QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by thunter »

Well, my ultimate mobile CB rig was a 10 meter ham rig converted to 11 meters, running to a Heathkit SB 220 amplifier (2,000 watts PEP, about 1,200 watts key down) in the trunk. I had two alternators on the car, one powering a WWII Dynamotor ( by way of 2/0 stranded wire), also in the trunk, wired directly into the amplifier.

And, yes, it would light up florescent tubes!

The sound of that dynamotor was a dead giveaway that I was exceeding the 5 watt limit.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

In the 70s I was living next to some nice folks whose daughter had gotten divorced and moved back in. Her new boyfriend was a CB radio fan who had a "illegal linear amplifier" that allowed him extra range. Acording to my father, this was unwise as it would cause "splatter" at wavelengths other than those he intended, making him a bad neighbor.

If he turned his rig on while we had the stereo on (he would sit in front of their house chatting with his buddies), it would come blasting out (especially when the phonograph was selected). We got to the point we would check before turning it on. However, one afternoon I needed to valcuum up a mess I had made, and kept thinking that I was hearing a voice come through the vacuum motor noise. On a hunch, I turned on the stereo and got the same modulations. His splattery signal was actually being picked up by my Hoover vacuum (J. Edgar would have been proud).

I went next door to register my annoyance, and I and the boyfriend ended up getting each other pissed off. I thought about informing the FCC, but things worked out, at least for me. The divorced daughter next door got fed up with the boyfriend about a week later and he was never seen again. According to a roommate, his sitting outside in his car gabbing with his friends instead of paying attention to her was one issue. Perhaps him frying his brain with too much RF from his rig was another?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

It keeps getting worse. They are now begging for $11,700 to translate their free e-book.

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Gregg »

Does anyone want to set up an over/under on how long my comment stays up?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Gregg »

And by the way, can someone tell me a good reason why Hope Moore shouldn't be reporting this as income to the IRS, and can anyone with a straight face tell me does?

For that matter, is the IRS aware of the billion dollars they say they've raised, and what portion of if should be considered income?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg's comment, which has lasted a whole 37 minutes so far (if that doesn't indicate "openness" I don't know what does)

Gregg Evans

37 mins ago

It doesn't work, in any language, so why translate it? You've blown close to a quarter million dollars traveling the world for two years, building a very inefficient battery charger and light show. You say yourself, above, it's 80% efficient, which even if true means you lose 20% (and I doubt your get that much) And take off your tinfoil hat and quit crying about suppressing patents and technology. Science, by its very nature, cannot be suppressed, a talented 8th grader can build an atomic bomb if you give him the uranium, although the FIRST one took, well, most of the talent of the field of physics at the time. This entire campaign is a waste of money, if people want to support free energy (which is impossible, physics and all) buy a solar panel or a wind generator. People are catching onto you and your career of low level grifting , I can't stop people from falling for your little scam, but I do hope the IRS starts asking where all this money has gone, and since you're not a tax exempt organization and your activities are hardly within the guidelines of tax exempt, maybe you, like Al Capone, will at the very least in up in jail for tax evasion. Do not support this campaign, its just the newest twist of t a scam that's been going on far too long.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

Still up after over 2 hours! Wow!
Hope Girl wrote:...my stepfather James (engineer with several patents and over 30 years in the electronics industry), began designing a unique kind of energy device known as a switch reluctance motor that is 80% efficient.
Strange, but the new US guideliness published last year give 83% efficiency lower limit for electric motors under 1 HP, and this one doesn't even claim that.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Gregg »

Comment is down....but I'm going to repost it, and I'll keep reposting it until she locks comments....because I can be a dick about scamming people....
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

Hold on, is she referring to her dad as an engineer even though we know he isn't one?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

What shocks me is she keeps getting cash from people for this - although you'll note the rate has slowed down quite a bit. When she was first scamming people and flying around the world to make machines, she was hitting her goals in days.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

From http://www.mrericsir.com/blog/technolog ... ergy-scam/

Anatomy of a free energy scam [updated]
May 29, 2014 by MrEricSir .

