Baron David Ward

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by FatGambit »

AndyPandy wrote:what's OFF ???? :shrug:
You really need to ask? :lol:

Last time I went past Downing Street there were five coppers on duty, two by the walkthrough entrance and three in front of the car gate, all armed to the teeth like the photo above.

He'd be better off going to the back entrance, as there are only two on duty there (on the side back entrance off horseguards parade) and a single chap in a portacabin by the electronic gates.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by AndyPandy »

Love the bit about
'the farmers will farm the land and provide the food, we will not starve'

yes, you will sunshine if you're thinking they'll provide it for nothing. Farmers tend to be the ones with the big barrel shotguns who don't take kindly to freeloaders stealing their crops !! :Axe:
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Hercule Parrot »

longdog wrote:It's one of the great wonders of our day that anybody with access to Microsoft Paint can, without any training whatsoever, produce something that is virtually indistinguishable from a massive pile of shite :snicker:
Gandalf The Tramp's diplomatic credentials appear to share the serial number of a widely pirated version of Office 2007. ... vc67-gydq8
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by SteveUK »

The baron is croakin back to life. He's stocked up on printer paper and called an emergency meeting.
That last batch of 300 liens clearly never went straight to the recycling pile.


Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by PeanutGallery »

Rolling with documents? Why do I think this is more likely:
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by letissier14 »

The man is complete bonkers

Baron David Ward
28 June at 11:49 ·

I have just had my cornflakes and I was about to go to my bedroom office to bash out some more paperwork. Then a question come to mind. Why is it that it is only me, the dyslexic Pipe fitter from the North is the only guy in 64.2 million who can bash out some paperwork and get results?

Why is that?

I have been here on FB for three years bashing the keys with the exact details and information that 64.2 million people are looking for want and need and three years later with the exception of one or two more I am the only guy in the 64.2 million that can put some words on paper.

Why is that?
What is wrong with everybody?
I want to know?
WTF is wrong?
The facts are known and have been published right here on FB with 10's of thousands bitching around like little children.
WTF is wrong?
I want to Know?
People are blowing smoke up my arse and telling me I am great.
I dont give a monkeys red arse.
This is NOT rocket science.
There is a few good people I wish to ignore this and they know who they are. The other 64.2 million people need a good kicking up the arse.
Yes as you can guess I am a bit pissed right now and I am still going to my bedroom office to bash the keys on more dockuments.
What are people waiting for?
There is no hero coming to save you.
Dont bother like-ing or sharing this unless you are going to get off your fat lazy arse and do something about it.
To do so is an insult.
The clock is ticking... Tick.... Tock. Every Tick and every Tock is being complicit and guilty by default.
Now get off your fat lazy arse and do something.
Or know by that inaction that you are a lazy spineles coward going like a lamb to slaughter.
Dont give me excuses that you do not have the time. You will never have the time. This is not an excuse.
Where are the Lions?......
Am I the only one? Really.!!! Am I the only one?
I am beginning to see why John Harris hung himself.
64.2 million complist cowards are to blame.
Dont expect me to do the same because I am a pain in your arse.
Yes this is very negative. I do not see any positives to speak of. All I see is Just talk.
What is it that will put a fire under people?
I want to know?
I really want to know?
I want to know why?
Dont bother answering.......
Get of your fat lazy arse and show me.......
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by letissier14 »

And more from the Baron :roll: :roll: :roll: ... t.pdf?dl=0

67 pages of absolute drivel

First 2 pages for you

Ladies and Gentlemen. It is our Duty and obligation and very great honour to make the following announcement and Decree. On this Day the 20th Day of March 2015. It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That there has never been any such thing as LAW. But only the presumption of law, where a presumption is nothing of material substance and any presumption can be dismissed by a formal challenge.

It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the
Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That Parliament does not reign supreme and that any notion of government has no legitimacy without the Material evidence that the governed have given their consent and that there cannot be any legitimate Government For the one cannot exist in isolation without the other. Also that any action taken by way of Act or Statute of Parliament is and always has been a criminal offence of FRAUD and Malfeasance in the office at the very least.

