Rekha Patel loses her house

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by SteveUK »

I have just consulted with Mrs Steve:UK. Superteacher .
Albeit we are in the hot tub drinking wine.

Her real point is the GTC ( general teacher council). It seems , regardless of if you work public or private, they have the power to ban you from anyone’s classroom. They step in when schools falter on such things.

I feel an email coming on.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by grixit »

SoLongCeylon wrote:
Q. What would have these people done before the internet enabled Guru's to provide Free Useless Advice? ... _of_Crowds
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Wakeman52 »

Radio silence broken in another rambling and somewhat incoherent FB post. It does seem that she is accepting that the house is going to be sold...
Hello everyone, need some on help and also will update....I was in court last Tuesday, Nigel Bird, can';t call him a judge as he is not fit to be a judge, I have a copy of the court records from my subject access request there is no record of any detailed costs assessment, nor is there any record of a trial, the judgement date of an amount of @£8K which i paid is on a different date to the date i atteneded court and it clearly says there are no costs in the case, i will upload these partial records...its there in black and white...i told nigel bird that there is no record if this claim being issued so does it no worry you that the court have no records of it, he did not reply instead he said you went to the court of appeal, I said yes it always puzzled me on when the evidence is so blatant how can they refuse and i said, if the case does not exist how can you appeal something that does not exist, where did the hearing take place in kangaroo court, they said nothing, they couldn't the evidence is there. Anyway he still ordered my home to be sold, the dirt bag Daniel Metcalfe the barrister who work in Manchester, i believe it is St Johns...anyway, i went to down to reeds rains and the guy said he would arrange a few visits for me to remove my belongings so, if anyone has time to help me pack and to store some stuff a there house/garage i will be so grateful, so if you have some room as much as a suitcase, that would be great, and also i have two bikes, and garden any room would be great, i am NOT giving up but I am not going to let people have the excuse to dispose of my belongings, i know my friend needs a washing machine, my range cooker has been claimed, and my dishwasher and fridge freezer could do with a home..will give my bed and table and chairs to furniture project.
For those without FB access, this is the document she uploaded. ... TmzgU/view

As I recall, when we lived in Manchester, there were a number of legal firms in the St John's area, to the west of Deansgate, although I believe that it is about to be the centre of a large development.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by AndyPandy »

Wakeman52 wrote:Radio silence broken in another rambling and somewhat incoherent FB post. It does seem that she is accepting that the house is going to be sold...
Hello everyone, need some on help and also will update....I was in court last Tuesday, Nigel Bird, can';t call him a judge as he is not fit to be a judge, I have a copy of the court records from my subject access request there is no record of any detailed costs assessment, nor is there any record of a trial, the judgement date of an amount of @£8K which i paid is on a different date to the date i atteneded court and it clearly says there are no costs in the case, i will upload these partial records...its there in black and white...i told nigel bird that there is no record if this claim being issued so does it no worry you that the court have no records of it, he did not reply instead he said you went to the court of appeal, I said yes it always puzzled me on when the evidence is so blatant how can they refuse and i said, if the case does not exist how can you appeal something that does not exist, where did the hearing take place in kangaroo court, they said nothing, they couldn't the evidence is there. Anyway he still ordered my home to be sold, the dirt bag Daniel Metcalfe the barrister who work in Manchester, i believe it is St Johns...anyway, i went to down to reeds rains and the guy said he would arrange a few visits for me to remove my belongings so, if anyone has time to help me pack and to store some stuff a there house/garage i will be so grateful, so if you have some room as much as a suitcase, that would be great, and also i have two bikes, and garden any room would be great, i am NOT giving up but I am not going to let people have the excuse to dispose of my belongings, i know my friend needs a washing machine, my range cooker has been claimed, and my dishwasher and fridge freezer could do with a home..will give my bed and table and chairs to furniture project.
For those without FB access, this is the document she uploaded. ... TmzgU/view

As I recall, when we lived in Manchester, there were a number of legal firms in the St John's area, to the west of Deansgate, although I believe that it is about to be the centre of a large development.
Well if you look at the caseman listing there's an N236a Notice of Provisional Assessment on 2nd October 2014, to which she had 14 days to dispute and then a N256 Final Costs Certificate on 24 February 2015 which she had 14 days to pay.