Back in September a “free energy machine” which had crowdfunded a bunch of money on IndieGoGo came to my attention. When I followed up later, I found this same project had not one but two more crowdfunding campaigns, raising a grand total of $57,590.

Now if you really built a free energy device — that is to say a device that takes no input and emits electricity (or something that can be converted to electricity, such as motion) — you would not settle for less than $60,000. The device would be worth hundreds of billions of dollars if not more. The amount saved on coal mining and oil drilling alone would be astronomical.

Of course, anyone who remembers anything from their high school physics class knows that energy has to come from somewhere. That doesn’t stop people from trying the impossible; there’s dozens of websites and forums on the internet for those who “just want to believe.” But most of those people simply have strange ideas and too much time on their hands — they’re not asking people to pony up tens of thousands of dollars so they can take a free vacation around the world.

So let’s look deeper at this particular scam and how it came to be.

Who’s who
Let’s assess the major players here:

Naima Feagin, aka Hope Girl, runs an organization with the completely understated title “Fix The World.” According to her LinkedIn profile, this organization came about after exposing a massive conspiracy:

In 2012 Naima conducted a research project under the pen name “HopeGirl” that exposed hidden levels of global financial issues and their effects on society. This research resulted in a book of solutions written by 300 people from 37 countries titled “How to Fix the World” which quickly went viral on the hopegirl2012@wordpress.com [sic] blog

Sure enough, Hope Girl’s first blog post blames “the Cabal,” a nefarious group who control all major corporations and the government. Obviously their secret goal is to start World War 3 to establish a global currency system, which they’ve already begun by causing banking scandals. What the Cabal doesn’t want us to know is that free energy is real, crop circles mean we’ve encountered aliens, etc. etc. She even cites a discredited Iranian scientist who has his own personal model of the sub-atomic universe. Yikes.

She goes on to claim that in six months (from August 2012) we’ll all see that this is true because a resistance movement will have changed everything:

•“There will be enough food and water for everyone…”
•“Many people will not have to get sick, suffer and die…”
•“There will be free energy for everyone.”
•“New technology will dramatically change the way we live and do commerce, making interstellar travel possible for everyone.”
How do we know this is true? Well of course: “This is the future that I am choosing to believe in.” Sounds like someone read The Secret!

Surprisingly, there was never a follow up post after six months that explained why this future didn’t occur in six months. I guess we’re stuck with the 2,000+ years as predicted by Star Trek?

Hope Girl’s stepfather James M. Robitaille is the electrical engineer behind the QEG. There isn’t much information about him on the internet, but according to the IndieGoGo page his former accomplishments include designing an in-car vacuum cleaner for Honda.

Over at Consumerist they thought the vacuum worked well. Still, a vacuum cleaner is kinda far from a free energy device.

“Sir Dr.” Timothy Thrapp runs a religious technology group called WITTS Ministries. Among other claims, WITTS says Jesus will help us cure cancer, end pollution, and make cars that run on air and water. (I guess they have a newer version of the Bible than I do.) One of their projects is a free energy generator that claims to draw its power from the quantum field.

Birth of the Quantum Energy Generator (QEG)

Clearly, WITTS makes some pretty wild claims. But what are claims without proof? Well, WITTS would love to prove to you that their technology is sound, provided you’ll make some pretty sizable donations to their sister group, Enlightened Technology. The plans alone cost $300, and the required training starts at $1,000 an hour. Yikes!

Hope Girl’s stepfather found out about the WITTS quantum generator, somehow decided it was real, and decided to copy it without the help of WITTS and/or Jesus 2.0. Their new device would be called the Quantum Energy Generator, and Robitaille’s electrical expertise could bring this device to every corner of the world.

But WITTS countered back, explaining on their page Identifying Counterfeits:

World Improvement Ministries HAS OVER 300 independent Engineers that have made video testimonies and/or audio testimonies and or written, signed and notarized sworn to under oath, written testimonies of each of their independent verifications.

