Fake News Festival!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

JohnPCapitalist wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Obama's Identity Revealed
[... blah blah blah ...]
A 2014 World Net Daily article tells how British barrister and intelligence consultant, Michael Shrimpton, appeared in a 2008 video that began re-circulating on the Internet in 2014 in which he claims to have been privy to shocking intelligence information on Obama’s origins.
The article is an obvious troll. I know this because Mick Shrimpton was one of the (many) drummers for Spinal Tap. He's the one who spontaneously combusted on stage.
What do you mean? Prince, now King, Whats-His-Name and Obama look almost like they're twins!

A VERY strange rabbit hole. There actually is such a 2014 Jerome "Clueless" Corsi WND article.

http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/obamas-origi ... rts-trial/

And it's apparently about a real person:

Wikipedia wrote:Michael Shrimpton (born 9 March 1957) is a British barrister, former immigration judge, and politician noted for his conspiracy theories and hoaxes. A self-described "national security and intelligence specialist", Shrimpton was convicted in 2014 for falsely reporting that Germany was planning a nuclear attack on the 2012 Summer Olympics.
Shrimpton is particularly noted for his claims concerning his role in the intelligence community and for his theories on the infiltration of British society by German spies and saboteurs.

Shrimpton describes himself as a "national security and intelligence specialist". He claims that his address is the headquarters of an international intelligence network and that he has travelled the world on intelligence assignments, with contacts in the CIA, FBI, MI6, Pentagon, Chinese intelligence, and the British Parliament. He credits himself with a role in several intelligence successes, including the capture of Osama bin Laden.

According to Shrimpton, Germany re-established its Nazi-era intelligence apparatus, the Deutsches Verteidigungs Dienst [sic] (DVD) in 1945, and has since used it to wreak economic and political chaos abroad.The DVD is supposedly responsible for the assassinations (often via "weaponized cancer") of ... as well as for the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk and for the Japanese tsunami of 2011. Shrimpton further claims that German spies have infiltrated MI5, MI6, and GCHQ and have controlled Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and the British prime ministers Clement Attlee, Harold Macmillan, Harold Wilson, and Edward Heath. Many of these claims are laid out in his book Spyhunter, published in 2014 by June Press, and in his articles for Veterans Today and UKIP Daily.

Shrimpton has also written or campaigned on issues and theories relating to Euroscepticism, organized paedophilia, global warming, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, Barack Obama's parentage and citizenship, the disputed status of Gibraltar, and coproxamol and its role in the death of David Kelly.

Police and court officials and the mainstream press have generally rejected Shrimpton's claims as grandiose conspiracy theories that he uses to bolster his reputation and to ingratiate himself to those with real power. He is known to police forces across the United Kingdom as an "intelligence nuisance". Shrimpton denies that he is mentally ill or a compulsive liar, and a psychiatric evaluation at his 2014 bomb hoax trial showed no criminally relevant evidence of mental illness. His defense counsel nonetheless suspected him to be suffering from a developmental or personality disorder such as autism or narcissistic personality disorder.

Mick of Spinal Tap on the left, Michael on the right. My theory, they tried to get rid of Mick by spontaneously combusting him, but he survived and went undercover, and exposed those behind it all. Use your own eyes. Imagine most of his hair being gone from the burns and him gaining a little weight from not being on the road doing cocaine all the time, then look at the face itself but not the eyes, nose, or mouth. See? Any fool would admit it's the same person!
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

actually the child of the King & Queen of Thailand
Funny, he does not look Thaiish.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:A little late in the day for more birther rumours.
It's never too late! Orly Taitz says that Obama can still be arrested for treason et al and about a year ago compiled lists, such as "Obama's used of phony IDs" (basically, any time he used "Barack Obama" on one) for use by the present administration to pursue justice. Ahem.
Siegfried Shrink wrote:
actually the child of the King & Queen of Thailand
Funny, he does not look Thaiish.
What makes you think the King and/or Queen of Thailand are Thai? Like all royal bloodlines, we Illuminati have been controlling them for millennia! The Thai Royal family is primarily from both the Habsburg and Hapsburg lines, with a little Merovingian, Lemurian, and too-strange-sounding-for-me-to-try-to-spell royal blood mixed in for good measure. Then, in an amazingly clever misdirection move, we sent infant Obama to Hawaii! Raised from birth to rule the US of A, the plan all along was to install him as King here, ruthlessly destroying all obstacles in his way. It was only after brave patriots let out the truth on obscure websites that fear finally forced him to back down.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I always wondered why Obama did not seem to do very much, it was fear of obscure websites that did it. Many years ago I discovered that if the world remained unaware that it was being dominated by me, the control was complete although to maintain the secret I had to ensure that nothing unusual gave away the secret. So for all intents and purposes the only real benefit of controlling the world was a certain sense of inner satisfaction.

I am now looking to pass on the mantle of invisible and impalpable power but I am sorry to say that the denizens of this particular obscure website are far to flippant to inherit the honour and I may just leave it to the Battersea Dogs Home.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Not just the truth, the "disgusting truth!"

Friday, February 9, 2018
the Disgusting Truth Behind The Real Political Power In America

Note: Normally we do not publish advertisements but I have made the decision myself to publish this one due to the degree of treason and depravity behind the scenes in this nation. ...
Discover the Disgusting Truth Behind The Real Political Power In America And How You Can Stop It...
You Have No Idea Who Is REALLY Running The United States...
Did you vote in the past election? Have you ever voted? Did you think that your vote could make a difference, somehow swaying the tide of a nationwide election so that your chosen candidate could win?

Let’s start with a quick lesson on middle school civics. You know that every four years, America comes together to vote for and select its next president. Similarly, every two years congressmen are elected, and every six years, we select our senators. These three groups comprise the dual institutions of the Executive branch as well as Congress. Generally speaking, the person with the most votes stands the best chance of winning, and you're taught early on as a child that if you seek to effect change, you must vote and pick who you want in office. It’s an elegant system on paper; all you have to do is cast your vote to let your voice be heard...

