QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Jeffrey wrote:Yo, XXXX out the paypal address. Some idiot may stumble across this thread and give that bastard money.
I rather leave it so that some Nigerian Air Force General can borrow some money out of it.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

From the QEG post on Brian Kelly's blog
A Word for the Skeptics:

Please try to have an open mind. This is real and many people desperately need this. If we told you 30 years ago that everyone would be walking around with smartphones, you would have thought we were crazy. If you want to be skeptical that is your right and we can respect that. In the next few months as people start building QEG’s you will have whatever you need to feel comfortable with this change. In the meantime we ask that you refrain from spreading negativity during the infant stages of something that so many brave souls are making great sacrifices to achieve.
So, having an open mind mean shutting the @#$! up, eh?

Being skeptical of things that defy hundreds of years of physics is only negativity from Brian's perspective, that of the scammer. If people laugh at his assertions, they don't get taken, er, donate. But wait, he's got a working QEG that goes at it over unity, so he's got a source of free energy, right? And he can show the world and make all of us nay-sayers look foolish!

I'm waiting.

As I understand it, the folks in Morocco had "over unity" 2 weeks ago, but are still waiting for the "time to be right" to make it work on its own. Maybe the QEG has performance anxiety.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by AndyK »

... open mind ... real ... next few months ... spreading negativity .. brave souls ... great sacrifices ... blah, blah, blah
Until they unplug it from the wall, disconnect the batteries, and use it to drive a load for more than a few nanoseconds * before it comes to a grinding halt, it's all just blah, blah, blah; send money; think happy thoughts; yada, yada, yada.

* -- which will NEVER happen.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

Hope Girl is back begging for more money! Remember, we reached "over unity" weeks ago according to her and the OPPT cultists so it seems strange that she would have to come beg for more money if it this were real. If free energy could actually work there would be huge charities lining up to fund this sort of stuff, especially if someone had proved the concept. Of course its all been a smoke & mirrors technology cargo cult, and over unity isn't possible, but that won't stop our OPPT heroes from soaking the true believers for some more cash!

For those of you keeping track, idiots have given Hope Girl and her dad something like $70k in cash donations and another $20k or so in things like donated travel, free food/hotel rooms, etc. So far they've been blowing through that at the rate of about $10k PER MONTH, and now they want $20k more: http://www.gofundme.com/Phase3QEG

Now, I would note that it looks like they aren't getting cash nearly as quick as previous scams. If I remember correctly, previous calls for cash to fund the QEG scam were funded within a week and over funded within 2 weeks. Its been a week so far and they are only at 2.5k/20k goal. They could still end up being given cash again, but it seems as though the cash flows are coming in slower - they will have to look for a new variation on this scam to excite true believers in order to continue raking in the money at this rate.

What is ALSO very interesting is that Hope has released a budget this time in a false effort to be transparent. Of course if you actually look at it, its not transparent at all. For example:

(1) She wants $2500 for "house sitting and maintenance" - that must be quite a big house she lives in that it needs $2500 per MONTH to pay someone to watch it (you can get friends to do this for free) and to repair anything that breaks (what, $0 to $200 a month in a normal house).

(2) Shes asking for $2500 to attend "five conferences" to present this scam. Being as how most speakers at conferences don't have to pay for registration, even at new age scam conferences, that is a ton of money for hotel nights and transportation.

(3) She is asking for $12 a DAY per per person for food. She and her mom/dad must be eating like kings. Even if you buy all-organic in a high cost of living area, I don't see how you would need more than $6 or $7 dollars a day. And you would think you could do it much cheaper if you were doing it on other people's dimes.

(4) She wants $7.5k (!) for plane tickets to and from Morocco. Remember, shes been racking up the frequent flier miles on this scam as her, her dad, and her mom have been flown around the world AT LEAST 3 TIMES between the US, Morocco, and Taiwan. All that travel has earned her at least two free tickets, but for some reason she won't be using those! For the amount of money were involved here, she isn't even flying economy anymore - this is at least business class.

