Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by longdog »

The Observer wrote:
Siegfried Shrink wrote:It's the comedy remake of '12 Angry Men'
"25 Angry Barons?"
Hancock surely.... "Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did she die for nothing?"
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by aesmith »

Maybe Were Bank's last remaining loyal customer is starting to realise it doesn't really work ..
QUEENISABELLA on Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:37 pm wrote: Hello all my friends at forumotion I,m having some grief with Jacobs about my council tax I am at a loss about this letter I have attached to this post I hope you can read it ,is it true our notices of no entry can be ignored by them,this is the second or third letter I have had and I really need some advice ,I have been paying them with WeRe bank cheques but now they say they are not accepting them as we are on pension this works out about four years[1,383.55.i am a bit worried about them being able to do this is it true I certainly need some advice,thank you all and GOD BLESS.
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by Burnaby49 »

That takes me back. It's like an old half-senile doddering geriatric (say Burnaby49) listening to She Loves You (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah) and being projected back over a half century ago to when Beatlemania was the exciting new thing. WeRe is so far back in the rear view mirror that we'd all forgotten a time when people actually believed in it. Then QUEENISABELLA shows up from a past everybody else had apparently discarded to show that someone, somewhere, hadn't got the message that POE has moved on to a new fresh scam for new fresh suckers.

All that my Beatlemania reminiscing at 3:00 AM means to me is that it's time to stop guzzling the wine and go to bed. Unfortunately QUEENISABELLA's negligence in keeping up with the program will have bigger consequences. Not that I'm sympathetic. If you are relying on a con that's so transparently bullshit that a bright twelve year old would laugh at it you should focus on keeping up with how well it's working for the people who tried it before you.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

QUEENISABELLA on Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:37 pm wrote: Hello all my friends at forumotion I,m having some grief with Jacobs about my council tax I am at a loss about this letter I have attached to this post I hope you can read it ,is it true our notices of no entry can be ignored by them,this is the second or third letter I have had and I really need some advice ,I have been paying them with WeRe bank cheques but now they say they are not accepting them as we are on pension this works out about four years[1,383.55.i am a bit worried about them being able to do this is it true I certainly need some advice,thank you all and GOD BLESS.
Yes, you moron, it is true. They don't have to comply with your silly notices, and they don't have to accept your pretend cheques. How can you still not understand this?
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by longdog »

I have an "Awww... Bless..." moment every time I read about a satanic, pedrofile, zionist agent of the powers that be ignoring a withdrawal of implied right of access. You'd think that eventually at least one of them would actually look up the difference between 'right of access' and 'implied right of access' but it seems not :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by JimUk1 »

Are people STILL trying to pay for goods and services with We're not a bank paper? Good grief!

The disconnect from reality with these people is startling. Has the UK education system really being that good given the numerous idiots that carry on regardless?

The BoE really doesn't help itself with it's simplistic explanations about money creation on it website, freemen take it face value that money can just be created at free will; without thought of consideration for the consequence or how much should be appropriated.

We can all be millionaires! And deplete our natural resources in months no problem!
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by JimUk1 »

:haha: Wow! ASSassin is so full of crap, how does anyone take home seriously? He's managed to take on the legal profession and win again! This time with a tort for er, being sent legal demands to the wrong address.....
Be careful here as they employ a tactic called "shotgunning" which is highly illegal, but a way of finding out who you are, let me explain.

You have any town, city, or other place, and a solicitor wants to find somebody and they have only the name to go on, they trawl the electoral register and find 20 people with that name, they contact 20 people by phone or leave a note, but why? LIABILITY.

Most people are stupid enough to contact them and offer all sorts of information and claim they are not the person they want, and by doing this they are being silly because they are making denials and playing the shotgunning game and are implicating themselves in the game, and if any actions are taken against the solicitor they are making themselves jointly liable. By doing so it is deemed a voluntary action.

I had this some years ago, a solicitors company contacted me and sent an entire legal bundle to my address, it was for someone of the same name but who lived on the other side of town to me, they had given me all this guy's personal and confidential information. I rang them and played dumb and they tried interrogating me which of course failed and I got the name of the solicitor who sent these documents and thought striking off time for her then.
I went to his old address on the pretext I had received correspondence for him and they offered me his forwarding address, in addition I spoke to his neighbours who gave me his employers name and much more information, fortunately I knew the companies head man who spoke to this guy and contacted me and we arranged a neutral meeting place (with CCTV) and we met, he confirmed his identity and I gave him his documentation.

End result? solicitor caught shotgunning, solicitor admitted to the name, full investigation and solicitor struck off and paid us both compensation to prevent a civil tort against herself.
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by exiledscouser »

And then he woke up.

