"practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Moderator: ArthurWankspittle

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

A guy I used to work with on the building sites once said the three most powerful forces in life were god, the tax-man and his wife in that order... And he didn't believe in god.

Fucking the tax man about is one of the most idiotic things it's possible to do made even more idiotic by the fact they are actually very reasonable when treated in a business like fashion.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by YiamCross »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:[I would suspect the Awful Webel in question has not replied to any tax letters, demands or Tax Tribunal notices. What happens in the UK in these situations is....
I can see how to get up to £1600 just in penalties. £100 for late filing then £10 per day up to 90 days then another £300 at 6 months and another £300 after 12 months then it seems to stop. That's the minimum you can owe. On top of that are percentages of the amount of tax owed. The £5k is possibly an accrual of penalties and an assesment of the tax owed based on previous years. Or just a made up number the idiot thinks will make him sound like a hero. He won't be laughing when the courts have finished with him.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

Here we see a fine example of "delusions of grandeur".

Dave had gone full plaid delusional on this one, like the time I chased that dragon, into the woods.

The piped piper leading the rats into the trap! I cannot believe anyone with any coherent thought or critical thinking skills would agree with anything written in the flowing self-assessment of PLD.

Enjoy.....or laugh!
Practical Lawful Dissent. public group | Facebook

Good evening rebel friends and family......

I would like to share with you 'the lawful rebellion movement' as I have seen it grow, and where we are today.

Since 2014 the movement has grown in numbers and has a number of members who have successfully defended themselves against the regime and, remained true to themselves and British law.

Those pioneering friends and family have been thorough with their processes and fervent with the truth, all just evidenced facts.

In 2014 the Glastonbury chapter of the movement did a lot to prove the credibility of article 61's invocation.

After putting fliers through the entire town (and some of the neighbouring towns) letter box's, also creating video's for specialised candidates like the clergy and solicitors and, whilst putting the mayor and the town councillors plus the police on Notice of Article 61's invocation.

The town hall was also seized under duress and protest successfully after the councillors (nor the police) would inform the people where they stand with regard to Article 61's invocation. The fact that the treasonous treaty of Nice was also due to take away another 43 areas of authority over Britain on November 1st 2014 was also a big part of the reason the action was taken.

The local so called “law courts” were taken on and beaten by the movement every time by successfully prevented summonses; fines; even charges being brought against the growing of hemp by the Yeovil magistrates cops and CPS, which the corrupt cops claimed were cannabis BTW; a warrant of arrest for a 7 day committal order to prison for contempt of the county “court” and, later in 2016 the crown court also backed off from attempting to enforce their orders on a land owner, all for providing the undeniable evidence that Magna Carta 1215 Article 61 is in effect and that they can either sod off or provide us with absolute evidence of them aiding and abetting high treason.

One of the most important successes that were had was against HMRC. They even returned fine monies already paid for not filling in a tax return form for a few years, the return was £1700,00 and, they quashed a further £1250.00 fine being demanded. Processes that were used are within the back of the 'layman's guide to lawful rebellion and practical application of the common law'.

Things went a bit quiet for the movement for a while, bailiffs and process servers didn't show up, corporations kept on with their demands by post but usually handed the matter back to the councils or the so called courts when they couldn't deal with it safely.

The group faded to barely 3 members on a good week, whilst the rest of the country remained seemingly uninformed, or many argued that the way to deal with the regime was to grant their criminal Acts and Statutes legitimacy by using them, claiming to stand under common law whilst not fully observing the common law tenet of Article 61 whilst ignoring the proof of Article 61's validity that was provided time and time again.

The movement grew on facebook however, because some of the more intelligent people did join the movement and use the constitution successfully also....the crunch came when Ollie Pinnock was attested by the treasonous Southend police constabulary. All Ollie did was demand to see proof that it was legal to pay council tax whilst Article 61 is in effect. Although 60 - 70 group members sent supporting Notices for Ollie's challenge on council tax, and phoned the custody desk constantly throughout the day after his arrest, they proceeded to put him in front of a video link to the fake court and denied him any of his evidence or defence. This was the first time public (so called) servants committed 'aiding and abetting high treason' against the movement.

Due to lack of enthusiasm or capability very few people could, or did attend the gathering outside of Southend corporate policy station that evening. Ollie was forced under extreme duress and protest to hand over the cash or else!!...the 'or else' was to be sentenced to 25 days in prison (kidnapped and held hostage).

