Meet the Dragons

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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by JimUk1 »

I don't believe it is a parody.

These people are so far removed from reality, that it's not beyond reasonable to assume this is what Michelle actually subscribes to.

And they've finally managed to include the glorious revolution!

She's beaten you to in PLD!
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Gregg »

There is some debate about whether the voting system for MPs remains valid, particularly in light of the appalling display of immature acting shown by the MPs during an Act of Parliament.
I hate to quit pointing out these little inconsistencies to the Dragons, but there isn't anything about voting in the Magna Carta, under THAT law that you keep saying Parliament cannot make any changes to, you're either the King, a Bishop, a Noble or a serf, and voting means puck all, its all about who your daddy was.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

"This page isn't avalable".

I really cannot believe that that is not a parody, there are too many subtle digs and twerks for them to have got in there by accident. As a writer of nonsense myself, I can appreciate finely crafted work.

It could be that some humourist, possibly aided by the PTB has hacked that account, posted the joke, then deleted the account or pages, which would be pretty smart work.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

It would be breaking a butterfly on a wheel to point out all the obvious jokes.

The occasional malapropism in genuine FOTLer writings is to be expected but they never, ever display tongue in cheek humour from start to finish. Blending the real with the nonsensical is part and parcel of comedy, it is the sudden unxpected incongruity that makes things funny. I understand the subtleties of British humour may be lost elsewhere. The joke about something being lost on a train relies on the average person knowing that all sorts of secret government papers get left on trains by careless people in Britain.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by letissier14 »

She even started her own debt help page using all the well known fmotl tactics. Parody would be lost on her!

The page is still there, i just clicked on it
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Maybe it is because I am not a FB member that I cannot see it, although it does not usually say the page is not there. Can you copy and paste anything for contextual analysis?

My working hypothesis is that letissier is Michelle. :-)
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by letissier14 »

Your working hypothesis that letissier is Michelle would be wrong :haha:

Michelle Reid
2 September at 12:34 ·

We all have a duty to stand under the British Constitution but we would never ask anyone to take steps beyond the circle of comfort in which they are able to perform happily. The path of A.61 is not for everyone.
However, sending one’s oath does not automatically mean one MUST jump right in with civil disobedience. ..NEWCOMERS ... Watch, learn, read, choose one’s battles carefully and wisely, that is the best counsel on offer. ATM

Michelle Reid
2 September at 12:13 ·

Lawful rebellion & DWP /benefits :

i see quite alot of ppl worried about their benefits ( understandably ) so i would like to post in relation to this . most of the following is from lawful rebellion . info

Life is infinitely more complex now than when the Magna Carta was signed, the Barons, the King nor the people could have envisaged things like the NHS, air-travel, credit cards, utility bills etc. etc. As of 2017 we are unaware of any large companies standing under Article 61 (or should I say directors of the companies).

Contrary to popular belief, lawful rebellion is not about anarchy (nor violence), nor about demolishing a system of government – just demolishing the corrupt elements within it; we have a relatively good system, full of bad people. If you were to stand completely and utterly in lawful rebellion in 21st century uk, your life would grind to a halt pretty quickly. You couldn’t go to work because your employer most probably isn’t in LR. You couldn’t stop work and claim benefits because the DWP are not in LR. Nor is your bank, credit card company, telephone provider, doctor. . . Therefore we must accept compromise to continue to function. To this end, once standing in lawful rebellion, we use or accept these services “under duress.” If we are committed to LR, we cannot engage with anyone or anything that is not, thus we continue to use these services under duress and out of necessity.

. In LR we would much rather accept the benefits of the State under duress than live a life full of complicated battles to obtain simple services that everyone else takes for granted.

In short, in LR you continue to use all of your existing licences, documents, passes, cards etc. etc. under duress until such time as the issuer also stands under Article 61.

Michelle Reid
31 August at 12:07 ·

NEW Community page - Links to our web sites to learn more & will include useful info / vids/documents/events & any important messages .

Michelle Reid
28 August at 10:54 ·


And so on .....................
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Wakeman52 »

Clearly Ms Reid has never heard of the phrase 'reductio ad absurdum'. You can be in lawful rebellion, but you accept all the trappings of 21C society 'under duress'. Image
Our future is like that of the passengers on a small pleasure boat sailing quietly above the Niagara Falls, not knowing that the engines are about to fail. James Lovelock.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I still think you are all missing the point. I see the longer post as a subtle undermining of the whole silly idea. Without coming out and saying, this is a big nonsense, she/he gives an accurate summary which amounts to 'really, we are living normal lives. The other stuff is pointless'. A bold un-rallying cry, "To the barricades, but don't forget tea is at six";
I see this as a way to make waverers more wavery as it underlines how ineffectual the cause is.
I am still enamoured of my theory that the poster is both clever and funny, and subtle enough to play the rebels with their own jargon. Again I would have been happy to have written this myself to undermine the cause.
"Damning with faint praise" is the usual term.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by JimUk1 »

The consensus seemed to be that if really large numbers of IDIOTS were sent to storm the GOVERNMENT , then enough might survive the rocks to take the citadel. This is essentially the basis of all FREEMEN thinking.
(Terry Pratchett)

I think it's quiet befitting of the Dragons! Thanks, Terry!
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by morrand »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:"This page isn't available".

I really cannot believe that that is not a parody, there are too many subtle digs and twerks for them to have got in there by accident. As a writer of nonsense myself, I can appreciate finely crafted work.

It could be that some humourist, possibly aided by the PTB has hacked that account, posted the joke, then deleted the account or pages, which would be pretty smart work.
By a remarkable coincidence, I just happened to be reading something else this morning that introduced me to "Poe's Law," which may be dead on point here.

