"practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

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Hercule Parrot
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Hercule Parrot »

SteveUK wrote:All Is not well in crab bait land.
They're going straight for the jugular on this.
Wouldn't surprise me if the Insolvency Service is aware of Krabby's boastful posts on PLD, and they're playing the ball back at him hard and straight pour encourager les autres.

Sensible really. If Krabby's tactics were permitted to succeed, a dozen more will attempt to follow him. If his tactics end in disaster, then other bankrupts will understand their options more realistically.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Firthy2002 »

I'm not excusing the actions of Crabby but this is probably SOP for the Insolvency Service. His creditors still want their due and the OR has to get as much as they can as soon as they can.

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by AndyPandy »

Firthy2002 wrote:I'm not excusing the actions of Crabby but this is probably SOP for the Insolvency Service. His creditors still want their due and the OR has to get as much as they can as soon as they can.
I think you're right, the first thing they do is seize bank accounts, investments etc., put a restriction on the property. If they believe assets have attempted to be hidden or transferred to a spouses sole name they'll obtain either a Court Order to either reverse the transaction or join the spouse in bankruptcy.

They'll also be searching for other creditors, so the current Council he's refusing to pay and the Water Company will both join the bankruptcy as creditors.
Last edited by AndyPandy on Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
notorial dissent
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by notorial dissent »

Basically whether our little Quail knows it or not, he's in a world of hurt and it is about to get magnitudes worse. Considering the size of his debt I expect it will lots worse, whether he consents or not.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Firthy2002 »

Could Charlie be following in the footsteps of Crabby?


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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

So now they want the establishment to use the legal name?

Isn't using a legal name fraud?
notorial dissent
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by notorial dissent »

Or wouldn't that be their strawman or some such thing. I really can't keep this nonsense too straight in my head and don't try to. In any event consistency and rationality are not concepts this bunch is familiar with, now they are full on with hypocrisy, that they are real good at. I think it's whatever fantasy fits the moment really.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Firthy2002 wrote:I'm not excusing the actions of Crabby but this is probably SOP for the Insolvency Service. His creditors still want their due and the OR has to get as much as they can as soon as they can.
And as cheaply as they can. I can't imagine they are not required to minimise costs. The effect here though means that the simplest, cheapest option which gets everyone their money is to sell the house. The notice on the house is simply a legal method of saying "we have an interest in this" and no one with more than a few brain cells would get involved in selling it without finding out what the situation is.
AndyPandy wrote:I think you're right, the first thing they do is seize bank accounts, investments etc., put a restriction on the property. If they believe assets have attempted to be hidden or transferred to a spouses sole name they'll obtain either a Court Order to either reverse the transaction or join the spouse in bankruptcy.

They'll also be searching for other creditors, so the current Council he's refusing to pay and the Water Company will both join the bankruptcy as creditors.
Don't think they can add the wife to the bankruptcy but they certainly can look at everything from contempt of court right up to fraud if she gets involved in hiding assets.
Other obvious creditors will be utility companies. Not sure how it works but I would think that they have to guess/estimate/find out what the usage was at the time of bankruptcy. Up to that point, that is a debt included in the bankruptcy. Which would leave the possibility of a FMOTL full circle if the utility companies decide to fit pre-payment meters.
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notorial dissent
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by notorial dissent »

What I'm curious about now is where and how our little Quail is coming up with the money he is coming up with. According to the Insolvency he is unemployed, and doesn't seem to be on benefits or I think that would have been noted, so where is he coming up with the ready??? Maybe the Mrs is working???? I wonder how long it will be before the clue by 4 takes affect, if it ever does.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Comrade Sharik »

That letter isn't from the Official Receiver, but from a company that offers to sort your bankruptcy out for you.

We concentrate on Individuals who have gone bankrupt and want to know what their options are, without getting tied up in legal jargon or litigation terms.

Presumably they trawl the bankruptcy records and do mail shots accordingly.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by hucknallred »

He goes on doesn't he, the successes are listed in amongst this lot.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/practic ... 288944971/
David Robinson
Yesterday at 11:51

Good morning rebels....

Because I speak for the movement in this address I would appreciate any constructive criticism or comments please.


A common sense strategy for real change requires a logical process and above all, an agreement between the common people.

So what can we all agree upon?

I assume by now that we can agree that treason has and is being committed. The evidence proves it. The barons petition process in 2001 provides the undeniable proof that the EU's Treaty of Nice was treasonable. It was ratified by the crown.

