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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:50 pm
by aesmith
Do we reckon he works, or lives off benefits? The drink driving story said he ran a business from home, didn't say what sort.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:57 pm
by mufc1959
Remember how this ended up for Jimmy One-Cell. He ignored the Trustee, so the court issued a warrant for his arrest for contempt of court. He ended up spending a night in the cells at the local police station (or, according to him, doing a 'stretch' in prison where he ended up - in the space of one night - being made someone's "prison bitch") before being brought before the court the next morning.

Despite his bragging that he was in charge, telling the GOOFYs that he was demanding 'proof of debt', the inevitable outcome was that he paid all his debts, and the bankruptcy was annulled.

I doubt Crab Bait has a 'war chest' of reclaimed Direct Debits to fall back on, as Jimmy did. Expect to see his house on the market in a few months' time.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:10 pm
by longdog
mufc1959 wrote:Expect to see his house on the market in a few months' time.
A house in Sheerness? Well that'll clear £50 off the debt :mrgreen:

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:39 pm
by notorial dissent
Firthy2002 wrote:He'll be in deep trouble if he misses that arranged meeting without reasonable cause.
Since I reckon that the OR has done the 3 attempts at contact as well, he could be looking at a contempt charge.

So far Shark Bait has only been used to dealing with the (relatively) slow moving CTax and utilities debt recovery processes.
Admittedly I've no first hand experience of the bankruptcy process (and I don't want it), but having read all the freely available information on the subject, bankruptcy proceedings move a lot faster (creditors need their cut, etc.).

Our friend is probably going to discover that this won't disappear with magic words.
And that the OR will not be in the least impressed or care, the fee ticker just keeps ticking along.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:58 pm
by Siegfried Shrink
A house in Sheerness? Well that'll clear £50 off the debt
Sheerness is not so bad if you like bleak isolation, tidal marshes muddy creeks and the local beer from Faversham used to be quite good. I took my boat down there once for a few days and I have collected and delivered a couple of small craft in the area. There are many connections to naval history and of course there is that Liberty ship full of unexploded munitions just off shore for future excitement.
I do realise it is not everybody's cup of tea but with London house prices what they are, Sheerness may benefit from some sort of halo effect you will not find in Sunderland.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:45 pm
by Burnaby49
With London prices its day may come. In 2000 I spent a few days in Brighton. A sad despondant dump. Very depressing, almost deserted at night. I was there last year and the place is booming with a huge entertainment/restaurant/bar/pub industry. All due to London proximity.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:33 pm
by Hercule Parrot
Well made point, Burnaby. The ridiculous inflation of living costs in London is rippling outwards. The UK govt is now spending vast amounts to create a high-speed rail link to the Northern Wastelands, so that more lucky citizens can live the dream of a 3hr daily commute to London.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 11:59 pm
by PiccadillyCircus
Given that one can already travel to Manchester in about two hours, an HST link that transports one in three, does not seem a good use of money :mouthshut:

Or does it go even further into the wastelands?

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:52 am
by Dr. Caligari
longdog wrote:
A house in Sheerness? Well that'll clear £50 off the debt :mrgreen:
Sheerness-On-Sea? The first spot in the UK I ever set foot in (I came by ferry boat from Holland, while travelling as an impecunious student in the 1970s). After clearing customs, I immediately found the railway station and bought a one-way ticket to Victoria Station.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:44 am
by longdog

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:52 pm
by longdog
Well folks it looks like our days are numbered as we may all be 'put on notice' by the lawful rebels and then we'll all be facing an end at the end of a rope for our treasonous ignorance of the law...

Michael Powys Robert

I have followed you for a little while now you are an inspiration keep on fighting against the corrupt. I googled your name and I found this site where they are targeting you it is very disrespectful viewtopic.php?f=52...
Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house - Quatloos!

Robert White

Cheers mate I've not seen that site before but I'll have a look. They tried it before with the crab bait name when Ollie Pinnock was in trouble, that was my fb name before someone reported me and I had to change it to my real name. The only reason I used that name was because I was hiding from the so called authorities before I found this group, now I don't give a fuck I'm a lawful rebel and they'll have to kill me now if they want to beat me.

Robert White

Yeah just had a quick look only 2 pages, it's quite funny obviously done some research most of it's true.

Robert White

I won't bite until their nose is in my mouth.

Michael Powys

I wouldn't worry mate they are obviously clueless on the real law and magna carta. Perhaps we need to put the site on notice would be a good idea

Robert White

I'm not worried at all Michael, let them carry on I think it's funny.

Michael Powys

They obviously have nothing better to do sad sad people

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:29 pm
by JimUk1
Well Rob and Mike,
I'm glad you are reading the forum. Has Rob told you about his drink driving shenanigans?

No matter how many times people in that Facebook group fail, it's always never your fault.

Still keep up the good work! There is a bankruptcy to add to your list of failures now along with; evictions & prison time.

Still, not your fault is it. Never is.

Keep sending those notices, they're definitely working!

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:54 pm
by longdog
...And don't forget... When the Official Receiver applies for an arrest warrant for non-cooperation... ... part_7.htm can rest easy in the knowledge that Robert "I'm fine to drive" White is taking one for the team and everybody involved will swing when the 'real law' is reinstated. :snicker:

Looking on the bright side The Isle of Sheppey has some lovely prisons so he won't have far to travel when if he's released.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:05 pm
by notorial dissent
They're just precious, so seriousy and stuffs, like they have a clue about what they are talking about, pretending to grownups and stuff. Just absolutely precious.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:46 pm
by longdog
Robert seems to be having second thoughts about this whole self-inflicted fiasco...
Robert White

Just had someone knock on the door from the official receiver apparently, I'm thinking about giving up and paying in cash. I've got until Thursday to make my mind up.

Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it's ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about and gallantly he chickened out.
Swiftly taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!


Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:58 pm
by notorial dissent
My My. Suddenly it got real for him.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:02 pm
by longdog
If he does chicken out he can always claim he was paying under duress of circumstances but it was still a great victory because come the revolution he'll have his revenge... And his heroic stand will only have cost him about £5000 in completely avoidable legal and insolvency costs.


Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:28 pm
by JimUk1
longdog wrote:If he does chicken out he can always claim he was paying under duress of circumstances but it was still a great victory because come the revolution he'll have his revenge... And his heroic stand will only have cost him about £5000 in completely avoidable legal and insolvency costs.


What do you mean?

It has being a resounding success!

Not only has he educated them in Article 61 he has had the council starved of that fake money!

It's cost the council thousands to take him to a fake court also and.....

Oh wait....


Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:25 pm
by MaritalArtist
What does "put on notice" by these guys actually mean??

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:30 pm
by Siegfried Shrink

They have got a little list.