QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

that will allow a range of high voltage (at least 2000Vdc individually, and 16kVdc collectively) caps to be varied between 30nF and 800nF with a very fine degree of tuning (0.5nF or less)
It took me a while to remember physics class and why that sentence is retarded and could not possibly have been written by an engineer.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

The flock is beginning to get a tad bit restless, apparently, making Hope Girl post this update:
Hang in there folks! What is happening as a result of the 3rd phase build for the QEG in the UK is strong sturdy and monumental growth for the way that free energy is being brought through to the people, after hundreds of years of suppression. We are still working and many groundbreaking discoveries are being made and captured.

Currently the FTW team has hours of video and interviews to edit, and information from some of the worlds’ best free energy engineers to transcribe. All of which we will be releasing in our famous opensource style! Half the team is in editing mode while the engineers are continuing the work. Many have continued their travel back to QEG’s being built in other countries to replicate and continue exciting research on some of our findings.

Here is a quote from one of the engineers that spent time at the UK Build:
“Rotor balancing in the UK was a huge success. It was done by a company that specializes in such work. The QEG with the balanced rotor ran very much quieter than what I have heard in previous versions that did not have precise rotor balance. What took up much of our time trying to find the resonate sweet spot(s) was the wiring and rewiring of capacitors in both tanks, also wiring the load bank from series to parallel and series/parallel arrangement. Likely 30% of our time was used in doing this. The conclusion here is that a properly equipped lab in the future must have switchable caps banks and load banks if we are to make best use of our research time.

Because we were working long days and into the early morning hours, most of the days we were not reporting as much, as we went along hoping to find that ‘holy grail’ loopback of the motor for self-running. Evens and I were only scheduled to be in the UK until the morning of the 20th but Phillip & his China partners agreed to buy us a new ticket so we could stay until this past Monday morning, and we thank them very much for this.

Tesla brought us the technology through his work and patents. When we can understand what he brought us and what he really knew we will progress in leaps and bounds. We are not there yet but we have the minds here in this group to grasp all that is necessary to move forward and uncover all the overunity secrets. This will take a LOT more research, understanding and sharing of our finding to do this. I am now committing myself in the days to come to contact each and every one in our research group personally, and see what each of us can individually research in various areas and then bring it all together into a unified whole.”

Due to being away from homefront responsibilities for three months (while teaching so many engineers in other countries how to build a QEG), the Lead Engineer James had to return to the U.S. Work will resume on Monday July 7th in the original Pennsylvania location, to achieve self-running, and a target/goal date of the end of the month.

Your participation and donations in this project have ensured that the people of the world will have access to this technology; over 40 countries have QEG workshops going! Please continue to support this effort as you can – we are almost there!!
A few thoughts:

- We're "almost there!" but yet if you look at the language being used, even the true believer "engineer" says they are no where close (hint, Mr. Engineer: because it doesn't work, its a scam).

- But that doesn't mean the $100k+ in donations have been enough! They still need more money, and are laying the groundwork for the next round of funding by saying they need a "proper lab."

- Although at least $25k or so of the $100k has been spent flying hope girl and her parents around the world for the past 4 months, plus lodging expenses, now the scammer in chief hope girl's dad is returning home to work on it. Why couldn't he have done this to begin with and not throw all that money away on plane tickets and hotels (because its a scam and they wanted free travel)?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

over 40 countries have QEG workshops going!
She's basically structuring the QEG scheme as a MLM thing. IE, she gets paid to set up QEG workshops and then the workshops push the scam to other people.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

Here's the Real story

Hopegirl published her UPDATE because... support for the QEG project is falling fast - Interest is drying up because of lack of any genuine progress.

She says:
"Currently the FTW team has hours of video and interviews to edit, and information from some of the worlds’ best free energy engineers to transcribe. All of which we will be releasing in our famous opensource style! ..."

Want to get a taste of All That, then look here: ( 5,708 views )
QEG: Working Free Energy device? / NOTES from Skype-chat
http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/ind ... 939&page=1

The guy who runs that site says that the Skype rooms, which were used for updating the various QEG projects around the world -- are DRYING UP, with very few posts in the last 2-3 weeks. People are arguing with each other, and shouting, when they have anything to post at all. The only exception seems to be the "positive sounding" posts from the QEG short on substance, like Hope's own "Update".

How long can they go on reporting "NEWS" like "UK Team has resonance", when "resonance" is meaningless ?
notorial dissent
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

Why and what possible difference would it make?

Capacitors are nothing more or less when it finally comes down to it than very specific and limited storage batteries. They have other applications in electronic circuits, but when all is said and done they are limited their physics to what they can and do.

