Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Read that and ask yourself; How could he sit in court day after day listening to this lunatic nonsense?
I did the day you posted it originally. And I thought to myself at the time, "If this is what retirement does to one, maybe I should just work until I die at my desk."
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:And yes, the whole point of that mercifully short video seems to be that if a form is prepared before it is needed rather than at the exact moment it is needed this is somehow proof of fraud of some kind and it means your mortgage is invalidated, or something.
Huzzah! I knew, when push came to shove, when the chips were down, when it was darkest before the dawn, Burnaby would pull himself off the floor and give it another go. Huzzah!
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by noblepa »

Burnaby49 wrote:

Read that and ask yourself; How could he sit in court day after day listening to this lunatic nonsense? I have days of the court hearing I didn't even report on Quatloos because when I got home I was too demoralized to even open up my notebook and review it. So I took the easy, cowardly choice and went pubbing instead.
Which is probably what the judge and opposing attorney wanted to do.

I have sympathy for you, spending all that time, when you could have been doing something more pleasant. But I have pity for the judge and opposing attorney. They not only have to listen to and read all that nonsense, they have to try to come up with some sort of fair and honest resolution.
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Burnaby49 »

noblepa wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:

Read that and ask yourself; How could he sit in court day after day listening to this lunatic nonsense? I have days of the court hearing I didn't even report on Quatloos because when I got home I was too demoralized to even open up my notebook and review it. So I took the easy, cowardly choice and went pubbing instead.
Which is probably what the judge and opposing attorney wanted to do.

I have sympathy for you, spending all that time, when you could have been doing something more pleasant. But I have pity for the judge and opposing attorney. They not only have to listen to and read all that nonsense, they have to try to come up with some sort of fair and honest resolution.
Keep one thing in mind. They were all paid to be there. I wasn't. For almost all of the trials I attended the defendant and I were the only unremunerated participants.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:And yes, the whole point of that mercifully short video seems to be that if a form is prepared before it is needed rather than at the exact moment it is needed this is somehow proof of fraud of some kind and it means your mortgage is invalidated, or something.
Huzzah! I knew, when push came to shove, when the chips were down, when it was darkest before the dawn, Burnaby would pull himself off the floor and give it another go. Huzzah!
Since I'm in a confessional mood I'll admit that the smoking jacket intimidated me. It gave him far more credibility than whatever noise was coming out of his pie hole.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

The evidence just keeps piling up that I'm simply not fit for the job anymore. I've read, heard, seen, and written too much. If I can point to any one thing that pushed me over the edge, Michael Millar broke me

This is truly mildly distressing. We all know the Augean Stables won't clean themselves, and as I sit by the door leaning on my shovel, I do not like to see one of the great muckrakers slacken and falter. I can only hope that some new and refreshing amber liquid will reach those parts that Coors cannot reach.

More seriously, were you to drop dead right now, you existing body of research and commentary would be a fitting monument to time well spent bringing light into dark places.
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by The Observer »

Yes, Burnaby has amassed a tome of quality reporting, yet entertaining on the sovrun/FOTL movement in Canada. He certainly is responsible for a boost in our readership and made Quatloos a better place.
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Burnaby49 »

Happily the collapse of my ability (or patience) to absorb all of this lunatic gibberish has been almost exactly matched, at least in Canada, by the collapse of the movements spewing it out. When I started posting on Quatloos Canadian Freemanism was in full flower. The gurus had wondrous untested theories that they guaranteed to gullible followers would result in freeloading lives of no work and unlimited free money unlocked by their understanding of law. All it took was the correct magic rituals that only the gurus were astute enough to formulate. But to get the money they had to eventually shift from Youtube videos to confronting the establishment in court. That's when it all went very badly. The first big trial testing theory in real life was the trial of the Nanaimo Three who attempted Menard's big crowd-pleaser that anyone could quite legally be a police officer. This ended up with three criminal convictions. I attended and wrote up the trial.


For a while I was so busy attending so many trials that I actually had to do triage between them; Chief Rock Sino General's trial or Charles Norman Homes? But the litigation results were brutal for the movement. Without exception all of them lost with some, like Dean Clifford, ending up with significant jail time. On top of this the entire Freeman movement was met with overwhelming public hostility. They'd expected, again like your British idiots, to be looked on as geniuses bringing justice and prosperity to the masses. Instead they were quickly perceived as sometimes violent irrational freeloader trying to scam the system with bullshit.

The majority of Freeman followers were, like most of your British idiots, there for results not because of actual belief. So when it was apparent that that they just couldn't follow some magic ritual like the three/five letter scheme and sit back while the money poured in it all pretty much collapsed. The devotion of Freeman followers to a Canada with true (as they saw it) liberty for all ended as soon as they realized that in order to forward their agenda they'd actually have to take personal risks.