Of course, it's also just possible that someone of the Dragons found that somewhere and saw humor in it. Maybe not the humor that the rest of the rational world sees in it, but humor nonetheless. (FWIW, I laughed at it, and I've been in the US for all but maybe three weeks of my life.)
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Time for some butterfly breaking.
The supposed 'supporting' post which I consider to be really undermining is literate and consistent in tone, logic and construction. There is no obvious nonsense. Nor are there any of the common techniques of humourous writing.
Unlike many other nations, the UK has no single constitutional document. This was because the document was lost in 2004 by the then-MP for Bradford on the Jubilee line of the London Underground.
Note the absurd, the reference to lost documents on a train, and the superflous detail so useful to give an air of seriousness to a joke. (emphasis added)
It has never been found since then and no one can be bothered to write it out again. Much of the British constitution is embodied in separate written documents, hidden behind statues, tossed about on posh peoples' tennis courts, and accidentally mistaken as cooking recipes for treacle.
No doubts with this paragraph. Note the childish 'write it out again', but the big giveaway is 'hidden behind statues' a favoured mis-spelling of statutes, but taken literally to mean upright works of art. Neither tossing about on tennis courts or being mistaken for treacle are part of rebel mythology, or would mean anything to a FMOTLer and are humourous.
The constitution has other unwritten sources, including whatever the Prime Minister feels like saying that day, Boris Johnson's jokes, and Royal Derogatives.
An outburst of sensible, Private Eye style. With a deliberate malapropism for perogatives.
Historically, "No Act of Parliament can be unconstitutional, for the law of the pleb knows not how to spell nor how to think.
Famously, this allowed Tony Blair to claim that invading Iraq was the right thing to do and did not undermine the values of the country.
Sly reference to the plebgate scandal, and brings in TB for local colour.Note the correct grammar of 'nor' instead of the more common 'or'.
Since the Glorious Revolution in 1688, the confusion caused by the British constitution has traditionally been ascribed to the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, according to which the statues crafted by Victorian artists are the UK's supreme and final source of law with exceptions given to when the statue is defaced by Lib Dem MPs after a late night at the pub, the day of the election.
Consider the impossibility of anyone who has even heard of 1688 thinking laws are made by statues, and the writer is very clear about the nature of the statues. (Emphasis added) and their vulnerability to MP misbehaviour, another in-joke.

It follows that Parliament can change the constitution simply by standing on their heads when voting and jeering at opposition members. These small dramas — which still, thanks to tradition, happen in the UK Parliament today — are known as Acts of Parliament.
It is perfectly true that jeering is one of the standard forms of debate in the House, although the Speaker has been known to draw the line at monkey noises and armpit scratching. It is the seamless blend of the farcical with the real that marks this out as a pure work of humour by a literate and fluent writer and not some woo influenced fantasy.

I rest my case for the purely parodic nature of this document and hope that I have not thus outed some Quatloos Black Ops agent who had infiltrated the rebels but was unable to restrain a little joie de vivre.

Apologies for the length, but I feel credit is owed where credit is due, and to assume such capable work came from the equivalent of a roomful of monkeys typing at random is to disparage definite talent.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Dr. Caligari »

to assume such capable work came from the equivalent of a roomful of monkeys typing at random is to disparage definite talent.
Agree whole-heartedly. It was the treacle line that truly convinced me.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Gregg »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
to assume such capable work came from the equivalent of a roomful of monkeys typing at random is to disparage definite talent.
Agree whole-heartedly. It was the treacle line that truly convinced me.
Not even counting the slandering of primates by suggesting the dragons might rise so high.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by letissier14 »

Some serious over estimating of the abilities of a 'deep in the hole' fmotl going on here, as nearly everything she posts is a copy and paste job from elsewhere.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Well, I cannot comment on the source of the posts, but I do notice that for once in a thousand posts, the plural possessive apostrophe is used correctly.
Possibly for the first time ever in a woo-zone post.

Unhappily I have only two pieces of text to go on, but I remain unconvinced. More and better data are needed.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by He Who Knows »

Siegfried, I know you don't like Facebook, but I urge you again to check out Freeman on the Land - Fails. That way you will see lots of examples of Michelle Reid's FoTL nonsense and you'll be convinced that she isn't the brilliant parodist you think she is. What might have contributed to her better than average FoTl grammar/punctuation/spelling is that she's 50+ so has most likely benefited from a more rigid English teaching than the GCSE generation.
The wise man does at once what the fool does finally (Niccolo Machiavelli)...and what the FMOTL never does (He Who Knows)
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

He Who Knows wrote:Siegfried, I know you don't like Facebook, but I urge you again to check out Freeman on the Land - Fails. That way you will see lots of examples of Michelle Reid's FoTL nonsense and you'll be convinced that she isn't the brilliant parodist you think she is. What might have contributed to her better than average FoTl grammar/punctuation/spelling is that she's 50+ so has most likely benefited from a more rigid English teaching than the GCSE generation.
A group entitled FOTL fails does not at first glance seem very pro FOTL.
Just sayin'.
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by Ted Striker »

Ah, this seems to be the group that a Cagger called Seanamarts belongs to, who Bungle welcomes to CAG with open arms. Can you judge a person by the people they associate with?
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Re: Meet the Dragons

Post by letissier14 »

FMOTL - Fails, is without doubt the best group on Facebook for its mocking of everything FMOTL related. Michelle Reid has been slated on there numerous times in the past for her fmotl stance.
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions