Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

But that’s what I love about footler scams, they’re all so cyclical.

2 years on from PoE and there’s 2 new contenders. Harvey Dent and his nonsense. Just as you’d forgotten about a scam it rears it’s head again wearing a slightly different uniform , and sporting a new accent.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by The Seventh String »

Burnaby49 wrote:This is all so yesterday. When I started posting on Quatloos in 2011 the Opportunity to Cure and Notice of Conditional Acceptance scam had already been tried and discredited here in Canada. Yet, over six years later, your idiots still have a pathetic belief that imposing unilateral contracts somehow, through some form of magic known only to them, work.
Contract law? Far too modern to have attracted their attention. The (Im)Practical (Un)Lawful Dissenters haven’t yet caught up with the law from 802 years ago when their beloved clause 61 was abolished.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

Another genius writes...
Aaron French
17 hrs

silly question im sure as been asked before but; I want to grow a single cannabis plant in my home possibly to smoke but mainly because i want to.
i was told that as long as i write to my local police force and Notify them, giving them 28 days to reply to my recorded delivery notce i should be within the law.

is this true?
and if not, what other ways are there for me to grow a plant on my window sill...

genuine question, thanks guys
I want to do something that's illegal but not something the police will be even vaguely interested in. Should I just discretely get on with it or should I provoke the police into acting by giving them no other choice? What a conundrum. :roll:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

Call for action and support on Monday 5th February. Derby magistrates court, The Court House, St Mary's Gate, Derby, DE1 3JR. Start time 9.30am, but probably won’t be called until after 10.30am. Following on from Bellion Re David’s appearance at the same court on 3rd January, he has been invited to appear for a trial in the same court room number 6. He will not be making a plea although the magistrates may unlawfully enter a plea on his behalf. He will be questioning them on jurisdiction and Article 61 and we would like as many witnesses as possible. This will be a great chance to show the non courts that they have no power, if all goes well we can shut the non court down and get the ball rolling for many other cases. Please make it if you can, it will also be a good time to meet likeminded people face to face. Some of us travelling from afar will be staying at the Premier Inn on Full Street on Sunday night.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

SteveUK wrote:
Please make it if you can, it will also be a good time to meet likeminded people face to face. Some of us travelling from afar will be staying at the Premier Inn on Full Street on Sunday night.
Translation: There might be another solitary person who shares your delusions staying at this hotel, depending on the amount of effort required by the journey. :beatinghorse:
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

A good location for the Premier Inn. The Silk Mill Ale and Cider House is just across the park, good pub. When I went it has a stunningly beautiful blonde serving behind the bar. I walked out of there a smitten man. Even broke our rule of only one pint to a pub. Ye Olde Dophin Inne is close too. A CAMRA heritage pub because of it's long unchanged interior; ... tail=brief

But of course this gang will be more concerned about price so I'd suggest the Babbington Arms or the Standing Order, both Wetherspoons.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

Sergeant Khan, having ignored David's previous two letters full of gibberish is now being served with a third letter full of gibberish... That'll learn him!
David Robinson
44 mins

To: 9420 Rafiq Khan (Doing business as police sergeant for West Midlands Police).
Police HQ
West Midlands Police
Lloyd House
Colmore Circus
B4 6NQ

From: David Robinson


Date: 30-01-2018

Served by recorded post.

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal

Dear 9420 Rafiq Khan,

Whereas the AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH served on you on the 2nd of January 2018 has been totally ignored by West Midlands Police Constabulary, it now appears that you and your colleagues are happy to aid and abet an evidential treasonous regime by ignoring the very people you are supposed to be in service to.

This is frankly unacceptable behaviour from those of you whom are entrusted to protect the people of this nation from crime. The destruction of British National Sovereignty by TRAITORS and IMPOSTERS within the halls of Westminster Cannot be allowed to continue. We all have a moral duty to observe the truth and the law Rafiq, especially those whom have sworn an Oath of Office.

IT IS EVIDENTIAL FACT that Elizabeth II responded to the Petition of the Barons on the 39th day of the 40 days permitted by law for redress to be forthcoming. It can clearly be seen that the response did not prevent the ratification of the treasonous treaty of Nice and, that the Barons' committee had no choice but to invoke Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 less be in breach of British Constitutional law themselves.