Since there comes a time where paperwork can achieve little, except to still cause distress and to collect evidence against the traitors amongst us, and to continue to stave off quite a few infractions against corporate rules, the movement is evolving into a more active one since 'they' have upped the ante therefore so must the movement.

The lawful rebellion data base is crammed with the evidence of many seditious and treasonous persons but there is still nowhere to get remedy because first we need to reassert the constitution within the judiciary and of course the police. The police are the ones not doing their job, not following the evidenced truth, they are our front line, soon to be joined more blatantly by G4S.

The constitution is vital for the survival of all of our god given rights and freedoms and ancient customs, it provides us all equally with protection against travesties of justice and there are many severe instances happening right now.

Melanie Shaw has been kept in solitary confinement for well over a year, no real evidence of crime against her except that she has tried to report people for paedophilia.

Anne Richardson is still denied her £50K from the corrupt North Wales corporate courts, her mother was denied her rights to food and water whilst in hospital in order to steal her house when she passed away, which is what happened.

David Robotham has jailed for 18 months for growing SIX cannabis plants for his own use, after fighting off cancer and depression. They were not happy with that outrageous sentence, he was not charged with supply even, they have now stolen his house and demand £30K for so called “proceeds of crime”.....that is deemed unconstitutional also in two ways, firstly because this is clearly a case of double jeopardy and because he couldn't prove that cheques he had cashed in his bank account were for wages over a period of 5 years, which came to like £17K.

The corporate scheming bastards have seized his house after he put it up for sale to pay their demands under duress, since he is threatened with another 9 months in prison if he doesn't cough up. They have a no bail warrant out on him and the policy enforcers have been banging doors to find him....FOR DOING NOTHING MORE THAN GROWING SIX PLANTS FOR HIS OWN USE.

Cruel and unusual punishment is coming to a policy enforcement station near you. HOW MUCH MORE ARE WE PREPARED TO TAKE?

One of the most annoying things that I see constantly (because I do check peoples profiles, especially if they state that the movement is failing or whatever) is that people are not promoting this remedy enough..... how do we expect the unaware population to find out if YOU don't promote it hmmm?

Around 1000 years of our ancestors strife for peace and true justice is being allowed to go to the dogs by we the people. Millions of people have dies protecting our rights to self governance over many centuries and most people are sleepwalking into a nightmare of their own making....lest we forget? Where is the backbone of Britain now? How bad do things have to get before YOU say enough is enough?

The constitution of a once 'Great' Britain is being trampled into the dirt whilst we watch them do it ratchet by ratchet and it HAS TO STOP!

The constitution is thus designed to put a stop to this treason, which is why the ONLY legal thing that YOU can do today is to stand under the constitution in order to protect it and YOUR rights. Article 61 is a MANDATORY LAW,,,the only option is to ignore it and aid and abet the treason by doing so. YOU/WE have LAWFUL EXCUSE to distress the regime, especially the police and the non courts. It is dishonourable as well as criminal to deny the constitutional law, and that my friends is the bottom line here.

Soon they will use EU arrest warrants under the EU constitution (Lisbon Treaty) which Treason May will bring into British law she threatens, which is high treason and, she will destroy Britain's capability of self defence by embroiling the military under the EU's control, again high treason. Britain ceases to exist as a sovereign nation without its own armed forces.

If you want to live a long and happy life then help us defend British sovereignty. Lobby the Bobby and educate everyone that there is still a peaceful solution to over 100 years of treason on Britain but, we are going to run out of time soon. You will be forced to do what you are told to do or else!....if you are happy to be a corporate slave then ignore this post, but please don't complain when they give you no choice but to take vaccinations and accept microchips whilst they steal everything you have.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by SteveUK »

Indeed. Lets review his trophy cabinet from a more objective view?

Claim 1 ) Seizing the town hall
The town hall was also seized under duress and protest successfully after the councillors (nor the police) would inform the people where they stand with regard to Article 61's invocation. The fact that the treasonous treaty of Nice was also due to take away another 43 areas of authority over Britain on November 1st 2014 was also a big part of the reason the action was taken.
Reality: the police and caretakers hung around, eventually got bored and left. As did the PLD gang. Nothing achieved.