They've then obtained an interim Charging Order on 1st April 2015, followed by a Final Charging Order on 7th July 2015.

I suspect in her arrogance she missed at least 1 chance to object to the costs at the provisional stage and at least 2 chances to apply set aside the subsequent orders granted.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by He Who Knows »

Rekha Patel wrote: if anyone has time to help me pack and to store some stuff a there house/garage i will be so grateful, so if you have some room as much as a suitcase, that would be great,
I'm pretty sure her mate (and former director of the company that bought her house for £2) Baron Dave Ward will have a spare corner in his 7.5t truck for a suitcase or two...
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

...... i am NOT giving up but I am not going to let people have the excuse to dispose of my belongings, .....
See, she's learnt something from Tom Crawford.
Wakeman52 wrote:As I recall, when we lived in Manchester, there were a number of legal firms in the St John's area, to the west of Deansgate, although I believe that it is about to be the centre of a large development.
I recall the same. As our colonial friends would put it, they are within "one block" of the main Manchester courts.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by exiledscouser »

Wakeman52 wrote;
As I recall, when we lived in Manchester, there were a number of legal firms in the St John's area, to the west of Deansgate, although I believe that it is about to be the centre of a large development.
Daniel works as a barrister at St Johns Building a respectable chambers dealing with the full range of civil and criminal matters.
RP Wrote;
....i am NOT giving up but I am not going to let people have the excuse to dispose of my belongings, .....
But starting to clear the house of personal belongings is an acknowledgement, at least, of the reality of the situation.

The usual suspects commenting on RP's FB have caught on to the impending auction of Had-over Cottage. "Boycott Reeds Rains!" declares one. Nita Benfield, without a shred of evidence opines that this company are "one of the shadow property agents. They specialise in stolen property".

On their website Reeds Rains have useful advice for would-be clients of their services, something RP should take to heart;
Finding a new place to live needn't be stressful, especially when you're well informed.
Also, more aptly;
Are you selling this property?
Find out how to make it stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of selling.
Particularly, buried in the advertising blurb is the following on the RR site;
Please note this property is subject to an undisclosed Reserve Price which is generally no more than 10% in excess of the Starting Bid.
So in theory it might go for as little as £149k plus costs.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by AndyPandy »

Rekha Patel
yep, just their provisional assessment with no evidence...
So there you have it, she admits to having their Provisional Assessment (Form N236a) which she had 14 days to object to. I suspect she decided to ignore / not take legal advice on this as the Court Order had given an award of £8k damages but stated zero costs.

They then went to get a Final Costs Certificate, Interim then Full Charging Order, followed now by a Sale Order.

She's a victim of her own arrogance / ignorance of how the Court System works in terms of Costs.

She's banging on about no trial (hearing) for the costs, there doesn't have to be one is she made no objection to the Provisional Assessment!
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by grixit »

Rekha Patel wrote:
Anyway he still ordered my home to be sold
Did you forget to say "my landlord's house"?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by The Seventh String »

AndyPandy wrote:
SoLongCeylon wrote:Do you think? I'm not so sure, I think the world has always been full of stupid people, it's just nowadays they're more visible to more people.

It seems to me that people decide on a path then go looking for people to help support them on the path they've already chosen, the internet only helps bring more of those people together.
I’m thinking aloud here, so please bear with me.

Is there perhaps a difference between the full-on conspiracy theory crank who has swallowed one line of nonsense and goes looking for more and a desperate person frantically looking for a way out of a problem that seems insoluble? There’s interaction and cross-fertilisation between the two but their starting places are different even if the end destination is sometimes the same.

The first basically lacks sufficient ability to weigh evidence. To the extent they can end up convinced that a former US First Lady and Secretary of State is a lizard that engages in illegal sex with underage kidnapped girls in the basement of a pizza restaurant that doesn’t even have a basement. And at no time think “hang on, this is just too ridiculous”.

A kind of super-scepticism where anything “conventionally” regarded as fact is suspect and any alternative, however weird, more likely to be correct. If you like, they’re willing converts to and participants in the cult.

