Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, December 30, 2017
Freewill is asking for a little help from patriots.

As many readers of nesaranews know I am involved with some important things to make life much better for our country. Like Anna Von Reitz sometimes the costs exceed what we can pay out of our own pockets and need some help. I am hoping some of you value what I am doing and feel like you can chip in to help. Work is slow this time of year and bills are bigger. That leaves less resources to poke the bear in the eye with a sharp stick.

I thank anyone who can help out. Our freedom and independence is worth it. Link up in top left corner for donations.


Posted by Freewill at 5:09:00 PM
"Follow the Money"
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Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I would be happy to send a donation of appropriate value if anyone has devised a means of electronically transferring surplus fecal matter.
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'll send them my supply of gen-yoo-wine German Mark banknotes, printed in 1923 and still crisp. I have several trillion marks to donate.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I'll send them my supply of gen-yoo-wine German Mark banknotes, printed in 1923 and still crisp. I have several trillion marks to donate.

Hold on to them. Someday those trillions will be worth tens of dollars! ... n_26708094
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:I'll send them my supply of gen-yoo-wine German Mark banknotes, printed in 1923 and still crisp. I have several trillion marks to donate.

Hold on to them. Someday those trillions will be worth tens of dollars! ... n_26708094
Oh thou, the eternal optimist.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Post by Deep Knight »

Sunday, January 7, 2018
Freewill is asking for a little help from patriots.

As many readers ... eye with a sharp stick.

I thank anyone who can help out. Our freedom and independence is worth it.

I thank the three donors that helped out. Much appreciated. Still have a ways to go though.


Posted by Freewill at 11:06:00 AM


Anonymous December 31, 2017 at 9:11 PM
Can't you use your Dinar? I thought you had found someone to buy yours for way more than it was worth.

Freewill January 7, 2018 at 11:10 AM
What happened was a couple badge carrying policy enforcers showed up at my door to collect and accepted Dinar on the behalf of the corporate state franchise at the rate of $95 per Dinar. So I am able to repeat that with the state. I cannot do the same in the private sector.
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:
Anonymous December 31, 2017 at 9:11 PM
Can't you use your Dinar? I thought you had found someone to buy yours for way more than it was worth.

Freewill January 7, 2018 at 11:10 AM
What happened was a couple badge carrying policy enforcers showed up at my door to collect and accepted Dinar on the behalf of the corporate state franchise at the rate of $95 per Dinar. So I am able to repeat that with the state. I cannot do the same in the private sector.
Gee -- I wonder why Freewill hasn't posted anything like a receipt or discharge, showing that he had paid his debt to the corporate state franchise?
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Freewill is asking for a little help from patriots.
I thank the 11 donors that helped out. Much appreciated. Still have a ways to go though.


My phones will be disconnected after tomorrow as I still don't have enough to cover the bill. My employment is at a standstill until the end of February. The scrap metals market is very slow right now and is the norm for this time of year. If anyone can help out it would be much appreciated. Big hindrance not having my regular phone service to work with the assemblies and related matters.

Posted by Freewill at 6:26:00 PM


Unknown January 8, 2018 at 3:05 PM
Please give us a post office box number to mail. Some of us don't like using a credit card on the internet.

Freewill January 8, 2018 at 9:10 PM
Can be sent to:
c/o 1828 Ryno Rd
Luzerne MI 48636
"Follow the Money"
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Freewill said:

"The scrap metals market is very slow right now and is the norm for this time of year."

In other words, the snow is covering up the cans and bottles which he uses to scrounge cash.... :P :P :P
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by Deep Knight »

I've seen a lot of contradictions between articles on NESARA News, for example, ones extolling "whistle blowers" and telling us how they need to be protected from retribution, and then another going on about stopping the leakers and putting them in jail. Yesterday, Freewill posted the following back-to-back videos:

Sunday, January 21, 2018

[Video about how there will be a massive raid in California by ICE who will get around sanctuary cities by arresting illegal immigrants as they travel between cities (roadblocks?)]

Posted by Freewill at 4:18:00 AM

Sunday, January 21, 2018
Former Deputy Sheriff Eddy Craig - Right to Travel - Traffic Stop Script...

[PrisonPlanet video tells you how police shouldn't be able to stop your car for any reason, and how you can use these magic words if you do get stopped and they'll leave you alone, or if not, you fer sure can get out of it later]

Posted by Freewill at 4:21:00 AM
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Pamella Anderson then and now after hitting the wal... Nobody wants her.

A little known or realized attack upon America is happening and as an American duty I must point it out! Global population reduction also known as agenda21 is hitting America at it's core! And it is bad!

Women and feminism. It's not entirely their fault as they learned what they live. They have been taught that they are oppressed by men and that they can be strong and don't need men. They are poisoned by their surroundings with propaganda everywhere promoting feminism. This is done by the same people who took our gold and silver and gave us the Federal Reserve note. Same people who oppressed technologies and cures. Same people who poison our food, water, and air. Same people who use laws of the sea against us on the land. It is all a part of global population reduction. America's strongest point was the Christian family and that was the biggest hurtle the elite had to tear down before killing the American way of life!

Below is some harsh reality aimed as an attack on feminism and what it is doing. Due to the harshness generated into the mentality of the femized woman, A drastic reality check must be used that will get their attention. Now this is not aimed at all women, just the ones that are victims of the global elite feminizing weapon used against women from birth to present day. to destroy the man and family.

[Older Pamela Anderson photo]

I met her in a Meijers store in Clarkston Michigan many years ago and she was so stuck up. If I was wealthy then she would probably at least smiled.

This was then when she was in her prime value

And this is now

[Newer and maybe photoshopped photo]

Scarry looking! She lost her value and nobody wants her.

Let this be an example to all of you who choose to do it on your own because you don't need a man and ride the cock carousel from your teens until your late thirties and early forties. That wall takes no hostages and is unforgiving. You then go into crisis because nobody loves you or wants you because you wasted your value and become what you wanted to be. On the road to being a broken down old woman who is strong, single, alone, and discarded. The only thing you have to thank is yourself for feminism and equality by pushing away the men you should have shared life with. Men age like wine where women age like milk. Women are emotional creatures and men are logical creatures. Women will be old and miserable where men will be boys with their toys. So you feminist women make your choices and us men will just retract ourselves and let you be all you want to be. You pay your price for your choices. Your fault only.

