The Rise of NESARA

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Deep Knight »

GESARA = Global ESARA, not just nonsense for the good ol' US of A, but the whole world!!! Just kidding, :lol: it stands for Gesticular NESARA, i.e. NESARA done with dramatic gestures to emphasize one's words, e.g. an extended middle finger.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017





Posted by Olive Oyl at 10:03:00 PM

Sure, 209 countries have, but one of those ISN'T the one ruled by a slave-mistress shape-shifting Reptilian queen who by secret Masonic treaty actually owns everyone whose parents got them a birth certificate and is thus the only one that counts, IS IT. Can't dispute that one, can you, smarty pants!


Anonymous November 29, 2017 at 7:32 AM
The Zionists are sitting on GESARA. Israel needs the US (in its current state) for their Eretz Israel project. They own America and control its peoples. The Zionists are perhaps the biggest obstacle "We the People" might need to address in creating the future that we want and not the one that they want for us. We of many generations have come a long way crossing many centuries, oceans and continents. Will true peace and prosperity be part of that future?
Organizations, evil people, their lies and obfuscations to be adressed by us:
1. No evidence suggest that GESARA forms part of 2015 Paris agreements
2. The Vatican has been centrally involved in many of the behind-the-scenes machinations involved in the 2007-2008 global financial collapse, and in the blocking of the NESARA-related international prosperity settlements
3. US Senators

Anonymous November 29, 2017 at 7:39 AM
Would AMENDING INCOME TAXES be linked to the Vatican? (The elephant in the room)

Patricia Dow November 29, 2017 at 12:10 PM
Remember, the announcement cannot be done UNTIL the vacated American republic is reinstated and the vacated offices are repopulated. Check out judge Anna's website: Anna Von

Anonymous November 29, 2017 at 2:57 PM
Dark energies occupying the navel of our planet
Israel's New Labor Party Leader Says the Left Forgot How to Be Jews

Anonymous November 29, 2017 at 6:15 PM
Income taxes are NOT unconstitutional. The constitution provides for laying direct taxes and indirect taxes, and income taxes are a form of indirect tax. The tax laws are constitutional as written. This just shows how ignorant the people are about the constitution and the present state of affairs.
P.S. Fake judge anna has no clue about the true state of affairs. Name one time any of here nonsense has ever accomplished anything except take up space on this blog and her website. She has been disproven over and over, yet people cling to her as some kind of religious savior.

David Potts November 29, 2017 at 8:11 PM
Income taxes collected by the IRS , IRS is in fact foreign corporation, The taxes they collect do not in any way go back into our government. These funds go directly to the Rothschild Bankers. There is not now nor ever been a Law that states the citizens of the USA are mandated to pay such tax. These are simply taken from us to pay interests of a debt the government owes taking a credit line without the consent of the people

Patricia Dow November 29, 2017 at 7:38 PM
Oh, oh ,the troll is back.

Anonymous November 29, 2017 at 8:40 PM
XXXXX at my private audio on talkshoe discussed how the tax was imposed and then revoked
He says we signed up for it when we completed the first 1040 and we need to do a revocation of election to stop agreeing to be a federal employee.
He said Congress gave the procedure to opt out, ... the 1040 is a gift tax, it's a gift we are giving, and we chose to give it because we did the self assessment and said we owed the tax so they demand we pay it every year.
Every problem is created by our lack of knowledge, and they know it.
If we stand on the shoulders of those before us, and keep pounding on the door with the information they located that we can use, we can free ourselves and others with our actions.
The get 'er done people who wait for someone else to do it, well there's a lot of us trying but not enough I suppose, so it may never get done in your lifetime, but there are many who are working and getting blemished in the process, but we trudge along to make the changes.
We miss the sporting events, and the t.v. shows, and the movies, and the down time because we are always on, studying, applying, doing, being, and seeing the changes we are making.
The get 'er done people who aren't doing anything see things moving 'too slow'.
Well it's kind of hard to build something if everyone isn't participating.
Sort of like the ant and the grasshopper
Learn about taxes from XXXXX (he has several appeals cases and is headed to the Supreme Court) and YYYYY (he'll show you how to revoke from today forward, but not backwards), and ZZZZZ (he has a library full of documents free for you to learn the lie and what you can do about it, many offices don't have appointment affidavits)
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notorial dissent
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by notorial dissent »

The amount of sheer and utter stupid and total ignorance contained therein is staggering and painful to behold.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Deep Knight »

Did You NESARA Today Dear Ones? Did you GESARA Today?
Posted on October 27, 2016 by fromthefirstorder


Did You NESARA Today Dear Ones? Did you GESARA Today?


Either you want to live lovingly in a free world, or you want to complain in an enslaved world…did you Nesara today?

NESARA… AND GESARA are bigger than many comprehend…

Third Grand Experiment Ends With World Population Becoming Rich (NESARA/GESARA), And Nibiru Witnessed By Masses In December! Golden Age Created Now By Lightworkers! Antikryon: “Bubble About To Burst Wide Open” RV On Schedule, New Republic Prime And Ready, Nesara And Gesara Are Scheduled As Well, Cabal Network Dismantled! Archangel Michael Newsletter With St. Germain On Coming Worldwide Events, Including World Financial Reset, NESARA, GESARA, Cabal Arrests, Ascension and more! St. Germain Aligns With Chinese White Dragon Society To Introduce Nesara/Gesara To The World. Archangel Michael: Important Update on NESARA Announcement, and the Truth of How “Big” it Truly Is

Did you participate in bringing about one of the major events, leading up to all that love we collectively are, and can create If so then congratulations, for progress is being made. If not then… er… yeah… um… slavery eh… is getting tiring and cumbersome to say the least…

Energy Update: Core Wounds Coming To Surface, Mission Procrastination, Soul Family Reunions, Learning To Receive, Brain Fog, Time Glitches

You Pursue Happiness And Are Miserable…15 Things You Need To Give Up To Be Happy

Nesara represents the changes in environment, business, arts, planetary cleanup, everything between here and a new world of crystal and new light.

Do you know how to bring in new light and ground it?

Are you willing to put energy into Nesara… everyday… you can Nesara…

I encourage you to Nesara, until Nesara comes about.

Humans are going to greatly benefit, if we can Nesara ourselves and our lives.

Let us look forward to these moments, where we can help Nesara the world, and bring the peace to it, that we are all longing for so very very much.

Our lives represent such an incredible opportunity, that it is challenging to comprehend…

The Greatest Opportunity Ever! Earth~ Aria~ Golden Age~ Crystal Earth~ Centre Of The Multiverse~ And Us~

If you remain in your body, and want to expand in love, with the multiverse, you can achieve immortality in this body… the money… la la la, isn’t such a big deal to a powerful immortal creator loving in spirit and presence. It is time to tap out of patterns of illness, and sing your soul song… humanity too has a soul song, let us sing it… and feel the effect. You argue about Trump or Hillary… and yet…there are two united states… yes two, do you know which election is the fake one, and which one is the real one? Don’t get caught in a fake fight… get caught in our real lives where we take control of them, and make the entire world great again.


Big choices are upon us… either you want to live lovingly in a free world, or you want to complain in an enslaved world.

If you want more 3D experiences, you will go to the hologram if you remain in your body.

Sananda Confirms 2nd Earth Theory, For Continued 3D Experiences For Those Who Want Them

Oh… I have seen 4th density in this lifetime… if you miss out on this grand opportunity… you miss out on things you cannot even comprehend… how is that a fair trade?

How can you claim arguing about a fake illusion, is better than nesara-ing today?


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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, January 20, 2018
NESARA announcements expected in 2018

A thorough and extensive 'history' of events and participants in the NESARA saga as put together by Alcuin and Flutterby

Alcuin and Flutterby
Monday, January 01, 2018

NESARA is the covert National Economic Security and Reformation Act (March/October 2000). Notice that the S stands for Security; not for Stability. (S for Stability is a Bait-and-Switch mirror fraud; so is GESARA. More background here). NESARA is an American legal initiative with radical and benevolent global consequences.

