Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Burnaby49 »

I was just using the fire and plague as an example, not as a definitive reason for the Act. As you'll note from the preamble to the Act its concern was primarily the estates of people dead at sea and not recovered;
An Act for Redresse of Inconveniencies by want of Proofe of the Deceases of Persons beyond the Seas or absenting themselves, upon whose Lives Estates doe depend.

X1 Recital that Cestui que vies have gone beyond Sea, and that Reversioners cannot find out whether they are alive or dead.
I have some expertise in Samuel Pepys and his diary. I have two very expensive sets of books I bought in the 1970's and 80's. The biggest and most expensive is the complete Oxford English Dictionary as originally published. Twelve massive volumes and five supplements.

It takes up a huge amount of bookshelf space. The second set is the complete diaries of Samuel Pepys. This edition; ... california

Eleven volumes. Nine the actual diary by year, tenth a volume of commentary, and the eleventh is the index. Cost a fortune back then before Kindle. Just by chance I started re-reading it a few weeks back. I'm at May 1660 with Pepys with the British Fleet off Holland waiting to escort the Merry Monarch back to England.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Another point about deaths of plague and in the Great Fire is that most of the dead were poor poeple who had no real property and were certainly not the people the act was written for.
A good pair of knee boots was as effective a countermeasure to plague as anything at the time. Rat fleas can't jump all that high.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by JimUk1 »

Burnaby49 wrote:I was just using the fire and plague as an example, not as a definitive reason for the Act. As you'll note from the preamble to the Act its concern was primarily the estates of people dead at sea and not recovered;
An Act for Redresse of Inconveniencies by want of Proofe of the Deceases of Persons beyond the Seas or absenting themselves, upon whose Lives Estates doe depend.

X1 Recital that Cestui que vies have gone beyond Sea, and that Reversioners cannot find out whether they are alive or dead.
I have some expertise in Samuel Pepys and his diary. I have two very expensive sets of books I bought in the 1970's and 80's. The biggest and most expensive is the complete Oxford English Dictionary as originally published. Twelve massive volumes and five supplements.

It takes up a huge amount of bookshelf space. The second set is the complete diaries of Samuel Pepys. This edition; ... california

Eleven volumes. Nine the actual diary by year, tenth a volume of commentary, and the eleventh is the index. Cost a fortune back then before Kindle. Just by chance I started re-reading it a few weeks back. I'm at May 1660 with Pepys with the British Fleet off Holland waiting to escort the Merry Monarch back to England.
It is an important document in the freemen library.....

I very much doubt they understand the meaning or content.

I once read Livvys “A history of Rome”.

I can honestly say outside of Romulus and that other guy, where the hell is Rome?
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I have had the Latham and Matthews edition for years, and re-read it every few years, I am now beginning to be able to keep track of the cast. It usually takes a few days and I speak 'archaic' for some time afterwards.

Pepys would probably have mentioned legislation that declared everyone dead and sequestered their property, he was very keen on property.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Burnaby49 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:I have had the Latham and Matthews edition for years, and re-read it every few years, I am now beginning to be able to keep track of the cast. It usually takes a few days and I speak 'archaic' for some time afterwards.

Pepys would probably have mentioned legislation that declared everyone dead and sequestered their property, he was very keen on property.
No chance that I'll ever be able to keep track of them all. I believe there are over 4,000 people named in the diaries. I don't even bother to try and remember them. I just go with the flow.

One odd point. Of the over 4,000 names there is one name notably absent, Pepy's wife. He calls her "my wife" but he never gives a name to her.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by morrand »

Burnaby49 wrote:I was just using the fire and plague as an example, not as a definitive reason for the Act. As you'll note from the preamble to the Act its concern was primarily the estates of people dead at sea and not recovered;
An Act for Redresse of Inconveniencies by want of Proofe of the Deceases of Persons beyond the Seas or absenting themselves, upon whose Lives Estates doe depend.