It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the
Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That the office of the Judiciary is nothing more than a sub office of a commercial body and the status and standing of any Judge or Magistrate currently on this land has no greater status or standing or authority than the Manageress of McDonalds. Also it is formally recognised on and for the record that the state is a is legal embodiment by an act of registration which is of no material substance and therefore fraud by default and that the interests of the State are the interests of the State alone to the detriment of anybody and anything else including its own officers of the state. That the actions of the State are now recognised as an unconscionable and criminal fraternity capable of heinous crimes without measure.

It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the
Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That any and all executable Orders and Documents must carry an affixed common seal which denotes point of origin and that any and all excitable Orders and Documents must be signed by human hand and in wet ink by a named authoritative living being who takes full responsibility for the content of that formal excitable Order or document. Any deviation from this standing process where there is no affixed common seal or signature in wet ink by a living hand with authority to do so, will be recognised in perpetuity as a criminal offence.
It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the
Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That all imposed Taxation and Duty is and always has been not only a criminal offence but is also detrimental to all the people of this planet. That from this day forward and as of the 20th Day of March 2015 and in perpetuity the enforcement of all Taxation and duty is a recognised Act of Terrorism.

It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the
Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That there is no such thing as money or commerce. No body gets paid or has been paid. No Body has the capability to Pay anybody or for any thing or Item without Money. All commercial instruments are nothing more than pieces of paper with marks on them. That there value is only confidence and belief where confidence and Belief is recognised as being of no material substance. The continued use of these commercial instruments is for the feeble of mind who insist on living in a make believe world of their own making. Capitalism will forever be recognised and in perpetuity as the exploitation of another for personal gain. This has always been an unconscionable and detrimental activity to the human race since Babylonian times.

It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the
Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. There is no greater Sanctuary than the human home, be this home a castle or a wood hut or a blanket on the ground. From this day forward as of the 20th Day of March 2015 let it be known that any transgression of this sanctuary other than by invitation, that any transgression of this Sanctuary is a recognised Act of War and aggression. We have the right by the very fact that we live to protect our life and the life of our loved ones. Any transgression of this Sanctuary can be met with equal or great force with impunity. This is the long standing law and traditions of this land. So say we all.

It is now confirmed Formally, on and for the Record as of this Day the 20th Day of March 2015 Agreed by the State and the
Crown By way of un-rebutted Affidavit and statement of Fact and that there is a lasting tacit agreement through Acquiescence and Royal Assent by Default. That the practice of election by way of secret ballot is and always has been an abomination and deception with no credibility or redeeming qualities. By the very fact that this is a SECRET Ballot by any means of notarisation or recording renders the outcome obsolete by definition that is a secret Ballot. By the very fact that there is no recognised unelective or reveres process and by the very fact that there is no such word to this effect in the recognised dictionaries. Then this elective process by way of secret ballot is and always has been void ab initio. Have a nice Day. On and for the record.

Bring out the town crier and let the Bell ring. Let it be known across this planet, that from this day the 20th Day of March 2015 that the satanic Roman Empire is no more. Let it be by Decreed that this is the day and will always be the day in perpetuity when the days of austerity and tyranny end for all time to come. Let this day go down in history across this planet as a day of celebration for all time. So say we all.

Let the celebrations begin. So say we all.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Firthy2002 »

Another one who failed history...

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by AndyPandy »

Firthy2002 wrote:Another one who failed history...
They're all losers, each and everyone of them, they're just not equipped to deal with the fact their failures were of their own making !!
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

letissier14 wrote:And more from the Baron :roll: :roll: :roll: ... t.pdf?dl=0

67 pages of absolute drivel

First 2 pages for you
TL;DR but...

...there has never been any such thing as LAW...

