"practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

aesmith wrote:Let's say they did manage the impossible and so something like this. What response are they hoping for from the government? Even in their deluded world do they imagine it would be possible for any government to agree to their demands which seems to consist mainly of stopping tax collection and law enforcement?
I've never been entirely sure what the ultimate aim of the 'movement' is actually supposed to be.

Presumably it includes the abolition of a parliamentary democracy, as what's the point of a parliament if not to pass binding legislation, but what do they intend to replace it with? I have a sneaking suspicion that not one of them have actually given any thought at all as to how they want the to be governed or how society as a whole will be represented.

Just taking one issue it's quite clear that none of them have ever seriously thought about how the NHS will be paid for without taxes. There was a 'discussion' of this question yesterday but none of the rebels actually had an answer as to where the £140 billion per year would come from.

In spite of their claim to be a 'constitutional' movement they don't actually have any idea what the constitution is and even less idea what the constitution should be. Obviously they shouldn't have to pay taxes, fines or utility bills but beyond that... What? Do they secretly harbour ambitions of establishing themselves as benevolent dictators?
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by aesmith »

Mel suggests an alternative protest - down tools for a day. Has she forgotten than most of them don't work anyway?
Mel Michaluk
Then maybe nothing or doing nothing is where the answer lies - everyone is willing to do nothing - for say one day?! Like a stay at home strike but again, true unity would be needed and it would need to be arranged away from sources like this for true effect. If everyone stayed at home for just one day (not including emergency services) then there would be no disruption to anyone bar those in corporations/commerce, no people for police to move on arrest, no charges, no disruption to the real people. If that doesnt work, it goes on for 2 days the next week and so on. They can't sack entire workforce so that should remove that fear factor too
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by TheCoz »

aesmith wrote:Mel suggests an alternative protest - down tools for a day. Has she forgotten than most of them don't work anyway?
Mel Michaluk
Then maybe nothing or doing nothing is where the answer lies - everyone is willing to do nothing - for say one day?! Like a stay at home strike but again, true unity would be needed and it would need to be arranged away from sources like this for true effect. If everyone stayed at home for just one day (not including emergency services) then there would be no disruption to anyone bar those in corporations/commerce, no people for police to move on arrest, no charges, no disruption to the real people. If that doesnt work, it goes on for 2 days the next week and so on. They can't sack entire workforce so that should remove that fear factor too
In true scrounger fashion, their idea of a protest is to sit at home and do fuck all. They can't sack an entire workforce for deciding to stay home because "the world is unfair". They would have agency workers in within the hour. Jog on.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by TheNewSaint »

My fellow patriots.
The following was posted on a ukip page.
They want to make their choice heard for the brexit.
Isn't Brexit exactly what UKIP and the FMOTL community wanted? If so, what are they protesting, exactly?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by aesmith »

TheNewSaint wrote:Isn't Brexit exactly what UKIP and the FMOTL community wanted? If so, what are they protesting, exactly?
Isn't the UKIP protest that the Brexit negotiations are being carried out in too constructive a manner? UKIP think we should just say "sod it we're off and don't need no stinkin' trade deals". As for what the FMOTL want, god knows. I think in this case they just see another group protesting about something and want to ape them without trying to understand either what's being protested about, or what the other group wants to achieve.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by aesmith »

TheCoz wrote:In true scrounger fashion, their idea of a protest is to sit at home and do fuck all.
It's a distinction that will probably escape the powers that be, today we're sitting at home claiming benefits as a protest, as opposed to sitting at home claiming benefits as normal.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by exiledscouser »

Peter Farrow, self-confessed tax dodger has issued a call to arms on PLD;
Let's see some comments to show people that we are willing to mobilize and get things done. Not just make comments on a Facebook page.
This rallying cry has really galvanised the membership and caused a lot of folk.....to.....errr, post comments on a Facebook page.

Krista boasts that he/she has done;
Not a lot officially... just quietly ignoring a few money demands and spreading the word....my other half won't let us go as far as I would like to.
Now that's what I call direct action. Quietly ignoring is ironically the reaction of just about everyone to PLD.

Louisa has a suggestion;
We need everything in one place, where all the experts come together. Power is in unity. Does this already exist?
Who needs lots of experts at all Louisa when you can pay the really modest fees charged by the singular Expert in SFA (when he's not in meltdown) who will make everything better. For him that is, not you.

