"practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by arayder »

aesmith wrote:
SteveUK wrote:What's that ? All your notices have been callously ignored?
Presumably the answer is to pay up, claim it's under duress and therefore rack it up as a win. Which it is, because Rossendales have been forced to commit treason or satanism.
Paying up or settling after having put up a truth seeking front is the oldest trick in the detax/freemen/sovcit play book.

Eldon Warman used to tell everyone he hadn't paid any federal tax in years when in all likelihood he had no taxable income.

Menard tried to tell everyone he had made the ACCP work on a restaurant bill, when the fact is he had already admitted to having an "escrow account" to be used to pay the check if the ACCP thing didn't work.

Some of the crowd pretend they paid a fine with some sort freeman document and then say nothing about the garnishment of their wages or the confiscation of their property.

The idea is to make it look like you are leading the way and avoiding the man's rules, when in fact you are not.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by NYGman »

It is a saving face maneuver, the claim victory to the brainless masses, while settling and paying actual cash to whomever they owe. Afterall, how can a Guru ever fail or be wrong for that matter. They must show success, mischaracterize the loss on one point as a victory on another unrelated issue, or cast a fail/loss* as a planned part of the long game plan to an eventual success that always seems just around the corner. I often wonder if at this point, when they are obviously omitting certain facts, staying silent, or are now outright lying they now know that it is a con, and what their motivation is to keep it going, outside of trying to cover for their idiocy, with more idiocy, sliding down the slippery slope of idiocy. There are so many examples of people who fit with the above, classic Guru/FMOTL behaviour. Very childish if you ask me, a failure to admit one was wrong and made mistakes, and use the opportunity to learn from those mistakes, take corrective action, and right the wrongs caused by previous actions is what little kids do, not Adults. They need to grow up, stop being idiots, take some responsibility for their life, and do the right thing, and stop monkeying around with this "practical lawful dissent" Freeman crap.

* Fail/loss can often include Jail time, which can further be used to show the corruption of the system, treasonous lawyers and judges, or a way to work the system from the inside and a necessary step to final victory.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/ ... id=18&__tn__=

Now I don't mean to be pedantic, but assembling members of the armed forces against the current government has 1 small problem.

When I was in, your oath was to the monarch, her successor and her commissioned officers, which is a problem because article 61 is about rebellion against the crown :lol:
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by doublelong »

JimUk1 wrote:https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/ ... id=18&__tn__=

Now I don't mean to be pedantic, but assembling members of the armed forces against the current government has 1 small problem.

When I was in, your oath was to the monarch, her successor and her commissioned officers, which is a problem because article 61 is about rebellion against the crown :lol:
Having just read all those comments twice I am lost for words. What a couple of idiots, what planet are they on. :brickwall:
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by TheNewSaint »

NYGman wrote: I feel (PLD) could form the basis of a great Nick Cage movie. so Scam no, work of Fiction... They are just Fans trying to be a part of a beautiful fictional story of the little guy triumphing against the evil government, using the tools provided by their forefathers
I agree, there's something theatrical in stories like these. The problem is that their only real goal is to avoid paying electric bills, or other small matters. It's not the stuff of epic cinema. Though I do think a group like this could make a season or two of a reality show.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

NYGman wrote: I am sure everyone will be with him on this, and will show up in support. Well everyone, except those without bus fare, without a ride, without a car, too far to get there, will have other commitments, is working, helping another mate, or has other plans.
You missed out hasn't got any phone credit.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

I'm at a bit of a loss as to how this whackjob thinks he's struck a blow for the rebels..

Lazarus Laurence

finnished my process against dwp to stop them taking c.t from my entitlements. (3rd year stopped courts then 3rd party deductions now stopped dwp. wot next im thinkin....) zero to pay......

For the benefit of colonial readers what he's got there is a 'P60' which is an annual certificate of income tax paid during the previous financial year. It is issued by pretty much anybody who has paid the recipient any form of taxable income and shows the amount they have been paid and the amount of tax that has been deducted at source. Usually this will be an employer but as most state benefits are considered taxable income (even though they are usually way below the threshold at which tax is payable) the Department of Work and Pensions who pay many benefits also send one out each year to benefit recipients.

In fact I have just received a P60 which is identical to the one Larry has posted with the same £0.00 entries in the same boxes. Deductions from benefit for bills like Council Tax and water are listed on a separate letter the DWP sends out and do not appear on the P60 which will list the amount of benefit paid before deductions at source are made. The P60 only lists income tax not council tax, car tax, value added tax, tin-tacks or window tax. Larry seems to think that the P60 he's been sent means he doesn't have to pay his council tax because look!!! It says 'Taxable... £0.00"!!!... VICTORY!!!

I fear he's in for a bit of a let down but I'd love to see the face of the Council Tax department drone when he tries to use this 'evidence' as proof he's exempt :mrgreen:

And then there's the whole issue of taking benefits from the system you claim to be fighting...

PS: Why do none of these cretins seem to know how to rotate an image before posting?
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by SteveUK »

More win from crab bait !!1!!

Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Everything is going swimmingly for our favourite rebel:
David Robinson wrote: Good afternoon rebels....

I'm using the internet at the local Costa hell of a lotta coffee because the internet is down for most of the area.

I've arranged to get online via EE who have a shop in Daventry, on the 19th of June. Its not exactly cheap to get connected but not too bad monthly thereafter at £21 per month for unlimited use.

Due to personal problems and a need to go and visit my best mate in Devizes, who only has a few weeks to live due to an aggressive cancer that hasn't been stopped via canabbis oil I am making an appeal for some funds.

I know I said I wouldn't do so after members so kindly provided funds for Ollie, Davy and Danielle recently, I have no choice but to ask. The DWP are continuing to harass me and deny me my entitlements, I have recently beed served with a notice to repossess the flat I was forced into getting after they did not pay the rent at the caravan site I was staying at...they still owe me £650.00 for the rent there for just over 3 months and, they have only been paying half the rent on the flat for the past two months which is why I have the repossession threat over my head.

If you can afford to help out I will be very grateful and I wont ask again...ever!.....

My account details are Mr D P Robinson


Account number 33482054

Sort code 09-01-26

Its been a struggle for a while now, even furnishing the flat has had to be done by good folk donating furniture as the DWP wouldn't provide a thing. My ongoing claims against the DWP can be seen within the files.

I may not be online for a while now as I cannot afford to keep paying for coffee to do so. I will definitely be back on the 19th June as long as I am still breathiing by then lol

Thanks in advance...Peace.
The man is an out and out scrounger.
See how he says the DWP owes him for his rent on the caravan and he expects the taxpayers to furnish his flat.
For some inexplicable reason the phrase "Get a fucking job you lazy bastard and stop poncing off others" springs to mind.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

SteveUK wrote:More win from crab bait !!1!!

They've completely rebutted everything he's stated but as per, the law firm don't know the law according to PLD.

It's like telling Von Braun he didn't understand physics.

Oh this is going to end well for Crab, Incant wait for the conclusion!
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by SteveUK »

JimUk1 wrote:
SteveUK wrote:More win from crab bait !!1!!

They've completely rebutted everything he's stated but as per, the law firm don't know the law according to PLD.

It's like telling Von Braun he didn't understand physics.

Oh this is going to end well for Crab, Incant wait for the conclusion!

I believe early June is his bankruptcy hearing Jim. I'd suggest filling the fridge with beer and snacks about now .
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by AndyPandy »

I thought it was the 4th July ??
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by SteveUK »

AndyPandy wrote:I thought it was the 4th July ??
Probably is. Don't quote me on that date , I'm on my 3rd botle of Saparavi
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

https://m.facebook.com/groups/388605611 ... 9514611749

The responses to Crabs conundrum are brilliant!

The pope has authority oh wait does he as he's catholic, they can't decide if Magnum PI carter is in effect only the people can.......