It would be interesting to compare the list of those 300 engineers with the “300 people from 37 countries” Hope Girl mentioned, wouldn’t it? Or is 300 just a number you pull out of your ass when you wish to sound like many people agree with you?

QEG goes open source

The team behind the QEG eventually open sourced the design. Or at least they open sourced something. The PDF document is a mixture of instructions, techno-babble, and a copy of a seemingly unrelated patent from Nikola Tesla. Like many of his contemporaries, Tesla didn’t believe in quantum mechanics.

The document warns you that even though the device is open source, you should never attempt to build one on your own. One such warning says that “A considerable level of knowledge in quantum physics is also required,” a field neither Robitaille, Naima, nor anyone at WITTS claim to have education in.

They later clarified this quantum physics requirement in another document, because it involves (of course) yet another conspiracy:

There are no physics papers on this as far as we know. this knowledge has been suppressed for over 100 years.

It’s bad enough that the document doesn’t describe how it works or why the Tesla patent is involved, but now we have to learn an entirely new version of quantum physics that we couldn’t have known before? Oh dear! Worse yet, Fix the World hasn’t revealed any details of their new scientific theory so far.

Perhaps the most troubling statement in their original document is this FAQ entry:

Does the QEG emit radiation?
No — it’s not that type of energy.

Exactly what “energy” is being emitted, then? It certainly can’t be electricity if there’s no radiation. So what is it, and why isn’t it defined?

Somehow this great open sourcing of the plans leaves more questions than answers. There’s even more pieces of the puzzle missing than there were before.

Fixing the world

Hope Girl said she flipped the QEG’s switch, but days later claimed there were “good reasons” that she couldn’t say whether or not the device actually worked. In fact, even asking if it worked was the wrong question, she said: instead we should be asking “How to we get this to the people?”

Nope, who needs evidence? Instead it was time to Fix the World!

Why did they need to raise money to fly to other countries to build this? Because shipping the device pre-assembled might end up with the questionable device stuck in customs, and because Robitaille’s quantum energy expertise is unparallelled, the family team hopped on a plane to Taiwan, London, and Morocco.

It was only after getting off the ground that they announced they had achieved something called “Resonance,” which they never took the time to define. It certainly does not mean (spoiler alert!) that any form of measurable electricity is generated.

Exit strategy?

Around this time, the posts on Hope Girl’s blog started to use worrying language like “managing expectations” and “full disclosure”. Something wasn’t right.

Further down the rabbit hole, she decided that negative comments left on her blog and YouTube videos were evidence of a vast government conspiracy which is proven by a couple of completely out-of-context slides from the Snowden leak. (Apparently this is a new kind of proof where you don’t have to connect all of the dots.)

In other words, anything that contradicts Hope Girl’s mentality of “it’s true because I believe it” is negative, and therefore the result of government sponsored internet trolls.

And her own internet forum echos the sentiment that all skepticism is evil:

Healthy skepticism is just another form of doubt – a negative force.

On the one hand the QEG is indeed a machine, but a totally different kind of machine than the ones we are so familiar with. It is true that she may need a skilled technician to build her, but truly requires a shift in consciousness to understand what makes her ‘tick’. And that’s where one’s attitude in this whole process can and will make a difference….

Take for example the “double-slit experiment,” where the mere act of ‘observation’ can completely change the outcome of an event. There are a number of things so far, involving the measurable part of the QEG, which currently may not make any sense… but then perhaps it needs a different level of sensitivity all together. Your presence, your state of mind, your attitude are believed to be key ingredients in observing the successful creation of this free energy device. This forum supports that belief and vision.

In short: There is no place for skepticism in this forum, you won’t get far trying to court a lady with skepticism, cause truly that is what the QEG is, a Lady with a mind and a will of her own.

