Rekha Patel loses her house

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Hercule Parrot
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Hercule Parrot »

He Who Knows wrote:'Tis a pity Ken Thompson missed the SAS-style Iranian Embassy seige of Patel Cottage and the resulting police arrest but I'm pretty sure he'll have other material to include in his film. The latest being that Rightmove and the local agent, Rowcliffe, have taken off the sale particulars over the weekend, obviously due to Princess Snowflake's complaints.
Well done, Wrecka. Keep up the pressure! If you harass and obstruct the sale, the Judge will eventually have to allow ex-Patel Cottage to be auctioned at a knock-down price, way below ideal market value. And remember that keeping two security guards on site 24/7 is reducing the surplus due to you by around £2,000 every week.

Keep going, you can get the Full Crawford! Believe in Yourself!
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by He Who Knows »

Oh dear, Stef Shambala has been doing a bit more 'loose lips sinks ships' on her 'open to the public' FB page ....
My darling sister ahhhhh I spoke to Rekha tonight, she is basically couch surfing between friends!!!! Locked and kicked out of her own home due to false laws....if it wasn't so fricking sad I would laugh my incredibly saggy tits off!!! Someone somewhere KNOWS how to change this stupid corrupt system....I'm hoping they are on it NOW, Rekha hasn't even told her mum and dad she has been evicted because dad has just come out of hospital and mum is just going in for an operation, she won't tell them as she knows it will slow their healing, they aren't on fb so I have permission to tell you this sis, sending love to you, your beautiful (&mine)family and all in the up mm mwah mwah speak soon gorgeous xxxxxx

Stef Shambala: Cheryl was with her, they both got arrested!!!! A direct link has been line sponsored plexus law Ltd £100,000 to take her house, Rekhas house is on a ley line....this shit goes deeeeeeep

JoJo: Signed it Stef unbelievable lets hope they see sense xxx

Stef Shambala: Thanks Jo, they have been trying everything for 7 years to steal her house....We believe it to be racially connected too, it's totally mental and needs to go viral....they arrested her to shut her up but she is fighting this all the way and needs our help xx
· 12 July at 19:03

Kev: This sounds like a threpenny opera if ever there was ?!?!?

Stef Shambala: Kev, mate it is utterly ridiculous.....& the police helped! how can somebody be evicted from their own home when they owe NOTHING and did EVERYTHING right and "by the book" Rekha is now very knowledgeable as to her rights but they have been totally disregarded, you have any advice for her?? She wants to help all who have been's not just about herself for her, the system is messed up and you for one know that! Peace and love music dog
Man xx

Kev: Just read a little bit more on this and it does seem a threpenny opera senario.
The lawyer's now hunt in packs and the law society are toothless. None the less If I was Rehka i should persue all avenues. She should have had advice here she may have a claim against her home insurance or her builders Pl ins?..ultimately if evidence stacks and it is racially motivated then she should esculate this and seek help from her ethnicity groups. The threpenny opera originated on 18th century England.'s still relevant today.

Kev: Stef I've read on further on this and it appears Rehka has sold the property for £2.00 only. She's probably sold it to a family member to reduce liability so in effect she has no asset wealth and therefore now bankrupt? She could now possibly rent the property off the new owner for a nominal amount. Still a mess but it seems she's well secure on the face of it???

Stef Shambala: Rekhas home was bought by 2 companies for a £1 each protect what IS rightfully hers, with the help of knowledgable friends....then it was resold on after the crazy neighbour/courts pursuance, always just trying to protect Rekhas property being stolen, she was renting her own home yes....out of necessity and the last court case was demanding 90 odd grand...for what? Demanding she sell within 3 months....that was 19th June!!!!..... Certainly not 3 months, the "high court writ"was'nt even recognised by the court, it was fraudulent, the police were told but need proof from a solicitor.....The police kicked her out of her own home without any knowledge of the situation....JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS!!!....making her the villain!!!!! All the facts are evident regarding fraudulent statements and the initial lie about the flack stones, Rekha has been evicted from her beautiful home she worked so hard on and all totally fraudulently....she just wanted her own place but the neighbours didn't want an "Indian" living in there 13 cottage tiny village...."this is a local town for local're not welcome round here)!!! and "they" have people LIVING in Rekhas house 24/7 til it gets sold!!!!!...Rekha tried to retrieve her bag and other personal items and was told no, go away!!!!!!! These village snobs are most likely in the is proper messed up mate, heart breaking, I've seen it happen to another friend....just makes me more adamant to create another paradise with people who are not programmed into false laws and the monetary system....& hoping that people like you who DO KNOW what to do to help these victims of false laws, stand up and really help change these shady false laws, thanks for looking into it more Kev, it is incredulous!
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by TheNewSaint »

Hercule Parrot wrote:Keep going, you can get the Full Crawford! Believe in yourself!
Considering that Patel's historically-listed cottage is worth far more than Tom's crappy Fern Chase bungalow, she should get more credit for losing it. By my math, it's about a Triple Crawford if she pulls it off.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to say, that I think Wrecka is going to triple down on her stupid and go for the full Crawford. She hasn't disappointed yet, and has managed to parlay a piddly little debt that should have been covered by insurance into well over £100K, and I have faith she will make the full amount of the cottage before she is done.