Bloody great entertainment sir, bloody good!
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by littleFred »

I have been concerned that PLD might not survive without David Robinson's constant guidance, reducing my entertainment, so I'm almost tempted to pay his internet bill. Almost.

David says he has been on benefits since 1990. I don't know if he has had a job since then.

It seems to me that David is capable of doing work (ie conventional paid employment), but the chances of him ever doing so are slim.

Meanwhile, he does have a job: leader of PLD. And this even provides him with some money.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by littleFred »

On Robert White's thread, commenting on Swale Council's comments on the MC:
Stacey Ruddock wrote:He mentions the pope (a Catholic) then goes on to say about church of england(christian) so how can that be
Stacey, have you ever bothered to read the Magna Carta? Section 1:
FIRST, We have granted to God, and by this our present Charter have confirmed, for Us and our Heirs for ever, that the Church of England shall be free, ...
Stacey, you seem to know that the current Church of England is protestant and isn't headed by the Pope. But it wasn't always so. Back in those days, before Henry VIII and his marital problems, the Pope was the head honcho of the CofE.

I don't object to Stacey's ignorance. We are all ignorant about many things. But she pontificates about the MC without even bothering to read the darned thing.

Just to raise my blood pressure even more:
Robert White wrote:Yeah full of shit don't know what he's talking about.
But he does know what he's talking about!! Because he has actually bothered to read the MC !!!11!!!1
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Colin123 »

It looks like being in Practical Lawful Dissent requires you to go to other groups and post crap

As if he would have £1000 in his account, They can't even afford phone credit





Last edited by Colin123 on Sat May 27, 2017 7:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

littleFred wrote:On Robert White's thread, commenting on Swale Council's comments on the MC:
Stacey Ruddock wrote:He mentions the pope (a Catholic) then goes on to say about church of england(christian) so how can that be
Stacey, have you ever bothered to read the Magna Carta? Section 1:
FIRST, We have granted to God, and by this our present Charter have confirmed, for Us and our Heirs for ever, that the Church of England shall be free, ...
Stacey, you seem to know that the current Church of England is protestant and isn't headed by the Pope. But it wasn't always so. Back in those days, before Henry VIII and his marital problems, the Pope was the head honcho of the CofE.

I don't object to Stacey's ignorance. We are all ignorant about many things. But she pontificates about the MC without even bothering to read the darned thing.

Just to raise my blood pressure even more:
Robert White wrote:Yeah full of shit don't know what he's talking about.
But he does know what he's talking about!! Because he has actually bothered to read the MC !!!11!!!1
People's assumptions on history are understandable, but to try and apply it to something that directly affects you or others is incredibly wrong.

To try and cement the idea in someone In someone's mind that you can still use an 800 year old treaty without understanding the next 800 years is plain stupid and inexcusable. Imagine if everyone did? There are some pretty odd laws from years ago that would end people in a LOT of trouble-
Such as don't handle a salmon suspiciously (for non-Uk members, YES this was a law)-

https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.mirror ... 336647.amp
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

Colin123 wrote:It looks like being in Practical Lawful Dissent requires you to go to other groups and post crap

As if he would have £1000 in his account, They can't even afford phone credit

This is the sort of general knowledge question a moderately attentive 14 year old knows the answer to.

The bank is only legally obliged to to give you your money in legal tender. How they chose to do this is up to them.

The reason he can't find the 'answer' on the bank's website as to whether or not he can have his money in pennies is because it's a fucking stupid question only a moron would ask.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

JimUk1 wrote: Such as don't handle a salmon suspiciously (for non-Uk members, YES this was a law)-

https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.mirror ... 336647.amp
Trout tickling is also illegal I believe and I have to confess to being guilty of this offence during a drunken lad's camping expedition to Wales.

Fish lovers will be relieved to hear I returned my trout to the river unharmed because A) I was far to drunk to cook and B) I don't like fish that's not cooked in batter and accompanied by a large portion of chips.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?