...any action taken by way of Act or Statute of Parliament is and always has been a criminal offence of FRAUD and Malfeasance in the office at the very least.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Hercule Parrot »

letissier14 wrote:The man is complete bonkers

Baron David Ward
28 June at 11:49 ·

I have just had my cornflakes and I was about to go to my bedroom office to bash out some more paperwork. Then a question come to mind. Why is it that it is only me, the dyslexic Pipe fitter from the North is the only guy in 64.2 million who can bash out some paperwork and get results? .......
The only result he's going to get is carpal tunnel syndrome.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by PeanutGallery »

Why has he stolen 'So say we all' from Battlestar Galactica? I know it's a great show, well aside from the 1980's adventures with time and space children, but does he know that the phrases first recorded use was on a 14 century Masonic document.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

Why is it that it is only me, the dyslexic Pipe fitter from the North is the only guy in 64.2 million who can bash out some paperwork and get results?
Clearly he's never heard the expression "Only one marching in step".
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by FatGambit »

PeanutGallery wrote:Why has he stolen 'So say we all' from Battlestar Galactica? I know it's a great show, well aside from the 1980's adventures with time and space children, but does he know that the phrases first recorded use was on a 14 century Masonic document.
Glad I wasn't the only one to think this :lol:
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by letissier14 »

Someone has sent the Baron a PM for advice and the Baron duly obliges



Well that is going to help lol
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by letissier14 »

More gibberish
Baron David Ward
19 hrs ·

The Big unplug WEEK.......
Are we ready to be unplugged?

I have taken a day or two of firstly because my head is battered and second because I had no internet for a day or two being lacking in the funds for the PAYG SIM.

I am not going to rabbit about the usual stuff as most have got a grip of this now. The first part in being unplugged is to know who you are, and then you will know that you have never been plugged in, in the first place. There is things I need to bring people up to speed on. So this is going to be lengthy.

To this effect we will say this. The Baron of the manor would NOT petition and beg the paid servants for a bowl of soup. The Baron of the Manor would NOT be foolish to enter the paid servants Court and Beg for a bowl of soup. The Baron of the Manor knows better to enter a court that cannot under any circumstances give any recognition to a living and breathing man and speak the words “I am a Man”

Knowing who you are is paramount because if you don’t then how can you possibly behave in the correct and proper manor. Now if I had said these 3 years back there would have not been a living man or woman in the land with ears to hear the words and know what they mean. Now there is and it has taken 3 years hard graft to get here.

What we also proved 3 years ago is that the legal person/Straw man/ Legal embodiment by an act of registration also stands in supremacy in status and standing with no obligations to the State or the Legislation or the CPR rules and they can have no form or effect by way of an act of force without there being a belligerent act of terrorism by officers of the State. This is all now formally documented and stands as confirmed and uncontested fact by way of the formally published and perfected liens where there is a confirmed and belligerent and recognised acts of terrorism from within the office of the State.

What all of this shows and confirms without exception is this. Both Baron David of the House of Ward and The principal legal embodiment by an act of registration by the title of MR DAVID WARD (Straw man) both stand supreme in status and with diplomatic immunity by default. I will cover more on this shortly. This is your status by natural decent and not title, this is who you are.

We have all been compartmentalised/ indoctrinated and programmed over millennia. Some of us broke that programming years ago. To state this as little as 3 years ago would have fallen on deaf ears. The populace of the planet was def dumb and blind. But No longer.

We had cause to de-compartmentalise an executive officer in the executive office of the State and to our amazement it worked and we have two results which just goes to show that when we behave in the correct an d proper manor and do things the right way we get results. Let me explain this briefly.

At the beginning of this year there were two alleged criminal warrants for my arrest effectively for not providing Warrington Borough Council and complying with their request for my financial status regarding Council Tax. I do say alleged as there is NO valid material evidence of these alleged warrants. All of this is published in the lien published documents.

HMCTS Runcorn where getting feisty and belligerent with their intention to take me away. What I did was to compile the content of some 8 Liens and confirmed terrorists by their own hand along with the Affidavit I served upon every MP in the land in Feb 2015 and compiled a very large document to the chief of police for Cheshire Simon Byrne and explained to chief of police for Cheshire Simon Byrne his executive Status in the State Office where chief of police for Cheshire Simon Byrne carries an obligation to suppress a wilful and belligerent act of terrorism in His office under his jurisdiction and his definitive capability to suppress this wilful act of terrorism with prejudice.