Ryan has been busy;
I've sent Notices of Lawful Objection to the police, council, HMRC and the Minstry of Justice. Planning on going down to Warrington Police station soon to see if I can arrange a meeting with my Cheif Inspector.
That'll learn 'em Ryan lad though he concludes on this impecunious note;
Sending my MP a letter............
when I have the money
Ay, there's the rub.

The usual suspects recite a litany of all the notices they've served (no no effect whatsoever) and Wavy-Davy Dall'oglio, well, I don't know how he has time for anything else other than LR what with all the letters and notices spewing from his pen;
Notice of lawful objection to Chief Constable Andy Marsh, Team Inspector Mark Nicholson, both at Avon and Somerset Police.

Misprision of Treason stages served to:
Beverley Perry, previous Senior revenue officer for council tax at Mendip District Council.
Helen Dodson, current senior revenue officer for council tax at Mendip District Council.
Steve Deakin, parking services manager at Somerset County Council.
Parking manager at Bath City council.
Parking manager at Bristol Council.
CEO of Parking Eye.
Sharon Kostansjek, Speed Enforcement at Bristol.
CEO of Wessex Water and a few senior management working for him.
Karin Barker at Bath law courts.
Someone at Royal Courts of Justice.
CEO of Eon.
Nicola James, legal advisor at Yeovil Court.
Clerk of the justices also at Yeovil Court.
Niall Urquhart at Bath law courts who is enforcing theft of monies from universal credit entitlements.
CEO's of Ross and Roberts enforcement Ltd, Equita Ltd.
I have genuinely lost count of bailiffs who I have served Misprision of Treason to. I think it's 10.
One private bailiff.
North Wales police top senior management served Misprision of Treason for failing to investigate a murder of a vulnerable lady.
Marion Jones, Welsh public figure and her accomplice husband Dan Jones.
Several solicitors at Parry Davies Clwyd Jones Lloyd in Wales. John Williams, judge at Caernarfon Court.
I think there were two people for council tax in North Wales.
Currently dealing with HMRC, Somerset Police Compliance unit, fraudulent arrest warrants (kidnap orders) another director from Ross and Roberts, Gordon Dean at High Court Enforcement, CEO of Somerset Council due to the conduct of his subordinate Steve Deakin, 3 traffic wardens under his remit. To be honest there's probably more if I pull out files.
Perhaps he can lend young Ryan above the price of a stamp. Neither is Davy impressed by Somerset judges;
The only reason I haven't been able to serve notices to any judges in Somerset is because the courts are REFUSING to disclose names. I have written to them, emailed, phoned and even entered the building but they are protecting their own, so if anyone reading this has dealt with or received correspondence from judges or magistrates at Yeovil or Bath, please give me their details.
Just wander into the foyer of any Crown court and there is almost always a list of courts, the defendants appearing therein that day with the name of the presiding judge at the top. But that doesn't fit the narrative.

No PLD post is complete without some slightly right of centre reference, a link to a speech by the late John Tyndall. For the non-British readers here is a link to this fine upstanding individual.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by TheNewSaint »

Planning on going down to Warrington Police station soon to see if I can arrange a meeting with my Cheif Inspector.
That poor chief. Finally gets rid of "Baron" David Ward and his endless letters, and now this.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by King Lud »

longdog wrote: Just taking one issue it's quite clear that none of them have ever seriously thought about how the NHS will be paid for without taxes. There was a 'discussion' of this question yesterday but none of the rebels actually had an answer as to where the £140 billion per year would come from.
It's easy. Money is magic and can be conjured up from nothing. Everyone knows that. We don't believe in no steenking inflation !

Failing that, they can just get a cheap loan from Neelu Berry or Lord Trampbeard. They are worth trillions. Allegedly.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Wavy-Davy Dall'oglio wrote:Notice of lawful objection to Chief Constable Andy Marsh, Team Inspector Mark Nicholson, both at Avon and Somerset Police.