X1 Recital that Cestui que vies have gone beyond Sea, and that Reversioners cannot find out whether they are alive or dead.
I have probably got as much knowledge in law, especially English law pre-1900, as the subject of this thread does. Nevertheless, there is one other thing that I would point out, and it's in the first line of the Act itself:
Whereas diverse Lords of Mannours and others have granted Estates by Lease for one or more life or lives, or else for yeares determinable upon one or more life or lives And it hath often happened that such person or persons for whose life or lives such Estates have beene granted have gone beyond the Seas ...
This, I think, is a reference to a life estate, or life tenancy, which is a type of land ownership that lasts only for the duration of someone's life. Once that 'measuring life' ends, so does the ownership, which 'reverts' to someone else (the 'reversioner'): often the original owner, but sometimes not. Maybe you can see how this would be really attractive in a feudal-ish system, where the lord of the land wants to get people settled on it but doesn't want to give up control of the land permanently. The measuring life doesn't have to be the owner's—the owner could sell on the life estate to a third party, or I think it could even be set up as a tenancy based on some third party's life—but on the other hand, once established, the measuring life stayed the same: if I held a tenancy for my life on my house, and gave it to my son, when I die, my son would be dispossessed.

You can see how grossly inconvenient this could be if, rather than dying in a public duel, or something, I were then to go across the sea and vanish. Now the reversioner wants the land back, and thinks he's entitled to have it, whereas my son wants to keep his home. Up to a point, the reversioner would have to prove my death in order to trigger the reversion; the CQV act simply established that point at seven years out, beyond which it'd instead be up to my son to prove I were alive. (The second part just deals with cleaning up the circumstance where I return 10 years later, having not gone overseas at all but just had a really long night in the pub.)

Who cares, besides careless seafarers and pub customers, and beleaguered law students who still have to study the accursed things? Well, it seems to me that it takes it even further away from the strawman proponents' concept of things. This law just has to do with tidying up a semi-common way of holding land at the time. I could see a grain of truth in the strawman interpretation if this had to do with estates: for example, if, after the living man is unheard of for seven years, via the CQV Act he is presumed dead and the Crown takes possession of his property on behalf of his estate. (Assuming he dies intestate, I guess, in which case it seems like writing a will would be a much more efficient way to address it than running around writing a lot of gibberish letters with stamps and red thumbprints all over them.) But it doesn't have any connection even to that.

Maybe, and only maybe, there is some underlying idea that a birth certificate constitutes a life tenancy in a human body, and once the body's life expires, so does the tenancy. There's a certain stoned philosophical logic in that, and woolly though it is, that at least has a tenuous connection to the CQV Act. (That is, if the Crown grants the life tenancy via the birth certificate, presumably it is the remainderman as well, which leads on to all of the other stuff. Not that it's not actually nonsense.) You never seem to see it explained just like that, though. I guess either that someone needed to rewrite the script to add a role for the Zionist Bankers, or that someone needed to make it complicated enough to hide the hazy theory underlying it, or a bit of both.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Burnaby49 »

My only real experience with the Cestui que vies Act was hearing Bernie Yankson babbling about it in court. He had no coherent narrative, just that the Act meant he was owed piles of money by the government. He got no deeper into a legal analysis of the Act than than that. So I'm not assuming that any of the proponents of the Cestui que vies Act have the slightest idea what it means or its intended purpose. It's entirely possible that Bernie had not even read it.

I've had the same experience at other court hearings, particularly Charles Norman Holmes. He wanted (I seem to recall) $33,000,000. His basis for this was a mass of legislation and UN declarations. But there was absolutely no analysis or explanation, just a rapid incantation of the names of various Acts as if that alone proved his case.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Comrade Sharik »

Your mother has a birth canal just like a ship.
That's got to be the winning turn in any game of 'Yo Momma'!
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Gregg »

Comrade Sharik wrote:
Your mother has a birth canal just like a ship.
That's got to be the winning turn in any game of 'Yo Momma'!
It is, but that is a very dangerous game to play. Like Baseball, there are some rules, customs and practices that are dependent on the location of the game. The Ivy at Wrigley Field has special rules, the Green Monster at Fenway, in the old Crosely Field in Cincinnati the sloping warning track in right field... all examples of what are collectively called "ground rules".

Back to the topic, when playing "Yo Momma" in places like South Chicago, East Los Angeles, Brooklyn, New York the typical way you determine a winning turn is if it so inspires the target of the insult that he shoots you in the face. In some areas, it's not prima facie a win unless the weapon used is .45 calibre or larger.*

*Urban Gaming, Survival and Potentially Fatal Recreation rules, 7th Edition, ©1998 His High Judgmental Supremacy, Judiciary Pag, L.I.V.R. (the Learned, Impartial, and Very Relaxed)
You can also find the same basic information in How to Meet an Accidentally Violent End in America, A Guide For English Tourist, ©1992 Tricia Marie McMillan & Gail Andrews
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by longdog »

Gregg wrote:In some areas, it's not prima facie a win unless the weapon used is .45 calibre or larger.
Do you mean larger calibre or more powerful? The .44 magnum is only a .429" bullet if memory serves but more powerful than the .45ACP.