The NESARA global prosperity programmes are on the cusp of being announced and activated. One of the protected funds said to be involved is called The Saint Germain World Trust. This fund contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion. It means ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars. Or $1 with forty noughts after it.


Among other projects, this money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels, and it will zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide. More about universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee can be found here.

The Saint Germain World Trust resources are additional to, and separate from, The World Global Settlement Funds and the Global Collateral Accounts

The NESARA money was originally scheduled to be released in the year 2000, but the Bush White House and its banking and legal conspirators worldwide prevented the disbursement. And, through corporate pan-global control of mainstream media outlets, nearly all knowledge of NESARA's existence was suppressed. This is now changing.

When the NESARA global prosperity programs are openly and publicly announced, perhaps during January or February 2018, they will permanently change human civilization in every money-related way.

In early to mid 2017, there was said to be a delay among lead agents of Tier 1 signatories due to technical disagreements about how best to monetize and book the vast quantities of off-ledger gold held in Asian and other bunkers. Some of this gold was not quantised or stamped in bar form.
The funds are now ready. The gold-backed global currency reset is ready. The conduits for the benevolent capital flows are clean and clear. They will bypass the BIS, SWIFT, the US Fed and the ECB completely. People have begun to talk numbers not in Quadrillions, but in Quintillions.

( ► Note to readers: Future history is developing fast now. Most of this development is not being explicitly reported with appropriate emphasis in the Western mainstream media. We are maintaining a dated compilation of links to geopolitically significant commentary at the foot of our Future Historians' List page here.)

The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound.

NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly, and NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programs. And no individual or organization anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it.

NESARA will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished. A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the revenue stream for national governments.

There will be increased benefits for senior citizens.

In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system.

When the NESARA announcements are made, the US President and Vice President and all the officials in their administration will be removed from office with immediate effect. So will all members of the US Congress and their Khazar Zionist bosses. They will be replaced with constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates, possibly including people such as Joseph Francis Dunford, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Timothy J. Holton, Paul Craig Roberts, or a retired Pentagon White Hat such as Michael T. Flynn or Carter F. Ham. Donald Trump may be allowed a temporary rôle in publicly exposing the machinations of the Bush syndicate and the Clinton Foundation, and in releasing details about the Satanist disinformation nexus connecting the US mainstream media and PsyOps cells within the US intelligence services.

There will be new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA's announcement. These elections will be carefully monitored to prevent vote theft, hacking and other illegal election activities by special interest groups or covert syndicates.

A new USA Treasury rainbow currency will come into being, backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals. A new USA Treasury Bank System will be initiated in alignment with Constitutional Law. The Federal Reserve Board System will be abolished. Personal financial privacy will be restored.

All judges and attorneys will be retrained in Constitutional Law.

All aggressive USA government military actions worldwide will cease and global peace will be established.

Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years, but the Farmers' claims will be paid first. Here, the settlements will include debt forgiveness of $300,000 (including mortgages, credit cards and loans) for each farming family. Similar reforms will take place in every country in the world.

Enormous sums of money will be made available for humanitarian purposes. New hitherto suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup equipment and sonic healing machines will be released for the use of all. More about the Quantum Healing Computer Technology can be found here.

By the first half of 2016, it was apparent that the precise term "NESARA" might not be used, initially at least, to publicly describe the global package of prosperity, humanitarian, infrastructure and currency refinancing which had become necessary. With over a decade and a half having passed since the year 2000, and with the corrupt deterioration of most aspects of life in the Western world having reached such visible degradation, the "NESARA" aspects of the necessary reforms would need to be folded into (i.e. added to) a number of other financial and organizational rescue initiatives in which Asia and the BRICS would take the lead.

Further background details and links about the NESARA global prosperity programs and their history can be found further down this present blog page, and from James Rink here, from Patrick Bellringer here and from Mark Clarke here. In response to a critical interlocutor, Patrick Bellringer explains the legal history of the NESARA funding processes here (16/17.06.08). There is a useful compilation of NESARA links and material at here. And a recent clone-related NESARA article can be found here.