(5) She complains about the cost and expense of shipping parts for the QEG scam. Well Hope, you are the person who decided to do this in Morocco - you could have done it in the US for a lot less money...but then you wouldn't get the free travel.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

I suspect a good reason they aren’t doing this in the US are the tax and fraud laws, both of which she/they are violating with both hands. Things are considerably more lax in Morocco and she can get away with more. She’d best stay out of the Orient though, if they decide this is a con, she’ll be in a whole new world of hurt she can’t get out of, and their prisons aren’t fun.

I am also of the opinion she is scamming the OPPT’ers, just not sure exactly to what end, but pretty sure she is.

I think the house sitting budget is specious at best, but on the other hand, considering her “friends” would you want any of them living in your house? I mean really!!

I suspect that one of two things has happened, either the sucker pool is drying up, more likely, there are only so many gullible idiots out there after all, or they are getting wise to her scheme after all the promises, ballyhoo, and then the repeated send money, possible, but how likely??

The conference budget doesn’t really explain much, but I think it is safe to say, it is more scam.

Her dining budget, likewise, I would think eating in Morocco, outside of the pricey tourist places anyway, would be quite cheap, and would all be quite organic.

Again, I would suspect the flying expenses are more scam.

She probably has a point about the shipping, and I would bet she chooses the most expensive method regardless of what’s available, since she hasn’t a clue about what she is doing anyway.

Scam from start to finish.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JennyD »

While we all know this is a scam, there are a few points that unfortunately she does look like she is trying to be truthful as to the amounts..

Food: It's gone way up in price, even a dozen eggs is now about 4.50 around my area, milk 4.25 a gallon, etc etc, so 12 dollars a day per person, isn't really out of the realm of possibility if you are eating 3 full meals a day and an occasional snack. Yes you could do less but that amount isn't so outlandish.

Do I personally think she's ONLY spending 12 bucks a day? Not on your life, I think she's using some of the cash to eat high on the hog, just trying to be a little more realistic here about pricing of things these days.

Shipping: It's horrid, we ship lots of things out of the house for various people and it's gotten almost cost prohibitive, yes I know she's the one who decided to do this in conjunction with the OPPTer's and in Morocco, but it is, as she says, expensive.

Don't take any of this as me trying to defend the scam, I'm not, I just get a little twitchy when people come back with "you can eat well on 3 bucks a day" and the like when prices have been steadily rising over the past few years to the point that it's almost impossible to feed someone on less than 10-15 dollars a day. My food bill is almost 400 a week and that's 3 people (me and my two daughters) and we don't eat really expensive stuff.. Just an FYI to keep people from thinking we here don't have a clue on anything and are out of touch with reality.. (also it helps deflect the argument i see that we nitpick every single sentence these people come out with)

Now on to the QEG device itself..

Yes they hit that over-unity landmark according to them, and the OPPTer's are going insane over it, all over the place they are screaming FREE ENERGY and haven't a clue how much they are being scammed. As Notorial put, he thinks she's scamming the OPPT, I think it's much the other way around, the OPPT scammed Hopegirl and her family now, they are just returning the favor.. Just a hunch based on how she's only targeting them, and not every other new age scam out there..
notorial dissent
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

JennyD, you are quite right about the food costs and such, and I wasn't implying they weren't, just that she isn't being honest about them, just as she has been about everything else.

Quite true, I'm not sure who started scamming who first to be honest, but when you get two conmen at the same table it is a sure and certain bet that they are both lying. I suspect there is a good deal of quid pro quo here. The funny part is neither of them really has any real money to speak of and they're both too dumb to figure it out. I suspect when the QEG lights, whether power line of battery sourced, come on for real there will a really interesting cat fight.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

I guess the food costs don't really matter, although in talking to someone who went to Morocco on vacation a few years ago they said they were able to eat fresh fruit/vegetables (but not meat) VERY cheaply, like $3 a day. It doesn't really matter though, as you both point out the entire thing is a scam request even if shes being modest with her food budget.