I know there are a few women out there who are traditional and hold traditional values but due to the rest of the feminists the world has become a place where men loose and loose. To the good traditional women out there if there are still any, this is not aimed at you. I feel your pain. Men loose with courts, men loose with families. Russian Roulette is too big of a risk that outweighs reward so men protect themselves by not mingling with women. Men are now staying in basements playing video games or on the Internet where they can still be a man. There is nowhere else a man can be a man because women have invaded the mens space chasing equality. You can have an apartment full of cats and no kids. That's fine. You take over everything and make all the money. You do all the manly things and us men will just sit back and let you self destruct.

My personal experience:

I have been divorced twice due to being used then not being needed and cheated on. But needed my money. Sorry but that is a no go! I removed myself totally so you can have what you want. Your independence and no need of men. Enjoy.


Ps. Here is a few more examples of hitting the wall.

[Then and now "babe" photos]

Posted by Freewill at 5:39:00 PM


Freewill January 24, 2018 at 6:34 PM
This post is not for bashing. This post is for education and awareness.
I will continue posting on this very sensitive subject and I am sure there will be many feminists triggered by my posts. So for those triggered, I thank you for letting me know you read it.

Anonymous January 25, 2018 at 6:14 PM
Boy are you delusional with a statement like that - "this post is not for bashing" Then what the he*l are you doing then because it is not 'education and awareness' that you are propagating here. You definitely have some serious problems, and we advise you to get some serious counseling. What a shame the harm being done to John's blog. Really sad.

Freewill January 26, 2018 at 2:52 AM
The feminized woman that is killing society is alone. I trigger them with their deepest fear and on purpose! When they find themselves alone and unwanted because of their ways and what they have done and earned they then have regret. The ideal behind this post is to wake up the younger ones so they may have a chance to look inside themselves and see if this is really what they want. Too bad your IQ is too low to see that in the post. Not me delusional, more like you dumb. Times have changes since John passed 3 years ago. This blog has paralleled the change.

Anonymous January 24, 2018 at 7:42 PM

Freewill January 24, 2018 at 8:00 PM
You completely missed the point. This is insulting feminism and what it is doing to the world. Islamic invasions is not the only problem. You apparently didn't read it as I addressed what you are complaining about. I stated this is not aimed at the women who have morals and traditional values. If it insults and cases away the women that this is meant for then so be it. I don't care to have those disgusting females that think they have to prove they are better than everyone else reading or posting comments on this blog. I also stated this is a sensitive subject and you just confirmed that.

Freewill January 24, 2018 at 8:21 PM
And I just added 2 videos to the bottom of the post just for you. There are hundreds and hundreds of them and I can keep adding more. Nobody wants to face this but everyone must as it is problem is destroying America. Why do you think Donald Trump has Melania now? She is not a victim of western feminism. She is not from America.

Anonymous January 24, 2018 at 11:37 PM
Every subject is sensitive to some women. They feel the need to 'put people in their place' based on their immediate feelings. It's hard to get a woman to mature up and let things happen and allow things to be, and recognize they don't control every man, every thought, every situation, and every post on a blog.
I am female. My level of knowing surpasses most female and male.
I have been married twice and men have nothing to worry about. Not interested any more.
My mom had a book titled
Why Women Should Marry
Within it the reasons were sperm or support
If you weren't seeking those, then there is no need to marry men.
I'm sure there are some fruitful relationships out there, I have seen them, but for the most part, women burned by men, make men leary of women they meet, because they think the woman will bring the baggage.
Women burnt by men will bring the baggage.
I've had my share of unpleasant experiences to write an interesting near best seller, but I choose to enjoy the peace of mind I have knowing those experiences are behind me, and watching women throw temper tantrums if anyone makes any statement they don't agree with.
(I also notice it with white/black male, but that's a different subject on their sensitivity to certain topics)

Freewill January 24, 2018 at 11:55 PM
I commend you for commenting and your points are well stated. That book you referenced is just one tool of countless tools out there supporting the one world government and population reduction strategies unleashed upon the people to destroy the family. My grandparents were not together for her to have kids or support, they were together because they completed each other for over 70 years. They shared a sacred unconditional love for each other. My 92 year old grandmother is still alive and she sure has an opinion of what is happening today. Says the world has become insane and she is ashamed to be living in it.

Anonymous January 25, 2018 at 12:38 PM
F: Are you 'commending' today? How much 'progress' are you making on straightening out the American Christian women? This - coming from YOU of all people?! Did you know that the American 'men' were raised right alongside the American 'women'? What the heck are you smoking dude? You can't have it both ways!!! You - taking on a project of 'straightening up' anybody is hilarious!!! Read the comment made byyour grandmother - hope she included you in her opinion.

Freewill January 25, 2018 at 2:19 PM
Maybe I am wrong on definitions and meanings. I stated I did this to promote awareness and bring out attacks on American culture and the Christian family. I was totally unaware i was attempting to straitening out anything or anyone. I may straighten out my kids but for others? I don't think so! Only God could do that! I think your misconceptions is hilarious!

Anonymous January 24, 2018 at 9:16 PM
Thanks. If men don't speak up, and don't call out women on this feminist bs is only going to get worse. It's time for men to wake up and reclaim their nads, for that is what makes us men, not being afraid to stand up to feminism, double standards, and deceptive women.

Freewill January 25, 2018 at 2:10 AM
With the legal system supporting and promoting the destruction of men and family, your best bet is to just step back and let them self destruct. You can push the education on it like I am but make sure you can handle the backlash because I guarantee you will get it just like I do right here in these very comments. You know when you hit a nerve when they get triggered. That is when you know you are on the right path.

Anonymous January 24, 2018 at 9:30 PM
I'm 31 years old, Been in 3 relationships my whole life and known a fair few beautiful women, NEVER met 1 I could honestly say I trust, Now I never have to worry about being lied to, Manipulated or cheated on ever again, There's something severely wrong with modern women, Even my 96 year old grandmother has said modern women are toxic.

Freewill January 25, 2018 at 12:51 AM
It's not entirely their fault as they learned what they live. They have been taught that they are oppressed by men and that they can be strong and don't need men. They are poisoned by their surroundings with propaganda everywhere promoting feminism. This is done by the same people who took our gold and silver and gave us the Federal Reserve note. Same people who oppressed technologies and cures. Same people who poison our food, water, and air. Same people who use laws of the sea against us on the land. It is all a part of global population reduction. America's strongest point was the Christian family and that was the biggest hurtle the elite had to tear down before killing the American way of life!

Anonymous January 24, 2018 at 10:01 PM
Feminism brings unhappiness to men and women because it is an unnecessary and very destructive war against the family. Having a healthy and happy family has traditionally been a great source of happiness and our future as a people and civilization depends upon successful families.