Claim 2) A61 got someone off the cannabis charge
The local so called “law courts” were taken on and beaten by the movement every time by successfully prevented summonses; fines; even charges being brought against the growing of hemp by the Yeovil magistrates cops and CPS, which the corrupt cops claimed were cannabis BTW; a warrant of arrest for a 7 day committal order to prison for contempt of the county “court” and, later in 2016 the crown court also backed off from attempting to enforce their orders on a land owner, all for providing the undeniable evidence that Magna Carta 1215 Article 61 is in effect and that they can either sod off or provide us with absolute evidence of them aiding and abetting high treason.
Reality: CPS didn't proceed.Theres lot of reasons for this. Article 61 isn't one of them. Nothing achieved.

Claim 3) HMRC defeated by A61
One of the most important successes that were had was against HMRC. They even returned fine monies already paid for not filling in a tax return form for a few years, the return was £1700,00 and, they quashed a further £1250.00 fine being demanded. Processes that were used are within the back of the 'layman's guide to lawful rebellion and practical application of the common law'.

Reality: See Claim 2

Claim 4) Ollie was kidnapped by the treasonous police, wanted to know what tax was spent on.
...the crunch came when Ollie Pinnock was attested by the treasonous Southend police constabulary. All Ollie did was demand to see proof that it was legal to pay council tax whilst Article 61 is in effect.
Reality: Ollie was arrested trying to shirk his responsibility. His mum paid whilst calling Crabby a dick head. Nothing achieved.

Claim 5) LR has lots of evidence of treason.
The lawful rebellion data base is crammed with the evidence of many seditious and treasonous persons but there is still nowhere to get remedy because first we need to reassert the constitution within the judiciary and of course the police.
Reality: they have some vague victories claimed by Dave as outlined above.

Claim 6) Mel Shaw is in jail for exposing some pedo
Melanie Shaw has been kept in solitary confinement for well over a year, no real evidence of crime against her except that she has tried to report people for paedophilia.
Reality: Mel Shaw is a dangerous convicted arsonist and where she belongs.

Claim 7) NHS Deny patients food and water to steal your house
Anne Richardson is still denied her £50K from the corrupt North Wales corporate courts, her mother was denied her rights to food and water whilst in hospital in order to steal her house when she passed away, which is what happened.
Reality: No. They don't.

Claim 8 ) Robotham got done for a few weed plants.
David Robotham has jailed for 18 months for growing SIX cannabis plants for his own use, after fighting off cancer and depression.
Reality: Robotham had big amounts of weed and also amphetamine. He admitted supplying and did 18 months.

Claim 9) Lisbon Treaty to destroy Britain
Soon they will use EU arrest warrants under the EU constitution (Lisbon Treaty) which Treason May will bring into British law she threatens, which is high treason and, she will destroy Britain's capability of self defence by embroiling the military under the EU's control, again high treason. Britain ceases to exist as a sovereign nation without its own armed forces.
Reality: Perhaps he's too busy at work to realise we actually leaving the EU.

Claim 10) Vaccines and Microchips control us.
if you are happy to be a corporate slave then ignore this post, but please don't complain when they give you no choice but to take vaccinations and accept microchips whilst they steal everything you have.
Reality: Get that tin foil hat on.

And thats that. It's almost like he doesn't think things through before typing. I guess haters gonna hate.

Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

Indeed. It is a tinfoil hat special presented as fact when in reality it just the rambling of a moron.

In respect of EU warrants, well there sort of already is something similar but it's not the sinister entity Dave claims it to be.

Don't they use Interpol or just register the judgement abroad?

Remember when British criminals used to flee to Spain? Is Dave suggesting they should be able to circumvent justice because he thinks it's all a conspiracy?

He can't think about the consequences and that makes him a danger to himself and his band of idiots.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

Another genius joins the fold...
Alan Howes

Can someone tell me the consequences that may fall my way should I legally 'abandon my National Insurance Number'
Leaving aside the minor detail that you can't actually 'abandon' your NINO I suppose the answer would be 'No legitimate employment, no state benefits and no pension'. Other than that... A great plan. :haha:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

I hope this 'We don't understand your drivel. See you in court' response marks another step on the route to creditors getting wise and just telling them to fuck off...

my father in law got this response to his 1st notice, is it just a case of now follow up with the second notice??
No automatic alt text available.

JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by SteveUK »

Rebel John isn't happy with his £180 fine for entering the London congestion zone. He files a really gibberish defence and is amazed that, shock horror, it hasn't worked! I've tidied a bit to make it readable (laughable).

It's a real mish mash of LR , FMOTL , BDW and then the old fee schedule for good measure.
The following detail was my appeal against the PNC:
I have no contract with the Mayor of London or this Congestion Charging unlawful charade. I stand under the Law and Article 61 of Magna Carta invoked by the Law/Legal Barrons/Lords in 2001. Lord Craigmyle has witnessed and accepted my standing as a British Sovereign John a human person of the family Gibson. Statutes supersede Common Law only by consent and when applied to the Legal Fiction outside the Common Law Court. Without consent and in Common Law, they have no 'force of law'. I do not and never will concent!!

It seems that you have managed to get someone to send my Legal Fiction Person “Mr John Gibson”, a Penalty Charge Notice, and now you expect me, a Human Being commonly called John: of the family Gibson, to pay the Penalty Charge Notice. This Penalty Charge Notice was created using Statute Law, and as I have not, nor am I required to adhere to statute Law ( I am only required to adhere to Common Law, as a British Sovereign person) Then I have not agreed, nor will I ever agree to enter into a contract with you with regards to this matter, and so therefore I am not bound by this statute, and consequently I am not obliged in any way shape or form to pay the Penalty Charge which you have issued.

I just received the Congestion Charge for entering a street (St Georges Road) in central London that is under this unlawful scheme. I strayed onto the street after taking a wrong exit from a series of roundabouts at The Elephant and Castle interchange. I was trying to get back on my proper route going to south London and never seen the poorly signed warnings as I was navigating unfamiliar roads by satnav in the morning rush hour!! I was simply trying to leave the city center after sleeping in the back of my car for a few hours and collecting items from an ebay seller/auction. I travelled down from Banff 11 hrs drive and had not had a proper nights sleep.

I will now explain further. Have you ever tried going into a restaurant, ORDERING food, and walking out without paying? Or ORDERING anything, from any shop, or Mail ORDER Company, and not paying? Well you paid because you placed an ORDER, and obtained a service or goods, and paid for the service or goods. Didn’t you?

You paid because the SERVICING of an ORDER is chargeable, and the amount charged IS SET BY WHOMSOEVER CARRIES OUT THE ORDER. That’s what happens, and this is a fact. The shop sets the prices, and you decide whether or not to purchase at those prices.
So, the situation is this. Here is my counter offer as I do not accept the offer extended by this unlawful scheme being administered by "Pirates".
If you want me to service the ORDER you have UNLAWFULLY obtained and sent to me, you are hereby given notice that my charge for doing so will be £60 rising to £180.00 (that’s £60. To £180.00 plus expenses.). (“The amount charged is set by whomsoever services the Order”. If I service the Order, then I set the amount to charge) So I have a very simple Offer to make to you, to which the only substantial answers possible are “Yes” or “No”.

The Offer is: Would you like me to service that ORDER, at a cost of £60 rising to £180.00 to yourselves?
“Yes” or “No”? If the answer is “Yes”, then we have a Contract. In which case I will expect to receive a cheque for £60 rising to £180.00 (‘cash with acceptance of offer’ are the terms), and I will service your Order by sending back a cheque for £60 rising to £180.00, being the amount demanded by your Order.

I will allow you Seven (7) days to accept or decline my Offer. I will assume your silence, or anything other than acceptance, to mean that you decline, which must mean the following:
• that you do not accept my Offer. And therefore
• that you do not wish me to service your Order after all. And in consequence
• that you will cease and desist from any further proceedings in this matter. Including
• that you accept full liability, including just compensation, for anything untoward that may happen to My Self or My Property henceforth in connection with this matter.
. And that you will make your own apologies (as may be necessary) to any Adjudicator you have involved in this matter, and agree to pay all servicing costs that may have been incurred in that respect.

Further to rejecting my Offer, you are hereby also notified that for my time henceforth spent reading, preparing, making or answering communications of any sort related with this matter, with yourself or any other agent, officer, associate or employee of Transport For London or any other party, I will apply fees according to the following schedule, for which you agree to be liable:
FEE SCHEDULE Telephonic conversations: £200/ Per Conversation or Per hour.
Emails: £200 for each and every instance.
Letters: £200 for each and every instance.