What just gets me is how people keep sending her money, even if its slowing down...how much will she rake in before she moves on to the next scam?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

I think that basically as long as they live on the economy, in places like Morocco and the Orient, eating and living for the most part is going to be cheap, now if they have to subsist on American fast food, not so much, as even the cheapest tacky burger is going to be out of their price range. I’m sure Hope Girl has fantasies of high living while she is out scamming, but I think she’s probably about hit zenith where she is. I’m just wondering if they’ll be able to scrape up plane fare home by the time the grift gets tight there.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JennyD »

notorial dissent wrote:I think that basically as long as they live on the economy, in places like Morocco and the Orient, eating and living for the most part is going to be cheap, now if they have to subsist on American fast food, not so much, as even the cheapest tacky burger is going to be out of their price range. I’m sure Hope Girl has fantasies of high living while she is out scamming, but I think she’s probably about hit zenith where she is. I’m just wondering if they’ll be able to scrape up plane fare home by the time the grift gets tight there.

My guess is like every other good scammer they have an exit plan already set up, one that always gets me and we've dealt with a few times in the office are finding people that went to the embassy and claimed hardship or family emergency and no funds to get home, that is an auto-ticket back to the states.. unless of course the embassy personnel actually check the story and then it's "sorry we can't help you"

Now in the case of Heather, she cannot do that little trick as there are arrest warrants for her in Washington State for fraud and in Washington DC for the same (she's mentioned it a few times laughing hysterically about how they can't get her where she is and since they are foreclosed upon anyhow, she doesn't have to comply with the warrants) but Hope may be able to pull it off, she seems like the type that if she hit the right staffer she could turn on the tear factory and make them feel bad enough to do it.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

Hope Moore has noticed that the money from the True Believers is not pouring in as quickly this time and has added this update (bolding mine):
For those that are contemplating a donation, the time is now, see with your heart the intention behind this movement and lend it your support. I know there can be some doubts when the QEG is not completely proven itself yet but what is needed now is momentum.. Even if the QEG doesn't work as originally intended this momentum will help us to see that free energy is given to the people, where it rightfully belongs.
Well look what we have here, begging for money while already setting up for what happens when it fails ("doesn't work as originally intended").
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

I suppose they'll finally get "over unity" when they get over unity and split into different factions, but if the money taps have slowed it can't be too long (I think this is true even if one assumes they're all true believers)
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

Now in the case of Heather, she cannot do that little trick as there are arrest warrants for her in Washington State for fraud and in Washington DC for the same (she's mentioned it a few times laughing hysterically about how they can't get her where she is and since they are foreclosed upon anyhow, she doesn't have to comply with the warrants)
Are you sure about that, I don't remember her ever acknowledging such a thing.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

I went to Hopegirl's site to download the QEG in Morocco report she's promoting, but although there's something that looks like a link, there's nothing there. However, I did read her thing on trolls and people who post things debunking her claims. Here is a small part:


A “Troll” is defined as: one who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

Trolls are everywhere, they run rampant on social media, create entire websites just to highlight their trolling activities, spend countless man hours writing emails, and commenting on blogs and youtube videos.

There are two levels of trolls;

1) Those that get paid to be an internet troll as was fully exposed by documents leaked by Edward Snowden here.

2) Entities in the form of energy that manipulate human behavior to fulfill a negative end-goal agenda. These same entities are the source of the mind control program for paid trolls.

Most people who are paid trolls feel that they have no other option and don’t actually enjoy doing what they do and wish they could find a way out. For those who are not paid but exhibit troll behavior, they usually have some form of human suffering such as addictions, mental instability, or physical illnesses that leave them open and susceptible for negative entities to control their behavior. All of these behaviors are the result of the unspeakable suffering that humanity has endured for hundreds of years. For all of these beings we feel compassion and wish to do our part to end the suffering that has caused these behaviors on planet earth, which is the ultimate mission of FTW.

The key to spotting a troll is to observe the behavior. Those that are silent, gentle, loving, supportive, understanding, and ask reasonable questions are not exhibiting trolling behavior. Those that are argumentative, forceful, afraid or instigating fear, undermining, aggressively competitive, greedy, create doubt, desperate, flippant, angry, egotistical, and hurtful are either paid trolls or people who are being manipulated by entities to exhibit trolling behavior to carry out a negative end-goal agenda. In the case of free energy, the end goal agenda is to keep us all enslaved to the energy industry that is run by a handful of elite who are all controlled by entities. Humanity, if you want to be free, take your future into your own hands and do things a different way, starve the trolls and help them see that they have an option to change in the new paradigm.


