Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

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Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by SteveUK »

Rightey, it's been mentioned a few times in various threads, so here it is. The official Quatloos Socvit translation service!
Please avoid quoting people and just add to the list with your favourite nut-jobbery using the format (term, sovcit meaning, actual meaning). Lets try to keep a simple format to this.

I'll start the ball rolling with a few of their favourites.

Article 61 Magna Carta (1215 version ) - often understood to be granting them lawful rebellion, meaning they can simply ignore the laws and do what they want. This is commonly applied to obligations (such as taxes, driving licenses etc) but mysteriously not to the good stuff (ie welfare system). Actual meaning - an ancient agreement between the barons and the king. Had no application to your average commoner, never made it onto the statute book and is dead and buried in the history lessons of the UK.

Common Law - understood by FMOTL to be the law that applies to common people as opposed to horrible old corporations and anything the government decides is wrong to do. Often jumbled up with natural law and other mumbo jumbo. Actual meaning is that of case law. A superior court binds an inferior one upon its interpretation of the law to a set of circumstances in a given trial.

Straw Man - a mysterious second copy of yourself which is somehow bound by the legal system whilst the 'flesh and blood' person can do what the heck they want. Often used as defense in court with a success rate 0%. Actually is when you use a front man to buy and benefit from something, an initial starting point to generate ideas or a popular device to keep birds off of crops.

Get adding you lot!!!!
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by exiledscouser »

on oath - I believe any old bollocks posted on the internet

remain in honour - I have none and am trying to weasel out of my obligations
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by TheNewSaint »

Kidnapped - arrested
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by exiledscouser »

Success !!!!!!11!!!!!!! - abject failure
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by exiledscouser »

fake court - real court

court de jure - fake court
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by rosy »

The Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 - Freemen and Sov'runs believe that getting a birth certificate for a child creates a 'trust' (see also entry for Trust) and/or an annuity which they must access before the child is seven in order to claim untold wealth. What it actually is: an outdated piece of legislation which gave the next-of-kin leave to apply for a person to be declared dead if they had gone 'beyond the sea' (at the time, meaning outside the realms of Scotland, England & Wales) and had not been heard of for seven years or more.

Birth Certificate - Believed to be a magical document which gives access to a secret trust of money (see also entry for Cestui Que Vie Act 1666). Also believed to be a document giving 'ownership' of a child to the state, or making the child a slave. Further, there is a belief that any numbers on the birth certificate translate to bond numbers, which are traded on stock exchanges around the world. Actual meaning: a copy of the entry on the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages (under the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953), which simply records the event of a birth and contains the information furnished to the registrar by the informants (usually the parents). The number on the certificate refers simply to the serial number of the piece of paper itself to prevent fraud, similar to serial numbers on paper money. Any match with bond numbers is purely coincidental and stems from the fact that with only 26 letters and 10 digits, any relatively short identifying number made up of letters and numbers has a limited number of combinations (see also entry for National Insurance Number).

National Insurance Number - A number in the form LL nn nn nn L (where L=Letter and n=number). Believed to be another magical number that translates to a bond number, giving access to wealth. Actual meaning: a unique reference number used to ensure a person's NI and tax contributions are properly recorded in their name. Also used as a reference number in correspondence with HMRC and DWP.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by The Seventh String »

The Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 This Act is so key to FMOTL ideology that internet seaches for it produce very many “hits” on FMOTL sites that rarely quote the Act correctly.

The wording of the Act, in the original 17th century English, can be found on the UK government’s website at
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

For and on the record ... Hmmmmm .... Meaningless chant to be used while you think of something to say.

Article 4 free inhabitant .... Immune to statute law .... Idiot.

Joinder ... any form of interaction between anyone for any purpose or none..... (a) Persons Who May Join or Be Joined. (B) any question of law or fact common to all plaintiffs will arise in the action. ... The court may grant judgment to one or more plaintiffs according to their rights, and against one or more defendants according to their liabilities

I do Not Consent. ...... Ya. Ya, you can't touch me. ..... Yes. we can.

Statute (or occasionally, statue) .... Something that has to be consented to by me. Something that your parliamentary representatives consented to for you.