It's All A Lie - The entire “democratic” system that exists within the United States today is a sham
It's a mere sideshow that most Americans believe actually means something. Your vote is meaningless for one important reason - the person you vote for is powerless to do anything meaningful, utterly incapable of effecting any significant change. It doesn’t matter whether you vote Republican or Democrat; your candidate will not be able to change a thing.

What I'm saying is that no matter if you vote Republican or Democrat is utterly irrelevant because...
The person who's elected can't change anything significantly because the Deep State won’t let them

If you've never heard of the term Deep State (sometimes referred to as Shadow Government), I’ll forgive you for not knowing. You won’t find the Deep State on the evening news or in the paper. You won’t see a commercial on TV trumpeting the Deep State’s latest moves. They are a mystery to most people, but be warned, the Deep State holds all the power and makes all the decisions – the ones that count anyways.

The American constitution and system of government is beautiful in its simplicity, an elegant system designed by righteous men who truly believed what they wrote and tried their best to guard against corruption. The Founding Fathers did a good job setting up government – in fact, they did such a good job that the constitution is still the only thing hindering the Deep State from fulfilling its evil designs. So if the Founding Fathers had it right, and the constitution is right, then where did all this go wrong?

In a word, what went wrong was the sheer size of government; the Founders never imagined that the government would ever get to be so massive. Soon after their deaths, the government began to grow. Like a cancer, it kept silently expanding, and two hundred years later, it was a gargantuan monster that was never, ever envisioned by the Founders in their wildest nightmares. Today, it is even bigger, wields powers that were never dreamt of by the Founders, and is more or less unstoppable regardless of who currently lives in the White House.

The government is now a mutant tumor that's threatening to destroy America, and deep within this tumor is the Deep State, what could be called the core of the disease...

Like cancerous cells, Deep State operatives are fully functioning nodes capable of reproducing their plans to new converts; they are decentralized and almost undetectable, but they are there. Keep in mind that some people link the Deep State with Freemasonry, Illuminati, extra-terrestrials, and the Bilderberg group but the true Deep State has nothing at all to do with any of that.

Still don’t believe something THAT EVIL exists? ... Elements of the Deep State were in place over half century ago. Today, it’s much worse. ... After literally decades of research (much of it very dangerous to my person) I'm proud to be able to show you exactly how you, and every American citizen can finally STOP THE DEEP STATE and I've self-published it all in in the most controversial book released in the last decade.

I present to you - DEEP STATE, the truth about the secret shadow government ruling America and how you can stop it...
You Deserve To Know The Truth, And You Must Know How To Defend Yourself From Your Own Government And Those Who Really Control It

The most important rights of all Americans are specifically laid out in the United States Constitution, and as Thomas Jefferson famously said:

It's high time that all American citizens have the knowledge and the power to stand up against the cancer eating away at our great country. As a single person you are weak, but as a population over 323 million strong there is nothing that can stop us, if we have the knowledge and a plan to follow...

My name is XXXXX I am a former member of a Government Agency (which I cannot name at this time). And I’m going to show you exactly how you as an American citizen can take control back from the Deep State and bring this great country back to what the founding fathers originally intended it to be.
732 people have already paid $37 each for their Early Release copy of Deep State, and they discovered things like...
Deep State Muscle - Exactly how much power does the Deep State wield? Can you say "Personal Army"? The deadly facts are revealed on page 17.
How the US Forest Service, Bureau Of Land Management and other unlikely agencies are actually being used to control and violate your personal rights, without you ever knowing about it...
Exactly how powerful the Deep State is in terms of manpower, the numbers are mind boggling - and you thought North Korea was the biggest threat, think again...
On page 21 you'll uncover the unsettling methods the Deep State uses to bring in new recruits and turn them into anti-Constitutional stoogies hellbent on preserving nothing but their own personal agendas
Did you know that you, average Joe or Jane American can actually beat the Deep State and take the United States back from it's evil clutches, all the details are laid out on page 25.
How to completely disappear off the Deep State's radar and turn yourself into a powerful "freedom fighter" all without having to take a single risk yourself, it's simpler than you think if you know what to do!
The single most important thing you must do right now to protect your family, friends and neighborhood from being consumed by the Deep State is revealed on page 37.
On page 45 the simple secret to infiltrating the Deep State machine and dismantling it from within is revealed, it's not hard at all and you may even be doing it right now without even knowing it...
And so much more...

So What Do People Think Of Deep State?
Like I said, 732 people have already purchased an advanced release copy of Deep State and they gladly paid $37 for it, luckily you can grab your copy for free today. They found so much value in it that I've received hundreds of unsolicited testimonials from all around the US, and here are just a few:
You Have No Idea Who Is REALLY Running The
United States...

Posted by Olive Oyl at 9:57:00 AM

I'm blushing, even though I no longer run the Deep State I left such a mark they are still using my name. But things are about to change, I understand that soon it will be re-branded as the "Kong State" instead.

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Gregg »

I may just leave it to the Battersea Dogs Home.
Ha! You didn't know that the Battersea Dogs Home is a front for the famed 699th Airborne Assault Dachshund Regiment of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force!
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Gregg wrote:
I may just leave it to the Battersea Dogs Home.
Ha! You didn't know that the Battersea Dogs Home is a front for the famed 699th Airborne Assault Dachshund Regiment of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force!
Not a problem, I fully expect the world to go to the dogs when I die anyway.
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

In Britain we really do have a Deep State, not dissimilar to the one described above.
Here it is called the Civil Service. The most powerful individuals in any Ministry are the Permanant Civil Servants. They are the ones who pull the strings. The politically appointed Cabinet Ministers may propose but it is the Permanent Secrataries and Undersecretaries who dispose.
Casual observers of the British political scene will have seen mention of the occasional Cabinet reshugffle. The idea of this is to ensure the political Ministers are moved on to some other unrelated job before they can get enough idea of what is going on to actually implement any of their half baked ideas.

