New Prosperity Program: the Bathsheba and Esther Trust

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: New Prosperity Program: the Bathsheba and Esther Trust

Post by LightinDarkness »

Henderson's former chief prophet is getting into the new age workshop business. After the last one where she communed with Violet Ray Aliens and became possessed by them, I just thought she was nuts as the workshop was for free. But now I see the scam: start off the new age crazies for free, but start charging later (its like the drug dealer of stupidity!). Her next workshop is in September where the charge will be $100 registration and $200 in order to get "healed" by some new age light beams. About 50 people showed up to the free one (there was also some free loving going not sure how many just attended for the sex). Assuming 40 show up this time, thats $12,000 - not bad for a new age workshop scam.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: New Prosperity Program: the Bathsheba and Esther Trust

Post by LightinDarkness »

The ABSOLUTE LAST DAY to be redeemed and get your prosperity package is September 15, 2015! Henderson has decided that is the cut off dates, after that any names/birth certificates/DNA tests submitted will not be redeemed for seven years. You may not be alive by then, though: after the redemption Henderson has promised everyone who is not redeemed will be thrown in FEMA camps and he will start the war of Armageddon against the Dark Cabal. There will be tracts of land that will be "protected" by his divine power, but only if you have been redeemed through the list.

By the way, all indications are thousands of people have been dumb enough to send all their personal information to this guy. And its not only from the US - its dozens of different countries. And a couple dozen of them are even stupid enough to start moving to these areas that he claims he will divinely protect in the battle of Armageddon.

The need to believe in prosperity programs - and people who think they are literally the Moorish Science Messiah - amazes me as always.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: New Prosperity Program: the Bathsheba and Esther Trust

Post by LightinDarkness »

I have also learned the name of Henderson's now ex-chief prophetess is Gayla Neufeld, and that she owns a dog grooming business somewhere in the Midwestern United States. I guess that isn't enough to identify her though..times like this make me want to make a facebook account.

She is starting a new scam at - you too can activate your "Merkaba" by buying her merchandise and paying for her and other fruitcakes to put on a seminar for you and your closest group of New Age friends.
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Re: New Prosperity Program: the Bathsheba and Esther Trust

Post by JamesVincent »

LightinDarkness wrote:I have also learned the name of Henderson's now ex-chief prophetess is Gayla Neufeld, and that she owns a dog grooming business somewhere in the Midwestern United States. I guess that isn't enough to identify her though..times like this make me want to make a facebook account.
Wouldn't help you. Found 3 women with that name and all are in Canada. And none are listed as dog groomers.
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Re: New Prosperity Program: the Bathsheba and Esther Trust

Post by LightinDarkness »

Ah, thanks for checking. I know she has a facebook presence because shes very active in conspiracy facebook groups, but it may not be her real name.
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Re: New Prosperity Program: the Bathsheba and Esther Trust

Post by LightinDarkness »

So how is everyone doing in their FEMA camps? We were supposed to all be taken to our FEMA camps on September 16. The Dark Cabal seems to have missed me, maybe because I am a freemason? I certainly didn't put my name on the redemption list.

By the way, since September 15 Henderson on his weekly calls has not taken any questions from callers. I wonder if he is hoping everyone will just forget about that whole "September 15 deadline" thing...