“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” –Mahatma Gandhi

As mentioned above, those who exhibit troll behavior usually have some form of human suffering such as addictions, mental instability, or physical illnesses that leave them open and susceptible for negative entities to control their behavior. For the members of FTW and the QEG family, we always strive to see the vulnerable human being in their highest potential and as their highest self. We also view the negative energy that a person is afflicted by as something to be observed separate from the being, who is not able to operate from their higher self because of their affliction. When this perspective of separating the higher being from the afflicting energy is taken, you can then analyze the behavior and discern the source from which the behavior comes. Then we know where the wound is, and we can move towards healing.

Below are real examples that have occurred in the last few months of the QEG project. We know these people quite well and can identify the source of their pain and the reasons behind their behavior. Those of us at FTW are human beings with hearts and feelings and we have indeed been saddened by some of the behaviors exhibited by these individuals. But it is through our understanding and compassion for their afflictions that we endeavor towards healing for all of us. To protect their higher beings, we have purposefully omitted their names.

There are engineers who post arguments against the QEG. Some of these engineers have had everything they ever owned stolen from them, including their inventions. This has cost them their marriages, their families and their quality of life. They live in abject poverty and suffer from bitterness and jealously because they were financially destroyed and never recognized for their work.
There are reporters who write sensationalist articles on the QEG, twisting every word we ever said and publishing it as truth, or publishing unprofessional commentary (opinion, conjecture) as evidence against us. Two of these reporters suffer from severe physical illnesses, and one of them is a victim of psychological torture by the illuminati who never fully recovered.
There are forums that are run by self-proclaimed free energy experts. One of these individuals attended a QEG build and offered to help the project. They arrived at the build, slept most of the time, showed erratic behavior, provoked arguments and stole public QEG money from the project. This person publically claims to be on the FTW QEG team and is now running a forum that is trying to discredit the QEG. On one given day we will get communications from them stating that they will “make the QEG family’s lives a living hell”, and then on the next day we get love notes from them. It has been discovered that this individual suffers from a severe form of mental illness.

Nailed us.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

Hopegirl wrote:There are engineers who post arguments against the QEG. Some of these engineers have had everything they ever owned stolen from them, including their inventions. This has cost them their marriages, their families and their quality of life. They live in abject poverty and suffer from bitterness and jealously because they were financially destroyed and never recognized for their work.
Hopegirl must have been reading my diary, ‘cause this is the story of Deep Knight’s early career. Not being recognized for breakthrough work ‘cause it was covered up by the NWO cost me my marriage, family, quality of life, and forced me to work for that same NWO as a bitter troll and jealous shill*. Is it a small world or what?

I started as a chemical research engineer, and completely by accident discovered a chemical that when added to water turned it into gasoline. When Big Oil discovered it would cost pennies per gallon, the chemical was removed from all the reference books so anyone revealing it would appear to be crazy and locked up. Took me a whole month to escape. I later discovered that approximately half of the chemicals known will do this, which explains why so many chemists are in looney bins.

After a name change and some plastic surgery, I went into electrical engineering and worked on dynamos, large motor-generator combinations to convert power that used to be commonplace. My job was to prevent them from putting out more energy than went in, an almost impossible task. You see, zero points are all around, especially where you have wires and magnets, so they preventing them from going over unity is a never-ending task. We finally had to throw in the towel, but even damp fabric wore out after a while. The powers that be realized their error and banned dynamos (which is why you don’t see them around anymore), and Deep had to look for a new job.

Moving to mechanical engineering, I started to design cars that could get 5 thousand miles to the gallon (it turns out to be a simple rewiring of the carburetor to the fuel injection pumps via the distributor re-breather valve). Doubled the horsepower and made the exhaust smell like roses too. This time Big Oil joined the big boys from Detroit (not auto industry leaders, just very large and mean 12 year olds) to suppress my invention. Ouch! I still make these changes for friends and family, but in order to avoid suspicions they fill these cars up with gas every week anyway.