There is nothing secret about it and for anyone interested in more details I recommend the admirable historical documentary from the BBC, "Yes, Minister" (presented as comedy for tax reasons) broadcast some 20 or so years ago.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by NYGman »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: There is nothing secret about it and for anyone interested in more details I recommend the admirable historical documentary from the BBC, "Yes, Minister" (presented as comedy for tax reasons) broadcast some 20 or so years ago.

Very good documentary, especially this bit about the EU. https://youtu.be/37iHSwA1SwE
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

[Link to quoted text below removed]
Last Friday February 9th, Stephen Paddock’s autopsy report was finally released. It was signed by Clark County Medical Examiner Dr. Lisa Gavin MD on February 5th, six days after District Judge Timothy Williams ordered its release, and four months after the autopsy was performed on October 6th 2017.

The Mainstream Media all echoed that the results offered “no hint of a motive,” as if to distract from the fact that the report listed the time of death as 12:00PM on October 2nd, a whopping 14 hours after Paddock’s reported suicide in the LVMPD’s official timeline of the worst mass shooting in recent US history.
He was murdered the day after the shooting. His body was beaten up pretty badly, with marks that show he was shackled up. FBI on the loose? This is what they do...

Posted by Freewill at 7:41:00 AM

OMG, they couldn't have clicked on PM instead of AM for 12:00 midnight, such things are impossible, which of course means they tortured him for those additional 12 hours and it's a cover-up!!! I'm sure the NWO told them to cover up the real DOA time on the autopsy too, but do they listen? Kids these days!
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

Gregg wrote:
I may just leave it to the Battersea Dogs Home.
Ha! You didn't know that the Battersea Dogs Home is a front for the famed 699th Airborne Assault Dachshund Regiment of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force!
These multi-talented canines are conquering not only the battlefield but the racetrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzB-tnaU0cM
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, February 17, 2018
Qanon posts has moved! New site

The Site has Moved!

The Github team kindly but urgently asked me to move this site from their hosting platform.

This site attracted TOO MANY VISITORS and consumed more than 600 times the amount of resources that Github normally allows.

That's why this site has migrated to another platform with a brand new beautiful url: qanoncanbiteme.com

If you'd like to help with covering the maintenance costs of the new server, or give a little "thank you" for my work, you can donate some Bitcoins to the following address:1JExPvzpBiteTheBigOne33XS
QR code

Posted by Freewill at 9:33:00 PM

Oh boy! And what great truths are QANON revealing at this new site?

Feb 17 2018 02:35:54

Feb 17 2018 02:05:17
Clown Agency>No Such Agency.
RIP JFK - we will succeed.
Pyramid will collapse.
Think shell.

Feb 17 2018 01:53:19

Feb 15 2018 22:01:38
Why is everything 'really' made in China?
Cost savings?
Why is POTUS focused on SA/CHINA/RUSSIA?

Feb 15 2018 21:30:51
Target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses.
Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange 'THERAPY'.
'THERAPY' takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.
Science Fiction?

Feb 15 2018 21:25:24
What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users?
Why was the research deemed CLASSIFIED?

Feb 15 2018 21:17:32
Discoveries must be ORIG organically.

Feb 15 2018 20:28:16
Civilian Puppet.
Player in the game?
We play for KEEPS.
Need help sleeping?
How was your meeting w/ Pelosi?
Protection offered?
Life Lesson: Be smarter than those controlling you.
T-minus [12:34]

Feb 15 2018 19:05:39
Newsweek problems?
Strike back against us?
MSM not happy?
"Conspiracy" label.
Re_read crumbs re: "conspiracy" / MSM coverage.
Who will be next?
They are here.
They will try to discredit.
They are stupid.
They bring more eyes.
The 'proofs' are important.
'Proofs' provide new 'eyes' ability to question.
This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.
Important to be prepared.
We will help.
TRUTH always wins.

Feb 15 2018 07:27:03
You are a strong Patriot.
Do not give in - fight, fight, fight.
You have more friends than you can imagine.

Feb 15 2018 07:08:41
Watch the water.

Feb 15 2018 06:38:07
Did Hussein receive a letter in the mail w/ white powder?
What a coincidence.
Message received.
Response forthcoming.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

QAnon a little too "Q"-ish for your taste? Intel professionals read Sorcha instead!

Sunday, February 18, 2018
FBI Indictments Based On Old Troll Article!

Last Update from Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb

The patriots at US and French Intelligence put out a lot of truth on Sorcha Faal and you don't have to solve any ridiculous riddles because they give you the names without wasting your time. The site isn't perfect but still puts out a lot more truth than QAnon.

I love what Sorcha just did to the big nothing burger put out by the FBI with their big 13 indictments of a Russian troll farm! Yeah, the one they made it sound like was being massively investigated for years? Turns out this entire indictment was based on an old March 2015 article anti Russian Ukrainian (aka US puppet) website! Russia has a very small (far less than 1% of the admitted deep state troll farms) operation of online warriors defending against the lies against it by CNN, Fox, and all the rest of the fake news. This was all detailed in an article on a Ukrainian (US puppet) website in 2015! So the FBI big bust of a Russian troll farm is indeed worse than a nothing burger! In fact as this Sorcha article points out, it exposes the FBI as totally in the tank for the deep state because they let George Soros operate thousands of far bigger troll farms that are telling far bigger lies and Soros is on record saying he wants to destroy the United States! So the FBI is guilty of treason for not arresting George Soros. Russia isn't stupid, Putin has an arrest warrant for the cockroach!