Mind you... If you're gonna be 'blatted' for Yo Momma it would be best to be killed ina proper gansta stylee with the gun inexplicably held sideways and that just looks silly with a revolver.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Not very relevant to Mr. Mcrae, but holding the gun sideways, if it is an automatic pistol, makes the empty case easier to find when cleaning up the crime scene since it is ejected straight up, falls straight down and should be quite near your feet. Held in the conventional manner the case flies out sideways and may end up being hard to find if only a few seconds are available.

I may be overthinking this and it is simply a fashion statement, like having your hat on backwards.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by TheNewSaint »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:
I may be overthinking this and [holding the gun sideways] is simply a fashion statement, like having your hat on backwards.
I thought it was popularized by Reservoir Dogs, or maybe some other Tarantino movie. I'd never seen it before the early 1990s, but I did a whole lot after.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Maybe it is purely a Hollywood thing. Actual gangbanger practices may differ. I will leave the field research to others more qualified, such as less cowardly people.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by longdog »

The 'holding the gun sideways' bullshit has been around since at least the mid eighties as it was one of the occasional novelty rounds in my gun club's monthly fun competition. Five rounds in five seconds at five targets from ten yards if memory serves and you'd be lucky to get two hits anywhere on the target.

"Shooting the cigarette out of the mouth of our beautiful young assistant Brenda with one shot" was my favourite. 10 points for hitting the cigarette, 50 points for cutting it in half, minus 10 points for a miss and minus 1000 points for shooting Brenda in the head.

Brenda (or a close relation)


Other gun clubs that shared our range said we didn't take the sport seriously... They had a point :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

longdog wrote:
"Shooting the cigarette out of the mouth of our beautiful young assistant Brenda with one shot" was my favourite. 10 points for hitting the cigarette, 50 points for cutting it in half, minus 10 points for a miss and minus 1000 points for shooting Brenda in the head.

Other gun clubs that shared our range said we didn't take the sport seriously... They had a point :snicker:
They definitely had a point. Taking the sport seriously means shooting the cherry off the end of the (lit) cigarette such that the cigarette is extinguished but otherwise undisturbed. The same can be done with a candle, of course. Leave the fancy shooting tricks to the Yanks- we've been using rifled guns longer than y'all have.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I was hoping she would at least hold an ace of spades playing card out for you to take the center out.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

The candle flame is a trick, anywhere within a couple of inches and the displaced air from the bullet will blow it out. The shooting a hole in a coin in the air trick is relatively easy as well. Toss a predrilled coin and shoot with a shot shell iinstead of a bullet. A few pellets hitting will be enough to show the marks an impact.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Burnaby49 »

You mean this is faked?

If I can't trust Rocky who can I trust?
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by noblepa »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Not very relevant to Mr. Mcrae, but holding the gun sideways, if it is an automatic pistol, makes the empty case easier to find when cleaning up the crime scene since it is ejected straight up, falls straight down and should be quite near your feet. Held in the conventional manner the case flies out sideways and may end up being hard to find if only a few seconds are available.

I may be overthinking this and it is simply a fashion statement, like having your hat on backwards.

Earlier this evening, I was watching a multi-day marathon showing of every Mythbusters episode ever made.

Jamie and Adam tried various stances for shooting a .45 automatic. The worst stance, in terms of accuracy, was the gangsta stance, holding the gun sideways. They found that it was impossible to use the gun's site properly and your hand obstructed your view of the target.

The best (most accurate) stance was the "Weaver Stance", favored by modern cops. This is the one where you stand with your feet in a fighting stance, with gun cradled in both hands.
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Re: Steve McRae - Expert in F*** All

Post by Gregg »

At the range involved in a typical American game of "Yo Momma", accuracy is rarely a factor. :shrug:

Maybe the Ground Rules differ in Britain?

I'm also more than a little miffed that the best Douglas Adams reference slipped into a footnote in a long time has gone completely unnoticed
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