It was, no matter how the gurus dressed it up, always about the money. The core Freeman belief was that they were entitled to all of the benefits that Canada offered them while they were not required to contribute anything towards making these benefits possible. Work? Pay taxes? Those were for suckers who couldn't see how you could scam the system. Charles Norman Holmes and Bernard Yankson went to court demanding their right to their birth bonds (free money from the government) and of course lost. I was there reporting it. Bernard was my first trial report;



And Wally Dove just cut out the birth bond bullshit entirely and went to court demanding $300,000,000 on the basis that he didn't want to work which meant that the government had to give him whatever he felt was an adequate amount to compensate for his lack of employment income. He had a grandiose idea of what was adequate to live in Canada;


It reached its peak, for me, with the Poriskyite tax evasion scheme;


This resulted in many, many tax evasion trials and convictions. Since Russell Porisky, the carpenter who thought the entire scheme up was a local boy, many of the trials were in the Vancouver area and attending those kept me very busy for a number of years. Vancouver was an extremely target-rich environment. It's all on Quatloos. However these trials are now done and the Freeman/Sovereign movement is totally burnt out apart from a few fanatics.

But, just when everything was collapsing here in Canada you Brits took over the mantle and the UK Quatloos forum exploded with Tom Crawford and Peter of England.

Tom Crawford decided not to pay his mortgage and ended up losing his house. We'd already been through that with the Volks;


Peter of England had a free money scheme with his WeRe bank. Been there and done that with Menard's Freeman debit cards.

So you're going through the same evolutionary process that we did although your idiots seem to have a somewhat more dedicated remaining core than Canada. The big difference for me is proximity. When I reported on Canadian issues I could attend many of the trials. I could go to court registries and get copies of the documents and put them on Quatloos. I attended Freeman seminars and became acquainted with at least the main local actors. I took a few out to lunch! But I'm happy to say I'm just a bystander to the British madness. And, with nothing of real relevance to contribute, I ramble on about real ale and pubs.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I have eperienced the last 5 years in about 5 months, so being more or less up to date, things do seem pretty slow.
I do try to trawl You Tube for anything of interest, but many categories seem to have dried up or are only represented by posts made recently but are just reposts of stuff from 2 or 3 years ago.
The anti-bailiff thing seems to have died down, although I was hoping for an epic Neelu V. The Evictors to erupt, it has so far failed. Picking over Rekha's wreckage seems stale, the more virulent you-tubers are quiet, the police are probably shooting on the spot anyone waving a phone camera at them, and the expertinwhat? has retired to Scotland to lick his wounds.
The days of rallies and meetings to spread the word appear to have gone and even the odd 'L do not consent' video is old stuff recycled. I can only conclude that the world is ready for something new, since there is no chance that all the gullible believers in whatever it was yesterday have become sober and got proper jobs,

The US is currently in a phase of Maypole dancing with the bank clearing system, the players merry as grigs, the ribbons plaiting as they caper around their TDA 'accounts' leaving such a trail of actionable activity so clearly signposted that the US attorneys must be ordering trebles all round.
British attempts at this have been half hearted and half arsed to say the least. We have had an automated bank clearing system far longer than the USA, and it is fairly short of easy loopholes.

It a bit like the circus has left town, just the litter and odd dead elephant to swwep up, and loads of droppings to spread on the roses.
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Boll Weevil »

While the circus is away there's still the sideshows.

New vid, more securitisation guff ... =546367700
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by The Observer »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:t a bit like the circus has left town, just the litter and odd dead elephant to swwep up, and loads of droppings to spread on the roses.
No, it's more like Professor Hill has found that selling the rubes on boy's bands has finally tapped out. So he will retreat to a safe place until he can come up with a new con that will start the dollars rolling in and proceed to River City once more.
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Boll Weevil »

Who is Carmel Butler btw? The internet is remarkably barren when it comes to her. A practicing New York attorney that lives in Kent and submits evidence to Select Committees?
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Boll Weevil »

They've started a YouTube channel, just for you those of you without Facebook
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

"We haven't paid the mortgage because it's a fraudulent mortgage"
:haha: :haha: :haha:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by grixit »

"I have no remedy for you. I am still homeless."

Points for honesty. But then the obvious question is why should anyone follow his advice.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by AndyPandy »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:"We haven't paid the mortgage because it's a fraudulent mortgage"
:haha: :haha: :haha:
The 'fraud' benefited them to the tune of £100k, they were happy with that until it came to having to repay it !!
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Boll Weevil »

Surprise, surprise - all charges against the mortgage broker were dropped! ... =546367700

The "wilfully closing their eyes to the obvious" is painfully dramatic irony
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Boll Weevil wrote:Surprise, surprise - all charges against the mortgage broker were dropped! ... =546367700

The "wilfully closing their eyes to the obvious" is painfully dramatic irony
Listened to bit of that then got fed up. Lots of selective quotes, his interpretation etc. Did he at one point quote someone's speech in Parliament? Which of course isn't law or even guidance.
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by Boll Weevil »

He quoted whatsherface's submission to the Select Committee in one video (I think the securitisation one), reeling off the list of qualifications she mentioned herself approvingly. I can't find anything out about her online beyond the fact she's American but lives in Kent.

And nope, not guidance or law in the slightest.

BOMBSHELL - I received word from a reliable source that this isn't even the first house they've had repossessed (last was hers rather than his).
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Re: Viral Facebook Eviction - Wales

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Boll Weevil wrote:BOMBSHELL - I received word from a reliable source that this isn't even the first house they've had repossessed (last was hers rather than his).
What's that saying? "Get tricked into signing a fraudulent mortgage, shame on you. Get tricked into signing two fraudulent mortgages, shame on me."
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self