Finally I moved into pharmaceutical engineering and invented the pills that made the male member 5 miles long and women’s breasts hold thousands of gallons of milk each. The Vatican endorsed the later as a breakthrough in supporting motherhood but didn’t want anything to do with the former, at least in public. I was just about to modify my invention to reduce growth from 5 to a more manageable quarter or half mile when the NWO/FDA suppressed my invention.

No wonder I mock huge penises and free energy, if I can’t have them, no one can! This may seem vial and petty, but that’s how Deep Knight rolls.

* Perhaps more jealous shillish than bitter trollish, but the shame isn’t any less.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by AndyK »

Sounds like you're taking credit for all the ultra-secret, reverse-engineered alien technology concealed at Area 51, NSA, and other such facilities.

You'd best prepare yourself for a visit from representatives of one or more of the off-budget three-letter agencies -- or worse, from one of the original sources of the technology as soon as he returns from their secret base on the back of the moon.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

Three-letter agencies? Are you sure you're not thinking of twelve-step programs instead?

As for my stealing these inventions from aliens, first of all they don't exist, and second I've never been to any of their secret underground bases and you can't prove I have. What's wrong with good ol' American know-how? Put enough hard-working Americans on a project and there's no whiz-bang that won't whiz when a son of the Republics bangs it. This was my approach - to build it from the ground up 16+ plus hours a day and eschew alien technology as being foreign even though it works better. Sort of like my technique in bed.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by The Observer »

You have to know that Deep Knight is running out of material when he starts stealing from Erasmus's rants. Next thing you know, DK is going to be telling us about the time he became a milling or bakery engineer and found this unique strain of wheat that magical flour could be made out of....
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by thunter »

From Brian Kelly's blog:

The Amazing Story of the QEG Build in Morocco
June 5, 2014

I know I haven't blogged much lately. That's because we've all been so focused on keeping things moving here in Aouchtam. With the short term absence of the radio shows, I know there must be much curiosity and many questions revolving around what has been happening out here as of late. All I can say is that the information blackout has been by design to satisfy a very important objective. In the not so far off future our radio, blogging and media presence will be back online and we can share with you all what that is and all the amazing stories and personal accounts from the last couple months. This isn't about a lack of transparency, it's about laser focus on what needs to get done with no tampering or distractions to get in our way. The QEG being built is just one of many aspects unfolding here. I'm told, even as I share these words, that many people the world over are working their way toward Africa. Great change is upon us dear friends. With baited breath and an empty belly (I'm on my fifth day of fasting) I say let's DO this! NOW is the time...WE are the Ones. ~ BK

In a historical event unlike any other, a free energy device was crowdfunded and open sourced. Then one was donated to an impoverished village in Morocco. The Morocco QEG build was made open to the public with an invitation to anyone who was interested to come and learn how to build a QEG. Close to 80 people from 24 different countries showed up in the little village of Aouchtam Morocco for this unique event which was hosted thanks to the hard work of some of our best friends and fellow truth movement bloggers. Those attending where some of the highest caliber engineers and physicists on the planet. This is what happens when you open source and give away technology! Below is a beautiful recalling of the experience of the QEG in Morocco written by our friend and future blogger Mel B. It begins here in England where the FTW family is busy preparing for our next build and 3rd phase completion of the project. Thank you Mel for capturing the true essence of the miracles that unfolded in Morocco during this unprecedented time in our human history!


I am sat on a balcony in a quaint little village in England surrounded by exquisite greenery. The birds are chirping and on the lawn in front I can see momma horse and her little baby playing joyfully. I am feeling truly blessed that I have been invited here. Hope and her mum Val are sat to my behind in the living room working on a list of articles, uploads and data that needs to be released so that you are all up to date. Ray is out Being and Doing which he does so very well, and it is safe to say, there is a lot of work to be done; the QEG UK build requires organising. As a result, we mutually agreed that we could help to get the information out from our own perspective if we had shared that particular experience. This is where I step in as I most definitely shared the QEG Morocco experience and my oh my – what an experience it has been and continues to be.

I had visited the community in Morocco after listening to the radio shows and reading the documents. I had planned and been treated to go for two weeks with family and friends, thank you June <3 and this is a phenomenal story in itself, but most importantly, I had happened upon some of the most beautifully inspiring, caring and loving people one could wish to meet.