Misprision of Treason stages served to:
Beverley Perry, previous Senior revenue officer for council tax at Mendip District Council.
Helen Dodson, current senior revenue officer for council tax at Mendip District Council.
Steve Deakin, parking services manager at Somerset County Council.
Parking manager at Bath City council.
Parking manager at Bristol Council.
CEO of Parking Eye.
Sharon Kostansjek, Speed Enforcement at Bristol.
CEO of Wessex Water and a few senior management working for him.
Karin Barker at Bath law courts.
Someone at Royal Courts of Justice.
CEO of Eon.
Nicola James, legal advisor at Yeovil Court.
Clerk of the justices also at Yeovil Court.
Niall Urquhart at Bath law courts who is enforcing theft of monies from universal credit entitlements.
CEO's of Ross and Roberts enforcement Ltd, Equita Ltd.
I have genuinely lost count of bailiffs who I have served Misprision of Treason to. I think it's 10.
One private bailiff.
North Wales police top senior management served Misprision of Treason for failing to investigate a murder of a vulnerable lady.
Marion Jones, Welsh public figure and her accomplice husband Dan Jones.
Several solicitors at Parry Davies Clwyd Jones Lloyd in Wales. John Williams, judge at Caernarfon Court.
I think there were two people for council tax in North Wales.
Currently dealing with HMRC, Somerset Police Compliance unit, fraudulent arrest warrants (kidnap orders) another director from Ross and Roberts, Gordon Dean at High Court Enforcement, CEO of Somerset Council due to the conduct of his subordinate Steve Deakin, 3 traffic wardens under his remit. To be honest there's probably more if I pull out files.
Damn, I'll bet even Bones gets served a Misprision of Treason before I do....
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

longdog wrote:
Just taking one issue it's quite clear that none of them have ever seriously thought about how the NHS will be paid for without taxes. There was a 'discussion' of this question yesterday but none of the rebels actually had an answer as to where the £140 billion per year would come from.
They believe that all essential services should be provided free of charge or, to put it another way, they advocate for forced slave labour.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by notorial dissent »

Do they do road rage in the UK?? Around here, that sort of stupid could result in a number of unfortunate occurrences, up to and including getting shot. Not to mention HIGHLY illegal on the highways here. At the very least they would get a ticket, a major one here for driving under the posted limit, one for being a traffic hazard, and probably a number of others if they were doing it in concert. Considering that crowd's penchant for not being properly licensed and insured I would suspect there would be other additions on the UK end.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Firthy2002 »

notorial dissent wrote:Do they do road rage in the UK??
Oh yes. A quick search on YouTube will give you much dashcam material.

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by AndyPandy »

Amazing, not one full stop, comma, capital letter in the whole of this. Consequently, I've absolutely no idea what it's about as it's completely unintelligible.
talking to a guy last night cop lover he has friends that are cops tried to tell a big sob story about how his mate and his police paterner went to a house it was a domestic the girl and guy said nothing happened she just came out the shower but the good cop sigh notice some blood and the guy got taken in for beating her but he partner was against it because it wasnt worth the trouble and resigned but left him wordless with the corruption of the local cops and what they did to me and others and said the so called good cops are just as bad as the good ones because they stand by and say and do nothing never seen these good cops btw they took an oath so if they see there fellow cops commting crimes and not following the law and breaking there oath thats not the end tho i said about common law and how legal isnt lawful two different things and the usally stuff about consent and how they trick you with legalese and stuff and he tried to tell me yes we have common law and its the law but if not for statues and acts and legal how can the catch people what common law dosnt cover meaning just like what those dogey cops said to me so how do we make money if we go by common law what madness he allso said england has no common law iam scottish btw and i was like aye it dose just like here what is funny because ive had an other police lover in scotland say scotland isnt under common law but england is they have got them well trained eh i basically left him nameless after that telling him all ive know and learned and about artical 61 and the post what said there hasnt been a lawfull legal statue or act since 1911 and he sorta screwed up his face and went oh geeze i gotta go he allso said no matter what the police do even if there wrong do what they say allways i went aye right fuck that there not above the law pal sheeple man would send there own mothers to the gas chambers
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Burnaby49 »

My comprehension got derailed on the fifth line. At least I think it did. I may be flattering myself and I actually had no understanding of it from the start.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by notorial dissent »

You got further than I did then, totally incomprehensible wall of wurdz.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Burnaby49 »

Lines like this defy easy analysis;
and said the so called good cops are just as bad as the good ones
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Lines like this defy easy analysis;
and said the so called good cops are just as bad as the good ones
Lines like that defy psychoanalysis.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

It is not difficult to understand if I simply imagine my gardener saying it out loud, the stream of conciousness effect is more natural and the spelling and puctuation irrelevant.

He is not much younger than I am, what I do find difficult is when two young people pass by conversing and I cannot make head nor tail of what they are saying.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by King Lud »

All I could get out of it was, only sheeple believe Scotland doesn't have common law and the police are all evil. Especially the one's who try to stop you beating up women.