Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by dannyno »

I did some newspaper database research. I'm risking the presumption these are all the same person - the age seems to be right.

From the Nottingham Evening Post, 21 January 1999, p.12:
A HEROIN addict escaped an immediate prison sentence for driving while disqualified so she could look after her seven-year-old son.

Stipendiary magistrate Peter Nuttall told Melanie Shaw, 28, he would adjourn sentencing for four weeks so probation officers could look into the possibility of putting her on a programme to combat her addiction.

Shaw, of Byford Close, Mapperley, also pleaded guilty to driving without insurance and giving a false name to police. The court heard she was stopped in Mapperley Park on August 5 after going through a red light.

The court heard Shaw, who was given a suspended sentence at crown court in December, suffered abuse as a child which led to her drug addiction. There was no one else to look after her son and she had started a computer course at Clarendon College to try to escape her old life. Shaw was bailed to return to court on February 18.
And Nottingham Evening Post, 24 May 2012, p.8:
MELANIE Shaw, 41, of Bonnington Crescent, Sherwood, pleaded guilty to driving a Honda Civic car in Mansfield Road, Nottingham, on July 19 last year without a proper licence.

She was disqualified for six months, fined £75, and ordered to pay £35 costs and a £15 victim surcharge.
And Nottingham Post, 12 December 2014, p.24-25, by Rebecca Sherdley:
A WOMAN convicted of arson after a family of five had to flee their home when she set fire to their garden shed will serve her sentence in the community.

Melanie Shaw, 44, of Bonnington Crescent, Sherwood, was found guilty of starting a shed fire and throwing paint on the Sherwood family's home last month.

Despite denying the charges, she was convicted by a jury's unanimous verdict of arson, being reckless as to whether life was endangered on February 1, and damaging property at the same house on June 26.

Returning to court yesterday, she was given a community order for three years with supervision from the probation service.

Judge Michael Pert QC said he was satisfied Shaw suffered from mental illness.

He told her: "Because you are ill, I'm not going to send you to prison."

She was given a five-year restraining order, which bans her from contacting the victims of the arson attack or going to their home.

Shaw thanked the judge for his time as she left court. Her many supporters, who attended her trial, clapped her as she left.

Shaw was said to have had a grudge against a friend who lived at the house where the sheds were set on fire after she had spoken to social services.

Shaw, who is a churchgoer, lived nearby and had threatened her friend before. She started a fire in the family's garden shed as they slept, the court heard.

The friend's husband, who raised the alarm, told the court that they had all gone to bed when he awoke and heard a noise like the sound of running water.

He thought one of the children had left a tap on but when he got up, he saw orange flames against the landing window.

"I went to the window, thinking next door was on fire, and saw the shed was ablaze," he told the court.

His partner called the fire brigade, while he ran to neighbours' houses to alert them to the danger.

Flammable acetylene gas bottles had been inside the shed but remained intact.

The family could not return immediately to their home until it was considered safe because acetylene can continue to burn inside the cylinder.

The fire happened at night, so it was not until the following morning that the family saw abusive graffiti about their daughter on a door and a wall.

Four months after starting the blaze, Shaw attacked the family's home again, throwing paint at the house.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofersf

Post by The Seventh String »

There's a slight error in the report.

Acetylene bottles aren't inflammable. Acetylene under pressure is more in the line of being a high explosive. It's also quite unstable. If a cylinder is heated, knocked over or hit hard the acetylene can start to seperate out from the absorbent material that contains it. The cylinder then starts vibrating and it's time to leage the area and get the fire brigade.

Who will quite probably evacuate the area for at least a couple of hundred yards, do what they safely can to remove any other cylinders, set hoses spraying on the bottle and retire to a safe distance themselves.

There's a good reason health and safety law has very specific requirements for securing acetylene cylinders and good reasons why insurance companies aren't keen on them either.

If Shaw had not been ill I expect she'd have received a pretty stiff sentence.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by Dr. Caligari »

she was convicted by a jury's unanimous verdict of arson, being reckless as to whether life was endangered
In other words, but for the grace of God she would be guilty of felony murder (at least in most U.S. states; I don't know if the U.K. still follows the common-law felony murder rule, under which the death of any person, even if unintended by the killer, is first-degree murder if it results from the commission of an "inherently dangerous felony" such as arson, kidnapping or armed robbery).
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Dr. Caligari wrote:In other words, but for the grace of God she would be guilty of felony murder (at least in most U.S. states; I don't know if the U.K. still follows the common-law felony murder rule, under which the death of any person, even if unintended by the killer, is first-degree murder if it results from the commission of an "inherently dangerous felony" such as arson, kidnapping or armed robbery).
The UK doesn't have "felony murder" as a crime and relies on I think "joint enterprise". There is not as broad a reading of the interpretations either.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by He Who Knows »

Just did a bit of research as I was intrigued as to why Melanie Shaw was still in prison after a 2-year sentence in January 2016. Seems she won't be let out for good behaviour as she's allegedly assaulted a member of prison staff. The UK Column and Brian Gerrish are all over it with their conspiracy theories (allegedly she's an innocent whistleblower of seedy goings on involving MPS and child abuse - the usual stuff). Interestingly, she worked for her own MP - wonder what his take on the matter is... ... rt-hearing
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you, that Melanie didn't understand that release for good behavior requires actual good behavior before the release part, and that she didn't "behave good". She sounds like a real gem.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by TheNewSaint »

Wow, the authorities have been damn lenient with her over the years.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by SteveUK »

To be a little fair, she could’ve suffered terribly at the local Home. It’s now under investigation for historic abuse allegations.