Anonymous January 24, 2018 at 11:41 PM
This is the real kicker. You know what the question “where are all the good men” really means? It means, where are all the suckers who treat women WELL, so I can complain he’s too good and make him just as f~~~ing miserable as I am.
Always remember, every woman born in the last 60+ years has been born and raised in the toxic, corrosive, negative world of feminism. They will take your POSITIVE qualities and manage to twist them into a negative.
If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her from the rat-race, you’re a male chauvinist.
If you don’t you’re sexist.
If you stay home and do the housework, you’re a pansy.
If she stays home and do the housework, you’re oppressive.
If you work too hard there is never any time for her.
If you don’t work enough, you’re a good-for-nothing bum.
If she has a boring repetitive job with low pay, its called “exploitation”.
If YOU have a boring repetitive job with low pay…..
you should get off your ass and find something better.
If you get a promotion ahead of her, that is favoritism.
If she gets a job ahead of you, it’s equal opportunity.
If you mention how nice she looks, it’s sexual harassment.
If you keep quiet, it’s male indifference.
If you cry, you’re a wimp.
If you don’t, you’re an insensitive bastard.
If you make a decision without consulting her, you’re a chauvinist.
If she makes a decision without consulting you, she’s a liberated woman.
If you ask her to do something she doesn’t enjoy, that’s domination.
If she asks you, it’s a favor.
If you appreciate the female form and frilly underwear, you’re pervert.
If you don’t, you’re gay.
If you like a woman to shave her legs and keep in shape, you’re sexist.
If you don’t, you’re unromantic.
If you try to keep yourself in shape, you’re vain.
If you don’t, you’re a slob.
If you buy her flowers, you’re after something.
If you don’t, you’re not thoughtful.
If you’re proud of your achievements, you’re full of yourself.
If you’re not, you’re not ambitious.
If she has a headache, she’s tired.
If you have a headache, you don’t love her anymore.
If you want it Too often, you’re oversexed.
If you don’t, there must be someone else
THE BOTTOM LINE…. EVERY one of your qualities will be spun into a negative – including the positive. This can easily be studied and understood by countless psychologists and anyone with common sense.

Anonymous January 25, 2018 at 1:48 AM
Not sure anymore. First, we have gay frogs. Now we have divorces because the man is taking care of the wife and looking after her wellbeing. Sorry, this world is going to s~~~.

Anonymous January 24, 2018 at 11:41 PM
Freewill: Shame on you. John would never have thought that you would take on such irresponsibility and childish behavior or no doubt he would have kept on looking for someone else to take on the computer issues behind publishing this blog. You are making a complete fool of yourself for all to see. Makes you feel good - go for it. Self centered and selfishness are precisely what turns the women off. Hopefully men as well can see this so they can learn something to improve their own relationships.

Freewill January 25, 2018 at 12:12 AM
This issue was not so bad when John was alive. John liked to confront crimes being committed against his country and the people he loved and fought for. John would have posted about this issue as I have because it is destroying families and it is engineered as a part of weakening the people and destroying the Christian ideals of family. This is not childish or irresponsible! When I see a system changed to destroy families and Christian principals then it is my duty to speak up even if it unleashes a torrent of guilt denial by those used as the conduit for this evil perpetration upon the people. It is so bad now that many men are being accused and persecuted for offenses that have been totally made up. It destroys lives and if you are not going to act in a Christian moral manner on it then you are a part of the problem. Just like a system that is totally one sided against the man. Immoral! Shame on you for defending it! Shame on you for being complicit with destroying the fundamental and biblical ideals of family and Christian spiritual marriage between a man and wife! Or should I be politically correct and say husband and wife? I talked with John more than anyone has any idea of. I know John and John had the same morals and scruples. Man and Womb of Man (Woman)

Freewill January 25, 2018 at 12:32 AM
The woman empowering and man destroying propaganda is all around us. In movies, in books, TV Commercials, cartoons, schools, sitcoms, governmental advertisements for military recruitment, stores, factories, courtrooms, 501c3 churches, banks, news papers, magazines, speaking groups, and about every other interaction people may have. It is everywhere telling women they can do everything a man can do and without men except sperm and support.. Then when this gets spoken of it creates instant backlash against whoever points it out. I watched a video that I posted about a young lady who told all about this and she was stalked and received death threats for exposing it. I posted that video as well. The video is titled In Defense of Men, What's Left of Them - Present Day Feminism - You gotta listen to this! I posted it on the 23rd. I am not trying to bash the women that have been used by the elite to destroy man and family, I am attempting to make them aware that they have been programmed to do so in favor of the global depopulation agenda! I am hoping women can wake up to it.

Anonymous January 25, 2018 at 12:41 AM
When a woman says “you’re too good for me” – or s~~~ like “you deserve better” – you can take her word for it. In fact, it’s the only thing she says you can safely take at face value.
Women who react NEGATIVELY to positive male attention, good treatment, politesse, compliments etc. give themselves away in an instant. Even if they present a grandiose view of themselves on the outside, their self-esteem is so low, they wouldn’t know the difference between “love” and not getting spit on.

Anonymous January 25, 2018 at 1:08 PM
Depends on your definition of 'positive male attention, good treatment, et al'. A male may think that socking her in the eye is a positive (stone age abusive) demonstration of his affection for her - but the female - understandably - may think otherwise. Sometimes statements like "you're too good for me" are methods to escape the abuse - and that abuse can be mental, physical and emotional. Both sexes have grown up in a society largely involved in drugs, alcohol, abusive behavior and the destruction of moral values. Why do you insist on placing blame squarely on the women? Men play their part, too - largely by poor personal habits and their irresponsible behavior toward their wives and children. The key is TO LOOK AT YOURSELF - YOU CAN'T CHANGE ANOTHER PERSON BY BLAMING HIM/HER - LOOK AT YOURSELF OBJECTIVELY AND PLACE THE BLAME SQUARELY WHERE IT BELONGS. GET YOUR OWN ACT TOGETHER AND SHOW HER HOW YOU HAVE CHANGED. IF THAT DOESN'T WORK - THEN SIMPLY MOVE ON.

Formerblogreader January 25, 2018 at 12:59 PM
F: You are succeeding in your efforts to destroy this blog. John's goals and efforts were way different from what you are now doing. You have turned the years of John's (OO and PE's) hard work on this blog in to a silly rag sheet. Efforts to destroy this blog by shills and trolls, hell bent on the destruction of this blog, and you fell for it and helped them do it. We knew John and we know that he wanted Olive Oyl and Popeye to be featured on this blog to carry on his legacy. It is a shame that this blog that Olive Oyl and Popeye worked on for so long has disintegrated to this low level. Former long time followers of the blog, we are leaving not to return because of this drastic turn in direction. We hope you get your own personal act together. Get some counseling help F - you need it.