The morning I was to fly home I had an intense intuitive feeling that I was not meant to leave yet. I just ‘knew’ I was meant to meet the souls that would be arriving that were connected to the QEG build, and after expressing and discussing this with many, I went against my mental chatter, shouting “go home, it will cause problems and x, y and z will happen!” Instead I listened to what my heart was saying, and I stayed.

I was aware of Fix the World and the dream of their first project becoming a reality by open sourcing a free energy device and gifting it to humanity. Here, they would donate the finished QEG to the local impoverished village of Aouchtam to generate the power to pump the village water well. This was being made possible by over 600 members of the public generously donating funds through the crowd funding structure set up by Hope to demonstrate this astounding project.

I’d watched all of the community assist in many ways in the preparation and during the build. Brian Kelly worked so hard arranging accommodation for all of those that were arriving for the build, making sure everyone had a mat to sleep on, a blanket and a pillow. He also attempted to ensure the arrival of the array of parts required into a country whose customs are far more stringent than most, and far from abundant in the requisite parts. He greeted over 50 people who were soon-to-be-like family. Some had brought parts over at short notice in their suitcases which he had arranged – big shout out Brian, another remarkable being <3

All told, 75 people from 24 countries were present. The talent and passion ranged from scientists, engineers, permaculturists, agriculturists, astrophysicists, bloggers, radio hosts, professional singers and musicians, artists, former bank trade and finance, lawyers, police and military, natural physicians, alchemists, professional chefs, professional authors, alternative health experts and inventors. Over twenty different languages coming together, learning and growing together, all intent on helping birth a different earth, one far more beautiful and abundant for all. This common dream budding a bond between the entire group, that resulted in fine food, laughter, music, data exchange, expansion, bliss and love night after night. This is what happens when you opensource!!

The heart within this QEG family and their passion for this planet-changing project radiated instantly, and some serious connections were crystalised. Everybody got to work. Hope and Jamie gave presentations which will be shared, engineers watched and helped Jamie taking data and video footage. It was an absolute joy to watch the children, the up and coming generation, ranging from the age of two to age twelve, help the guys build and prepare the workshop for the QEG, and also watch its creation. Hope asked the guys what stage they were up to and Quinlan age 12 replied “they are building a light box for the spark gap.” You know those times where your eyes fill with joy? This was one of those.

Two 10-hour all round road trips, and one 2-day trip were made to pick up parts, and many obstacles were overcome daily including no internet connection 95% of the time. Everyone struggled with this, and there were many other – erm – interesting events, e.g., necessary equipment from the build going missing from the garage.

Nevertheless, on the 28th April 2014, everyone in Aouchtam Morocco who came for the build witnessed the QEG reaching resonance. Please take a look at the video posted below and you will see the excitement; quite the deal reaching that specific frequency as a necessary prerequisite to the second stage. Boy did we have a beautiful night of celebrations that night, and did I mention that Hope gobsmacked every one of us when she stood up and sang opera!! Wow!

The second part of the build had as many obstacles and hurdles and more friends arriving bringing parts in their suitcases. Many had to return home as did I, whilst Dave traded places and flew to Morocco with testing equipment and a helping hand to Jamie. (After travelling straight from Taiwan to Morocco instead of going home as was planned, and with the worst imaginable communication problems for well over a month and a much greater expense due to the lack of parts available, Jamie, Hope and Val opted for the completion of the QEG in the UK, and we are together again preparing for the build.)

QEG Team in the UK preparing for the build

And guess what…………WE REACHED OVERUNITY!!!!! On 17th May 2014 in Morocco they reached 6 times overunity, which basically meant that the machine was capable of putting out six times more than than that which was coming in, and this figure has now risen to 33 times overunity!!!!Thus FREE ENERGY IS HERE! I’m no techy but I know what the implications of this are, and I understand that the engineers are now going to have to acknowledge quantum physics in a big way!