(here's the info that destroys the FBI Nothing Burger)

With these “Deep State” aligned factions in the FBI and US Justice Department having one of their worst weeks in history that saw by their actions and inactions wanted Chinesecommunist spies being able to walk free and 17 American school children lying dead in their bloodstained classrooms, this report says, they decided, yesterday, to lash out at Russia by issuing a comical indictment against 13 Russian citizens detailing odd ‘meddling’ efforts against the US election system that are truly strange, suggesting cartoon villain..., and that Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, speaking for the Kremlin, said about:

It turns out the US Department of Justice believes there were thirteen of them. Thirteen individuals interfering in the US election?

Thirteen individuals versus the budgets of the American security agencies that are measured in billions of dollars? Versus the intelligence, counterintelligence and top-notch technologies?
Isn't it absurd?

Well, that's the US political reality nowadays, you know.

Not being told to the American people about the “Deep State” indictment of these 13 Russian citizens and 3 Russian companies, yesterday, this report explains, is that it was based on nothing more than a March 2015 article published by the anti-Russian Ukrainian website Radiosvoboda [English] titled “The Kremlin Trolls Told About Themselves: Where Are They Sitting An...” [English] that details the supposed political actions of Russian billionaire oligarch Yevgeniy Prigozhin and his private non-profit company Internet Research Agency—with the bulk of this article relying on information supplied by the hacking group Shaltai Boltai (aka Anonymous International) .

To the numerous outlandish and comical absurdities contained in this “Deep State” indictment copied nearly word-for-word from the March 2015 Radiosvoboda article, this report notes, is its claiming one of the “crimes” committed by these 13 Russians was wishing Yevgeniy Prigozhin a “Happy Birthday”—and as this indictment states:

On or about May 29, 2016, defendants and their co-conspirators, through an organization-controlled social media account arranged for a real USperson to stand in front of the White House in the District of Columbia under false pretenses to hold a sign that read “Happy 55th Birthday Dear Boss.”

Defendants and their co-conspirators informed the real US person that the sign was for someone who “is a leader here and our boss...our founder.” Prigozhin's Russian passport identifies his date of birth as June 1, 1961.

Billionaire oligarch Yevgeniy Prigozhin—known as the “George Soros” of Russia

To the fullest understanding of Yevgeniy Prigozhin and his private political activities, this report explains, is by noting his near mirror image comparison to the American billionaire oligarch George Soros—but where Prigozhin has only established a handful of political organizations to protect Russian interests, Soros runs thousands whose subversive activities span the entire globe and include:

Soros spending a record amount of money last year to destroy President Donald Trump.

Soros discovered to have manipulated the 2016 US presidential election to benefit Hillary Clinton whom he had donated tens-of-millions of dollars to see elected.

Soros just being ordered to stay out of British politics after it was discovered he was secretly financing an anti-Brexit campaign.

Soros discovered by the Irish government trying to secretly manipulate their nation’s upcoming c....

Soros being so feared in Hungary their government is preparing to enact a “Stop Soros” law to prevent him from interfering in their nation.

With the “information warfare” crimes of George Soros now numbering in the thousands the world over, this report says, no evidence exists that he’s ever been criminally indicted by the “Deep State” aligned FBI or US Justice Department like these 13 Russian citizens have—and who, in essence, did nothing more than copy exactly what the Hillary Clinton campaign was itself doing during the 2016 US presidential election—and as it’s been well documented how Clinton and her allies paid tens-of-millions to deceive the American people:

Going further, the New York Times details fervently the $2 million budget of Daou’s Shareblue and admits that the intent of the entire operation is interference in the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election in favor of Hillary Clinton: “Beyond creating a boisterous echo chamber, the real metric of success for Shareblue, which Mr. Brock said has a budget of $2 million supplied by his political donors, is getting Mrs. Clinton elected. Mr. Daou’s role is deploying a band of committed, outraged followers to harangue Mrs. Clinton’s opponents.”

The New York Daily News put the matter most bluntly: “Hillary Clinton camp now paying online trolls to attack anyone who disparages her online.” The LA Times described the active election interference: “It is meant to appear to be coming organically from people and their social media networks in a groundswell of activism, when in fact it is highly paid and highly tactical.”

Posted by Freewill at 1:25:00 PM


Anonymous February 18, 2018 at 2:42 PM
Just hang these f'rs and be done with it- It is way past time-

Anonymous February 18, 2018 at 6:34 PM
Go ahead, do it. What are you waiting for?
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

This is a somewhat naive question, but what is in it for the people who compose, concoct and post this fanciful nonsense? Obviously a fair amount of work goes into churning out the endless river of mental dysfunction yet unlike more cash related internet scams there seems no obvious benefit to anybody from these "revelations".
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:This is a somewhat naive question, but what is in it for the people who compose, concoct and post this fanciful nonsense? Obviously a fair amount of work goes into churning out the endless river of mental dysfunction yet unlike more cash related internet scams there seems no obvious benefit to anybody from these "revelations".
What "obvious benefit" to me is there from all the nonsense I post on Quatloos? I have a long, dreary, highly technical court decision on an esoteric tax issue I'm planning to post but, even with my legendary tolerance for boredom and my tax expertise (35 years as an income tax auditor!), I keep making excuses to avoid it. But I'll get it done. And probably nobody will pay any attention to the case or my analysis. And I'm swamped with other things I want to do. Who knows what motivates me or them? Questioning benefits and analizing motivations is futile.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

Does it surprise anyone here that NESARA News has been almost completely dedicated to articles about how the shootings at Parkland aren't real and/or that gun control is a Satanic plot? Seventeen since they started on Sunday. The articles are full-metal-jacket crazy to begin with (do they really think that they brought in "crisis actors" and none of the hundreds of students at the school noticed?), some of the comments are worth copying here.