The second clutches at straws found via search engines, Facebook etc. and is unlucky enough to find themselves in an environment where they are continually offered peer group validation by true believers, maybe with a con-artist or three encouraging them as well. Which starts them down their personal road to disaster and the further they go the harder it is to turn back and the more they become psycholocgically commited to the cult.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I think that sounds reasonable.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by longdog »

grixit wrote:
Rekha Patel wrote:
Anyway he still ordered my home to be sold
Did you forget to say "my landlord's house"?
To be fair she did say 'home' and you don't have to own a property to make it your home.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Gregg »

To that I would say that most places that people call home are places where they live. :Axe:
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by MaritalArtist »

Gregg wrote:To that I would say that most places that people call home are places where they live. :Axe:
That's right, The Mascara Snake, fast and bulbous! Also, a tin teardrop!
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by noblepa »

Gregg wrote:To that I would say that most places that people call home are places where they live. :Axe:
Home is where you can scratch where it itches.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by exiledscouser »

RP has recruited her next sure-fire guru on the road to success, step up Lizzie Nolson, her from the Kindness Credits and 'we buy any debt'Universal Law Community Trust.
Elisabeth Nolson wrote
We use your assignment of consent to us to stand surety for mercantile law amendment section five..This is how they assumed your consent via the birth certificate fraud and all capitalised name voids all contracts. This rebuts their presumption and rectifies their mistake. If you have a mortgage you assign that or the title deed of the trust then grants you right of use for perpetuity doc which replaces the land registry title deed it is that you will, rent or destroy as is your rights as owner you only ever have rights of use anyway but as the attorney holdsr current power of attorney of you a debts slave you own nothing..and have no rights hence this shot can be wrought against you all a any time x
Another grubby charlatan to pour fuel on the bonfire of RP's life. Liz charges too - not in Kindness Credits but - you really won't believe it - worthless fiat money.
It's their system back at them s while they scream you cant do that they just denounced themselves a treat tooo
What could possibly go wrong?

Nolson has been featured on Q before when she was promoting a similar scheme, the rather grandly titled Land Council UK when she was reporting that "you will be released of all your liabilities from your debts, your bills".

That was back in August 2015 and, sadly, Liz was big on promise, short on delivery. The thread is well worth a read (or re-read) and demonstrates the circular nature of 'remedies and cures' pedalled by internet gurus.

The mere possibility that RP might involve Lizzie in her affairs must spell doom. They're all doomed!

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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Wakeman52 »



This is going to work because Ken Thompson's similar scheme (complete with lurid colour palette) was so effective.

At least Ms Nolson's web-site looks a little better than his. Still not saying anything sensible, though.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Hercule Parrot »

exiledscouser wrote:RP has recruited her next sure-fire guru on the road to success, step up Lizzie Nolson, her from the Kindness Credits and 'we buy any debt' Universal Law Community Trust.
There was surprise in the UK Stock Market today, after embattled international construction firm Carillon announced they had sold their £875m debt to Ms Nolson. HM Treasury intervened to reassure traders that this was an ordinary, legal process, and nothing to worry about.

Just before the market closed, the Treasury made a further statement confirming that the UK's national debt has been sold to a homeless man residing behind Kiev railway station. Investors who wish to enquire about their gilt stocks are advised to ask for Dirty Old Petrovich, and to offer him a plastic 1l flagon of potato vodka before commencing negotiations.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by TheNewSaint »

I wonder why Rekha burns through so many gurus. First Chrisy, then Ken Thompson, now Liz Nolson. Chrisy being left on the sidelines is especially surprising, since he and Rekha were going to each other's court cases, and seemed to have some genuine bonhomie.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by The Seventh String »

Wakeman52 wrote: At least Ms Nolson's web-site looks a little better than his. Still not saying anything sensible, though.
The only bit I can get my head around is this:
Kindness Credits
By adopting Kindness Credits as your method of representing your energy you immediatley make yourself an "unquantifiable commodity" the system built on slavery token gestures of pounds of flesh and dollars et al cannot process your priceless energy anymore.
But I think I might have spotted a small problem.

In my experience supermarkets generally don’t take “Kindness Credits representing your energy” in exchange for food. They tend to prefer legal tender.

As for how a debtor selling a debt (ignoring that they can’t) makes the original creditor disappear without trace and turns that sold debt into a credit now accesible by the debtor, or something.... Well I’ve read all the words and understand all of them individually. It’s the order in which they’ve been strung together I’m having difficulty with.