Who is Sandie Foster

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Who is Sandie Foster

Post by letissier14 »

Who is Sandie Foster?

Anyone heard of her?

Apparently there is a Facebook group called "FREE SANDIE FOSTER"
This is what I've read so far ....

Sandie Foster I was sectioned in June for my 'beliefs'........
Like · Reply · 21 July at 09:01

Franciscus Lelieveld Sectioned ? What is that ?
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:37

Sandie Foster Police obtained a warrant and took me to a secure mental health unit where I stayed for a month. It's slightly better than prison!! ;)
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:41

Franciscus Lelieveld WTF ! What did you do to get put there?
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:43

Sandie Foster Had tinned food and bottled water stored at home........
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:44

Sandie Foster Tara Dean
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:44

Franciscus Lelieveld And the police found that out ?
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:44

Sandie Foster My parents started pestering my G.P. Surgery to 'assess' me............the medical team got the police involved.
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:46

Franciscus Lelieveld I am sorry I am not native english so what is GP surgery ?
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:47

Sandie Foster Doctors
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:47

Franciscus Lelieveld So your parents warned the doctor for your behaviour ?
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:48

Franciscus Lelieveld Amazing
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:48

Sandie Foster Yep.
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:48

Franciscus Lelieveld Did they give you any diagnosis ?
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:48

Sandie Foster Schizophrenia at first, apparently; but they couldn't make it stick so they resorted to Persistent Delusional Disorder...........
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:50

Franciscus Lelieveld That is crazy. You had to take medications ?
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:51

Sandie Foster Yeah, they would have injected me against my will had I refused to take it.
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:52

Franciscus Lelieveld That must be frightening.
Like · Reply · 21 July at 17:53

Sandie Foster It certainly was!!
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 July at 19:26
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Who is Sandie Foster

Post by letissier14 »

Apparently this is a video of her speaking to Doctors

https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipO ... VXVU95bDhB
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Who is Sandie Foster

Post by letissier14 »

Just listened and watched the video and she is a full blown fmotl
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Who is Sandie Foster

Post by Forsyth »

I find this one a bit sad, really. She's obviously delusional but, frankly, so are most people one way or another and at least she isn't roaming the streets screaming at people that they're paedophiles. Just based on what I saw in the video (which is, obviously, not the whole story) she didn't seem to be so far away with the fairies that she needed to be sectioned and sedated. Having someone look after her finances for her might have been a useful step to take, though, if things had got out of control there (you're obviously not going to rein in your spending if you think the world will end in a fortnight).

Having said that, the video could be used as a primer on how not to talk to mental health professionals when being assessed.
  • When told that your father thinks you may be delusional and need help, the best response is probably not, "I'm not delusional. I'll tell you who is delusional though - my father. I think he needs help." (I paraphrase.)
  • When you know that your behaviour is being examined for psychotic indicators, telling one of the assessors that you're not going to talk to them because they're evil and that you have a secret recording of them being evil that they don't know about and that you won't let them see, is possible not a good way to open a conversation.
  • When asked if your habit of preparing for the end of the world is causing you monetary problems, admitting that you've spent three years arguing with multiple companies about debts which you claim are all imaginary, is not likely to convince the questioner that you are able to conduct your daily affairs competently.
Part of the problem is that strange ideas repeated often enough become normal (if not actually believable). This video shows to me an uncontaminated viewpoint being introduced to the combination of prepperism and debt-denialism for the first time and recoiling in horror. I would be fascinated to know what their reaction to GOODF would be.
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Re: Who is Sandie Foster

Post by AndyPandy »

About 6 months ago a friend started describing the odd behaviour of his friend, she wouldn't leave the house, said the television was listening to her, the IRA was after her because an ex boyfriend was Irish and the whole Northern Irish problem was her fault, but what really had the alarm bells ringing was when he said she was following conspiracy theorists on the web (Chris Spivey etc) and plane com trails were really chemical nets to entrap us all.

At this point I suggested he contact her Doctor and ask for her to be assessed, which she duly was - paranoid schizophrenia was the diagnosis and she was sectioned for six weeks.

Now 6 months later she can't believe how she was and how she was taken in by such rubbish.
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Re: Who is Sandie Foster

Post by JamesVincent »

What exactly is sectioned?
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Re: Who is Sandie Foster

Post by AndyPandy »

JamesVincent wrote:What exactly is sectioned?
Sectioned under the Mental Health Act, basically, placed in a secure hospital ward / clinic for their own or the publics safety whilst they undergoing treatment for severe mental health issues.
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Re: Who is Sandie Foster

Post by NYGman »

Is 'Freemanism' really a mental illness or are people with mental illness more inclined to attach themselves to the ideals of these groups. I wouldn't say all Freeman are mental ill, but i am sure there are more mentally ill Freeman than the average person, when looking at the ratio. I do think it takes either dishonesty, stupidity, mental deficiency, or mental disability to become a Freeman, I just can't say which of these buckets Sandie falls in to, but at least her family is helping her, unlike others that facilitate and enable them.
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Re: Who is Sandie Foster

Post by Llwellyn »

Freemanism is not a mental illness (while those with rational thought might think so).. it is in general a different interpretation of things around us. That being said, is that interpretation correct.. hmm nope.. not even close. But, how many people you know think of the 9/11 as a red flag event, or arranged by the us gov't .. there are conspiracy theories all around and a lot of people believe some various form of one or another.. (we didn't land on the moon, the earth is flat.. etc .. etc .. etc).
Sadly, those with mental issues, are MUCH more susceptible to this kind of thinking, and when introduced to it, or when they find it.. they continue along it with a great amount of fervor. Just listening to her video, you can fathom that something is not squared away upstairs..

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Re: Who is Sandie Foster

Post by PeanutGallery »

I think it has more in common with a religious cult than anything else. While people with mental health issues may be attracted the ranks of Freeman are not exclusively comprised of them. However the cult is reliant on a guru, a promise of a better life and while it lacks a defacto religious leader or a religious aspect, the guru's do attract and hold attention at talks - however they do seem to share the platform with others which is unlike most cults which aim to have one defacto leader. They denigrate those who do not share their beliefs (the term sheeple is often banded about) and describe their adoption of their new beliefs as an 'awakening'.

In my opinion it's a cult, only a financial one and not spiritual.
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