High Treason is comparable to genocide and is one the most serious crimes that can be committed. The evidence proves that the 1795 Treasonable and Seditious Practices Act is still in effect today and that Tony Blair committed a further count of treason by his attempt at repealing it.

The British Constitution can ONLY LEGALLY be changed by a constitutional convention of the people. The common law is the peoples law which is well protected by the constitution but, ONLY when the constitution is being observed by the people.

So....if you agree that our judicial system is unjust and that the crown has no authority today since it was deposed by constitutional law in 2001, and that because all courts are private corporate businesses using illegal rules they are not fit for purpose. Then I trust we can agree that something needs to be done about it. If you do not agree then you are denying evidenced facts that prove we need to take action.

Those who do not research for themselves whilst the evidence is readily available, are either stupid or evil or both.

If the above is agreed then common sense dictates that we must restore the common law within the courts to be able to get justice against the traitors in our midst. To do so will provide the people justice obviously, therefore the corruption will be heard and dealt with according to law by the people ...NOT THE REGIME. All corporations are illegal under the common law never mind all the evidence of their individual psychopathic and genocidal acts.

So then, typically, once this is fully realized apathy rears its ugly head in people. “Its too big”, “its been going on for too long”, “there is nothing we can do about it” ...WRONG!!....stop living in fear and grow a backbone for goodness sake. Our children are relying on us.

“OK then 'know it all' so what are you going to do?”.....that question has been put to me time and time again, notice they always say “what are 'you' going to do”, not even considering that they should do something themselves, along with another question which is “so why hasn't Article 61 worked?” The answer to both questions in order are 1. Stand under the constitution to protect myself and the constitution itself and 2, because YOU ARE NOT USING IT.

It is ONLY an effective remedy when at least 5% of the population are demanding the rule of law is reasserted, which we do by rejecting the regime. In rejecting their demands we also have every right duty to get all that we can from them. Its illegal for them to deny you entitlements or to grant us any in fact, they are not our representatives and have not been voted into service and should not still be there, they are evidently supposed to be in service....most now parrot that we voted them into power, which is ridiculous under common law, this was done by concept control and social engineering via the MSM.

Individually I have done plenty of things to prove that by using Article 61 of the 1215 Magna Carta, which is both in effect today and powerful when used, is feared by the regime. We seized a public building successfully by only using it with lawful excuse.

I stopped a friend from going to prison for seven days for contempt of court. I had HMRC repay fines paid for refusing to fill in tax forms. I stopped the police and court attempting to prosecute a friend for growing 30+ hemp plants, which the corrupt police decided were cannabis plants and attempted to prosecute her. The CPS (imposters) claimed lack of evidence and closed the case.....where did 30+ well established hemp plants go? Article 61 was the only angle I used.

I have done a lot more besides. I proved that they would not arrest me because I was armed with absolute evidence that those acting against me at the time (Police, magistrates court, CPS, IPCC, PSD, Attorney General-Dominic Grieve) were all aiding and abetting high treason at common law.

I was hammering on one demand mainly. I demanded a properly convened court de jure hearing in public forum so that justice may be seen to be done. I was threatening to bring treason evidence into such a court. It is treason to deny such a court because to do so is to deny the Bill Of Rights, Coronation Oath Act as well as Magna Carta. They fear their own necks as all psychopaths do. The death penalty is still in place for high treason need I say more?

So how should we go about restoring the rule of law in Britain?

From the bottom up is the obvious answer whilst observing the constitution strictly as to the letter and spirit of the law. It is very wisely constructed so that peace and truth can always prevail as long as the people remain within the law at all times. The law does not protect outlaws and 95% of the people are not standing under Article 61 therefore, 95% of the people have no protection of the law.

Knowledge is powerful when used with the correct intent. That intent must be honourable in law (and in life). By honourable I mean by observing the truth and acting upon it peacefully without fear. Either that or we allow injustices to go on unabated and that certainly isn't honourable now is it? We have allowed so much we have become desensitized by it all. Something we need to shake off.

What should we be doing now?

I propose our focus must be mainly on the police. Without getting the police to observe the evidence and the constitution we will end up in conflict with them obviously.

Before actions can be successfully co-ordinated, first, each town will need to have a relatively small group of rebels. We seized Glastonbury town hall and council chambers with only 7 people.