"Virtually every mass shooting and bombing that has taken place in the USA since President John F. Kennedy held office has been carried out according to the dictates of Operation Gladio C." Read more about the War on the Republic by VDS (Very Deep State)=(NSA+CIA+FBI+etc) = KGB Police State of USA

Yes, there are multiple indications this was a staged event, including photos of the shooter in a MAGA hat, the location near Mar-a-Lago, and that the school is named after a woman who attained fame for opposing draining the Everglades ("draining the swamp"!). Ludicrous.

False Flag in progress... Can you imagine how hilery would have used this to pass all kinds of tyranical gun laws.

The real threat and danger to our safety are these treasonous corporate so called public servants who continue to try and eliminate the Second Amendment. They all should be arrested and immediately tried for conspiracy to commit treason. Especially those in positions of their idea of power and leadership? WHAT A CONCEPT. By the way, the real problem could be that there just aren't enough, "Gun Free Zone", signs.

Not to worry, all the lamestream media NOW have a target on their back, and they are unaware that they will succumb to their ignorance and stupidity of the lies inflicted upon them from the Kazarians along with the C.I.A.-They have lied to the people for centuries, and they WILL pay dearly, and how, I don't really care-

The FBI, CIA, Demonrats, and Liberals are the ones that seem that this is the thing to do, as far as the deep state is concerned, and are still in the habit of trying to removing guns, rifles, along with the second amendment, but, it isn't going to happen- This Parkland Florida thing was a big farce, just like Sandy Hook and the Las Vegas shootings were, and NOBODY was killed there, either- These bastards will stop at nothing to succeed, but this will end in ALL of them going to GITMO, so all the contractors going to Gitmo that are building new cells for prisoners of the democratic party, will SOON house the deepstate idiots that are trying to control everything, and you need to keep in mind, this started way before Kennedy, If that tells you anything, and is all comprised by the Bushes, and the Clintons, and I am sure, a few choice 'others'-Trust me, MORE false flags to follow- These prigs are not going to give up on the NWO until they are caught, arrested, and given the death sentence-That you can count on-

Just how could Cruz shoot anyone if and he was walking down a hallway when the shooting was going on? Looks like there were 3 shooters. How could this shooting giving the number of people killed 17, be listed on the internet two days before it happened posted on the 12th. Just more division 5 CIA and Homeland Security crimes.

You made a critical statement about Cruz shooting someone? HE DIDN'T!! There is something terribly wrong here, and it is about the dems and CIA's attempts at removal of the 2nd amendment, part of the NWO agenda, and you hit the proverbial bull's eye, but this isn't over, yet, there WILL be more false flags thrown at us, so just be ready for it-These CIA m'frs will hang, that is why Trump is getting GITMO cleaned up and revamped- Lock and load 'em!!

The batman shooter and cruz are total MKulta patsy's. period...... lots of periods.........

This is all part of the Communist/Progressive plan for a COMPLETE takeover. WAKE UP!! As Nikita Khrushchev boasted years ago, "We (the Communists) will destroy you without ever firing a shot!" My mother right after WWII attended a series of lectures educating and WARNING people about their "Plan" to overthrow our government subversively. Agencies throughout the country would be infiltrated bit by bit by Commies and eventually the Communists would have complete control: our courts, Congress, our schools, the CIA, the FBI, the MEDIA. Obama, whose scandalous history of a forged birth certificate, stolen social security number, two names, questionable background, et al, hasn't even made the front page of a newspaper in 8 years in office. HUH? WHAT? WHY? No mention of his association/relationship with commie Frank Marshall Davis in the media? No mention of his Communist maternal grandparents in the media? No mention of his forged birth certificate as disclosed by Sheriff Arpaio's team in the media? HUH? No mention of his questionable eligibility because of a British citizen for a father? (Kenya was ruled by Britain at that time.) Are we a nation of freaking IDIOTS? Apparently so....

I will NEVER give up my guns, NEVER ! But is it realistic to expect that appealing to corrupt government whores to preserve the 2nd amendment will work ? They've already illegally passed the 'Machine Gun' act (1934?) & ignore the Dick Act which cannot be repealed ! Every step taken to disarm us is already ILLEGAL. Can a rational person realistically expect those in office to have an attack of conscience over pieces of paper, emails & rally's ? IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN THAT WAY. Why try to treat a cancer when you can cut it out and remove it ? Folks, that's what it's going to take to end this. Let's quit fooling ourselves. Voting, petitions, protests & alternative media has worked for us how ? As long as they can keep pulling off false flags with impunity, we are fucked & they will prevail through attrition, appealing to the new generation of dumb shit liberal pussies who will accept the disarmament. Remove the cancer, quit writing it letters & talking to it. Capisce ?

The same chaos out of order spirit of bol-shiva-ism at work as during the Confederate Civil War. The following article (URL below) goes a long way to explain exactly how easily our reality is being manipulated / hacked / programmed and provides some valuable insights as to what can be done. "In 1865, British author and editor, Sir Leslie Stephen, published a 30-page pamphlet criticizing The Times of London for its poor reporting on the American Civil War." "Poor reporting"? Think Fake News and its impact on our world and its communities as the collective sub-consciousness goes to work. Hopefully we will not repeat the past because we now know how mucky swamp creatures such as Feinstein & Pelosi operate.

If any children were shot in this "drill", they were not shot by this "patsy". Your statement reeks of socialistic programming. Turn off C N N. Do your own research on other shootings 'sponsored' by your friendly government agencies. They want the guns,... do you understand? They can't take your rights unless they get the guns from the populace. They will do ANYTHING to accomplish this goal,... They don't CARE who or how many they murder, as the 'means justify the ends'. Think, use your mind and think, don't just REACT. It's been PROVEN that no-one died at Sandy Hook. The school was not in operation. State sponsored, again. They have 'weaponised' the air we breathe, the food we eat, vaccines, the water, and the MEDIA.