I did not make a complaint. I did NOT enter into a complaints procedure where I would be legal bound to a complaints procedure. I did NOT as k anything of chief of police for Cheshire Simon Byrne. I just sent the reports which were some 600 grams in weight which was difficult to put into a large brown envelop and pot this in the post box marked private.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

And the 600 gram wad of shite won't be sent as the Baron won't have been minded to pay the correct postage.

Even if it made it, it'd go with all the other crazy stuff the police get every day filed as malicious or just plain irrelevant.

He's great entertainment value though, Warrington's finest pipe (dream) fitter. I'd fund his PAYG tinternet just to brighten my day.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by NYGman »

The Baron of the manor would NOT run out of funds. The Baron of the manor would NOT let his internet lapse. The Baron of the manor would NOT forget to pay his PAYG SIM. The Baron of the manor would NOT believe in Strawman arguments.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by letissier14 »

The Baron doesn't abide to any act because he has simply left the club :roll: :roll:
Baron David Ward
28 July at 20:18 ·

If you joined a club of some kind and paid your subscription. Then you would have agreed to the rules of the Club. If you break the rules of the club then there would be a forfeit. If you left the club then the rules of the club do not have any effect on you as you are not a member of the club. So the rules of the club no longer apply to you>>> How can they? You have left!!

If you never joined the club in the first place then the rules of the club can never apply to you as you have never EVER formally agreed to the rules of the club. So as you have never been a member of the club and a member or officer of the club was to make a claim that you had an obligation to the rules of the club and that you had violated the rules of the club that you never joined then the claim that you had an obligation to the club rules would be a fraudulent claim and a criminal offence.

Now this club has it's own Judges and courts and enforcement officers. But you never joined the club... So any force used to make you Pay the forfeiture would be a belligerent act of terrorism. Now unfortunately the Club is a fecking big Club with 350,000 Police. More Judges and Magistrates that you can shake a stick at and they are making a claim that you have violated the clubs road traffic act 1988.

You and the other 64.2 million people have never formally agreed to be a member of the club. Now the club officer of the Judiciary want you to beg and plead and enter a plea and enter their private company court room and beg.. Pleas sir don’t hurt me for breaking your road traffic act 1988.

Now if the Janitor at McDonalds is the Judge and that is exactly how much authority the Judge has over you. Why the fuck would you have any interest or obligation to go into the Janitors court room to beg and plead?
Because by entering that room you have formally agreed to be judge by the club Rules that you can never break because you have never been a member of the club.

There is a mandatory requirement that you have formally agreed to be legally bound to these legislations BEFORE these legislations can have any force or effect and 64.2 million people have never once in 800 years EVER formally signed or agreed to be governed. Or given their consent to be governed like you picked up a pen and signed a consent form in the dentist.

I hope that helps because these are the FACTS. The only difference is the fact that you and 64.2 million people have been conned into thinking that all of this shit is Law.

In addition to this. The executive officers of the club are not bound by the rules of the club and cannot be charged under the rules of the club and they can’t be Jailed either. They are without exception the sickest psychopathic Genocidel paedophiles terrorists on the planet and anybody paying these feckers in any way for any reason should be shot.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by letissier14 »

Oh dear - some guy turned up at his house to put up a for sale sign :haha:
Baron David Ward
28 July at 16:32 ·

I am so pissed off with this crap...

Today there was an unknown Man in a Blu van at my door wanting to put up a For Sale sign. I askd him for copy of the letter of asignment from the estate agents. He did not have one....

That is agrivated Trespass at the very least.

You can bet your sweet life there is a letter to the chief of Police Chief Constable Simon Byrne winging its way first class as soon as I have posted here.

The content is as follows.....

Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne
Cheshire Constabulary Headquarters
Clemonds Hey
Oakmere Road

Dear Simon Byrne,

It is with great distress and alarm that we have a need to contact Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne again. We have just this day the 28th Day of July 2016 been visited by an unknown Man in a blue Van who stated that he was from Countrywide plc. Trading as Entwistle Green Estate Agents to attach a for sale sign to my House.

When asked for the formally signed assignment signed by an officer of Countrywide plc Trading as Entwistle Green Estate Agents. He could not present one. He did not have a formal assignment signed by the Director of Countrywide plc Trading as Entwistle Green Estate Agents and which carries a company seal in compliance with The Companies Act 2006 s.44 Execution of documents.