Sincerely and without ill will, vexation or frivolity, John of the Family Gibson
Without any admission of any liability whatsoever, and with all Natural, Inalienable, Rights reserved.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
notorial dissent
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by notorial dissent »

That'll work, fer shure fer shure....just like it has every time some other like minded dickhead has tried it. :snicker: :haha: :haha: :haha:
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I'll have to try and find it but someone wrote a spoof FMOTL "notice" years back either here, Casey Serin's blog, Rob Dawg's place or Doc's Conspiracy site. It ticked all the boxes not only of notice, unrebutted-ness, default contracts, penalty clauses and outrageous charges, but included things like purple ink and something about being written on the writer's underpants without a reading of which, a reply was impossible.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by aesmith »

Note sure if this is serious or someone taking the mickey ..
Silva Lloyd
There's only one part of mc1215 I don't like, the part that protects the city of London. I don't consent to that...
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Chaos »

SteveUK wrote:Rebel John isn't happy with his £180 fine for entering the London congestion zone. He files a really gibberish defence and is amazed that, shock horror, it hasn't worked! I've tidied a bit to make it readable (laughable).

It's a real mish mash of LR , FMOTL , BDW and then the old fee schedule for good measure.
It seems that you have managed to get someone to send my Legal Fiction Person “Mr John Gibson”, a Penalty Charge Notice, and now you expect me, a Human Being commonly called John: of the family Gibson, to pay the Penalty Charge Notice.
I find it odd they always get someone elses mail.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Chaos wrote:I find it odd they always get someone elses mail.
Not at all. At least once a week, I get some mail for a neighbor, and three or four times a year for my aunt who hasn't been here since 2005, or the previous owner who hasn't been here since 1993.

Once I received mail for someone who real estate records indicate was the second previous owner, around 1985.
Last edited by Arthur Rubin on Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Clarify "previous owner"
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I have some sympathy with the poster's actual complain about the congestion zone, driving in London is bad enough without looking out for congestion zone signs when you are more or less lost anyway.

However, there is a proper appeals process for this, and a rational person who had strayed for a few minutes could cite the evidence of the times recorded for entering and leaving the zone as evidence the infraction was inadvertant and momentary. Assuming that was what actually happened of course.
Going full sov-cit is not likely to work as well as being sensible. What a surprise.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Philistine »

Arthur Rubin wrote:
Chaos wrote:I find it odd they always get someone elses mail.
Not at all. At least once a week, I get some mail for a neighbor, and three or four times a year for my aunt who hasn't been here since 2005, or the previous owner who hasn't been here since 1993.

Once I received mail for someone who real estate records indicate was the second previous owner, around 1985.
Yes, but you don't open it, do you?
Isn't it an offence to open someone else's mail?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Chaos »

Arthur Rubin wrote:
Chaos wrote:I find it odd they always get someone elses mail.
Not at all. At least once a week, I get some mail for a neighbor,
another 'Arthur Rubin'? what are the odds of that? :mrgreen:
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:I have some sympathy with the poster's actual complain about the congestion zone, driving in London is bad enough without looking out for congestion zone signs when you are more or less lost anyway.

However, there is a proper appeals process for this, and a rational person who had strayed for a few minutes could cite the evidence of the times recorded for entering and leaving the zone as evidence the infraction was inadvertant and momentary. Assuming that was what actually happened of course.
Going full sov-cit is not likely to work as well as being sensible. What a surprise.

I whole heartedly agree it is very draconian, especially if you don't live anywhere near London.

I have just been through Transport for London's grounds to appeal a PCN for the congestion charge and unfortunately getting lost is not an excuse which I think is harsh; especially to people whom never travel to London regularly!

https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/conges ... esentation
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

If it is not too late I'd try it anyway. While considering this I found (and lost) a site which says that not all the appeal possibilities are listed by TFL but a freedom of information request did uncover their whole practice document.
Arthur Rubin
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:If it is not too late I'd try it anyway. While considering this I found (and lost) a site which says that not all the appeal possibilities are listed by TFL but a freedom of information request did uncover their whole practice document.
Was ir from our favourite FoI filer?
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Philistine wrote:Yes, but you don't open it, do you?
Isn't it an offence to open someone else's mail?
Of course I don't open it. I do shine bright filtered light to see if I can read it....
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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