The Second Amendment lists the God given right to bare arms for the protection of themselves, their families, and the country against all enemies foreign and domestic. This includes Tyranical governments or corporations who seek to disarm the population by shooting up schools and blaming a patsy and using their controlled propaganda systems to program ignorant people to push their disarming agendas by making them think criminals obey laws. By disarming the population they can kill you and your children because your neighbors and friends will not have the tools to stop them. Is that what anyone with an ounce of brains wants? You just can't fix stupid!

If you seriously believe that then you are the poster child for complete stupidity! And you just can't fix stupid! The NRA is an advocacy by the people who want to keep our country free from Tyrants! Just because hunters support the advocacy doesn't mean it has anything to do with hunters! Grow up and learn something! Put some brain cells to work for Christ's sake!

The earlier false flag shootings obviously did not accomplish the deep state goal of removing the 2nd amendment right to bear arms. Since those efforts did not work for the demo-rats and deep state, they came up with the strategy to use America's children to get the job done. No one wants to see the children hurt or killed (except the pizza eating pedophiles). Along with pedophelia - they devised a Nazi strategy to use their MK Ultra programming on children to shoot - shoot other children. THAT would work for them - THAT would get Americans BEGGING for gun confiscation. Reading the comments here, sadly that strategy IS WORKING WITH YOU PEOPLE. None of us want to see our children hurt or worse yet killed - especially by our children. Obviously from comments so far they guessed correctly in that some of you Americans are too dumbed down to discern their devised plan and so will not rise up against the deep state but instead sit back and make your lame excuses for the NRA and for the 2nd amendment not giving the right to kill children et al. OK - that is true - but how come you people can't see through what is going on here. You have programmed yourselves to see only the visable - and not behind the scenario to what is REALLY going on here. When they come for your guns folks, remember your limited view points. You can only blame yourselves for what is coming. As a former MK Ultra DE-programmer of young people - school children and young adults - I have told you what is going on but you insist on looking at 'fear' and 'shoot first mentality' and 'fake media' et al. Seems this group is more programmed than the children. Very sad. Stand there while the Soros (who is dead by the way - its his clone) paid child shoots your head off. You can't make any more excuses then. Many of you look really stupid, but those of us who know what is going on know where to spend our time and who to talk with. I laid out for you the strategy - now you can figure out what to do with it. Sh*t on it and move on or try to figure out what this is REALLY all about. I don't think you are capable of doing that. Keep your focus on running down American women. You know allot about how to do that one. So sad.

The "Constitutional government" was overthrown in 1861 by Abraham Lincoln. What we have present day is a DeFacto corporation that was hired to perform 19 governmental services to the people. The so called CIA is outside of those 19 services and has been created to protect and assist the DeFacto corporation and it's boss's agendas of global enslavement. The proper and correct way to overthrow that corporation is right in the history of our country. The people must follow the footsteps of the founding Fathers and resettle the DeJure county assemblies and return to self governing just as the original colonies and states once did.

This shooting clearly shows that our government needs to issue a gun to every adult so we can be like Switzerland with the lowest death rate per population in the world with them giving guns to their adults, males and females. They should only be semiautomatic as the constitution wants us to have guns with the same firepower as another country might have be used against us in an invasion. How would unconstitutional gun laws stop the FBI, Home Land Security and others agencies from staging these false flags? Any leader that advocates unconstitutional illegal gun laws should be hung for treason. Anyone asking for gun laws is part of the Cabal and should be jailed and should have been voted out of office.

Oh, BIG TIME,I agree- She just told what she experienced,and now a lot of people have heard what she had heard and seen, and is no secret, but now, someone from the CIA will probably monitor her every move, and will try to silence her- A lot of folks know what is going on, and this will make itself known shortly, just like the Sandy Hook psy-ops-It is all about taking our weapons, to fulfil their NWO agenda, and they will only stop when they are apprehended, and sent to GITMO, charged, and hung for treason and crimes against humanity-It's all about control, and that, for them, is the name of the game-

They don't want the truth out, is why it was pulled-They have been found out, and are screwed- Trump is using the Military to get to the bottom of all this haberdashery-The next two weeks are going to be very interesting- The students that went to Tallahassee are going to look mighty stupid when they realize they have been put into a position to be lied to-A future version of 'new' snowflakes-They have no frikken clue about what is going on in this country, let alone, the world- This is what happens when the media and the government lies to the people about EVERYTHING, and the parents are as much to blame as the kids are, the fools-

Why was the comment removed that said that these false flag stories insulted the dead and grieving? Who is afraid of the truth?

The post provided by anonymous calling himself ‘one who knows’ was not in error. Accounts given by the enemy mainstream media against Cruz were prepared well in advance along with the posts supposedly done by Cruz himself on the social blogs stating he was going to do the shooting. Just like Sandy Hook, evidence has quickly surfaced that the school wasn’t in use and that these kids had been paid and bussed in and provided with scripts – same as Sandy Hook. And again, as with other similar false flags, in one day Cruz – looking like a zombie – is brought in to court by a female attorney who then claims that Cruz – in his drugged state by the FBI, has admitted that he did the shooting – this when other witnesses have stated that they were with Cruz and he didn’t do it and that they heard multiple gunshots – none of which came from Cruz. Also conveniently, the FBI discovered all sorts of guns and weaponry in Cruz’s apartment. Now really – just like with the Vegas shooting – an evidence setup by the FBI preparing all well in advance to make Cruz appear guilty as hell. Already it is coming out that at least one - if not several – of the kids involved in this have fathers who work with the FBI. It only takes a couple days after these criminal false flags before the truth begins to come out. The FBI and the Sheriff did not pursue Cruz in advance of the ‘shooting’ when supposedly the Sheriff had received multiple reports about Cruz because the FBI is squarely behind this false flag. The Florida shooting was yet another attempt by the deep state/FBI preparing their final push to remove our 2nd Amendment, and they are hoping that this will do it. At the same time, as was provided for posting, video reports surfaced about Feinstein, Pelosi – for two – and others who were already pushing for gun confiscation at the same time as this false flag. Many of these reports are submitted for posting by 'whistle blowers' - those in positions to know what is really happening, and who are doing their best to both expose the graft and to inform America but yet to protect their own lives they need to remain under cover. Coming out publicly at the wrong time may well mean they lose their lives. Did you not see the post a day or so ago about Hillary Clinton’s own personal doctor being found dead – prior to her appearance in court to testify? If it were true that people had been killed in this Florida setup then yes – we should all consider the pain of the parents and families, but there was NO blood, no dead bodies from this ‘shooting’ and NO coroner reports (unless false reports are filed to continue this fiasco) and, in the true fashion of the deep state/FBI, plans are already underway to completely destroy/remove the entire school facility and any and ALL potential evidence that could be used to EXPOSE them. By now we should ALL be able to quickly discern these false flags - designed to lead people to believe something that is not true and in that process to further destroy our nation and its people. We should ALL be more awake by now and not so easily fooled. This nation is in a FULL civil war with the deep state within being our main enemy. If one can’t recognize the enemy and its tactics, then HOW does one protect him/her self and our nation? Remember, the current administration is in process of planning to arrest the traitors – and allot of that has already taken place. The cabal obviously is NOT happy about losing control and is doing everything possible to regain their control and to destroy the Trump administration and our Republic.