All caps name ... magic ghost that can carry all your sins (Holy Ghost?) .................
Something that's a bit easier to read.

Blacks Law ... The fount of all legal wisdom. .... An American legal dictionary, often US specific in definitions. May be misinterpreted to mean anything.

Travelling.. ... Carefree wandering in a ton or two of steel and plastic. .... Walking.

Jurisdiction ..... No idea what it means apart from possibly a get out of Gaol Free card ...The right of a court to decide matters before it.

Assault .... Lightly touching, physical prevention of illegal activity... .Common assault (no harm), assault occasioning actual bodily harm, occasioning grievious bodily harm.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

FRAUD! = Anything, and I mean anything, that is going to cost me some money.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by longdog »

Summons: Invitation.

Understand: Stand under.

Nunc Pro Tunc: No idea but it sounds important so I'll use it.

Without ill will or frivolity: I'm trying to get out of doing something I agreed to do. Usually involving paying back money borrowed.

Notice to agent is notice to principle. Notice to principle is notice to agent: A totally unnecessary addition to correspondence which means if you write to a person at an organisation you are writing to the organisation itself. Everybody else in the world takes this as read but adding it sounds impressive don't ya fink?

Words are defined as affaint defines them: I'm a semi-literate buffoon who doesn't own a dictionary.

Lien: In UK footlerism a piece of paper made worthless by the application of ink.

Bankster: Jew.

Global banking system: Jews.

New World Order: Jews again.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by aesmith »

I'm sure the reason they bang on about a court de jure is because they think that means a court with a jury. I'm not even sure the term has any actual meaning in the real world, as far as I can gather de jure means something like "as defined in law" which would surely include any of our courts.

Another one that keeps cropping up is joinder. There was a post on the old Goofy where someone pointed out that they seemed not to understand it's real meaning.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by longdog »

aesmith wrote:I'm sure the reason they bang on about a court de jure is because they think that means a court with a jury. I'm not even sure the term has any actual meaning in the real world, as far as I can gather de jure means something like "as defined in law" which would surely include any of our courts.
Often seen as 'Court De Jour' which for people whose French is worse than mine means 'Court of the day' :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Wet Ink Signature: The most powerful thing known to mankind.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Wet ink signature .... None genuine without it .... Not needed on copies of warrents because they are merely evidence that a judgement has been made. They are not the judgment itself.

Lien, commercial lien ..... a grab at some money ... no meaning in British law although understood, a charge could be a British equivalent although charge has several meanings.

Summons .... Something to be ignored .... An order to appear in court.

Fine .... Something to be ignored... Penalty for wrongdoing.

Constitution ,,, rules written in stone that support whatever position suits me.... Does not exist in UK, as such. American import.

Gold ... Fairy dust ... A yellow metal widely traded.

A Million Minimum sum for a lien (see above) One thousand thousands.

A Trillion Better sum for a lien (see above) One million millions.

Freemason .... sinister gentleman with immense secret power .... Mr Rodney Jones from Luton with his trouser leg rolled up.

TDA (US only) A treasury account with your name on it and your money in it ....
A portal to invest directly in US Treasury bonds.

Freeman ... Romantic concept..... Usually a not for very long free man, often, though, classed as 'harmless nutter'

Sovereign ..... another romantic concept ..... in practice ruled by almost everybody including PCSOs.

Scum ... any bailiff or court official ..... usually should be self applied.

Admiralty/Maritime Law ... catch all term associated with CQV trust (qv) .... Boring specialised stuff about demurrage and general average.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Corporation .... any organised body (implicit:- that does something I do not like) ....
A number of people joined in a common purpose and governed by a set of rules for conducting that purpose. May be purely commercial or quasi-governmental as in the Mayor and Corporation of the City of London.

Policy enforcers ..... British Gestapo...... Police. A sick joke to anyone familar with really arbitary policing.

Legalese ... a special labguage spoken only by those who oppress... specialised English vocabulary available to anyone willing to take a few hours to pick up the basics. And not from you tube videos.