Freewill January 25, 2018 at 3:20 PM
When John was alive prior to January 2015 we were going to exchange tomorrow because TNT tony said so. Obama was in the Whitehouse, Nobody knew who the Bundys were or Lavoy Finicum. Antifa didn't exist. Huge pedophile rings were not exposed. I can go on and on with examples of how things have changed over the last 3 years! It's a different ball game now. I could post all the RV hopium that is spread all over the net that is nothing but false info and lies. If that is what you like. But I will not. Maybe Popeye and Olive Oyl choose to do so every now and then but that is their choice. John's legacy was to make awareness of issues and happenings that effect the people and our country. John and I spent much time talking on the phone with each other for the last year of his life. There is a reason he chose me for inheriting his blog. I am the one who asked Popeye and Olive Oyl to help out with this blog. I know what I am doing and what needs to be done. You may get a burr up your butt over some of the things I may post or do but remember John got to know me and chose me for a reason. There are other things behind the veil that you have no clue about. There is a plan in place and it was started years ago and may yet take years to finish. Another words there are bigger things involved than just me and what I may post. Nothing happens by mistake!

Freewill January 25, 2018 at 3:28 PM
And to add a little more... Those who served with John and fought along side of him and were involved with the Restore America Plan are a part of what's behind the veil as well as I am. The veil has been partially drawn back in late 2011. I understand your concern but you can either rock the boat and make waves or sit back and observe. BlackJack!

Anonymous January 25, 2018 at 1:27 PM
One Woman's Answer to Sexual Chaos (21st-century Agenda 21 bolshevist cynical feminist dystopia)
Love yourself is a commandment. We need to explore it without being cynical & with ALL the consciousness we were given as co-creators. We are free. We are the value. Not money. Even Steven Mnuchin of the FED and his wife will admit as much. Love you NESARA News Team. Keep up your excellent effort and work.

Anonymous January 25, 2018 at 2:26 PM
One of my earliest memories was being at my grandparents house, circa 1990, the house was full of life. My grandmother cutting up vegetables and preparing fish for the evenings dinner. I always remember the counter tops being filled with fresh vegetables, fresh fish and meat and my grandmother stopping only to fill my water pistol from the tap.
My father and grandfather sat in the study with at least 6 of my grandfathers friends, all of whom he'd know since he was a teenager, my mother and the wives of my grandfathers and fathers friends sat in the living room happily talking amongst themselves, helping with the place setting of the table and the preparation of the food. Lots of kids ran around, playing in the garden and generally doing kid stuff.
Then we'd have a big meal, 20 round the table, laughter and chatter filled the air, we (the young kids) played around and flung food at each other, until our mothers told us to cut it out and eat out food properly. And we did, 3 courses, lovingly prepared by my grandmother. This woman raised 4 children, worked as a nurse in wartime London and as far as I know would never had thought of cheating on my grandfather, a brilliant, empowered woman who spoke 3 languages and knew, above all else, the value of a strong family and her place in it.
We always felt so safe in that house, 3 generations of family and lots of other friends of the family and kids, literally an idyllic picture of family life. Even for poorer people in Britain this was basically the norm, at least in some fashion. And I suspect some version of this was what many people may have experienced too, no matter where they're from.
Then came my mothers generation, 'empowered' by feminist literature, though my own mother wasn't dumb enough to fall for it, many of her peers were and family life suffered. There were no sunday dinners at my house, because all of my mothers and fathers friends were divorced, their lives spent fighting over who'd get the kids or the BMW, perhaps a small gathering of the few families that'd kept their shit together would take place at our house with 4-6 people once in a while. That vibrant family life of my grandparents house was gone.
Now people weren't sitting having a nice chat in the living room while the kids played in the yard, they were alone in their 1 bedroom flats. There wasn't a worktop filled with fresh vegetables, fish and meat from the local market and a matriarch preparing a meal 3 generations of her family, there were single parents and broken families dining on micromeals from their local supermarket.
Each generations wealth and happiness dwindling, unanimously and across the board, almost without exception. Family life breaking down, houses being nothing more than empty shells without life or meaning.
Of course there's a myriad of socioeconomic factors for this, but primarily it's marxist literature and feminism that's too blame for the decline of western society and the families that made our countries so strong and prosperous.
So when I hear some feminist bitch, who's coming from literally the LAST GENERATION of her family who'll have the wealth or family structure to allow her to 'find herself' and spend her days 'protesting' I feel sick.
If there were ever a perfect example of people who're beggars to their own demise, modern women are it.

Anonymous January 25, 2018 at 3:46 PM
I don't know, I feel this is somehow a little too much focusing on the family-aspect. But with one thing I have to say that you're right:
Feminism has done us no good. It only WANTS, WANTS, WANTS, and takes, takes, takes and does offer nothing in return. Reminds me of a spoiled child. I think we can all agree, that our living standard has not improved over the last 10 - 15 years. And dont tell me "Oh, Cross, but we have all the Internetz and Entertainment" because we're talking about the bigger picture here, not technological advance.
We have a financial crisis and a crisis in general. "Feminism" on the other hand is going strong. So while the sociecty is suffering, Feminism is having a good time. There are many factors, but it is at least a very funny coincidence. Some Kind of Feminism was a good thing. Raping your woman in marriage - and i really mean RAPE here - forcing your c*ck inside of her, beating her up - the real thing. We sure can agree on, that it is a good thing this is not "allowed" anymore. (I know - I know - this is abused, because EVERYTHING is rape now. Rape-Culture, Rape-Stare.... don't get me started)
My Point is: Feminism was a productive part of our developement as a society. But "Feminism" as we know it now, has become a huge f*cking cancer.

Anonymous January 25, 2018 at 5:31 PM
I am a 55yo woman. I couldn't agree more. Feminism has ruined it for all of us. It's true that women have been weaponized to destroy society.