The problem with her and Micky Summers, is any valid point they might have is lost in a sea of conspiracy based nutjobbery.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by Hercule Parrot »

TheNewSaint wrote:Wow, the authorities have been damn lenient with her over the years.
Mighty decent of them to be lenient towards the consequences of their own gross neglect.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Mighty decent of them to be lenient towards the consequences of their own gross neglect.
Don't think of 'the authorities' as being one quasi-person with one mind and motives.This is one of the big FMOTL errors.
One branch of authority was the well flawed childcare system, another branch is the judicial system and a third, social services. Much of the work of all of these is dealing with problems involving and possibly sometimes caused by the others. Another variable is the people they are dealing with and how they got to be the people they are.
All of these people, in general do what they can with what they have to the best of their abilities, some could get better paid, less stressful jobs elsewhere.
My partner is involved in youth justice, she does her best, and I suspect others do too.
It is facile to think of authorities as 'Them', all lumped together. When it comes down to it there is no Them, it is really just Us.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:
Mighty decent of them to be lenient towards the consequences of their own gross neglect.
Don't think of 'the authorities' as being one quasi-person with one mind and motives..
A well made point, in general terms. But specific to the welfare of children in the care of the state, there is a concept called "corporate parenting" which expressly calls for public services to work closely together and use all of their resources to protect that child's interests (e.g. ... -parenting).

Maybe they didn't have this when Melanie was growing up in Nottingham, or maybe they just didn't do it very well. My limited view of the modern system doesn't encourage optimism, to be honest. Anyhow, I'll stop being a Donnie Downer :|
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

From Hoaxtead:

And from STOP007 :haha:

What have I missed?
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I cannot recall ever hearing of a woman charged with sexual assault before.

I suppose it would have to be a girl on girl thing as I cannot imagine a bloke complaining, or not to the point of making a case out of it.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:33 pm I cannot recall ever hearing of a woman charged with sexual assault before.

I suppose it would have to be a girl on girl thing as I cannot imagine a bloke complaining, or not to the point of making a case out of it.
I did read that she was refused early release because of an assault in prison in Feb 2017. It could be that this has finally come to court.

Doh! Of course I read it. He Who Knows posted it earlier in the thread!!! :mouthshut:
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:33 pm I cannot recall ever hearing of a woman charged with sexual assault before.

I suppose it would have to be a girl on girl thing as I cannot imagine a bloke complaining, or not to the point of making a case out of it.
It happens sometimes, and can cause very severe harm to the victim. Much rarer than M>F sexual assaults. Unfortunately most victims will not make a crime report because it's not taken seriously, some get laughter and "laddish" remarks about how lucky they were. Don't want to be a wet blanket, so will not soapbox about it here.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by fortinbras »

I have heard of a woman being charged with sexual assault -- cases of female teachers seducing (if that's the proper word) young boys.

Somehow, whenever the news media reports this, they have to keep reminding us that the boy is a "victim".
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by The Seventh String »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:33 pm I cannot recall ever hearing of a woman charged with sexual assault before.
Google has lots of examples, mostly from the US.
Siegfried Shrink wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:33 pm I suppose it would have to be a girl on girl thing as I cannot imagine a bloke complaining, or not to the point of making a case out of it.
A good proportion of the cases are assaults on men by women. Not everyone appreciates being groped or forced to do stuff at gunpoint.

Though is the offence occured while she was detained it’s most likely the alleged victim was femal of course.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by Hercule Parrot »

fortinbras wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:55 pm I have heard of a woman being charged with sexual assault -- cases of female teachers seducing (if that's the proper word) young boys.

Somehow, whenever the news media reports this, they have to keep reminding us that the boy is a "victim".
They have to do that because of the persistent and harmful myth in many societies that a raped or molested boy has been "lucky" if the perpetrator was a woman. We look at her picture in the news report and nudge each other, wouldn't mind a bit of that eh? Staying behind for private French lessons... pwhoar! Obviously if the boy was molested by a male teacher, we'd be outraged by what that sick bastard did, throw away the key etc.

Nobody could deny that teenagers are fizzing with hormones and eager for romance and sex. Teachers can sometimes be the subject of those feelings, and it's a fundamental part of their job to manage that with kind, clear boundaries. Even worse are the teachers who intentionally take advantage of a pupil's immature and impulsive confusion, grooming them into a sexual relationship to meet the teacher's own immature and improper needs.
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by SteveUK »

If this is to be taken seriously, it seems like's shes got a few(4) lifetime restraining orders against her. Seems she can also count stalking amongst her many talents.One of the lifetime CROs is against a female prison officer.

Disclaimer:With a name like 'truth machine' it needs a JCB of salt. ...
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Re: Melanie Shaw gets dubious help from Troofers

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Co-incidentally there is a current case in the US that has caused a certain amount of controversy because the media reports fail to use the word "rape". This to a large extent is because of the Federal Department of Justice definition which makes it difficult to charge a woman with the offence, even though for all practical purposes it has happened. ... 738966002/
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