In England we have shared stories, walks, laughter and lovely food cooked by Hope. I have watched their hurt and anguish when reading the comments of trolls (those that are indoctrinated mentally and suffering from cognitive dissonance, and those that are paid by the corporations to virtually attempt to destroy a project and reputations). I’ve felt their pain at attempted attacks on their characters such as “Hopegirl is living it up in Morocco on the donated funds,” and watched them evolve into a place where, out of necessity, the comments no longer affect. I have seen the struggle this family is going through and I am aware that as it stands right now, Val and Jamie may be about to lose their home in Pennsylvania, for the second time, and they have been worrying about sending money back home to help their younger children. They have invested everything to reach this dream. When I hear folk call them ‘scammers’, it breaks my heart.

The QEG crowd funding to date has raised around £30,000 that was kindly donated by people that want to see humanity free from the chains that the corporations have enslaved us with, and deter any more raping of our beautiful planet. To instead watch it flourish and thrive in abundance and with abundance for all. This is not only a very real possibility — this is happening. Millions all over the world have opened their eyes now and many are gathering in communities all over the world. Many of these are building QEG’s, I believe there are around 40 workshops up and running so far in different countries.

The technical report is out showing the results of this amazing Tesla invention which has been created this time by James and the impressive team around him. James is one of the kindest men I have ever met. Truly, some of us in this moment of now live and breathe helping change things for our fellow man, and they radiate it from every pore – James Val, Hope and Ray (UK host) emanate this daily. Hope is a new paradigm business consultant with Fix the World (FTW). As CEO, which stands for Compassionate Enterprises Organiser, Hope has a Masters in Business Administration, 10 years work experience in corporate and ‘Government’ finance, and she was also a small business owner. Val is a PHD Candidate in Community Health and has a Masters in Human Nutrition. Val is in the HR (Human Relations) Department at FTW. Jamie is an Electronics Engineer with more than 40 years experience, and his love and passion started at the age of 7. James quit his job of 26 years to dedicate himself to this project, walking away from a high paid corporate work for a major motor manufacturing company in the US. All three of them have given all of their energy of late to this project.

It is high time all we all come together and stand united for our freedom. The QEG unplugged or self running, is the final step of giving 40 countries so far, the capability of freedom. Between 80 and 90% of everything we pay out is connected to energy, and the particular kind that we have been using is also harming the earth, humanity and more importantly…oneness. The QEG is a huge step in our endeavour to freedom. The third stage in the UK only requires the energy to be converted into a different type of energy by adding one more piece. The final step is being developed by people all around the world and is well documented.

For those ‘in the field’ of this type of business, i.e. engineering, it is abundantly apparent that the syllabus that was and is being taught is significantly jaded to fit the deceptive needs of the corporations that have been running the planet…just like I was taught at law school, just like doctors are taught to cure symptoms instead of disease, and this really does go for all mainstream professions. It is time to realise that we have been lied to, even to the extent of who and what we truly are; we are part of a collective consciousness, everything is energy, everybody and everything is connected energetically and we all make up the whole. Let’s understand how this machine works, that the energy is extracted from the ether in the surrounding field, see it in all its glory, realise that we are ALL ONE and are all far more powerful than we have been led to believe.

I for one cannot even find the words to express what absolute love and gratitude I have for this family that have risked their lives to bring this to humanity. Throughout history, due to the criminal corporations, we have lost an ARRAY of special and enlightened souls who endeavoured to help humanity. This time it’s different. Why? Because this time it has been opensourced and gifted to the world, there’s no going back now, the people are taking back their power !!! :)


Finally, there are some photographs included to help you all visualise what a truly magical journey this has been.

In love and gratitude


MelB xx
Caveat Venditor
Posts: 600
Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:08 am
Location: No longer behind the satellite dish, second door along - in fact, not even in the same building.

Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by rogfulton »

Brian Kelly wrote:And guess what…………WE REACHED OVERUNITY!!!!! On 17th May 2014 in Morocco they reached 6 times overunity, which basically meant that the machine was capable of putting out six times more than than that which was coming in, and this figure has now risen to 33 times overunity!!!!Thus FREE ENERGY IS HERE! I’m no techy but I know what the implications of this are, and I understand that the engineers are now going to have to acknowledge quantum physics in a big way!
Think they really believe this is quantum physics? I am not a physicist but I do know this is not quantum physics in any way, other than the relationship in the etymology of quantum and quantity (as in amount of bs).
"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
- President Theodore Roosevelt