Freewill January 26, 2018 at 2:36 AM
It's just too bad that many can't swallow this fact. They fight tooth and nail to defend the problem because talk of it forces them to look in the mirror and what they see hits bottom of an empty cavern inside them. They find it next to impossible to believe they wasted themselves instead of enjoying the fruits of Christianity, love, family, spiritual connection, and fulfillment of family. Most now days don't even know what family means. What it really means. What a soul mate means. They realize they wasted away and missed out on life and they can't face that truth. So they get an apartment and have cats and cry when it's too late.
Not all women are like this. There are many who don't fall victim to this. Usually the girls that were nerdy in school turned out to be some of the best mothers and wives out there.
I was class of 1990 so i spent the 1980's in school. The girls that were the prepies in school that all the guys chased and had a chip on their shoulder and knew they could have any boy they wanted by majority ended up being weaponized against society. Also girls that hated themselves for what ever reason and had no self esteem were as well weaponized against society.

FEDUP January 26, 2018 at 11:39 AM

Freewill January 26, 2018 at 11:53 AM
You are too funny and keep proving my point.

Freewill January 26, 2018 at 12:26 PM
It's amusing how you are trying to manipulate me with this blog and your feelings. Thanks for the entertainment.
What you should be saying is you don't agree with my stance but that is not possible is it. You must practice MANipulation.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, January 25, 2018
Open letter to Freewill

An open letter to Freewill and to all men responding on this blog, emailed by reader with request to post...............

F : After many years of hard work by John and more recently Olive Oyl and Popeye, you have turned this blog in to a cheap bitching rag sheet, revealing your own personal problems disguised as being a national problem. Is that what you believe John McHaffie had in mind when, during the phone calls regarding the many computer problems he was experiencing from attempts to hack the blog, you volunteered to help him with his computer problems? John spoke with and had many friends, but we never heard him put women down or refer to them on this blog with any four letter words or in a degrading manner.

You complain about American women, yet you don't admit to the faults of many American men, including yourself. Want to know why some women turn away from some men? Watch what comes out of your mouth, including all manner of disrespectful four letter words. Watch your attitude. And don't profess 'Christian' when you are anything BUT. Lies will always be exposed.

A male would be well advised to take regular/daily showers, brush your teeth and use mouthwash, use deodorant and wear clean clothes and shoes so he doesn't stink. Comb your hair and beards. Clean the crap from your beards. Don't chew tobacco and drool down your beards and spit in empty pop cans. In short, don't smell and look like big foot - or worse.

Clean your transportation and the place where you live - inside and outside. No woman wants to live in or be around filth.

A woman isn't interested in being your personal maid service or personal prostitute. Women are not made to be your personal toys to f**k. If you want a woman who is nothing more than a sex slave, then find one at your local hangout - topless club - IF you can get one to respond to you.

Women have feelings and can love and care for others in a multitude of ways, but they don't like to be manhandled and rushed in to a bed or on the floor to be used for the male's gratification and then tossed aside with no real concern for her. And for sure most women are not interested in dirty smelly filthy slobs for sex.

The reason most foreign women will marry an American man is because they believe the fairy tale that the American male is successful and has allot to offer the woman by her coming to America - a nice clean home in a nice area, a nice clean car, the money to purchase clothing and to take care of the children when born. Then, when they get here - and are guarded like they are in a prison and not allowed to return home to be with their families - the anger comes forth and the battles begin. So, instead of taking care of your own personal issues to improve yourself, go ahead and seek a woman in a foreign country and see how well you succeed there.

It would appear that you and friends have similar standards. What are your living conditions like? It would seem you may be one of those who wants to be a mountain man or frontier man out in the woods? Perhaps a bit aggressive even to the point of destructive or abusive? No woman wants to live without plumbing, or toilets or showers, no running water, no heating and air conditioning, and living out in the sticks with no one to talk to or transportation to get away. Most women agreeing to live like that passed with the demise of the wagon trains.

As a whole, women are not deceptive - any more then you men are. Women have had to learn to be self reliant because many men don't take care of the family and home business responsively. Some of that is picked up from their own upraising, some from irresponsibility - not working or spending money on wine, women and song, and some from just being AHOs.

A woman being feminine is what attracts you men. You want the women to be clean, attractive and responsive but stupid and able to be easily manipulated for your personal gain. If you have had several 'relationships' and none have succeeded, instead of blaming the women - take a good long honest hard look at yourself. No woman - any more than a man - wants a thug or a selfish, lazy, dirty, smelly, bossy demanding or stupid man in her life. Easier to be alone than to become some male's maid and personal prostitute.

If a man cannot 'trust' a woman, WHAT would be the cause behind that? The very issues already mentioned here? Is that her fault, too? Or could it be that the male isn't presenting himself in a responsible, caring and loving manner? Or is not able to provide what she is looking for in a permanent relationship, in particular taking financial responsibility for the children? She may feel insecure and that perhaps she has made a terrible mistake?

We live in a country that fortunately still offers multiple choices, including to be able to choose to leave a 'relationship' that is not providing what each is looking for. Give the other person the freedom to leave if she wants to. You will both be much happier for it. In the meantime, take a long hard honest look at yourself and admit to whether you are what a woman would want in her life. Misrepresenting your lifestyle and choices is only misleading others who read what you post - but the savvy can see through that. In the meantime, this blog is being destroyed. We grieve for that and for our friend John, and we grieve for OO and PE who served faithfully for the benefit of all the readers.

Posted by Olive Oyl at 8:33:00 PM


Tom Kraynik January 25, 2018 at 10:11 PM
The poster missed the point. Radical feminism has changed America and the church at large. The rant makes it sound like the poster has a personal axe to grind.

Olive Oyl January 25, 2018 at 11:33 PM
The 'poster' was me. I did NOT write the message - only posted at the sender's request as I have done for many others in recent years. So don't put words in my mouth Tom. Reread it and get it right this time. For that matter, 'radical feminism' may have made some changes - but there are two sexes and the way I see it there are major problems on BOTH sides.

beccagallop January 25, 2018 at 10:24 PM
Jeez OO, this is crazy. I'm sure you and Pp havh had an amazing life much like my parents have. But the hard facts of the way that things are today, versus what my parents had to deal with, have, degenerated into a divide and conquer mentality. The Battle of the sexes only is potent when you can divide the family. Both men and women are under attack in this scenario, and I must say I wish that it wasn't so. I would have liked nothing more than to partner and thrive together, versus constantly battling propaganda designed to attack both sexes.

Olive Oyl January 25, 2018 at 11:43 PM
I agree with you - times have changed, especially with the past 3 to 4 corporation president administrations. Uunfortunately life in our nation has changed as a result. Hopefully some of that will change for the better again with the current President now in office and the resulting cleaning of the swamp in DC. The islamic/ marxist/socialist mentality is diametrically opposed to traditional conservative - even Christian - morals and values, and it affects both sexes. The huge win for Trump demonstrates the thinking of the American people is not only awake but moving back to traditional values. We can hope - and pray - that it is not too late and the people can be delivered and healed of past hurts. Prayer changes things.

Freewill January 25, 2018 at 11:58 PM
I read your letter completely and what you say is quite correct for the norm. But while reading it I didn't see anything that fit my personality, expectations, ideals or who I am and what went on in my two previous divorces. First wife attracted me and used me to escape her mother. I didn't see this. I thought it was the real thing. We were both young. I started working at the age of 12 working for a cousin of mine making $150 a week during good weather seasons. Always worked since. I kept the home clean, dishes done, laundry done, fridge and cupboards full and a pantry full. Bills paid. Gave her money for what ever she wanted. I am not of any violent nature. No drinking, no drugs, and have an optimist personality. We had a child together and she would not get out of bed to take care of our baby boy while I was at work. She would be up all night keeping me from getting the sleep I needed for work night after night. My neighbor had to go over to take care of my son. One time the thermocouple went out on the furnace in January in below zero degree weather and she refused to get out of bed to take care of our baby boy that was in his crib. Neighbor came over again and found my son trembling and turning blue from the cold. I treated my wife good. I tended to her needs and communicated well with her. But I had to get stern with her because of her treatment of our baby son simply because she could not get out of bed and be a mother. After the 4th year she decided to cheat on me with a guy I was working with. Funny part about this is her mother was a Devoted Baptist and was always hounding me snooping to see if I was having any external relationships. That's not me. Can't do it. I am a one woman man. Her mother totally flipped on her religion when she found her daughter cheated on me. I casually said to her that she was spying on the wrong one. So I divorced her for cheating on me and set up equal everything. Her mother decided to move to Florida and she decided to take off with my son and chase her mother to Florida. She has since kept my son away from me and I have not seen him since 2003. No courts would enforce visitation. They didn't care. All they care about is money. I lost. My son lost. So as you can see from what you wrote and the story on my first wife, You don't have a clue to me or what I have been submitted to. Now I will make a second comment below telling about my experiences with the second ex.

Freewill January 26, 2018 at 1:01 AM
Now for the second wife story.
Several years went by since my first divorce giving myself some time to heal. I stayed to myself. I met the second wife through a mutual friend. She was 3 years older than me and I thought she was more mature than the first. She had 2 daughters 7 and 3 years old that I became daddy to. After marriage I rented a big beautiful home with a 10 acre front yard for $1,750 per month that had a pool house nicer than most people's homes. Life was good. Her daughters loved me as their daddy and I treated them as they were my kids. After the first year we bought a 1 year old home for $186,000 dollars and moved in. Payment was $1,036 per month so I gave my wife $500 a week to go spend as she wanted. I got horses for the girls and taught them how to care for them and ride. The younger one didn't even know i wasn't her father. The wife for some reason or another started accusing me of looking at other women. Could,'t even go to the store together without her saying "what are you looking at" anytime there was a woman in sight checking a mail box or out in a front yard watering flowers. Got to the point I didn't want to go anywhere with her. After loosing the home to foreclosure in 2008 housing bubble burst, she went nuclear on me and it got bad. So we moved to Arkansas and I worked driving truck for gas well drillers. Things were better for a couple months then she started it again. I ended up leaving and returned to Michigan and both her daughters wanted to leave with me. The oldest one did leave with me. I was their daddy and they were not going to let me go. Lot more things went on after this time and the wife ended up coming back to Michigan and back under my roof. She had a hard time coping with the girls and their bond with me. At the 10th year she cheated on me and told me about it. The guilty accuse is something i learned the hard way. There are too many more things that I don't have the next 10 hours to write about that happened. So after the 2nd divorce I stayed to myself closed off from any mingling of any kind until a childhood friend contacted me a few months ago. She came and stayed with me and that didn't last long. I refuse to live with a whiskey drinking drunk that turns into Mrs. Hyde at the bottom of a 5th of Canada House. So that is a basic outline of my past. Nothing like what you portrayed in the open letter to me.

just some dude with dsl January 26, 2018 at 12:30 AM
This had to be written by a lesbian or guy and that,s pretty sad... Whoever you are, you are waaaaay out of line buddy! Freewill, Olive Oyl, and Popeye are fricken the only reason your on this site d bag... John would be very proud of them and what they have to deal with to keep this going! I am very proud of them. This open letter is an attack intended to provoke... Screw this guy Freewill! I read your comment and man I really feel bad for you... I have a sister that basically abused her kids and I was powerless (unless I wanted jail time) to do anything. So man Im here for ya. Your all doing amazing work John is proud I just know he is!!!!!!

Freewill January 26, 2018 at 1:11 AM
Yeah! What he said!

Freewill January 26, 2018 at 1:25 AM
I am not intimidated by those who try to control me with the "Oh! John wouldn't approve of this!" mentality being thrown at me! Actually it compels me to push harder as when nerves get struck and you screech.. There is more to it! I am a testosterone saturated man that has had enough with the BS and is educated in the right areas that need to be addressed! Like I said in the other post that went viral and at the top... There will be many triggered by what I am posting because of it being so sensitive. When someone no longer has anything to lose, he will be unstoppable! If you can't handle it then don't participate.

Anonymous January 26, 2018 at 10:45 AM
Think and don't judge! I am around 60. Fact woman played a important part with the family back in the day. She did not have all the convenience that they do today. Now they have everything at their beck and call and have too much time to think about what they believe they see on TV and the media and how to think. The system implicated conquer and divide at any cost. My third partner of 30 years and to this day said if I wear a man I would be gay! Why I asked? Woman are baked the way they think and talk about their husbands! She works in the office with mostly all woman that make 100 grand a year. Back when I went to school there were moral boundaries and today none. The church, politicians and its associates, w-man decide to take up the cause and feed the snake. Man and woman are nothing but jar heads. Meaning can't think for their self's but mimic church, politicians the corporations which made everybody believe that it is a government by name only. Most live in a fiction body mine and sole perpetuating selfishness is what the snake feeds on out of greed and self destruction. Their is nothing more that scares them more then a strong family. Remember the older homes had six bedrooms now down to three which is half and now they want you wondering around alone with your head up your you know what. Men are too busy supporting this delusion to make woman and the total break down of society and most important this immoral system happy. Read the LAW OF PEACE Vol 1 that was hidden from the public printed out by the military and moral responsibility. You not only have a moral responsibility to your family and community but to put the wanton be immoral cops, social workers, judges, clerks attorneys, HHS and any other alphabet gang member on notice.