I put it to you Rafiq that the queen knew exactly what she was doing when she responded to said petition. Some say that Elizabeth II is being held hostage by the present quisling administration, and that she knew full well that the Barons would have to bring the country into a state of diffidation which is why she did not ignore it.

By allowing the present regime to continue its blatant criminality and especially committing High Treason, you are aiding in the demise of the people's natural born rights including your my friend are being used as a “useful idiot” by the corporate cabal that seeks to destroy our liberty, justice, the truth and the peace. History repeats, remember what Adolf Hitler did to the brown shirts )the night of the long knives) and what Joseph Stalin did to 4000 of his own Generals after they were excess to requirements.

Do you not think it strange that the queen replied to the Barons' petition if by your understanding Magna Carta 1215 had been repealed in 1297? you not think it strange that we celebrated the 8th centenary of Magna Carta on the 15th June 2015 and, that coins were minted in its commemoration? Furthermore, why then did we not celebrate the 7th centenary of Magna Carta 1297 in 1997 if it had succeeded Magna Carta 1215?

Of course we know the peer pressure that you will be under dealing with this matter Rafiq, but you have a moral choice and an obligation under your warrant card to observe the truth and British law sir. Observing the truth is a fundamental requirement for all people let alone police constables. If you cannot observe the truth then you are unfit for duty and a threat to the public, and that is the bottom line here. How can you serve such an obviously despotic regime anyway...are you all insane?

After some deliberation between the members of the lawful rebellion movement, we feel at this time that we can offer you amnesty from prosecution for aiding and abetting High Treason, but for a limited period of time only, we are fast running out of time for a peaceful and legal remedy against the destruction of our natural born rights.

We understand the very difficult position that you are all in, we extend this amnesty to your colleagues also including the previous superintendent and the present chief constable (both on Notice). This we are prepared to offer you and your colleagues if you observe the truth and the law within the next 30 days. There are approximately 200,000 serving British police constables in Britain if my research is correct? there are but a few thousand individuals committing High Treason and aiding and abetting the crime, but there are millions of people who would eagerly support the police in arresting Theresa May and her co-conspirators I can assure you of that.

If you continue to ignore the evidenced facts, which will lead to Britain as a sovereign Nation being utterly destroyed, with armed, foreign police on British shores, then you will be helping to destroy your own rights as well as those of your family, this is a matter of life and death of an entire nation Rafiq! Not only are they deliberately destroying our services personnel with TETRA they are intent on destroying us all with smart meters and geo-engineeing, among other deadly practices being employed.

When the majority of the people wake up to the gravity of the situation that we are in and they will, you will be amongst the most detested men and women in Britain if you continue to ignore the truth. When the people overthrow this long term agenda to destroy the common law and the people themselves, there will be no mercy for those whom helped this genocidal plot to unfold whilst in full knowledge of the facts. You seemed like a decent, reasonable guy to me Rafiq, not someone who would turn a blind eye to such a travesty.

We (The lawful rebellion movement) require a response to this Notice and the previous said Affidavit within 30 days from receipt of this Notification. If no response is forthcoming within that reasonable time frame then it shall be taken to mean by all interested parties that West Midlands Police are happy to be known as traitors to the British people and consequently stand as outlaws themselves. That they are content in aiding and abetting the overthrowing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in blatant disregard for the rule of law and royal command, which is to transfer allegiance over to the committee of the Barons until redress has been achieved.

Rafiq, there are literally millions of people who are now aware that the present government is intent on keeping Britain under the control of the EU and UN. The people voted to leave the EU, it is only a matter of time before they realize that it is high treason, and what high treason actually means for their futures.... what do you think will happen then? or will you just help them execute EU extradition orders to silence people like us whom dare to speak and write the TRUTH?

Finally Rafiq, if you have any care for your own family and their future think about what you are doing, and help us do something about it whilst we still can.

