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Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:46 pm
by Siegfried Shrink
I think there may be a duty of care to realise as much as possible, or at least to be seen to have attempted to do so. Re-entry at auction with a lower and more realistic reserve would then allow them to claim such a duty was observed, even if the inital offering was merely a back covering exercise.
I see this as a typical 'buy to let' property.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:38 am
by SteveUK
The Baron gets himself into yet another 'sticky' situation.
To all Men with a Beard..... Hazard Warning......... If you are applying Contact Adheasive over head... Do not.... DO NOT allow sead glue to land in the Beard. It's not cleaver and its NOT funny.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 11:18 am
by notorial dissent
That is the heigth of old style prat fall comedy, and if true very sad.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:33 pm
by He Who Knows
SteveUK wrote: The Baron gets himself into yet another 'sticky' situation.

To all Men with a Beard..... Hazard Warning......... If you are applying Contact Adheasive over head... Do not.... DO NOT allow sead glue to land in the Beard. It's not cleaver and its NOT funny.
Oh no, do you think the roof of his 7.5 tonner has caved in with all this rain? He'll need to splash out on a better repair job than just "Contact Adheasive" for that...

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:54 am
by SteveUK
Another satisfied customer, and of course he is now ‘bard’ from the group.


Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:23 pm
by JohnPCapitalist
SteveUK wrote:Another satisfied customer, and of course he is now ‘bard’ from the group.

A positively Shakespearean fate. But is being "bard" a tragedy or a comedy?

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:29 pm
by rosy
That reminds me of my favourite joke:

Shakespeare walks into a pub and the barman says "you're bard".

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:13 pm
by TheNewSaint
I'm shocked that a David Ward-administered group would still have any members. Not because he bans people; he's also tedious and irrelevant.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 6:19 am
by grixit
SteveUK wrote:Another satisfied customer, and of course he is now ‘bard’ from the group.

Hey, the baron has appointed himself a court bard!

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 6:45 am
by exiledscouser
TheNewSaint wrote:I'm shocked that a David Ward-administered group would still have any members. Not because he bans people; he's also tedious and irrelevant.
Heh. No longer Baron - just barren.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:54 pm
by TheNewSaint
Borin' David Ward.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 8:36 pm
by notorial dissent
TheNewSaint wrote:I'm shocked that a David Ward-administered group would still have any members. Not because he bans people; he's also tedious and irrelevant.
I would have thought it was because he was such a nasty and unpleasant ass, but yeah, tedious, irrelevant, and B O R I N G!!!!

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:21 pm
by Pottapaug1938
"BARD from Group"? I guess that no one is allowed to read Shakespeare, if they want to remain a member.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:40 pm
by SteveUK
The Baron is under attack from the international debunker of mystery - Tom Trinder. A few lien debunkings, and the Baron is furious.
Tom Trinder Only if agreed within the terms of the laws of England and Wales and within the categories of liens permited in England and Wales. Commercial liens only exist in US laws. In other parts of the UK, such as Scotland, only two types of lien are lawful and both relate to goods held pending an agreed payment, one that involves a single individual and the other related to similar arrangements but involving companies.
Tom Trinder Well, your the one trying to use the law with your liens. You speak of A "formally agreed lien" What's that? Who agreed to it? Did the other party agree to it? If not its not a formal agreement. Are you now saying the current law is not valid? In that case neither are your liens and with no legal basis all you have is worthless paper and whole load of wasted time compiling them. Anyone receiving one will put it straight in the bin.. that is if they can get up off the floor laughing at it.

As for the law, 64 million people decide every 5 years whether they are happy with the laws or not and, in the main, they say they are. That's how parliamentary democracy works. What your opinion of them is is really quite irrelevent in the face of such an overwhelming majority largely happy with the status quo. You might not like it, but thats what reality looks like.

So, its against that background that your liens have to be viewed and, basically it says they have about as much value as used toilet paper. They will not provide you with security, as you found out the hard way, and they have no utility whatsoever.
Tom Trinder Baron David Ward I'm afraid its you who does not understand lien in the UK.

Something can only be formally agreed if BOTH parties AGREE to it. You can't simply hand something to someone to tell them they "formally" agreed to it. A formal agreement is a contract and any contract needs the three fundamental elements, an offer, consideration and acceptance by performance. Even the most lowly paralegal knows this. None of these are present in your silly documents with their toy seals to try and make it appear more important than it really is. That's why judges etc bin it muttering "another kook".

Why has the judge not sent you to jail? Presumably because they knew your "lien" was nonsense and decided they had better things to do with their life than entertain a kook. You see, that's the fallacy you fall for every time. You assume because they ignore you, you must be legally correct. But that is not so, there are plenty other reasons they ignore you.

However the effectiveness of your lien can be shown by your own situation. You lost both your family and your home as a result of it and no long, rambling and incoherent letters claiming you've served something on the authorities has changed that. That's one helluva a price to pay to show you were wrong.
You're in a hole Baron David Ward Please stop digging and seek help.
Tom Trinder There is no formal agreement unless the other party agrees to it. Otherwise, its just empty fluff. No amount of tap dancing by you can distract from this simple and glaringly obvious fact. Please take your own advice.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:00 pm
by katiHWB
SteveUK wrote:The Baron is under attack from the international debunker of mystery - Tom Trinder. A few lien debunkings, and the Baron is furious.
Tom is one of the most straight-talking guys I know :whistle:

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:25 pm
by Hercule Parrot
katiHWB wrote:
SteveUK wrote:The Baron is under attack from the international debunker of mystery - Tom Trinder. A few lien debunkings, and the Baron is furious.
Tom is one of the most straight-talking guys I know :whistle:
Ooh, we like his style! Someone should invite him to join Q, unless of course [whisper]he's already here..[/whisper]

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:23 am
by ArthurWankspittle
Interesting choice of pseudonym too, you have to be older than Burnaby to know who Tommy Trinder was.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:31 am
by He Who Knows
Tom Trinder is mint. I wish he'd 'pick off' the top 10 freetards one by one, just like he did with Baron Ward.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:25 pm
by Burnaby49
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Interesting choice of pseudonym too, you have to be older than Burnaby to know who Tommy Trinder was.
A babe in arms like me doesn't have a clue.

Re: Baron David Ward

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:06 pm
by ArthurWankspittle
Burnaby49 wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Interesting choice of pseudonym too, you have to be older than Burnaby to know who Tommy Trinder was.
A babe in arms like me doesn't have a clue.
English comic and actor of 40s and 50s IIRC. Let's see what Wiki says:
I was close enough.