I propose we first concentrate on other emergency service personnel i.e., firefighters and medics to assist us to 'lobby the bobby'. A larger group can do much more i.e., lobby nurses, doctors, teachers etc...the basic essentials are to lobby the police, councillors and local MP's but also other people of course. We have a duty under common law to “compel” those “unwilling” to stand. We compel them by providing them with the basic evidential facts, which can only be denied by committing sedition or aiding and abetting high treason once they have been put on notice of a facts.

Once we have the police acting for the people again, in truth without fear nor favour, according to their oaths of office under the common law the rest will be a simple process, including them arresting those whom we have collected the evidence against, and there are thousands. Please just think about it.....a group of people in every town in the entire kingdom persistently compelling the police, pleading even... some are still humane. As long as we be polite and it is done completely peacefully by using only the most easily evidenced truths, that article 61 is in effect and that treason is therefore being committed or it wouldn't be in effect...its not exactly rocket science is it?

The lawful rebellion movement is not a movement that can fizzle out. It has strong foundations and many become dedicated to the cause. It is the ONLY legal/lawful thing that can be done by the people today and the only way out that I can see. To reject the regime and distress it until the law is reasserted is everyone's duty. It is not a request it is a legal/lawful demand, and by your acquiescence (doing nothing) you are automatically aiding and abetting their crimes, including paedophilia. It is a crime not to rebel in peace and immoral not to at least try to protect children.

We all have lawful excuse to do as we please peacefully today and even their criminal courts understand what lawful excuse is about. We have lawful excuse to commit crime in order to prevent us from committing a bigger crime, aiding and abetting high treason is about as big as crime going....

Within the text of Article 61 it clearly provides us with lawful excuse, without actually calling it lawful excuse. It is the law to “distress and Distain us” don't trust my word on that read please it for yourself. Please be careful where you get your information from the internet is awash with propaganda sites. The propaganda (seditious) sites will state that it was repealed or null and void after the pope allegedly null and voided it. Italian heads of some godforsaken religion have never had ANY authority in Britain and NEVER can have. If the other versions of magna carta have truly replaced the 1215 version then please ask yourself why we celebrated it in 2015 as its 800th anniversary? I trust common sense will prevail.

Since we are all kept divided and people cannot let go of programmed concepts or the vast knowledge they have acquired with regard to the legal system as they short sightedly attempt to pick apart and which is anything but legal anyway, I'll never know?

I suggest that we all unite under the Chartist Movement being launched soon by the British Constitution Group. I trust that we can iron out our divisions and come together for a common cause. To restore the rule of law is what lawful rebellion is all about and nothing else. How we are going to achieve it is up for discussion but lets get on with something soon whilst we still can. I propose this strategy to be a logical process that observes both the truth and the law entirely without deviation.

If you still think that there is no dire need for change then look into 5G and EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation), wifi, smart meters and geoengineering. Mercury in flu vaccines (Themerosol).

There is a lot of official site propaganda as can well be expected. If you don't yet acknowledge that the skies are being covered daily by the actions of aeroplanes then you are evidently living in denial. If you think condensation can last for more than a few seconds in the sky then you should study basic physics. If you think its being done for your benefit to save us all from global warming then you have been greenwashed by the propaganda. Carbon emissions was a lie to create more tax for corporate interest but as a front for the true agenda which is total control of the environment and the people. The UN's Agenda 21...20-30 is written documentation of their intent.

How will we straighten the bent regime?

When we have been successful and we will be, we will need to swiftly appoint or vote trusted people into positions of service to maintain peace and order in the land. We would have already re-established police constables instead of these corporate policy enforcers, who will then be there to protect and serve the puplic again.

We would require a period of re-education for the masses. We could use the mainstream media to do that.

All British military would need to be recalled home to protect us from the UN and EU. When Britain stands up the rest of the world will follow and the EU would collapse with a domino effect. The American people would deal with much of the threat from the UN when they arrest congress and the senate and the global banksters and media moguls, whom make up much of the UN. Look who chairs and attends the trilateral Commission, Bilderberger Group, Council on Foreign relations etc..

Imagine a Britain where reasonable taxation provided us all of the services we should be enjoying today, where there is no inflation because the bankers would be imprisoned and asset stripped (along with all the rest of the so called elite) and a new debt based currency was reintroduced i.e., The Bradbury Pound....where the education system taught values as well as knowledge, where the health of the people returned to normal, where justice could be seen to be done in any case of loss or injury, fairly and peacefully, where the news reported facts instead of lies, where business was done on a bar-gain principle not corporate profit targets, where we are all equally heads of state so that proper accountability and equality can exist, and where justice is successfully demanded every time without exception, where the accounts are open to public scrutiny as a matter of course...where we don't have to work all the time or suffer in poverty whilst the most disgusting human being imaginable live well of our money whilst fervently seek to control the few and destroy those unable to be controlled.