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JennyD »

I just love these two Youtube comments on the QEG, they sum it all up perfectly... :)

Craig P 2 weeks ago
Hi there, Hope Girl please don't take this personally, but could you please put your new age ideals aside for a minute. Do you honestly believe that anyone is going to get on board with this without first seeing it actually working and doing what you say it can do? I don't think they will. If you want people to mass market this and sell it to "humanity" as your end game is, then show it working. Look I understand if this is a legit project and that if you do have a working prototype you want to keep it from the clutches of the ruling elite, I get that, but girl, you gotta get real. They way you are selling this and hyping it up verbatim from the script it just sounds like a hoax on a large scale. Sorry but that's my view.

Marcus Spain 2 weeks ago
This absolutely stinks of deception. If these people really felt the way they say they feel all the blueprints would be out on the net right now so others could replicate and share. I suspect they are trying to attract investors . Poor Tesla is having his name misused again. He'd probably be turning in his grave. He was obviously onto something.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by AndyK »



Poor Tesla is having his name misused again. He'd probably be turning in his grave. He was obviously onto something.
Now there's a source for 'free energy.'
Hook Tesla's remains up to a generator so, as he spins from the bastardization of his names and ideas, he can crank out some power.

Perhaps, like the remains of the saints, each individual bone could be attached to a separate generator ??
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Holy power-generator, Batman!
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JennyD »

I also loved this comment from the link DP put here :)
Anybody who cannot see this is a scam by now needs their head examined.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

Thanks, Jenny - this says it all:
"Hopegirl, you gotta get real. They way you are selling this and hyping it up verbatim from the script it just sounds like a hoax on a large scale."

And this, posted recently on that GEI site:
"Serious money does not take these Go-Go Funding campaigns seriously.
Afterall, If you were a serious project, would you want to "follow" the QEG Device, and Hopegirl's extreme hype?
She has "queered the pitch" for some time - on Free Energy crowd-funding."
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

QEG Update - might amuse some

(If I get banned for posting this - then goodbye all - you know I think the QEG is a scam):

The UK QEG build, while it achieved resonance and over-unity, it failed to achieve self running within the strict time limit that was allotted to us, however, the worldwide open source research and development project continues undaunted. (a detailed report will follow shortly) I offer this alternative perspective as it appeared to me in a flash this morning...

> http://www.allegedlydave.com/blog.htm?article_id=6
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

Hope Girl still preaching to the choir...reading her latest update you would think that they had achieved free energy and we were living in a golden age of utopia:
http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/ ... eg-update/

I thought these parts were particularly funny:
- She attributes the decision by Telsa Motors to open source its patents as due to QEG. No, seriously. She says that.
- She claims 80 million people have heard about QEG, :haha:
- Although she collected $30k for the QEG UK scam, it turns out some idiot then paid for all the QEG parts, let Hope Girl and the new age crew stay at their house for weeks, and provided all the food. Yet I see no offer from Hope Girl to refund any of that money she collected.
- I'll just quote this gem:
There is no question of “if” we will have self-running free energy around the world. It is only a matter of time now. And this time is coming soon, perhaps in the next few weeks.
Ah yes, just a few more weeks! I remember hearing how they were days away in April...just week or two in May and June...now just a few more weeks! I wonder how long she will be carrying out the "really free energy just wait for it in a few weeks" con. I expect that is what we'll be hearing for at least 3 months before some Dark Shadowy Cabal force is blamed on stopping development.
notorial dissent
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

Heather and Hope Girl et al can report anything and everything they want, but until someone who is not among the seriously deluded and bewildered confirms it, it remains just so much ongoing blather from whackadooville.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

"...just a few more weeks! I remember hearing how they were days away in April...just week or two in May and June...now just a few more weeks! I wonder how long she will be carrying out the "really free energy just wait for it in a few weeks" con. I expect that is what we'll be hearing for at least 3 months before some Dark Shadowy Cabal force is blamed on stopping development..."
- LiD

Yeah. She's just like the OPPT "Dream Team" :
No accountability on anything.
Promise the Stars (to raise money), but never, ever admit failure.

That isn't Science!
Science can thrive and work, when a theory can be disproven!
Else, it is all a Con Game - Confidence game.

There's a New Video on QEG - with Hopegirl in an interview:
Paula Live, with Granadasteve, Alledgely Dave Interview with the QEG team
Perhaps I was unrealistic.
I was expecting to hear some sort of apology from Hopegirl. She has over-promoted QEG, and it may be very difficult for Free Energy devices to raise big money from crowd-funding in the future. Maybe I am old fashioned. I still think the way to behave and BUILD credibility is to Under-Promise and Over-Deliver. That is so completely different from what QEG and Hopegirl have done. Sadly.