Anonymous January 26, 2018 at 9:47 AM
Ok, people, let's get back to the reason for this blog and stop the personal attacks and everything. Unless you know someone personally, FIRSTHAND, there is absolutely NO POSSIBLE WAY you could know who they are or how they live. And remember, whenever you are pointing a finger at someone, there are three more pointing right back at you!
P.S. If I were a new person to this blog, I would be immediately turned off by the hatred and other useless banter.

Anonymous January 26, 2018 at 10:47 AM
Yeah yeah yeah. Woman is made from the rib of Adam and Adam was made from clay. Woman was for Adam's companionship, not to be discerned with ownership or unequal rights but rather equal roles in life.
Man would not be women! Men love women, but woman cheated and ate from the tree of life after her seductress, the serpeant, tempted her. Eve, hence, cheated on Adam.
Conclusion, Man is so loving and forgiving that Eve was forgiven by MAN but our 'heavenly father' "God" placed the burden of birth pain as a symbol and statement that the sin of woman was to not be forgotten. Therefore, feminism in itself must also be a sin, just saying simple philosophy 101 symbolic deductive reasoning.
So what does a woman say about that?
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Freewill is really Destry Payne, which we found out after he got "kidnapped" (arrested). At that time a bunch of his older stuff was available, including anti-feminist rants at some male-rights website. There were also a few comments about his (I assume) second divorce, which - ahem - differ quite a bit from his description in the comments above, except for losing the house (stopped making payments based on out-of-the-mainstream legal theories).

As for him not "drinking or using drugs," please note that he's defended the first and been busted for the second.

The voice of the fugitive himself from as video from last year, and comments on the effectiveness of his legal method.

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New header at NESARA News

Nesaranews Mission Statement

Question -- What is the goal of this website? Why do we share different sources of information that sometimes conflicts or might even be considered disinformation?

Answer -- The primary goal of Nesaranews is to help all people become better truth-seekers in a real-time boots-on-the-ground fashion. This is for the purpose of learning to think critically, discovering the truth from within—not just believing things blindly because it came from an "authority" or credible source. Instead of telling you what the truth is, we share information from many sources so that you can discern it for yourself. We focus on teaching you the tools to become your own authority on the truth, gaining self-mastery, sovereignty, and freedom in the process. We want each of you to become your own leaders and masters of personal discernment, and as such, all information should be vetted, analyzed and discerned at a personal level. We also encourage you to discuss your thoughts in the comments section of this site to engage in a group discernment process.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." – Aristotle

Over the last few days I have been posting some extremely provocative material and have been getting some extremely harsh comments over it. I do it out of necessity because the core of American Christian principals is being attacked and I have to speak up and point it out. Our women are being weaponized as tools to destroy our families and men at a spiritual and Christian way of life that America was built on. America was strong because of the Christian based family. The elite must destroy the Christian family to destroy America for their Global agendas. The weaponization of our women is more dangerous to America than all the Islamics that are invading America. Our court system protects illegals and Islamic Muslims. Our courts protect and defend the destruction of Christian family principals. Muslim beliefs are strong and they believe they can kill those who are infidels according to their beliefs. This same strength in belief is seen in our women with feminism. The feminism movement is promoting communism as well. Us Americans need to correct these problems before we loose everything. We need to rid ourselves of the scourge behind this. We need to take back our country and we have a way to do it! Resettle our land! Resettle our county and state assemblies. Return to self governing at grass roots level.

So spite me if you feel you need to but as sensitive as this subject is, it must be brought forward. It must be dealt with to save America.

Sunday, January 28, 2018
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote:New header at NESARA News

Nesaranews Mission Statement

Question -- What is the goal of this website? Why do we share different sources of information that sometimes conflicts or might even be considered disinformation?

Answer -- The primary goal of Nesaranews is to help all people become better truth-seekers in a real-time boots-on-the-ground fashion. This is for the purpose of learning to think critically, discovering the truth from within—not just believing things blindly because it came from an "authority" or credible source. Instead of telling you what the truth is, we share information from many sources so that you can discern it for yourself. We focus on teaching you the tools to become your own authority on the truth, gaining self-mastery, sovereignty, and freedom in the process. We want each of you to become your own leaders and masters of personal discernment, and as such, all information should be vetted, analyzed and discerned at a personal level. We also encourage you to discuss your thoughts in the comments section of this site to engage in a group discernment process.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." – Aristotle

Over the last few days I have been posting some extremely provocative material and have been getting some extremely harsh comments over it. I do it out of necessity because the core of American Christian principals is being attacked and I have to speak up and point it out. Our women are being weaponized as tools to destroy our families and men at a spiritual and Christian way of life that America was built on. America was strong because of the Christian based family. The elite must destroy the Christian family to destroy America for their Global agendas. The weaponization of our women is more dangerous to America than all the Islamics that are invading America. Our court system protects illegals and Islamic Muslims. Our courts protect and defend the destruction of Christian family principals. Muslim beliefs are strong and they believe they can kill those who are infidels according to their beliefs. This same strength in belief is seen in our women with feminism. The feminism movement is promoting communism as well. Us Americans need to correct these problems before we loose everything. We need to rid ourselves of the scourge behind this. We need to take back our country and we have a way to do it! Resettle our land! Resettle our county and state assemblies. Return to self governing at grass roots level.

So spite me if you feel you need to but as sensitive as this subject is, it must be brought forward. It must be dealt with to save America.

Sunday, January 28, 2018
They have become as boring as the denizens of Planet Merrill.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by Gregg »

So, is this how Destry is coming out?

Funny, he doesn't LOOK gay.
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Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:So, is this how Destry is coming out?

Funny, he doesn't LOOK gay.
You're absolutely right, since we've never seen what he looks like, he doesn't. But I have another theory based on the evidence. You might remember how good ol' Destry was working on an old Diesel engine, supposedly for use in shredding scrap metal, but was it really for self pleasuring? My theory is that Freewill is an Appliantologist. First defined by Frank Zappa, I believe these lyrics from "Token of My Extreme" from the opera "Joe's Garage" explain themselves.
Welcome to the First Church of Appliantology! The WHITE ZONE is for loading and unloading only!
Some people think
That if they go too far
They'll never get back
To where the rest of them are
I might be crazy
But there's one thing I know
You might be surprised
At what you find out when ya go!
Well, you have nothing to fear, my son!
You are a Latent Appliance Fetishist,
It appears to me!

That all seems very, very strange
I never craved a toaster
Or a color T.V.