Implict right of access, removal of .... magic words to repel invaders.... ... Ineffective on the face of it against those who have an explicit right of access. (Nowadays almost anybody)

The Vatican.... Palace of a world controlling, soul owning, Luciferian conspiracy. .... Place in Rome with great pictures and architecture.

Children ,,, my property, also 'court fodder' (see Rab Sproul, passim) ... Your responsibility

Truth ... what I believe..... ..... Usually lies.

Lies ..... Anything I do not believe. ...... Usually truth.

Sheeple .... derogatory term for non-believers.. .... people who do not get their car windows smashed by police.

Quatlosers .... Sinister cabal of often mocking satanistic pedofiles. ... Bunch of ordinary people.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by Gregg »

Treason Anything at all under color of law that infringes on my natural rights not to pay my bills or be held to the responsibilities of society.... in the USA "specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." general, "the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war"
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Acceptance for Value -- often abbreviated as "A4V".

in Fmotl/Sovcit usage, it means something like "court transactions are commercial transactions in another guise; so I can "accept for value" things like traffic tickets, court summonses and court orders, and ignore them by "refusing for cause" (see below)."

In reality, UCC 3-303 says:


(a) An instrument is issued or transferred for value if:

(1) the instrument is issued or transferred for a promise of performance, to the extent the promise has been performed;

(2) the transferee acquires a security interest or other lien in the instrument other than a lien obtained by judicial proceeding;

(3) the instrument is issued or transferred as payment of, or as security for, an antecedent claim against any person, whether or not the claim is due;

(4) the instrument is issued or transferred in exchange for a negotiable instrument; or

(5) the instrument is issued or transferred in exchange for the incurring of an irrevocable obligation to a third party by the person taking the instrument.

(b) "Consideration" means any consideration sufficient to support a simple contract. The drawer or maker of an instrument has a defense if the instrument is issued without consideration. If an instrument is issued for a promise of performance, the issuer has a defense to the extent performance of the promise is due and the promise has not been performed. If an instrument is issued for value as stated in subsection (a), the instrument is also issued for consideration.

Refusal for Cause -- often abbreviated to "RFC" or "RfC".

Following on the above-mentioned perception of court transactions being another form of commercial transactions, this enables the Fmotl/Sovcit freeman to reject, and immunize oneself from, noxious legal documents, including (but not limited to) the examples given above.

In June of 2011, our old friend Kestrel linked this hooey to UCC § 3-501, which deals with, among other things, the right to refuse to make payment on a presented negotiable legal instrument, under certain specified conditions.

Uniform Commerical Code

Again, since court transactions are really commercial transactions, the UCC operates as a "get out of court free" card for those who are brave enough to use it. Since it is a "uniform" law, its appliction is not limited to the United States.

In reality, the UCC, in its various versions, is simply a way for the various US states to harmonize their laws regarding sales and other (genuinely) commercial transactions.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:Treason Anything at all under color of law that infringes on my natural rights not to pay my bills or be held to the responsibilities of society.... in the USA "specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." general, "the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war"
The "aid and comfort" also has to involve actual adherence to, or joining, the enemy in question. Say that, having stripped the gears of his brain, John Doe were to start walking around Boston, holding a sign saying "Victory to the Islamic State! Down with the Satanic U.S.!" That would be proof of his impaired mental state; but unless he began sending money and supplies to Daesh, or tried to enlist in their military forces, nothing he did, as he walked around, would sink to the level of treason.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by Pox »

Disabled = I have broken my finger nail/stubbed my toe.
Mental health issues = an excuse to do anything I damn well like.
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Re: Sovcit Glossary - translating the nonsense

Post by wserra »

Notary public: someone with magical powers second only to Merlin's.

Maxim of equity: the most powerful words ever written or spoken. A notary who intones a maxim of equity opens a path to a new, previously unknown dimension.

I rest on the counterclaim: I have no clue what else to say.

Sixteenth Amendment (U.S.): that rare bird, a constitutional provision that does absolutely nothing.

Notice to the agent is notice to the principal, notice to the principal is notice to the agent: like "Once upon a time", only less poetic.
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