When asked the simple question of how the device works, the question was met with similar hostility:

This goal cannot be achieved if your attitude is one of …. “skepticism.” The quantum realm does not work that way. Healers in general have a knowledge of how the quantum realm operates, and responds, providing what we expect, and using intention to accomplish. We have to clear and clean our emotions and minds in order to successfully heal…..

In other words, even questioning how the device works may cause it to fail! Apparently the QEG is like a drug-induced buzz, and it won’t work if you harsh its mellow, man.

But the seeds of escape were planted long before Hope Girl even announced the QEG. No, there was a free energy boogeyman all along: the government and/or corporations.

Like many people who lack basic critical thinking skills, “the government” and “corporations” are not things that exist but rather reasons in and of themselves that don’t need to be connected via evidence to indicate wrongdoing. Merely stating their names is enough; no further explanation is necessary.

Government… corporations… government… corporations… oh no, the QEG will never work now! It was entirely my fault for using those words!

Putting it all together

So what did James Robitaille build, if not a free energy device that derives its power from the quantum field? A thread on Reddit posits an interesting theory: Robitaille doesn’t seem to understand how to measure electricity and the device is a type of transformer.

There is, of course, a very simple explanation for all of this. Like Steorn Orbo and other alleged free energy devices, the QEG and WITTS generators are a mix of wishful thinking, workshop skills, and a misunderstanding of the results.

The fundraising and announcements are a classic example of putting the cart before the horse. One could conclude Hope Girl herself acknowledges this in a post saying “We are not in the prove it business, we are in the do it business.”

Finding gullible people on the internet is like shooting fish in a barrel. Building a device that breaks the known laws of physics is not something a group of conspiracy theorists are going to accomplish while vacationing around the world on someone else’s dime.

Is this truly a scam? One could argue that Hope Girl’s apparent belief in the machine indicates that it’s not an intentional scam but rather an honest mistake made by someone who takes charlatans seriously. But honest mistakes don’t involve taking money from people to travel the world and give vanity speeches. Just because people who are gullible exist doesn’t make it right for you to take their money. It doesn’t matter if televangelists disagree — even if you can find 300 of them.

Too often we reward those who sell dreams with unsubstantiated claims. And who could stop them? Consumer protection agencies can’t bother with the small timers, and it’s not always in the interest of payment processors and crowdfunding platforms to turn them away. It seems we’ve allowed crowdfunding to elevate small time scam artists — accidentally or not — to the global level.

Where are they now?

A few days before I completed this blog post, I was unsurprised to find that Fix the World released a report demonstrating that the QEG does not generate electricity and cannot run without external power, so of course they’re asking for more money.

Surprise! Only not.

UPDATE: June 8th

The dubiously named Fix the World is now claiming they have achieved what they’re calling “overunity,” where you get more power out than you put in. Of course, they also provide no evidence, just like always. There seems to be a pattern here. But that pattern hasn’t stopped them from raising over $13,000 in their latest crowdfunding scam (mentioned above.)

I was also alerted to something called an Ecklin generator, also known as a Brown-Ecklin generator. Apparently the people behind this device device promised the OMNI Magazine crowd in the 70′s and 80′s that they too could generate energy out of nowhere with some spinning magnets and whatnot. And much like the QEG, the people behind it couldn’t explain how it worked because they overlooked the most obvious answer: that it doesn’t work.

And to those like HopeGirl who labels any who dare question her as a troll, I ask you this: who is the real troll here? Is it the person who seeks donations for a seemingly impossible device that they refuse to prove actually works? Or is it the person who says you should donate your hard earned money to something that helps people, like a food bank or the Red Cross?

UPDATE 2: October 1st

I’d gotten the family relationships wrong regarding some of the people involved. Sorry about that, I’ve corrected the post to avoid confusion.

Meanwhile an attempt to achieve free energy with the same QEG design in Hungary failed and an attempt in Canada has nothing to show.