A Latent Appliance Fetishist
Is a person who refuses to admit to his or herself
That sexual gratification can only be achieved
Through the use of MACHINES . . .
Get the picture?

Are you telling me
I should come out of the closet now, Mr. Ron?

No, my son!
You must go into The Closet!


And you will have


Hey! A lot of fun!
That's where they all live
So if you want an appliance to love you
You'll have to go in there and get you one
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Heavily edited because it's looking for donations and political, but I left in the NESARA News and amusingly raving parts.

Sunday, February 4, 2018
Thanks for all the good work published at Nesara News

Dear Freewill,

Greetings to all of my relatives:

Thanks for all the good work published at Nesara News. I write to you from time to time and always enjoy reading and chasing down links you post. You and your teams research is awesome and needed.

I am requesting that your readers pay attention and be aware that ... DEEP STATE/BAD GUYS/BLACK BAAL HEARTS ...

Thank you,
Without Prejudice,: ML-'Mel'
He has been "profiled" with extreme prejudice and his privacy has been violated, his home ransacked, has had theft of his private property and work product, and unmercilessly cyber harassed by the 501 C 3 groups like the ADL, Anti Defimation hate group and the SPLC hate group that teaches their form of racial bigotry and hate to LEO'S, Law enforcement officers, while attempting to target, create chaos, print lies, and innuendoes using their methods of baal - witchcraft. We are now seeing the results of those actors now in the District/ AKA Rome/ Washington City where the GODDESS COLUMBIA is atop every building that should be removed . The same place where the military arm of the Jesuits influenced the populace during the formation of the experiment THE UNITED STATES .
Posted by Freewill at 6:00:00 PM

I don't know about you, but I rarely use the methods of Baal when practicing evil, preferring online forms with drop-down menus instead. And weren't the Black Baal Hearts a Do-Wop revival band from the 80's?
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Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote:And weren't the Black Baal Hearts a Do-Wop revival band from the 80's?
Early 90's
"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
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Post by Deep Knight »

As you know, I criticize NESARA News a lot here. A small part of this has come from their lame attempts at humor. To be fair, I would like to note that their current "header" is actually amusing, and post it here.


Good, now that we're done with that, there's the other side of the equation. Just like "there's always room at the Bates Motel," there's always crazy at NESARA News.

Thursday, February 15, 2018
Passengers Killed on Crashed Russian Plane Include Rosatom/UraniumOne Executive and Russian Source for Christopher Steele's "Dossier" against Trump

As most the world knows by now, a plane crashed in Russia this morning a few minutes after takeoff, killing everyone aboard.

As Russian authorities released passenger names on the official Death list, several of those now-deceased names raised immediate "red flags" because they appear to be directly connected to the Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama UraniumOne Conspiracy...

Now that they've been caught, it appears to many that "the Deep State" is cleaning house and getting rid of any loose ends who might testify!

Sergei Millian, a Belarus-born businessman who briefly worked with the Trump Organization and was reportedly a key source in the explosive dossier alleging ties between President Donald Trump and Russia, was in the spotlight following release of testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

Glenn Simpson, who cofounded the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, told lawmakers that a trip Trump Organization representatives took to Moscow several years ago had come onto the firm's radar as part of their research into Trump's business history. The trip was organized by Sergei Millian, Simpson said. He said Millian "came up in connection with Chris' work as one of the people around Trump who had a Russian background." Chris is a reference to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer hired by Fusion to research Trump's Russia ties. (Story continues below Ad)

This Russian Businessman Sergei Millian allegedly goes by another name; Sergey Panchenko.

Sergey Panchenko just happens to be one of the dead passengers in today's Russian plane crash that killed 71 people.
Also dead in today's plane crash is Ivanov Vyacheslav allegedly of Rosatom/UraniumONE who was involved in Hillary's Uranium One deal with Russia back in 2009 under Barack Obama.

There are other names on the list which correspond to other persons in UraniumOne and in high-level Russian government circles such as Oil and Energy development. These names are being verified and additional news stories will be published about them.

For now, at least two people known to be directly involved the UraniumOne "deal" and the Russian Dossier are now apparently dead and cannot testify to anyone about anything. How convenient.

Here is a photo of the Rosatom/UraniumOne Executive reportedly killed in the plane crash over the weekend in Russia:
I can now show you via the image above that the man whose face is circled is the alleged Rosatom Executive that MULTIPLE SOURCES have claimed to me, was targeted in the deadly plane crash that left 71 dead in Russia.


For those of you who don't know what Rosatom is, it's the Russian nuclear company involved in Hillary's Uranium One deal in 2009 in the early part of the Obama administration.

Many sources with whom I have spoken are claiming the plane crash to be "a hit" and the rumor mill is running wild alleging Hillary and the US Deep State was willing to kill 71 individuals to cover their tracks with Uranium One...Possibly making sure that Rosatom's Executive reportedly killed in the plane crash couldn't testify against Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton and those connected to her APPEAR TO SOME PEOPLE to be trying to protect themselves from being held accountable in one of the largest acts of betrayal against America.

Posted by Freewill at 10:44:00 AM

Pretty scary, huh? No, wait, you're saying it's not? Something about considering the source?

The man shown in the meme is Vyacheslav Ivanov, who was chief financial officer of Rosatom until May 2017, according to his LinkedIn profile. There was also someone named Vyacheslav Ivanov killed on Flight 6W703, according to a list of names published by Russia’s Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergencies, and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.

However, they are not the same person. Firstly, the man killed on Flight 6W703 (Passenger #32) was born in 1986. In 1987, Rosatom’s former chief financial officer Vyacheslav Ivanov began studying for a degree in Computers and Networks at the Moscow Institute of Radioelectronics, according to his LinkedIn profile; either the #QAnon crowd either missed this detail, did some extremely creative math and hoped no one would notice, or Ivanov is a genius the likes of which the world has never seen.

Unfortunately, the “genius” theory doesn’t hold water, either. The former Rosatom CFO posted photographs of himself to Facebook on 12 February 2018, a day after the crash of Flight 6W703.

The false Ivanov conspiracy theory was not the only one that spread online in the aftermath of the crash. Buzzfeed documented right-wing and conspiracy theorist web sites that claimed, also falsely, that Sergei Millian, a Belarussian-American businessman reported to be a source for the dossier at the heart of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign in the months leading up to the 2016 election, was also among the dead.

Russian authorities have not listed anyone by the name Sergei Millian as a passenger of Flight 6W703, and there is no evidence to support claims that Millian uses the alias “Sergei Panchenko” — a name that actually does appear on the official list of passengers.

"Follow the Money"