I'm surprised how many truthers still automatically assume that people actually die in these incidents when it's been proven time and again that these shootings are in fact casualty-free hoaxes.

Ive heard that's because when they are brought on trial they want use the, "Hey nobody died" card.

we as the public must demand full open and complete details , full forensics , open to public viewing , total transparency ,
all evidence on display , all autopsies , all witness depositions, no acceptance of controlled story lines , let them know we don't believe a word , through the media ..........NO EXCUSES


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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Someone is off their meds, again....
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:Image

God given right to bare arms
Like the guy said, it's all about haberdashery.
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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Deep Knight »

An acrimonious back-and-forth in the comments about an otherwise uninteresting NESARA News post.

Thursday, February 22, 2018
About the Florida school shooting and Donald Trump

... You just have some patients because Donald will put a stop to this and mark my words! The fur is going to fly! The deep state is in trouble. ... He is a master at chess and he has a plan brewing. Justice will be served and it will be served very cold.


Posted by Freewill at 7:11:00 PM

Anonymous February 22, 2018 at 11:03 PM
Now if Trump would quit playing footsie with Netanyahu & Israel, perhaps some of the rest of us would endorse your enthusiasm over the latest in a long line of Corporate CEO's, i. e., POTUS's. There are a whole bunch of things he could fix with an Executive Order, such as declaring the IRS is forbidden from extracting any further revenue from any Americans. That would not only wake up a whole bunch of people to " Mr. Wonderful," but we might even let the footsie thing with Israel slide - for now.

Freewill February 23, 2018 at 12:40 AM
Trump must be careful how he brings these monsters to a stop. Remember this is all interlaced like a complex machine that some parts are needed that would be badly effected by other parts halted. Cause and effect. Trump knows this and it is a nightmare to figure out the best way to shut things down without having adverse effect elsewhere.
What would work the best that is out of Trump's jurisdiction and control would be the people returning to self governance via the county and state assemblies so the entire machine can be overseen and dismantled with the assemblies stepping in at the appropriate time. That would make for a smooth transition with minimal catastrophe. It all hinges around all of us getting our county assemblies up and running! Had 59 callers on the conference call tonight! That is pathetically small number! We need to add a couple zeros to that number and fast!

TruthandFreedom February 23, 2018 at 12:33 AM
Please use spell check if you lack knowledge of the English language. "PATIENTS" is like those waiting to be seen for a medical service, while "PATIENCE" is the action of waiting over a period of time in hope for a certain action to happen!

Anonymous February 23, 2018 at 10:00 AM
The removal from power of arch-Satanist and mass-murderer Benyamin Netanyahu, now that he has been indicted by Israeli police, is going to be the next step, in that process. Netanyahu is trying to hold the Jewish citizens of Israel hostage, by threatening a suicidal war with Iran. However, Jewish CIA sources, are saying it is inevitable that Netanyahu will go to jail, and, “If Khazarian mafia Netanyahu, goes to jail, he will not come out alive.” It appears the Jews are finally waking up, to the fact they are still in their Babylonian captivity, after thousands of years, and are about to finally free themselves. In this context, the latest “shooting incident” in Florida, appears to have been an attempt to scare the Jews,into continued submission. Here is what Pentagon sources had to say, about it: “This was no ordinary school shooting, but a message to the Jewish mafia, as the Parkland, Florida high school is 40% Jewish and 5 of the 17 dead, are Jewish.” It says a lot about the state of the U.S. that there is such a thing as an “ordinary school shooting.” In any case, this source says, “Parkland is also the Texas hospital, that handled John F. Kennedy, when he was shot, so this was also a message, for the Bushes and Israel.” This source also informs us, that “the anti-Trump actor Robert De Niro, may be exposed, for being a client of an international underage prostitution ring.” Also, the Pentagon source says the NSA has now confirmed, that U.S. President Donald Trump won the popular vote, with 70 million votes, versus 57 million for Hillary Clinton. We wish Trump the best, but it is still hard to see how Washington, D.C. is going to be able to avoid....... a formal declaration of bankruptcy. - Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. All I’ll say here is that there is “lots” going on, according to Ben and his sources. Especially fascinating to me, was the messages that were being sent by the Parkland, Florida, school shooting. - Also, the Pentagon source reporting that “the NSA has now confirmed that U.S. President Donald Trump won the popular vote, with 70 million votes, versus 57 million for Hillary Clinton“, is something that would affirm what I sensed right after the election, that there was something very “funny”, about the reports that HRC had won the popular vote. Several others I spoke with, at the time, felt the same way. h