Some historical information about US White House corruption which intersects with America's blocking of the global NESARA reforms can be found on other pages of this blog here (Citibank scandal), here (Bush White House begins to disintegrate) and here (The crucifixion of Chief Justice John Glover Roberts).

Posted by Olive Oyl at 1:49:00 PM

Alcuin Bramerton is a human being seeking to operate happily in the post-religious world. The New Spirituality interests him. His friend, Flutterby, is not in physical incarnation on the Earth-plane at present, but he advises Alcuin on spiritual matters. And there is a lot happening. Unreported by the mainstream media, a man in a grey suit is standing by the yoghurt shelves in a supermarket in Cornwall. He is looking for morphine suppositories. This man is not the promised messiah. Coincidentally, at another remote location in southern England, a man with false teeth is eating a cheese soufflé for lunch. He bites on something hard. There is a second pair of false teeth in his cheese soufflé. This man is not the promised messiah either. Epiphanies of this kind illustrate just how difficult it can be to determine the exact size of God in becquerels per cubic light year. But still the attempt is made.
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

a man in a grey suit is standing by the yoghurt shelves in a supermarket in Cornwall. He is looking for morphine suppositories. This man is not the promised messiah
It is uncanny how they know this stuff. I was indeed in a Cornish supermarket this year, due to a brief encounter with the ever undiscriminating Deep Knight I was in urgent need of certain topical pain relief, and due to my poor eyesight I did indeed hesitate by the yoghurt shelves in my fumbling search for the pharmaceutical section. The only inaccuracies were that I was not wearing a suit but a grey work uniform of the Reconstruction and Reclamation Corps. (The Reeks and Wrecks) and due to my sterling work for the British Royal Satanic Child Supply Division, I had recently been promoted to Messiah status.

BTW, Messiah status is just a cheap way, like a fancy job title, to avoid an actual pay rise. Walking on water is just horrible, you are not splash proof so even on the calmest pond your trouser legs are soaked to the knees in minutes, and for any distance virtually any kind of boat is quicker and less tiring. I have not yet encountered any dead worth raising, and water into wine is a poor choice of super-power for a recovering alcoholic. Forgiving all trespasses just led to a bunch of elderly hippies setting up yurts in my garden and crapping on the begonias.
Roll on Arch-Mage status, I know who is going to be the first to be smitten with thunderbolts.
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I suspect that meeting with, or even conversing with, Olive Oyl would be as much fun has having root canals on all of my teeth without anesthesia; but if I ever did, I'd love to ask her:

"How will the gobs of money, bestowed on us when NESARA is announced, not create massive inflation, in which, for example, we might wind up paying $20,000 for a loaf of bread?"

"Which provision, in the U.S. Constitution, permits a piece of legislation to bring about the removal from office of, among others, the President and Vice President, contrary to the provisions of Article II, Section 4?"

"Which provision, in that Constitution, permits the holding of new elections, contrary to the provisions of Article I, Sections 2 and 3?"

"Since you proclaim that NESARA will "return [the United States] to Constitutional law", and since you purport to believe that no such law exists today, will you please identify WHICH "Constitution" is the source of the authority for this return?"
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Deep Knight »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Forgiving all trespasses just led to a bunch of elderly hippies setting up yurts in my garden and crapping on the begonias.
I had the same problem last summer, so I broadcast old "swelling symphonic strings" elevator music on the outdoor speakers 24/7 and that did the trick. You might try 50's Frank Sinatra if that doesn't work.

What I'd like to know, is why the prosperity packie payouts went so far down.

Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years
Dove used to talk about everyone getting $100 MILLION or more in gold, and when some complained about that as being chump change, she added that prices would go down by a factor of 10 (supply and demand?) making this seem like $1 Billion, which made it a lot more attractive. So now this has gone down to $13.2 million it takes 11 years to get all of and without a single word about money being revalued? If anyone tries to give you $100,000 a month in paper money, I suggest you throw it right back in their faces and wait for the REAL payout. Just my opinion.

As for asking Olive those questions, the answers would be to feed Popeye spinach and the entice him with her womanly charms into beating the shit out of you.
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by notorial dissent »

I find some of my favorite bagpipe music or eually some of my favorite Wagner selections works wonderfully, the pests flee almost immediately and doesn't bother me in the least not matter how high i have it turned up, I point the speakers at the aforesaid pests. Works wonders.

As to Dove of Dimness, the problem is that if EVERYONE has a bazillion dollars, be in in gold denominated and backed currency, bottletops, frangipani buds, or Yap rocks, the net result is a big fat -0- a null a nuthin', you are no better off than you were before, except now you have a big pile of something that has no appreciable value. There really is a mathematical term and concept for this that I don't remember at the moment and am too lazy to go look up. Gold/precious metals/comic books ONLY have value based on scarceness, and someone wanting them. The value of currency is what you can buy with it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

You may have been thinking of a zero sum game.

Give everyone a heap of money and all the hard earned cash that is paying for my comfortable retirement would also become worthless, as indeed would everybody elses.Obviously this is why the global funds have not been released, a million mid ranking officials with savings to lose keep dropping it back behind the filing cabinet.

Give me $1000 a week that will buy goods and sevices over $100,000 that won't.
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Burnaby49 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:You may have been thinking of a zero sum game.

Give everyone a heap of money and all the hard earned cash that is paying for my comfortable retirement would also become worthless, as indeed would everybody elses.Obviously this is why the global funds have not been released, a million mid ranking officials with savings to lose keep dropping it back behind the filing cabinet.

Give me $1000 a week that will buy goods and sevices over $100,000 that won't.
Screw your comfortable retirement. What about mine? I'm just a pensioner eking out a living from pension cheque to pension cheque. Release those global funds and I'd have to become a contributing member of society again. No more month-long driving jaunts through Spain or cask ale pubbing tours of Britain.

This was a point that Dove always waffled on. Logically if everybody is rich nobody is rich. Check Venezuela where the average pauper had millions of Bolivars but no toilet paper apart from what's in his wallet. This is why governments (apart from basket cases like Zimbabwe and Venezuela) just don't print more money to manufacture prosperity. But, according to Dove, that wouldn't be the result when everybody got their prosperity payouts. We'd somehow all be rich! The Blessed Saint Germaine must have had a trick up his sleeve he never got round to using.

Which lead to another problem Dove waffled on. If everybody got their billions in prosperity payouts and we were all rich who'd fix your clogged drains or collecting the garbage. Dove said that people would still work because they'd want too. Right. The garlic and olive oil basted roast chicken we had tonight made it to my table via a slaughter-house with minimum wage employees covered in reeking chicken blood and guts. But, according to Dove, they'd still be on the slaughter line after the deliveries because of their love of the job. Dove never really explained to my satisfaction why they'd continue doing that but her followers seemed to think her answer, along with everything else she coughed up, entirely logical.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Deep Knight »

Dove actually "addressed" the "if everybody had millions of dollars..." question with the succinct answer that it would be in gold and that "gold had inherent value." So, even if food was scarce you would still sell it for gold, just because, if you follow her logic. Then there was the "if everyone's rich, who does the work?" This was taken care of by the "people do the work they love" and "replicators like in Star Trek" one-two punch. No need to slaughter chickens, you just replicate the parts you like. More of an issue was her one-time claim that we could all have servants, she never did explain how that would work...

But none-the-less, get ready for NESARA/GESARA because we have 2018 announcement confirmation by Mr. Ed! He sent in this report by phone, at great risk to himself.


Sunday, January 21, 2018
"Intel Black Out" - Mr. Ed

INTEL Update (Real News) via email "Intel Black Out" 1/21/18
Mr. Ed Sunday, 21-Jan-2018

Just because you can't see what is really happening doesn't mean that it's not going on behind the scenes.

The Main Stream Media 'Fake News' sure won't tell you about things like 'Gitmo Prison' being filled up with Cabal for 'Military Tribunals'. They won't tell you about bad guys trying to escape earth and being shot down over Michigan by the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance ships. They won't tell you that 87,000 pedophiles have been arrested so far. They won't tell you there are another 45,000 'Arrest Warrants' 10,000 'Sealed Indictments'.

