impressed with the various entities who found themselves having to deal with the likes of The Baron, Guy T, Tom C and Mr. Ebert. It shines through that eviction is the last card they want to play.
Yes, an eviction or a seizure of property is typically the last thing that any agency that has that responsibility wants to do. It is expensive and time-consuming, and there is always the chance something can go wrong or the unexpected occurs. Politicians do not want the appearance that the government is coming down with tongs and irons the minute a debt appears, and love being able to rely on the standard message that they tried to work with the debtor for months/years and were forced to do the foreclosures/eviction/seizure as a last resort.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by SteveUK »

The winning losing together family portrait

Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by JimUk1 »

Birds of a feather, I suppose Steve?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by notorial dissent »

It would seem that Noel Kennedy is cut from the same bolt of cloth of stupid as Baron Boring.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by SteveUK »

Scroll down to the comments. The Baron defending WeRe bank of all things lol ... t-59758699

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"WeRe Bank, which operates via a website, has been encouraging people to pay a £35 joining fee, plus £10 a month, in return for which they receive a cheque book which it says they can use to eradicate their debts."

It certainly can eradicate the positive balance in their wallets and purses.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I also like this quote from the comments:

"The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity."

Abraham Lincoln

Aside from the fact that proving this quote to be fake is laughably easy, this proposal would make inflation climb like a cat with an ill-tempered pit bull chasing after it. If there is a country for which this approach has had positive results, I'm not aware of any.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by TheNewSaint »

One of the responders on BDW's Facebook page, Tina Dutton, reveals some interesting facts:
Tina Dutton wrote:Dave has told me and proved to me that he paid the mortgage, as it was dave's house they agreed he paid the mortgage and his wife paid for the food, and when his wife was ill he paid for the food as well, dont get me wrong I begged him not to be like this with his wife, and thats when he explained, he also said the house was for his children.not my argument, i just dont think he deserves outsiders having ago on the personal level as there is more to it...

I asked him not to do this, but it was their arrangement, this was also about the endowment and his solicitors had that money. he wanted somewhere to live that had been his before the marriage, and he wanted it for his children, break ups are never easy he loved his wife (sent her crazy maybe with his belief's ) but he loved her and didnt want the divorce,
From this we learn that BDW does, in fact, have children. And, his crazymaking was a factor in his divorce. Third, like Tom Crawford, he was motivated by a desire to retain ownership of the home for his children. Also like Tom Crawford, his own stupidity prevented that from happening. Commenter Stephan Whelan summed it up nicely:
The ownership of the house was split 50:50 during the divorce and he refused to buy out his wives share or allow the house to be sold instead he allowed the mortgage go in to default which lead to repossession . he could have sorted this out amicably and could have walked away with enough cash to start over but by being a petty little arsehole he has thrown away the lot.
BDW has mailed out dozens of hundred-page mailings, and yet that one paragraph is really all there is to this story.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Hercule Parrot »

SteveUK wrote:Scroll down to the comments. The Baron defending WeRe bank of all things lol ... t-59758699
Remarkably prescient observations, considering his recent predicament - " Truth and fact is a hard mistress and she has no consideration for you Belief systems or feelings.... "

Perhaps Baron von TrampBeard now understands that this applied equally to his own fevered beliefs.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by He Who Knows »

I love "Scredda James" response to Baron Ward's nonsense about that Sept 2015 Guardian article on WeRe:

Baron David Ward screddajames
18 Sep 2015 17:49
0 1

What money???? there has been no Money since 1869. A Bank of England Bank Note is not and never will be money. It is a Note, A Document, And it is a fraudulent document because the chief cashere signature is a fraudulant signature. A copy of the Mona Lisa is not the Mona Lisa it is a facsymily. So every Bank of England Bank Note(Document) is a fraudulant document. Take one out and have a look at it. There is no word sterling and it is not and never will be money.
screddajames Baron David Ward
18 Sep 2015 19:48
3 4

Ooo, another poster who has just registered today and, so far, only commented on this article. You again Pete? Sorry, "Peter of England".

If you're so convinced banknotes aren't money why let me relieve you of some? They must be cluttering up your house quite a bit now given how many of them you've been taking from people signed up to WeRe. Better still, you could return them to those people who gave them to you in the first place. After all, by your own logic you have no reason not to.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by TheNewSaint »

it is a fraudulent document because the chief cashere signature is a fraudulant signature. A copy of the Mona Lisa is not the Mona Lisa it is a facsymily.
When I was very little, I imagined there was someone in the government whose job was to sign all the dollar bills. They all had signatures on them, and with my four-year-old logic I could picture a man sitting at a conveyor belt in Washington D.C. with a pen, merrily signing each bill. A little later, I realized that all the signatures were identical, and more likely printed. At no point did I think this made the bills any less valuable. Then I turned six.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by SteveUK »

Radio silence from the Baron, meaning a few 'controversial' posts getting through on his FB page.
his previous post as regards to know the knowledge and defeat the corrupt system appeared flawed. when i questioned this i was accused of been a shill/troll. his previous videos which showed bailiffs assisted by the police freely entering his home and unplugging and unscrewing items was posted as a victory? it now appears he has certainly been "unplugged" via eviction, yet his post has been worded as a victory? yet he has worderd the freeman and common law approach as "idiots" but he has failed in his own similiar attempt not to pay fines debets etc? i cannot help but feel all these who had encouraged him in his endeavours are partly responsible for this eviction. he was clearly deluded in his fantasy, I dont wish you harm Mr. David Ward and hope you find somewhere suitable to live.
The penny finally drops. BDW's success (!!!!1!) has hit the high water mark and rollled back out with the rest of the flotsam and jetsam.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

TheNewSaint wrote:
it is a fraudulent document because the chief cashere signature is a fraudulant signature. A copy of the Mona Lisa is not the Mona Lisa it is a facsymily.
When I was very little, I imagined there was someone in the government whose job was to sign all the dollar bills. They all had signatures on them, and with my four-year-old logic I could picture a man sitting at a conveyor belt in Washington D.C. with a pen, merrily signing each bill. A little later, I realized that all the signatures were identical, and more likely printed. At no point did I think this made the bills any less valuable. Then I turned six.
On the various Confederate banknotes in my collection, the signatures are in ink for most if not all of my examples. I seem to recall, though, that in more than a few cases, people were engaged to sign the relevant names in a style close to that of the actual official. The various Federal banknotes have never contained actual signatures.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by NYGman »

The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by notorial dissent »

Poor Baron Boring, they probably DON'T have wifi under whatever bridge he is currently living under. I've often wondered if British bridges are as comfortable as some US bridges. Also not something I intend to investigate.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by letissier14 »

The Barons are helping each other out

I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by TheNewSaint »

Sure, Barrie, offer your home to an obnoxious freeloader with a history of not moving out when ordered to do so. That can't possibly end badly :snicker:

Baron Barrie Dickinson has been discussed on the "Random Idiots" thread, spouting the usual nonsense about strawmen, capitalization, tacit agreements, and the like: viewtopic.php?t=10855&start=1180#p236842
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Hercule Parrot »

TheNewSaint wrote:Sure, Barrie, offer your home to an obnoxious freeloader with a history of not moving out when ordered to do so. That can't possibly end badly :snicker:
I think it's a great idea. All the self-designated Barons and other scroungers can gradually coalesce into households, and then further merge together as they are evicted from this or that place. Eventually there will be hundreds of them squashed into a tiny council flat, all shrieking about their inalienable sovereignty. Send in a shuttering contractor, and let them have their own sealed world to rule together as they wish.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.