Anonymous February 23, 2018 at 10:50 AM
Definition of 'stupid': talking about and WRONGLY accusing a man that you have NO frick'n clue of what you are talking about. i WOULD BET MY LIFE that you have NEVER MET BIBI and you know NOTHING about him personallly!!! Your wrongful words and accusations PROVE THAT. You are wrongly influenced by the ignorance and stupidity of statements made by others who speak about him like you do. It is not kind nor wise to publicly stick your nose where it doesn't belong and at the same time 'think' you know about a person - especially when you are in two different countries. Apparently your 'thinking' is due to what you read and HEAR others say - and again you are wrong wrong wrong. Unless you KNOW Bibi's family both stateside and in Israel and you have HEARD for YOURSELF the voice of the Lord God - not satan's - then best to keep your mouth shut and not show your ignorance. And, as President Trump was/is, Bibi was called out, prepared and appointed to lead the Israelis at this time. People and situations are generally NOT what you THINK OR ASSUME. Dear g-d = I hope and pray you NEVER 'serve' on a jury. Your stink'n think'n would have the innocent person hung before the first EVIDENCE EVER PROVED your think'n. Your expressions about Bibi are just like the enemy now operating within this nation - extremely biased and uninformed - false incorrect assumptions and claims. God help us. For one Bibi is NOT a 'satanist' - he holds a Bible class in his office with his people on a regular basis. That is not msde public in Israel for protection. Look at Trump who is following Christ and who has a minister's meeting to pray with him in his office weekly. He has nearly the entire nation here against him with attempts on his life. Is Trump a 'satanist' like you CLAIM Bibi is? Trump likes to play golf occasionally on one of his hotel golf courses where Bozo the traitor was on the golf course MOST of the time while in the rogue 'office'! C'mon!!! Get some wisdom and before you express your 'I thinks' get some TRUE knowledge about the people and the situations. Any more this website is a waste of time. NOT ALL - but much of the time only a small few of the comments show any maturity and knowledge - most of the rest are "I think" this and "I think that" and for those who DO know about some of the situations and the people, it is a comedy to even visit here and read. One perfect example of late has been the continued women bashing, and the other about the latest false flag in Florida, and yet another is the CONSTANT BASHING of Anna who provides her research for FREE as have some of the others who have contributed valuable material to this blog and receive all sorts of ridiculous abusive comments. People - RESEARCH and GET THE FACTS BEFORE you say your "I thinks" and mislead others and/or simply show your ignorance about the people you wrongly accuse and the lack of knowledge about situations. I can already imagine the idiotic responses to my comment here - simply another/more evidence of the lack of maturity and knowledge of some of this blog's readers. I rarely see this on other blogs frequented. You have a 1st Amendment 'right' to speak, but for g-d's sake - know what you are talking about!!!! I can fully understand why two who were posting here regularly are not now, one in particular and another who appears to be slowly leaving. It is not their 'loss' to no longer support this blog - but OURS.

marie February 23, 2018 at 2:51 PM
You seem to know Netanyahu personally, huh??? Even if you are related to him you do not truly know a person unless you are with them 24/7? You are berating this person for the same thing in which you are doing. GOOD GOD, HELP US ALL! Do you really think that because Netanyahu holds a bible class in his office (FOR SHOW, NO DOUBT) that-that means that he does not worship Satin or is a Satanist or just a bad entity? Does that mean he is not responsible for many deaths? What the H*LL??? Mike Pence is such a holy man...but, if you delve a little deeper you will see that just because someone holds a bible class or preaches the gospel that they are could be a wolf in sheep clothing??? NONE OF US KNOW THAT WHOLE TRUTH BECAUSE IT IS SOOOO CONVOLUTED WITH DISINFORMATION AND PROPAGANDA THAT UNLESS YOU WITNESS THIS STUFF YOU CAN NEVER BE 100% SURE. WHAT WE CAN BE SURE OF IS THE (THREAD) OF TRUTH WHICH CONNECTS US TO THE PREPONDERANCE OF THE EVIDENCE WHICH HELPS YOU COME TO AN OUTCOME OF THE TRUTH. YOU HAVE STUCK YOUR NOSE PUBLICLY IN HIS BUSINESS AND SHAME ON YOU FOR DOING WHAT YOU HAVE CALLED HIM OUT FOR. AND YES...HE DOES HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK AS LONG AS HE IS NOT HARMING NO ONE AND NOTHING. TRUST ME...HE IS NOT HARMING NETANYAHU'S REPUTATION. AS FAR AS THIS BLOG IS CONCERNED...IF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHAT IS POSTED AND THE PEOPLE WHO COMMENT THEN YOU SHOULD SPEND THE TIME PRAYING WITH NETANYAHU BECAUSE HE IS GOING TO NEED YOUR PRAYERS!

Freewill February 23, 2018 at 8:34 PM
It is not this blog or website that is behind the trolling commenters. George Soros has funded a very large group of trolls to attack any website or blog that is anti left. Youtube, Google, Yahoo, and most of similar companies are all Soros controlled and funded. Many also use troll bots. People need to consider this before going off half cocked and making drastic moves and claims against pro freedom and pro information websites and blogs. And fighting amongst each other is not fixing anything either. I even seen an English teacher crying about spelling of words when we have bigger fish to fry.


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Re: Fake News Festival!

Post by Burnaby49 »

TruthandFreedom February 23, 2018 at 12:33 AM
Please use spell check if you lack knowledge of the English language. "PATIENTS" is like those waiting to be seen for a medical service, while "PATIENCE" is the action of waiting over a period of time in hope for a certain action to happen!
That comment is even stupider than the idiot confusing patients with patience. Spellcheck just checks spelling, not appropriate useage. Since "patients" is the correct spelling of an actual word (just used incorrectly) spellcheck would have no issues with it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