Will this proposal succeed if used?

There is no certainty only possibility. Actions (which can be seen by observing the past) are absolutely necessary in times of tyranny. Unity is the only way to protect sovereignty and without sovereignty there can only be slavery, are you sovereign or slave? Ask the above question whilst looking into a mirror.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by King Lud »

7 brave numpties sit around in a village hall until the caretaker tells them they all have to go home. That's really sticking it to the man. :lol:

And the usual lack of irony in using a website to warn people of the supposed deadly consequences of WiFi.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

Yet another one of his weekly calls to arms which will only ever be read by the slack handful of loonies who already subscribe to this fantasy.

He needs 5% of the population to be 'onside' before they can achieve their aims? Well the group's 12,000 members would be 0.00017% assuming they were all in the UK and assuming they were all 'active' rebels... Both assumptions are of course false.

Yet again David shows that when you scratch a freeman and there's usually a fascist just beneath...
We have a duty under common law to “compel” those “unwilling” to stand. We compel them by providing them with the basic evidential facts, which can only be denied by committing sedition or aiding and abetting high treason once they have been put on notice of a facts.
Agree with us or you'll be hung for treason... No dissent tolerated.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Comrade Sharik »

From the Rant For Today just posted
There are others that claim to have used the process correctly, and had then been incarcerated or whatever after doing so regardless. On examining what they actually did I have always found that they did not use the process we use properly.
This, of course, is the reason that occultists give as to why their followers spells and incantations have failed to achieve anything. GIve the marks an insanely complicated ritual to follow, and when they come back complaining that they haven't managed to turn lead into gold, tell them they must have slipped up somewhere.

With rat like cunning the Guru has already prepared the ground for his excuse:
Those who have suffered a crap education and cant read or write will obviously struggle with writing and serving notices etc so its not for everybody.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by The Observer »

Those who have suffered a crap education and cant read or write will obviously struggle with writing and serving notices etc so its not for everybody.
Then I guess Robinson will be going down when he is up to bat. He failed to include an apostrophe for the contraction above.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

Whilst I have sympathy for anybody struggling with literacy through no fault of their own I have little sympathy for fully grown adults who are not functionally illiterate but can't be bothered to learn basics like there/their/they're, capitalisation, use of full stops and use of apostrophes. That's just laziness.

In any event if people can't read or write complex legal theories, bullshit or otherwise, are probably not for them.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Firthy2002 »

longdog wrote:
Yet again David shows that when you scratch a freeman and there's usually a fascist just beneath...
We have a duty under common law to “compel” those “unwilling” to stand. We compel them by providing them with the basic evidential facts, which can only be denied by committing sedition or aiding and abetting high treason once they have been put on notice of a facts.
Agree with us or you'll be hung for treason... No dissent tolerated.
Considering high treason is disloyalty to the Crown and these lot are supposed to be standing against the Crown...

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
notorial dissent
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by notorial dissent »

Details, picky little details, and well reality.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

Firthy2002 wrote:Considering high treason is disloyalty to the Crown and these lot are supposed to be standing against the Crown...
They don't quite say it but when they talk about treason and sedition what they really mean is simply disagreeing with them and they see no contradiction between their claims to be fighting for freedom and their stated unwillingness to tolerate any form of political opinion which isn't exactly in line with their own. If it weren't for the fact that the couple of dozen active 'rebels' have achieved precisely fuck all it would be positively Stalinesque.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

by your acquiescence (doing nothing) you are automatically aiding and abetting their crimes, including paedophilia
I am beginning to think that paedophilia is an essential qualification to get on in the world but unhappily I have too little practical knowledge of it to really stand a chance at high office. If possible I would like to find out about night classes or college seminars where I could become qualified to join the elite. I have always rather fancied the idea of being elite so some study seems well justified. If any elite people are reading this, please could you let me know where to join a local club or society to improve my qualifications.

P.S. I am also willing to embrace Satanism if needed, although I would rather the requisite orgies are limited to people of at least moderate physical attractiveness (apart from me) so I realise this could be a bit of a sticking point. I am also quite willing to keep any secrets entrusted to me and also quite willing to make some up to share with others.

At a pinch I would be willing to change my name to Rothschild if it would help.

Remember, only 5% need to become 'elite' to ensure no real change so I feel my contribution would be valuable.