Just in case Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne is not familiar with the requirements then let me be firm on this matter as it is documented Extensively and very eloquently Under The Companies Act 2006 s.44 Execution of documents.

At the formal web address of
(1)Under the law of England and Wales or Northern Ireland a document is executed by a company—
(a)by the affixing of its common seal, or
(b)by signature in accordance with the following provisions.
(2)A document is validly executed by a company if it is signed on behalf of the company—
(a)by two authorised signatories, or
(b)by a director of the company in the presence of a witness who attests the signature.
(3)The following are “authorised signatories” for the purposes of subsection (2)—
(a)every director of the company, and
(b)in the case of a private company with a secretary or a public company, the secretary (or any joint secretary) of the company.
(4)A document signed in accordance with subsection (2) and expressed, in whatever words, to be executed by the company has the same effect as if executed under the common seal of the company.
(5)In favour of a purchaser a document is deemed to have been duly executed by a company if it purports to be signed in accordance with subsection (2).
A “purchaser” means a purchaser in good faith for valuable consideration and includes a lessee, mortgagee or other person who for valuable consideration acquires an interest in property.
(6)Where a document is to be signed by a person on behalf of more than one company, it is not duly signed by that person for the purposes of this section unless he signs it separately in each capacity.
(7)References in this section to a document being (or purporting to be) signed by a director or secretary are to be read, in a case where that office is held by a firm, as references to its being (or purporting to be) signed by an individual authorised by the firm to sign on its behalf.
(8)This section applies to a document that is (or purports to be) executed by a company in the name of or on behalf of another person whether or not that person is also a company.

Clearly the unknown man in a blue Van did not carry about his person or in his blue van that which is a formal requirement BEFORE he commits a wilful criminal offence of aggravated trespass on the private property of 145 Slater Street, Latchford Warrington. WA4 1DW.

We have gone to extraordinary lengths to keep Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne abreast regarding Officers under Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne jurisdiction and there repeated and wilful belligerent acts of terrorism for which Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne is liable and carries an obligation to suppress these wilful and belligerent acts of terrorism under Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne jurisdiction.

This was an extensive and formal report consisting of some 173 duplex printed A4 paper report and formally signed and sealed sent direct to Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne and dated the 06th Day of July 2016. We duly enclose the cover three page copy of the cover of that report under this same cover.

Let us make this expressly clear again. Before District Judge Lateef of the Family Court at Warrington CAN carry any greater authority than the Janitor at McDonalds then there is a formal requirement and this fact HAS been noted formally at Tribunal that there is a formal requirement that the 64.2 million people of this land can be recognised as the governed then there is a formal requirement that the 64,2 million people of this land MUST formal sign and formally agree to be governed and that the 64.2 million people of this land have in doing so given their formal consent to be governed. We would note that without this formal REQUIRMENT being fulfilled, formally and on record then there is no valid material evidence of any governed where any Judge in the administrative office of the Judiciary CAN Carry any authority greater than that of the Janitor at McDonalds AND without this formal requirement being fulfilled then any result of any judicial herring from any of the offices of the Judiciary of this Land can only be a belligerent act of terrorism by default.

Let us make this expressly clear. We are NOT making a complaint where we can be formally and legally bound and have formally agreed to a complaints procedure. Let us also make expressly clear that if Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne does not attend to this matter with the greatest of expediency and that we have been formally notified by Cheshire Constabulary's Chief Constable Simon Byrne that these wilful and belligerent acts of terrorism have been formally suppressed, then we will be contacting the province marshal who carries the obligation and authority to command the British armed forces.

We will not tolerate these belligerent acts of terrorism.
This document and formal correspondence WILL be published using any and all media at our disposal.

We await your response. Silence creates a binding agreement through acquiescence.

So let it be said. So let it be written. So let it be done.

Without ill will or vexation.

For and on behalf of the Principal legal embodiment by the title of MR DAVID WARD.
For and on behalf of the attorney General of the House of Ward
For and on behalf of Baron David of the House of Ward.
All rights reserved.
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions