"practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by slowsmile »

longdog wrote:I'm loving the Scottish common law court... Four judgements all in favour of a certain John Smith and no actual members of the jury. I wonder if the John Smith who's been so successful is also the the whole court including the jury :snicker:
I get the distinct impression that the entire proceedings took place in the mind of said John Smith.

I notice that that the "notices" of intent to convene a "common law court" were dated 10 June and the "judgements" issued the following day, giving no time for the "defendants" to do anything - suppose this is how Sovs think the law should work.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

SteveUK wrote:And another blithering idiot tonight, they're on a roll.

I'm not sure rebel Roy understands the significance of this. He seems to think he's won, whereas he's actually on the edge of the abyss.

The comments are incredible. They all appear to think he has won. Now that it has been handed back to the council we can expect some fun.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Roy Begg could do with some lessons in photography. Even if a good chunk of the letter was not overshadowed, I just cannot read it.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Burnaby49 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Roy Begg could do with some lessons in photography. Even if a good chunk of the letter was not overshadowed, I just cannot read it.
You old geezers and your eyes. I'll tell you exactly what it said. Hang on on a moment, focusing here with my reading glasses. Nope, I can't read it either.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by rosy »

I can see:
Dear Mrs & Mr Nicola and Roy Begg,

Please be advised that we are instructed by our client, Cornwall (?) County Council, to cease recovery action and return the instruction back to them.

Therefore we can confirm that we are no longer acting against you in this instance. Please direct any future arrangement, payment or other enquiries regarding this account to Cornwall County Council.

Yours sincerely
J Langley
Equita Limited
Of course the drooling morons think this is a win, but I suspect it is the first step towards initiating bankruptcy proceedings for Nicola and Roy.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I think more possibly criminal refusal to pay action would be first.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Hercule Parrot »

SteveUK wrote:They're going around the DIY court loop. As we know, that remedy has a 100% success rate. Just ask Tom, Bernica or Hayes to name but a few.
Morning Rebels. I have been asked to inform everyone of a plan to setup and operate 100 common law courts across the 4 home countries of the UK. There has already been a successful attempt to setup and operate 1 in Scotland already and the focus is now to get things moving elsewhere. please see the following from John Smith.

​Under Common Law, every man and women has a claim of right and of lawful notice to convene a Common Law Court and can call on the support of all competent men and women to assist with this lawful right.....
No they don't, you utter cockwomble. A bunch of your pals sat round a table at the local pub is not a court, or a jury. It's a bunch of losers with zilch authority over others. Common law is based upon judicial decisions, by real judges in real courts.

And Common Law is also subordinate to statute law, because our democratically elected Parliament can make or unmake any law they choose (subject to ECHR etc). Don't like that? Well feck off and live in another country, without democracy. Somalia perhaps, or Russia. Your choice.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by grixit »

SteveUK wrote:
Um, no. Even under the nastiest of british monarchs, there was never a "default judgement" of high treason leading to h/d/q. There were some travesties of trials, a lot of time in the Tower, and a fair amount of torture, but there was always a process.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

It could be argued that the body of Cromwell was as near the HDQ as they could get without due process. And the signatories to the Death Warrent for Charles got short shrift.
Even if already dead.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Gregg »

longdog wrote:Another constitutional scholar addresses the question of who wrote Magna Carta...
Edward Stokoe

I do believe it was Oliver Cromwell was nt it just after the rebellion.. But I will see and do some more research on it, and see for sure who signed it, or maybe some one will tell us before I get back to you
Oliver Cromwell... :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

It was originally signed by George Washington. :brickwall:
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by SteveUK »

SteveUK wrote:new lows have been reached, with one of the PLD crew caught selling a quack cancer cure.
I wonder what the French authorities will make of the BS Magna Carta / Common Law/ Legalese defence thats in the making?



Justice moves slowly but surely.
I am currently awaiting trial in France on an investigation that was instigated by the mhra in the UK. I made a skin cream called Mafactive which had hundreds of happy customers around the world and lots of great feedback (for which I have screen prints). But because about 5% of that feedback shows customers had seen improvements in their cancers I was shut down, all my assets seized, barred from working and my passport has been taken.

I am accused of making an illegal medication although I never claimed it cured anything.

I am accused of fraud because of the great customer feedback on my website.

I am accused of running an illegal pharmacy when my preparation and packing room contained only kitchen equipment and no drugs

There are many you tube videos on how to make gcmaf at home so it is not a banned or dangerous substance. It's in every living being that has blood and a liver.

This suppression of my business and another who made gcmaf injections is a clear message - do not mes with big pharma as they own the justice system.

Can anyone offer any advise? Thanks
But thanks god Connor is on hand:
France has a completely different and alien constitution compared to Britain. However, MC1215 says that it's in all things and all places forever wherever you go if you were born here. I'm not sure what I would do in similar circumstance however, you could also do a little research? Sorry to hear about the corrupt charges brought against you Lesley Hutchings
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

I love the fast retraction! "I never said it cures cancer".....
Well that screen shot proves you are incorrect!

Here's a bit of a laugh. A post by Dave from 2015.....when all six rebels had an 100% success rate with LR....

Not much change in the BS then....

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_ ... 1025046795
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by aesmith »

Watching this one. He's off to a good start turning a minor infringement into the more serious S.172 charge, but the bar is high, he'll need to turn it into prison time to get any sort of long term award ..
Tony Coles > ‎Practical Lawful Dissent.
so if i want to write to the courts after getting a summons for crossing a zigzag line on an unused crossing, how would you write your name, it has always been a problem for me cos i know capital letters are dog latin, but does that mean if i dont use their version of my name, that they will just not respond?

Tony Coles
so i got taken to court without being given a date for failing to identify a driver, do i have no option other than to appeal is because i need my motability car to get around. They have given me a date at the end of this week, so any advice how to tackle this one would be appreciated.
It's maybe unnecessary to point out that the only advice given is pure gobbledegook.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by AndyPandy »

JimUk1 wrote:I love the fast retraction! "I never said it cures cancer".....
Well that screen shot proves you are incorrect!

Here's a bit of a laugh. A post by Dave from 2015.....when all six rebels had an 100% success rate with LR....

Not much change in the BS then....

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_ ... 1025046795
Lesley Hutchings (aka Lesley Bank Hutchings)

Someone's done a report on the raid and arrest by French Police, basically a clandestine/ unauthorised laboratory making creams for 18 months, selling through its website and Facebook for €500, claiming to reduce tumours by 60%.

She's attempting a go fund me page to raise £130k, has an impressive £10k so far.

She's in fear of her life as another quack (Dr Bradstreet) selling this crap was found dead with a gun shot to his chest, suicide according to the US authorities, but not Lesley (it's all a conspiracy) Hutchings.
Les gendarmes ont découvert dans la Manche plusieurs laboratoires clandestins d'où ils expédiaient leurs prétendus produits. La dose, le plus souvent des fioles de quelques millitres, était vendue jusqu'à 500 € aux clients. Les dirigeants de ce faux laboratoire animaient aussi une page Facebook où des malades ou prétendus tel assuraient être guéris quand d'autres assuraient qu'en quelques jours leurs tumeurs avaient «reculé de 60 %».
Les gendarmes ont découvert que le faux laboratoire avait expédié pas moins de 5400 colis à travers toute l'Europe depuis son installation il y a dix-huit mois juste dans les environs de Cherbourg. Curieusement l'adresse postale de cette société était située sur l'île anglaise de Guernesey, paradis fiscal. Deux hommes âgés de 49 et 52 ans ont été présentés à un juge du pôle santé du parquet de Paris pour être mis en examen.

... i.e. arrests (three weeks ago) at a clandestine GcMAF lab in a farmhouse in the environs of Cherbourg, an hour or two's drive up the N13 from Lesley's abode near Bion.#

Coincidentally, Lesley's website MAFactive is now in a state of Abbey-ance -- unable to deliver on purchases of the soothing emu-lient lotion -- while financial contribtions are sought for Lesley's own legal defense. Also too she fears for her life, what with Mossad clean-up teams, it is the whole Pharma Kill-list revisited. Crivens!
The pharma equivalent of the protein used in the cream is undergoing trials and will soon become available at a much higher cost. This is an alliance between pharma / Israel govts / USA govts. The trials of this pharma protein started in 2014, the persecution of all things related to gcmaf started in February 2015. The end date of the trails, after which it can be marketed is May 2017. All competition MUST be extinguished before then.