Yours sincerely: David Robinson (spokesperson).
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

longdog wrote:Sergeant Khan, having ignored David's previous two letters full of gibberish is now being served with a third letter full of gibberish... That'll learn him!
David Robinson
44 mins

To: 9420 Rafiq Khan (Doing business as police sergeant for West Midlands Police).
Police HQ
West Midlands Police
Lloyd House
Colmore Circus
B4 6NQ

From: David Robinson


Date: 30-01-2018

Served by recorded post.

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal

Dear 9420 Rafiq Khan,

Whereas the AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH served on you on the 2nd of January 2018 has been totally ignored by West Midlands Police Constabulary, it now appears that you and your colleagues are happy to aid and abet an evidential treasonous regime by ignoring the very people you are supposed to be in service to.

This is frankly unacceptable behaviour from those of you whom are entrusted to protect the people of this nation from crime. The destruction of British National Sovereignty by TRAITORS and IMPOSTERS within the halls of Westminster Cannot be allowed to continue. We all have a moral duty to observe the truth and the law Rafiq, especially those whom have sworn an Oath of Office.

IT IS EVIDENTIAL FACT that Elizabeth II responded to the Petition of the Barons on the 39th day of the 40 days permitted by law for redress to be forthcoming. It can clearly be seen that the response did not prevent the ratification of the treasonous treaty of Nice and, that the Barons' committee had no choice but to invoke Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 less be in breach of British Constitutional law themselves.

I put it to you Rafiq that the queen knew exactly what she was doing when she responded to said petition. Some say that Elizabeth II is being held hostage by the present quisling administration, and that she knew full well that the Barons would have to bring the country into a state of diffidation which is why she did not ignore it.

By allowing the present regime to continue its blatant criminality and especially committing High Treason, you are aiding in the demise of the people's natural born rights including your my friend are being used as a “useful idiot” by the corporate cabal that seeks to destroy our liberty, justice, the truth and the peace. History repeats, remember what Adolf Hitler did to the brown shirts )the night of the long knives) and what Joseph Stalin did to 4000 of his own Generals after they were excess to requirements.

Do you not think it strange that the queen replied to the Barons' petition if by your understanding Magna Carta 1215 had been repealed in 1297? you not think it strange that we celebrated the 8th centenary of Magna Carta on the 15th June 2015 and, that coins were minted in its commemoration? Furthermore, why then did we not celebrate the 7th centenary of Magna Carta 1297 in 1997 if it had succeeded Magna Carta 1215?

Of course we know the peer pressure that you will be under dealing with this matter Rafiq, but you have a moral choice and an obligation under your warrant card to observe the truth and British law sir. Observing the truth is a fundamental requirement for all people let alone police constables. If you cannot observe the truth then you are unfit for duty and a threat to the public, and that is the bottom line here. How can you serve such an obviously despotic regime anyway...are you all insane?

After some deliberation between the members of the lawful rebellion movement, we feel at this time that we can offer you amnesty from prosecution for aiding and abetting High Treason, but for a limited period of time only, we are fast running out of time for a peaceful and legal remedy against the destruction of our natural born rights.

We understand the very difficult position that you are all in, we extend this amnesty to your colleagues also including the previous superintendent and the present chief constable (both on Notice). This we are prepared to offer you and your colleagues if you observe the truth and the law within the next 30 days. There are approximately 200,000 serving British police constables in Britain if my research is correct? there are but a few thousand individuals committing High Treason and aiding and abetting the crime, but there are millions of people who would eagerly support the police in arresting Theresa May and her co-conspirators I can assure you of that.

If you continue to ignore the evidenced facts, which will lead to Britain as a sovereign Nation being utterly destroyed, with armed, foreign police on British shores, then you will be helping to destroy your own rights as well as those of your family, this is a matter of life and death of an entire nation Rafiq! Not only are they deliberately destroying our services personnel with TETRA they are intent on destroying us all with smart meters and geo-engineeing, among other deadly practices being employed.

When the majority of the people wake up to the gravity of the situation that we are in and they will, you will be amongst the most detested men and women in Britain if you continue to ignore the truth. When the people overthrow this long term agenda to destroy the common law and the people themselves, there will be no mercy for those whom helped this genocidal plot to unfold whilst in full knowledge of the facts. You seemed like a decent, reasonable guy to me Rafiq, not someone who would turn a blind eye to such a travesty.