(I wonder how long before THAT is deleted?)
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JamesVincent »

I look at some of these updates and become truly disgusted all over again. Again, the use of cheap, crappy tools and workshop areas in a so-called high tech/ cutting edge technology makes them look like scammers, even before they open their mouths. Or try to show you anything. Using a regular old ratchet, a cheap one at that, to make adjustments on something that, in theory, should have some severe tolerance issues makes them look even more like idiots. And, quite frankly, the amount of energy they have showed up to this point could be generated by a good car battery and convertor. And probably run longer. But one statement did strike me a little harder then normal reading this update:
Hundreds of thousands of dollars of professional equipment were lent to the build to provide unique measurements of some of the most revolutionary finds on harnessing free energy in history.
I saw, maybe, $4k or so worth of equipment. Total. Couple of multimeters, an oscilloscope, what else was there to make up that >$100k mark?

So, once again, all I see is a load of crap, supposedly being put together by engineers, who don't act or work like engineers, who have no results that aren't tainted, or any results to make it worth looking at. Judging by the power cord they have running into that thing they plan on it drawing a tremendous amount of energy.... but have smaller cables coming out, meaning it CAN'T put out more then it draws in. Literally. You cannot push through 14 gauge wires what you draw through 10 gauge. And the output may have been smaller then 14, really wasn't looking that hard and they don't seem to want to film them close up.

So, now they're in the UK, getting stoned for free, and still scamming people. Any chance of putting something into place for their return to the states?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

I think scam is still pretty much the operative description all 'round. I seriously doubt if any of them are anything close to actually being an "engineer" let alone any kind of qualified tech. They don't know what they are doing in the first place so it is ALL magic to them. Now one thing I will say, is that if they are doing it in England, they are running whatever it is they built on on a 220 vt supply, and I don't know what the cycle is, so that will have some affect on how they wire the thing, but the end result will still be the same... CRAP!!!!

I built pretty much what they are screwing around with out of a kit when I was in second grade I think it was, and I could have taken a second kit to have built the generator they are coming up with, I just didn't have, or know about capacitors at the time, and it still wouldn't have generated more than it used.

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

The "hundreds of thousands" probably refers to the "expenses" of Hope Girl (I can't remember her real name) and her family. When they do donation drives for this scam they ask for insane amounts of money, and usually they don't even try to hide how they are using it, like somehow one time they included $4k for "house maintenance" and got it.

As to having anything when they get back - while its a scam, since its based on idiots donating I don't think there is anything illegal about it. They will simply ride the free money waves for another year or so (although the velocity of incoming donations has slowed) and then Hope Girl will move on to the next scam. She has a history of new age scamming, before this she tried to scam people for her "fix the world" project. She then hit the jack pot with this one, so she'll figure out another way to separate the idiots from their money and do that next.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JamesVincent »

notorial dissent wrote:
I built pretty much what they are screwing around with out of a kit when I was in second grade I think it was, and I could have taken a second kit to have built the generator they are coming up with, I just didn't have, or know about capacitors at the time, and it still wouldn't have generated more than it used.
When I was growing up my step-dad, on top of being regarded as one of the best system engineers in the world for Navy radar systems, worked on CB and other radios in a little workshop in our garage. Probably around 3rd or 4th grade I started helping out and built several of the kits like what your talking about. Including building my first oscilloscope from a kit. Conar IIRC. I still remember working with vacuum tubes and just got rid of my tester a few years ago. I don't see anything in any of their updates that would make me think they would have even close to the knowledge my step-dad did and I remember him talking about other "devices" similar to this one in not so nice terms. And since he wrote the book, literally, on the Mk 92 FCS and the AEGIS BCS I think I'll respect his opinion and my own judgement.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

JV, while I have nothing to go on but what I've seen to date, I have to agree with you on all points. I have seen no indication whatsoever that any of their so called "engineers" would even qualify as techs, or they wouldn't be making the stupid mistakes and utter mess they are out of what is basically a simple project. Plain and simple, they don't know what they are doing. This bunch doesn't even rate garage experimenter status.

There were several other variations of the kit that I did, and one of them was a project to build a generator to go with the motor of the first kit. Building this thing from scratch was my science grade for that term. It was actually a lot of fun to build, and fairly time consuming as you had to do the motor windings, and more or less do them right to get it to work properly, which was part of the grade.

Mine worked on the first try, which is more than these bozos can claim.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JamesVincent »

notorial dissent wrote:
There were several other variations of the kit that I did, and one of them was a project to build a generator to go with the motor of the first kit. Building this thing from scratch was my science grade for that term. It was actually a lot of fun to build, and fairly time consuming as you had to do the motor windings, and more or less do them right to get it to work properly, which was part of the grade.

Mine worked on the first try, which is more than these bozos can claim.
I remember them well, you used to be able to buy them from Radio Shack or something like them. There was like a 5-in-1 kit that had all of them together or you could get them separate. You did better then I did the first time, had to rewind mine before it worked right. Never had the patience for little things like that. That and a little radio shaped like a flying saucer, that one worked great.
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