Another Footie wet-dream brought to you by this fantasist.
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Even though they know Asinine is spinning self-aggrandising lies, the others still seem to make him welcome in their forum. That says so much about the lack of 'honourable' leadership in the UK FMOTL movement.
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by SteveUK »

Assassin is so full of shit I’m amazed anyone listens to his ramblings.

Lest we not forget his amazing £75,000,000 win in court . If I recall he was called out then tragically assaulted by the police in a bid to silence him. ... 07&start=0

Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by wanglepin »

JimUk1 wrote::haha: Wow! ASSassin is so full of crap, how does anyone take home seriously?
Thats nothing. When you get the time read this. He gets slowly dismantled after five pages of pats on the back and being carried on goofy sycophant shoulders. ... ISRijSsV8E
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

JimUk1 wrote::haha: Wow! ASSassin is so full of crap, how does anyone take home seriously? He's managed to take on the legal profession and win again! This time with a tort for er, being sent legal demands to the wrong address.....
Be careful here as they employ a tactic called "shotgunning" which is highly illegal, but a way of finding out who you are, let me explain.

You have any town, city, or other place, and a solicitor wants to find somebody and they have only the name to go on, they trawl the electoral register and find 20 people with that name, they contact 20 people by phone or leave a note, but why? LIABILITY.
So according to assassin sending letters to 20 people with the same surname is illegal. But opening someone else's post, using that information to possibly commit fraud and/or blackmail is OK and no one in the legal profession realised.
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

wanglepin wrote:
JimUk1 wrote::haha: Wow! ASSassin is so full of crap, how does anyone take home seriously?
Thats nothing. When you get the time read this. He gets slowly dismantled after five pages of pats on the back and being carried on goofy sycophant shoulders. ... ISRijSsV8E
Also worth noting that by page 12 or 13 of 15 his two major critics get banned.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by JimUk1 »

wanglepin wrote:
JimUk1 wrote::haha: Wow! ASSassin is so full of crap, how does anyone take home seriously?
Thats nothing. When you get the time read this. He gets slowly dismantled after five pages of pats on the back and being carried on goofy sycophant shoulders. ... ISRijSsV8E
Interesting read!

And we all know how it ends; the toys out the pram and the usually rhetorical of "you're a troll".

As the trolls have hijacked the thread and misrepresented it out of all context using the basic NLP tactics, assumption, and false representation I can now state they are trolls and one works for the authorities.
One seriously deluded person.
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by wanglepin »

I loved this exchange ; fat gambit trying to be a good supportive footler
FatGambit wrote:if this is a real ongoing case..........if he's got any sense he won't give you the details you want as it could put in jeopardy any legal proceedingsthat are ongoing..... the information he reveals in a public forum
Oh stop it! He has given us a blow by blow account of every step he has taken thus far in this questionable if “real ongoing case”. He has even gone to the pains of arranged them in “step” sequence for us. And as far as ‘not giving any detail in a public forum, our acting attorney has revealed “in a public forum”what he has done in the past concerning “other cases,” some of which are crimes.
He has ‘confessed’ he stalked, he has ‘confessed’ he blackmailed, he has ‘confessed’ to threatening behaviour and he has ‘confessed' to extortion. But you have missed all that and it is all here in writing “in a public forum"! ... &start=100
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

wanglepin wrote: Thats nothing. When you get the time read this. He gets slowly dismantled after five pages of pats on the back and being carried on goofy sycophant shoulders. ... ISRijSsV8E
There's another tall story somewhere with Asinine claiming that an apologetic bureaucrat handed over his private car as part of a settlement, supposedly a newish BMW. Not as impressive as his imaginary £75m lien, but all part of the same pattern of self-aggrandising fantasy. But the GOOFYs lapped it up, consciously preferring to celebrate imaginary wins rather than deal with the miserable failure of their own lives.
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by Pox »

Every so often I take a look at this site.
There's not a lot happening is there?
What happened to the good old days when there was something worth commenting on, on a regular basis?
Have they found another playground somewhere?
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by Firthy2002 »

They've lost their audience since being kicked off a site with high traffic and a decent domain name.

Nowadays they've just got their backwater fringe site, and I can't see it getting anywhere close to as much traffic.

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
notorial dissent
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by notorial dissent »

Not surprising since organization and co-operation are not among their core competencies.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Is this where Ex-Goofers have gone to play?

Post by SteveUK »

I think they just need somewhere to express their sense of self importance. Saying that, it just seems to be 90% Colon’s quack cancer cures.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????