We (The lawful rebellion movement) require a response to this Notice and the previous said Affidavit within 30 days from receipt of this Notification. If no response is forthcoming within that reasonable time frame then it shall be taken to mean by all interested parties that West Midlands Police are happy to be known as traitors to the British people and consequently stand as outlaws themselves. That they are content in aiding and abetting the overthrowing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in blatant disregard for the rule of law and royal command, which is to transfer allegiance over to the committee of the Barons until redress has been achieved.

Rafiq, there are literally millions of people who are now aware that the present government is intent on keeping Britain under the control of the EU and UN. The people voted to leave the EU, it is only a matter of time before they realize that it is high treason, and what high treason actually means for their futures.... what do you think will happen then? or will you just help them execute EU extradition orders to silence people like us whom dare to speak and write the TRUTH?

Finally Rafiq, if you have any care for your own family and their future think about what you are doing, and help us do something about it whilst we still can.

Yours sincerely: David Robinson (spokesperson).
I particularly like this bit....
"After some deliberation between the members of the lawful rebellion movement, we feel at this time that we can offer you amnesty from prosecution for aiding and abetting High Treason, but for a limited period of time only, we are fast running out of time for a peaceful and legal remedy against the destruction of our natural born rights."

It obviously doesn't occur to the pompous idiot that under common law no individual has any power to offer an amnesty for dropping litter let alone high treason. He genuinely seems to think he has some kind of power rather than being the ineffectual waster he really is. :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by grixit »

David Robinson wrote:
To: 9420 Rafiq Khan (Doing business as police sergeant for West Midlands Police).

From: David Robinson

Rafiq Khan wrote:
To: David Robinson (Doing no business anyone can discern).

From: Rafiq Khan

No notice needed, Sunshine. Your willful ignorance has been apparent from the start.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

And to add to their failure - another PLD success !!1!!
Good Afternoon, advice needed.
My husband is in Lawful Rebellion and doesn't pay council tax...its has gone to Confero Collections....we just got home to find a letter on the floor saying"24hours Notice" before enforcement, we handed it back to him, and he told us that he will get a "Bail Warrant" is this true and correct please.. Thank you for any advice.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

SteveUK wrote:And to add to their failure - another PLD success !!1!!
Good Afternoon, advice needed.
My husband is in Lawful Rebellion and doesn't pay council tax...its has gone to Confero Collections....we just got home to find a letter on the floor saying"24hours Notice" before enforcement, we handed it back to him, and he told us that he will get a "Bail Warrant" is this true and correct please.. Thank you for any advice.
And then Robert "bankrupted for non payment of council tax" White chips in with his invaluable advice based on personal experience.
Robert White

Congratulations to your husband for not paying council tax, if he's under oath he has a duty not to pay. Bailiffs have no power they just use scare tactics to try and get people to pay. Tell him to send a notice of Conditional Acceptance and go through the process. So long as he sticks to his guns they will soon go away.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by letissier14 »

Burnaby49 wrote:A good location for the Premier Inn. The Silk Mill Ale and Cider House is just across the park, good pub. When I went it has a stunningly beautiful blonde serving behind the bar. I walked out of there a smitten man. Even broke our rule of only one pint to a pub. Ye Olde Dophin Inne is close too. A CAMRA heritage pub because of it's long unchanged interior; ... tail=brief

But of course this gang will be more concerned about price so I'd suggest the Babbington Arms or the Standing Order, both Wetherspoons.
The Thomas Leaper next to the Standing order is also now a Wetherspoons. The Babbington Arms seems to have more odd balls in it these days than any other pub in Derby
Last edited by letissier14 on Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by letissier14 »