I just am thankful that I do not live in a country where handguns are routinely carried, in the USA the outcome for doctors involved with gcmaf in 2015 was much worse, with many dying under suspicious circumstances.
I am glad to be out of it alive. They will launch their new product at any cost to human life. This is why I am facing a 5 year jail term with unbelievable charges, for making a cosmetic that harmed no one. There was never any issues with the cream, never a single complaint, never a single mention of anything to the public liability insurance that I had.
The clinical trial just up there, it leads to the back-story... or one of the back-stories... this one about the private company Efranat. Who started a well-meaning trial of GcMAF, until October 2015 when they changed the name of the putative immunotherapy drug to "EF-202". There has been no update since then; the trial is still "enlisting patients", while the Efranat website has not altered either since the last News and Events in November 2015.*** IT IS A DEAD PARROT.
Incidentally, the go fund page says she's been banned from discussing her case on social media, do hope the French Magistrate doesn't subscribe to PLD !! :snicker:
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by AndyPandy »

Does anyone know why a French Magistrate would prosecute someone living in France, for a crime allegedly committed in France, under the UK's Cancer Act 1949?? :shrug:
Lesley Hutchings they will be using the UK cancer act of 1949 to punish you.....that act is illegal as under our unalienable rights we all have the right to good health in any way we see fit without persecution and your customers views are just that.. .their views....that act goes against that unalienable right and is by definition illegal....however....im not sure what could be done unless 1) you are standing under A61 and 2) were in the UK....hmmm

I would suggest going to the press with it if I'm honest.....BUT......choose a more local news station so perhaps the area you are from in the UK....and a local newspaper... not all newspapers are governed and controlled ;-)
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

AndyPandy wrote:Does anyone know why a French Magistrate would prosecute someone living in France, for a crime allegedly committed in France, under the UK's Cancer Act 1949??
Well no but then I can think.
I'm wondering how serious the French take this sort of offence, they have an affection for Pharmacies and some big Pharma companies. I suspect not very well.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by exiledscouser »

AndyPandy wrote:Does anyone know why a French Magistrate would prosecute someone living in France, for a crime allegedly committed in France, under the UK's Cancer Act 1949?? :shrug:
Well they'd have a job as the Act does not exist, its the 1939 Cancer Act. Even then only section 4 survives today, dealing with prohibiting adverts. £50 fine for 1st conviction, a bigger £100 fine on 2nd or 3 months (max) if you really stick at it so hardly a big crime here.

The act itself was (in part) enacted to prevent quackery making false claims about the efficacy of their products (and usually charging a bob or two). This article is a good explanation of the aims and intentions of the legislation.

UK legislation rarely has extraterritorial reach and I doubt very much the French would acquiesce to UK legislation taking hold across La Manche, especially as they pretty much ignore their own domestic legislation, most of the time.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

Inspiration for Crabby and his 100 50 handful of building seizing rebels?...

https://apiln.co.uk/pray-for-rashid-its ... ox-sit-in/

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by SteveUK »

exiledscouser wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:Does anyone know why a French Magistrate would prosecute someone living in France, for a crime allegedly committed in France, under the UK's Cancer Act 1949?? :shrug:
Well they'd have a job as the Act does not exist, its the 1939 Cancer Act. Even then only section 4 survives today, dealing with prohibiting adverts. £50 fine for 1st conviction, a bigger £100 fine on 2nd or 3 months (max) if you really stick at it so hardly a big crime here.

The act itself was (in part) enacted to prevent quackery making false claims about the efficacy of their products (and usually charging a bob or two). This article is a good explanation of the aims and intentions of the legislation.

UK legislation rarely has extraterritorial reach and I doubt very much the French would acquiesce to UK legislation taking hold across La Manche, especially as they pretty much ignore their own domestic legislation, most of the time.

I suspect she's making uk references in order to curry favour with the domestic fmotl fuckwits. However , some very tenuous scenarios could exist

-she's broken a French law.
-she's committes a uk criminal offence and they've invoked an eu warrant.
-she's been had in a uk civil court. And some of those judgements can be enforced eu wide. I'm not sure which ones though.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Wakeman52 »

She's attempting a go fund me page to raise £130k, has an impressive £10k so far.
The total stands at £32,594.00 including 'off-line' donations, but funding has now expired. There is some waffle about the 'supernatural' powers of her skin cream being the reason for the prosecution.

Here is Lesley Hutchings extolling the 'benefits'.

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mafactiv ... -hutchings

However, it appears that she was associated with one David Noakes, until his star began to fall:

https://www.facebook.com/AutisticRights ... 4736746850

More on this gentleman:

https://www.gov.uk/government/news/regu ... ridgeshire

http://www.itv.com/news/channel/story/2 ... nsumption/

http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2015/ ... y-the-bbc/

I'm kind of not surprised that the French authorities took an interest, given that history.
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