The faceplant post on the other hand is an amazing load of new age twaddle and unconsciousness, I really don't see how these people survive on their own, although it is beginning to appear they don't.

I am truly sorry if her father is unwell, be that as it may.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Chaos »

they want to keep throwing the race card out there but she lived there how long before all the crap she started without an issue?
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by letissier14 »

I think House Rekha is going to lose far more money than Crawfraud ever did
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by He Who Knows »

they want to keep throwing the race card out there but she lived there how long before all the crap she started without an issue?
Apparently the "racist" neighbour and Wrecker were good friends for the first few months after Princess Snowflake bought Patel Cottage in 2010. But when she started trashing the neighbour's house over and over again without accepting responsibility, the neighbour finally decided enough was enough.

I do know the "racist" neighbour - she used to write diversity policies in HR in a previous career. Maybe she felt confident enough in her own skin to treat all bad neighbours the same - no matter what their colour/creed...
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Burnaby49 »

TheNewSaint wrote:
Hercule Parrot wrote:Keep going, you can get the Full Crawford! Believe in yourself!
Considering that Patel's historically-listed cottage is worth far more than Tom's crappy Fern Chase bungalow, she should get more credit for losing it. By my math, it's about a Triple Crawford if she pulls it off.
And keep in mind that she did it with far more at risk and far less to gain than Tom. All there was at issue was the cost of a roof repair while Tom had a mortgage he probably couldn't pay. At best, if she won, she gained the few thousand pounds she saved by doing a crappy roof job. Nor did she have the equivalent of Amanda and Sue cheering her on, she did it all herself. All in all a remarkable achievment.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Stef Shambala wrote:
Rekhas house is on a ley line....this shit goes deeeeeeep
Not as deeeeeeep as the shit that exists between your ears.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by TheNewSaint »

Burnaby49 wrote:And keep in mind that she did it with far more at risk and far less to gain than Tom. All there was at issue was the cost of a roof repair. Nor did she have the equivalent of Amanda and Sue cheering her on, she did it all herself.
Good point - Rekha's home was never at risk, until she put it there.

Though I would argue that Princess Rekha also had enablers in her family, even if they weren't as public as Amanda and Sue. The woman arrested with Rekha was apparently her sister, and her parents actively participated in a fraudulent conveyance. Oh, and they bought her the house in the first place.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Burnaby49 »

TheNewSaint wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:And keep in mind that she did it with far more at risk and far less to gain than Tom. All there was at issue was the cost of a roof repair. Nor did she have the equivalent of Amanda and Sue cheering her on, she did it all herself.
Good point - Rekha's home was never at risk, until she put it there.

Though I would argue that Princess Rekha also had enablers in her family, even if they weren't as public as Amanda and Sue. The woman arrested with Rekha was apparently her sister, and her parents actively participated in a fraudulent conveyance. Oh, and they bought her the house in the first place.
As far as I can tell her family tried to help her once she'd put herself in shit but they weren't actually goading her on. They weren't enablers as much as damage-control after she'd already screwed herself. By the time that her parents bought the house for two pounds she was probably too crazed to stop even though she could still have stood back, taken a deep breath, and saved something from the wreckage. I doubt her parents had a clue what was actually going on.

We shouldn't try and take away anything from Rekha's astounding achievment by trying to spread some of the credit to her family. She's lost a valuable home and all of her net worth over a few thousand pounds she could have paid but chose not to. It makes Tom look like amateur hour.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by TheNewSaint »

Burnaby49 wrote:She's lost a valuable home and all of her net worth over a few thousand pounds she could have paid but chose not to. It makes Tom look like amateur hour.
Fair enough. Whatever part of the credit might be assigned to the parents is a trifle compared to the sheer amounts involved.

And let's not forget the original 5,000 debt only happened because Princess Wreck-It wouldn't listen to advice, or follow the law, over this pedestrian roof repair.

In the early days of the internet, there was an enterprising young man who, through a series of transactions, traded a paperclip for a house. Rekha Patel has done this in reverse. It really is one for the ages.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Burnaby49 »

I think the biggest difference between Tom and Rekha is that Tom was probably going to lose his house no matter what he did but Rekha chose to throw hers away over absolutely nothing.

Tom was retired, modest pension, and apparently couldn't meet the mortgage. While, had he shown the slightest sense, he could have made a good gain on a sale because of his equity I think he was bound to lose the house. Tom made a desperate gamble to keep it and lost everything.