SteveUK wrote:Fail
Call for action and support on Monday 5th February. Derby magistrates court, The Court House, St Mary's Gate, Derby, DE1 3JR. Start time 9.30am, but probably won’t be called until after 10.30am. Following on from Bellion Re David’s appearance at the same court on 3rd January, he has been invited to appear for a trial in the same court room number 6. He will not be making a plea although the magistrates may unlawfully enter a plea on his behalf. He will be questioning them on jurisdiction and Article 61 and we would like as many witnesses as possible. This will be a great chance to show the non courts that they have no power, if all goes well we can shut the non court down and get the ball rolling for many other cases. Please make it if you can, it will also be a good time to meet likeminded people face to face. Some of us travelling from afar will be staying at the Premier Inn on Full Street on Sunday night.
I might have to attend this one, just down the road from me!
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Thomas Leaper next to the Standing order is also now a Wetherspoons. The Babbington Arms seems to have more odd balls in it these days than any other pub in Derby
Perfect spot for the PLD gang then, they'll fit right in. My favorite pub in Derby (after the Brewery Tap and the huge helping of free bread and cheese they gave us) was the Crompton Tavern. A rough and ready dump but friendly. My kind of boozer.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

Dysmal Dave bangs on about not going to a non- court and that to do so means you grant the court jurisdiction over you and anyway is treason in and of itself. Unless of course he tells you it’s ok. Like he gets to call the shots on some other divvy off the interweb’s decision to attend.

No one has to go to court but eventually a warrant will be issued and you’ll go anyway- remember Jimmy One Cell (he’s gone quiet) and his alleged Midnight Express-like experience - one day at Armley Towers.

Yes, even he, People’s Poet, serial court non- attender and all-round vegan desperado that he was, upon learning plod was looking for him immediately headed for the border handed himself in.

Bellend Re David is another Icarus PLD’er heading flat out towards confrontation for no real and valid reason I can discern other than to increase the predicate matter by a factor of ten in the punishment stakes.

It’s not as if any of the 12,000+ PLD gang really give much of a shit about him anyways, getting from them about as much sympathy as he could expect from this site.

I particularly enjoyed Dreary’s missive to the unfortunate Sgt Khan, his latest chew-toy with the hugely charitable announcement that the officer can buy himself amnesty from the horrible fate awaiting the remaining (on Dave’s figures) 199,999 of his unrepentant colleagues who just won’t see things the PLD way. Another fine example of the foisted unilateral agreement.

The good Sgt must surely be shitting himself. The title “Notice of wilful ignorance” I read as an accurate description of the document’s actual contents.

Anyway, do you know the difference between outlaws and in laws?

Outlaws are wanted.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

Yup . I notice Mark & Caroline have gone strangely silent since rallying the troops for their non court appearance !

Ollie trashed his account after his success (!!1!!) and set up a more professional boxing orientated one.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by AndyPandy »

SteveUK wrote:Ollie trashed his account after his success (!!1!!) and set up a more professional boxing orientated one.
They made him an Admin and he never posted again :haha: :haha:
The Seventh String
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by The Seventh String »

exiledscouser wrote:It’s not as if any of the 12,000+ PLD gang really give much of a shit about him anyways, getting from them about as much sympathy as he could expect from this site.
12,000? I doubt there’s much more than 120, if that.

I have it on what I regard as reasonably good authority that Facebook “likes” and “followers” can currently be bulk purchased at an annual rate of $14 per 1,000, and cheaper than that for bulk orders. Obviously it costs more if you want your purchased “followers” to actually post comments, but the basic “big up your numbers service” is apparently quite competitive these days.

Facebook “likes” are very gameable and often demonstrate something between nothing and very little. A certain notorious British political movement has managed to get around 2,000,000 “likes” despite having about a dozen members.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Seventh String wrote:
exiledscouser wrote:It’s not as if any of the 12,000+ PLD gang really give much of a shit about him anyways, getting from them about as much sympathy as he could expect from this site.
12,000? I doubt there’s much more than 120, if that.

I have it on what I regard as reasonably good authority that Facebook “likes” and “followers” can currently be bulk purchased at an annual rate of $14 per 1,000, and cheaper than that for bulk orders. Obviously it costs more if you want your purchased “followers” to actually post comments, but the basic “big up your numbers service” is apparently quite competitive these days.

Facebook “likes” are very gameable and often demonstrate something between nothing and very little. A certain notorious British political movement has managed to get around 2,000,000 “likes” despite having about a dozen members.
There was an article in the Wall Street Journal about this. Sweat Shops in Mexico and places like that busy pumping out likes on FB. They were quite open about it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by aesmith »

letissier14 wrote:I might have to attend this one, just down the road from me!
Please do.