Reports of Nuclear Warhead Missiles in Hawaii and Japan "were real"...and were taken out by Pleiadian craft working with SSP Alliance.

It has been decided that this year (2018) people will be introduced to some extraterrestrials...which will be Pleiadians that closely resemble us.

This government shutdown is a distraction while the Military arrest the high profile cabal. What they don't know is...this shut down is the end for the corporate government and it will never return while all the criminals go to jail now. (the Republic will take it's rightful place)

Delays in the RV / GCR are to allow time to make sure it is safe for your money and protect your new accounts.

We are waiting on the United States Treasury to push the button for the RV / GCR to start and it is very close now.

Announcements will be made soon about NESARA / GESARA...the Restored gold backed banking...prosperity and more.

Common Law will be restored when the New Restored Republic is announced to the public. (which is already in place behind the scenes and has been in control for some time)

Trump is not going anywhere...and he will be re-elected for a 2nd term. (as he continues to drain the swamp)

Look for new technology to soon appear like 'Med Beds'...'Free Energy Units' and 'Replicators'.

This will be the end for death based hospitals and big pharma pushing Med Beds will cure all any injury...replace any limb or organ and give you perfect health. (in minutes and free) This same technology will make you young again to remain that way for the next 1000 years. (so you can spend all that money)

A transformational wave of high frequency energy from the galactic central sun (not to be confused with our sun) is to hit us in the next few days...which is said to cause the shift from 3rd to 5th dimension...which has been termed "The Event" by Cobra of the Pleiadian Resistance Movement.

This Event will be nothing to fear at all...but will mark the beginning of the 'Golden Age' of 1000 years of 'Heaven on Earth'.

Soon you will be able to travel the universe and meet other forms of life which is never ending...

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:48:00 PM


Anonymous January 21, 2018 at 2:53 PM
MR ED: I think this guy is a Fing traitor! Who would release this critical information before the bill passes the Senate? This is a message to all the Traitors in the senate and the bastard releasing the info is complicit, IMO!

Anonymous January 21, 2018 at 7:51 PM
This person should go back to taking his or her medications. Nineteen promises, of which only one, Donald Trump's chances in 2020, are remotely possible.

Anonymous January 21, 2018 at 10:51 PM
Besides this information being discussed in conference calls and in emails all over the net among those waiting to exchange currencies, along with those publishing information to go to the public to educate and inform, Mr. Ed posted this very doc on the Intel Dinar Chronicles website early today. ALL on the list are more than 'remotely' possible. Obviously you are not well connected or informed, listening to all the negative naysayers. If you count on this website for your RV information, you are in trouble. There is only one who posts here who is well informed, and most likely not the one who you approve of.

just some dude with dsl January 22, 2018 at 6:23 AM
I hope so because I cant last much longer being unemployed and Ive got this thing on my dick and maybe some skin cancer on my leg? Im sure somebody cant wait to call me a troll, boom! No but seriously, I think we humans are on the verge of massive change. Ive never had more respect for a president then for President Trump! Hes the reach around the deep state didnt see coming. No pun intended. Could a robot make this up?
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Gregg »

The last time I recall people talking about a "Golden Age of 1000 years" was a bunch of people in Germany in 1936 or so.
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by notorial dissent »

Gregg wrote:The last time I recall people talking about a "Golden Age of 1000 years" was a bunch of people in Germany in 1936 or so.
And that turned out so very very well, too, also!!!!!!
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Re: The Rise of NESARA

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

This morning, as usual, my wife and I are listening to a financial talk show on our local news radio station. Today's show is an "encore presentation"; but the host mentioned getting an e-mail from a bewildered and frightened woman, saying that she heard that NESARA will take away her 401(k) acccount; but it will all be worth it because [I'll omit the list of the claimed benefits, sicne most of you have heard them already]. The host set her straight.

NESARA is like a Whack-A-Mole. You pound it down, in one place; and then someone "does their research", finds it on some obscure Internet location; and up it pops, again, somewhere else.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools