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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:13 pm
by Hercule Parrot
Burnaby49 wrote:Perhaps they deserve some sympathy for not getting enough free parking but, as she found out, not paying in a pay lot isn't the answer. What did she expect a private pay lot to do? Be sympathetic and ignore her? .
Pragmatically, you are absolutely right. But morally I'm with Ziggy on this one.

The hospital had a large shared car park. They were already making useful side money on a generic pay-and-display system, but they wanted more. So they partitioned an inadequate section for staff parking, and hired Indigo Parking Services to screw every last penny from the rest of the land. This of course is by charging inflated fees to patients and families who are visiting the hospital, and have little choice but to pay.

The dead-eyed sharks who negotiated this deal knew that there would be periods of overflow in the staff area, perhaps even intended it. But the staff would only realise this when they arrived 10 mins before their shift started, so they wouldn't have time to go looking for other options. The plan was that they would have to park in the public area and pay the public rate. And this would generate another little bag of unearned profit for the rentiers.

What the staff have tried to do here is to shame the hospital into renegotiating the partition, lose some profit by allocating a few hundred more spaces for staff so that peak periods were manageable. But they underestimated the contempt which modern NHS managers have for frontline staff (and patients). These people are impervious to shame, compassion or integrity.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:25 pm
by Burnaby49
The hospital had a large shared car park. They were already making useful side money on a generic pay-and-display system, but they wanted more. So they partitioned an inadequate section for staff parking, and hired Indigo Parking Services to screw every last penny from the rest of the land. This of course is by charging inflated fees to patients and families who are visiting the hospital, and have little choice but to pay.
Tell me about it. A few weeks back I had minor surgery at Vancouver General, just day surgery. Just about had to refinance my house to afford to park there for eight hours. I went to all of the pre-surgery appointments using our excellent public transit system, extremely cost-efficient, but surgery patients who require general anesthetic must have a competent adult to get them home or the surgery is cancelled. So my wife came and insisted on driving.

So the Cardiff system isn't unique, probably the same almost everywhere nowadays. And yes, after a 35 year career as an income tax auditor I'm thoroughly pragmatic. If hospitals can legally screw you on parking they will and indignation and sympathy are irrelevant. No matter how good a moral case the nurse had her £150,000 fine was probably inevitable once she decided that free parking was an entitlement.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:57 pm
by longdog
aesmith wrote:Back to the Crab Master, why is he so worried about this court date? Does he not realise that effectively nothing will happen on that day except a piece of paper being figuratively rubber stamped?
It's some combination of wanting to play Billy-Big-Bollocks to the other 'rebels' and being total drama queen.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 9:28 pm
by TheNewSaint
longdog wrote:
aesmith wrote:Back to the Crab Master, why is he so worried about this court date? Does he not realise that effectively nothing will happen on that day except a piece of paper being figuratively rubber stamped?
It's some combination of wanting to play Billy-Big-Bollocks to the other 'rebels' and being total drama queen.
I detect a hint of melancholy in CB's recent missives. He seems genuinely disappointed at the lack of support, and that all his toxic letters have been ineffective. And if it's true that the missus left him as well, he might be pondering the direction of his life.

He's a hard case, but even hard cases can become introspective once reality is about to hit them hard enough.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 10:21 pm
by Hercule Parrot
Burnaby49 wrote:About as arbitrary as your notorious 17th century window tax;
Not arbitrary at all. Number of windows is a reasonable approximated metric for wealth, and cannot easily be hidden from the tax collector (unlike number of sheep or whatever). Simpler, happier times. If you said you were in lawful rebellion, they'd playfully impale your head in the market square.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 10:55 pm
by notorial dissent
Yeah, pretty much. And considering what window glass cost at the time, a very good measure of your wealth.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:23 pm
by Burnaby49
Hercule Parrot wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:About as arbitrary as your notorious 17th century window tax;
Not arbitrary at all. Number of windows is a reasonable approximated metric for wealth, and cannot easily be hidden from the tax collector (unlike number of sheep or whatever). Simpler, happier times. If you said you were in lawful rebellion, they'd playfully impale your head in the market square.
Except that, as always, human ingenuity trumped the taxman. I should know, I was that taxman for 35 years. The rich just blocked off most of their windows and suddenly no tax.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 6:21 am
by Hercule Parrot
Burnaby49 wrote:Except that, as always, human ingenuity trumped the taxman. I should know, I was that taxman for 35 years. The rich just blocked off most of their windows and suddenly no tax.
True enough, and our attempts to tax bricks and wallpaper didn't fare much better :lol:

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 6:46 am
by Gregg
Burnaby49 wrote:
Hercule Parrot wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:About as arbitrary as your notorious 17th century window tax;
Not arbitrary at all. Number of windows is a reasonable approximated metric for wealth, and cannot easily be hidden from the tax collector (unlike number of sheep or whatever). Simpler, happier times. If you said you were in lawful rebellion, they'd playfully impale your head in the market square.
Except that, as always, human ingenuity trumped the taxman. I should know, I was that taxman for 35 years. The rich just blocked off most of their windows and suddenly no tax.
I can't remember where, but their is one famous building which I think was a brewery or distillery, where they made windows that were 5 stories high of such, instead of having 5 window's, one per floor. The reason was because of the window tax.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 8:30 pm
by Firthy2002
Probably his last chance to voluntarily play ball. ... 269958239/
Shark Bait wrote:Bankruptcy update. My new trustee friend has been in touch again, apparently I’m obliged to tell him stuff and sign stuff. He is obviously not a full shilling. Also my residential address has changed again, another forgery. They don’t seem to know much about me for some reason, very unprofessional. Sorry there’s a few pages here, but it makes interesting reading if you ever fancy going bankrupt. I love the bit on the last page, the trustee making a court application to have me privately examined on ‘OATH’. That reminds me, I must have a bath one of these days.
I might send him a nice photo of myself in his reply paid envelope, and give them a few clues to the questions they’re asking. Please feel free to email with anything you like on my behalf. I love this lawful rebellion stuff.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:25 pm
by Hercule Parrot
Firthy2002 wrote:Probably his last chance to voluntarily play ball. ... 269958239/
Hopefully ol' Krabby will stay true to his cause, and expend his entire estate on legal costs and bailiffs etc. Anything less would be a betrayal of previous heroes like Tom Crawfraud and Baron Von TrampBeard. And if he refuses to stand by his Lawful Oaf of Reblyion, then he commits Treason and the other PLD's will have to execute him.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:58 pm
by notorial dissent
Judging by the level of legal brilliance to date by our little Quail, I would say he is well on his way. He's down 40k right off the bat for business rates, where he's living now is coming after him for council tax, he has IRT that he has mentioned in passing, and if he has gone years, it too could be sizable, and I wouldn't bet but what he has other outstanding debts to boot. I would suspect that at this point, he is well on the way to doing a full Crawford.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:25 pm
by longdog
This is going to come as a massive surprise to everybody but the webel's letters to the court supporting Bobbity in his refusal to pay council tax have gone unheeded. It's almost as if the courts were only interested in applying the law and not in the least influenced by the cut and paste ramblings of a bunch of nutters.
COUNCIL TAX FAKE SUMMONS RESULT. Got a letter today from the council seems like they took no notice of the support letters, now they reckon they’re taking control of goods. Bring it on Swale council I look forward to playing the game with the bailiffs/enforcement agents. They can't even get the non court right, it was at Medway not Maidstone
Even Dismal Dave The Depressed Defeatist doesn't seem hopeful....
David Robinson

Idiot criminal bastards.....someday there will be enough of us to take these crooks out once and for all!!

Ben Grimes

There taking piss abit ain't they

David Robinson

Yep and they will continue to do so until the people of this country wake up and start observing the truth......insanity is rife.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:51 pm
by rumpelstilzchen
David Robinson wrote:insanity is rife
He got that bit right, although not in the way he thinks he did.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:21 pm
by notorial dissent
I'm still working on why they thought the court, any court would be interested in or deterred by the ravings of obvious mental defectives. The "someday there will be enough of us to take these crooks out once and for all!!" is just precious, almost like he realizes on some deep level that there are only a bare handful of loonies in his parade.

So was this court for the business rates or the personal taxes, I can't keep them straight now.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 8:45 am
by AndyPandy
notorial dissent wrote:I'm still working on why they thought the court, any court would be interested in or deterred by the ravings of obvious mental defectives. The "someday there will be enough of us to take these crooks out once and for all!!" is just precious, almost like he realizes on some deep level that there are only a bare handful of loonies in his parade.

So was this court for the business rates or the personal taxes, I can't keep them straight now.
This was for a Liability Order for non payment of Council Tax.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:29 am
by TheCoz
AndyPandy wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:I'm still working on why they thought the court, any court would be interested in or deterred by the ravings of obvious mental defectives. The "someday there will be enough of us to take these crooks out once and for all!!" is just precious, almost like he realizes on some deep level that there are only a bare handful of loonies in his parade.

So was this court for the business rates or the personal taxes, I can't keep them straight now.
This was for a Liability Order for non payment of Council Tax.
I hope he realises that all he needs to do is send off the OR documents and the council will back off. The bailiffs cant take anything because right now all his goods belong to the OR.

He will probably claim victory when the council/bailiffs realise this.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:11 pm
by AndyPandy
TheCoz wrote:
AndyPandy wrote:
This was for a Liability Order for non payment of Council Tax.
I hope he realises that all he needs to do is send off the OR documents and the council will back off. The bailiffs cant take anything because right now all his goods belong to the OR.

He will probably claim victory when the council/bailiffs realise this.
Because then he would have to admit the bankruptcy has legitimacy, at the moment he's saying 'you can't touch me OR because the bankruptcy order was issued by a 'non Court' and as he's in wawful webellion the OR has no power over him !! :beatinghorse:

It's a conundrum :haha: :haha: :haha:

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:50 pm
by aesmith
Did anyone see anything indicating ownership of his house, in particular whether he and his wife own as "tenants in common" or "joint tenants"? The latter indicates that each of them jointly owns 100% of the house, and is apparently normal for married joint ownership in England but has the disadvantage that the whole value of the house could be claimed against debts of just one of the owners.

Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to lose his house

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 2:35 pm
by SteveUK
Poor old Crabbie. He's decided to invent his own garbage notices now. If at first you dont succeed, fail fail again !!1!!
there is only one way you will beat me - you will have to kill me