But Rekha had a job, she had very significant equity in her home, probably her parents to help if necessary, and there has been nothing that I have seen to indicate that she was having any problems meeting her mortgage. All she had at risk was the cost of a decent roof repair job. But I doubt when this started that she had the slightest clue how it could blow up in her face. She just got stubborn and refused to cut her losses when they were still relatively trivial.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by He Who Knows »

TheNewSaint wrote:
The woman arrested with Rekha was apparently her sister
Apparently the woman arrested with Wrecker (Cheryl Leezack) is as much her sister as Gandhi is her Grandfather. 'Brother', 'sister' are just terms FMOTL use for each other - like Stef Shambala does in her mystical fairy story above.

All very nice until they fall out with each other - does that make them ex-sister? half-granddad? Brother-from-another-mother? A bit confusing really.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by NYGman »

She just doesn't get, or can't quite understand why she has to pay the cost of her neighbors legal fees, on top of the damage she has paid for already. She has no problem creating frivolousness legal proceedings to drive up those costs, and just expects her neighbor to pay what came out to 70k in legal costs, over 8k damage. However, what she doesn't grasp, is that it is here neighbors rights, to hire the lawyers of her choosing, and they are free to bill at their typical bill rate. Now, I am sure she would have had the right to question a bill that may be unreasonable, and the court likely could limit these costs, to the extent they are not reasonable, however, I don't think Rekha ever bothered, as she felt the whole amount an affront. What Rekha can't fathom is how she could run up 70k of expenses (Note, now 90k) in legal fees over 8k damage.

Normally, I would agree with her, without knowing better, but when you see how she kept at it, and went to court multiple times, and with frivolous legal theories, and now the whole multiple eviction, 90k is probable good value :)

So Rekha thinks it is fine to do something wrong, drag it out in court, cost the other party thousands in legal fees, eventually pay the damages, and walk away from the economic damage done to the party she initially harmed. Her neighbor has the right to not be out of pocket, for something Rekha did wrong, and later admitted to. If Rekha would have just worked with the neighbor, she would be out the 8k, had no legal fees, and would be happy living in Castle Patel. Instead, she is homeless, and is losing equity by the day. Another example of someone who thinks they know it all, can never be wrong. I am glad she is losing everything here. Hoping it teaches her, she isn't above the law, isn't special in any way, and really has no clue as to how the legal system works. Like with Tom Crawford, I know this will never happen.

So, because of her actions, her neighbor incurred hefty legal fees, that need to be paid by someone. Rekha paying the damages, and essentially admitting wrong, has also accepted the legal fees, she caused with her actions.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by AndyPandy »

Ironically, if she had agreed to pay up on the initial Court proceedings, the value of the claim (ie under £10k) would have meant Solicitors would have been limited as it would have remained in the Small Claims Track.

She truly is the victim of her own arrogant idiocy.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by NYGman »

Well, it may have taken some time, but the Law Firm/Neighbor will get their money, and it isn't going to cost them a thing, Rekha is paying for it :)
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Hercule Parrot »

TheNewSaint wrote:
Hercule Parrot wrote:Keep going, you can get the Full Crawford! Believe in yourself!
Considering that Patel's historically-listed cottage is worth far more than Tom's crappy Fern Chase bungalow, she should get more credit for losing it. By my math, it's about a Triple Crawford if she pulls it off.
We need to define terms more clearly. I interpret a Full Crawford as being a single achievement : "Dissipating the entire value of one's home in a stupid, self-destructive attempt to prevent its sale." I would therefore assess Wrecka's current performance as a Half-Crawford and Backflip, albeit with potential to go all the way if she maintains training and mental discipline.

By your criteria, I think that a Full Crawford would be a unit of wasted wealth, defined as "Squandering approx £70-80,000 in a stupid, self-destructive attempt to prevent the sale of one's home"? And thus a householder in a larger property or a higher-priced area of this sceptred isle might perform a Triple or Quadruple Crawford, and perhaps still emerge with some cash surplus at the end of it.

I can see arguments either way. I like the simple elegance of my version, redolent as it is of the military spokesman in Vietnam who allegedly said "We had to destroy the village in order to save it". But it lacks scalability, and I admit the unit approach has that advantage.

How about this? We designate a unit of pig-headed, scorched-earth self-impoverishment called a "Crawford", each unit being approximately £75,000 / US$100,000 / C$120,000. We can then conveniently refer to the losses in this or that case as being 0.7 Crawfords, 1.6 Crawfords, a Double or Triple Crawford etc. But the specific term "Full Crawford" stands separately, meaning simply that the whole capital, whatever it was, is gone.
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by NYGman »

Might need the IEEE involved
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Re: Rekha Patel loses her house

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Good point. It would be a fitting testimony to TC's sacrifice if the Crawford was adopted as an SI Unit. Like Meads v Meads, he would become an eponymous example of self-destructive loonery.
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