Now that the QEG is a bust Hope Girl would like even more money to move to Morocco. As much as I’m sick of people giving money to Hope Girl rather than legitimate causes, a part of me really wonders what elaborate rationalization she’ll have to concoct regarding why Morocco’s QEG still isn’t functional if she ever returns.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by RedDragonAmbassador »

On the topic of solar panels, I was actually in a house built within the last year with solar panels and was absolutely amazed at its efficiency. It's one thing to read about solar power, another to actually experience it. Same for a water recycling system and a few other architectural innovations.

The entire street had solar panels installed from what I could tell. Very cool stuff.

These new age free energy systems are such a fucking joke compared to what actually IS out there. If the new age douche bags actually put as much passion into technology that actually works and can be improved upon, they might actually bring the world closer to the free energy one they wish to create. Instead by being complete utter morons, they prolong their own suffering.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

Yeah, there was an article in the paper about a month back, small business had put solar panels on their warehouse, something like 100kW worth in a partnership with some solar firm. The whole thing projected to pay for itself in like 5 years.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JamesVincent »

The Guard base I was out of in MD., Camp Fretterd, had miniature windmills and solar panels for it's streetlights and some of the buildings. The entire base, what there was of it, could be completely self sufficient in times of emergency with its wind and solar devices plus the backup diesel generators.

The amazing thing about solar, especially here, is that they really are not that expensive for what you get out of them. And, if you do it right, they make money since the electric company will pay for your overcharging. If you draw 0k/w but you send 100k/w back into the system, they pay you for it. We looked at a system before that, for $30k, would eliminate a $150/month bill plus generate about $15-20/ month in income, maybe more under low load times. A lot better then blowing thousands on a POS that will never work.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

You gotta read these. Turns out that noting something isn't working or that claims are being overstated is a "trolling attack!" And apparently they can be devastating! Strange that HopeGirl would publicize something like that... But the good news it that the QEG is almost over-unity, much like it was a year ago at this time! Consistency is the first step to success!

Any minute now ...
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

"Trolls are paid by energy companies and government agencies to infiltrate any potential new threat to their industry."

I haven't been posting much recently, because I am on holiday, living it up on the thousands of dollars that various energy companies pay me each month the "destabilize" the QEG project.

Little did Hopegirl know, that when she raised $50,000+ to start the QEG project, she was creating such a lucrative new profession taking money from energy co's to fight the challenge that QEG represents.

Actually, maybe she did realize this, and is secretly "on both sides", taking money to start QEG, and also taking money to rubbish it. Being a shrewd businesswoman, maybe she did see that. And that's how she knows the energy co's are so generous with their loot/
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Gregg »

While we're talking about your compensation, I decided to dock you and pretty much all the Illuminati Minions under my direct supervision 15% of your pay this month, as a "special assessment'' to the Chili Dog Tax Free World Tour Retirement Fund, to replenish the endowment after the unfortunate losses recently suffered in our "Las Vegas" investments (the damn horse was a 300:1 shot, a few of those and you're talking Dinar like returns!) and the higher labor and material costs in the local hookers and blow market.

I know, it sucks, or at least it sucks for you.... :Axe:
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by KickahaOta »

morrand wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:The same guy just informed me that they are building a billion dollar power plant in Nevada.
Given the wholesale price of electricity right now, not a chance. Any power plant that's going to be worth $1B is either going to have to be absolutely massive, or is going to have an insanely long payback period. Even if it is pulling power from the quantum universe, or whatever.
Somewhat belated thought: I think that "the same guy" may be getting this group of Tesla wannabes confused with Tesla Motors, which is building a billion-dollar factory in Nevada -- but it's a battery cell manufacturing plant, not a power plant.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

It's always good to be reminded about what's not happening in the QEG world. HopeGirl has been posting, mostly begging for money, but she did put this up last month, no doubt a comment about the OPPT meltdown in Morroco.

Am I The Only One That Hasn’t Lost Their Mind? We are in the Zombie Apocalypse!
hopegirl2012 / June 23, 2015

A while back I really began to notice that there were some insane things that were happening around me. There were people that I knew and cared for just losing their minds and behaving in very strange ways. I found myself sitting there one day with my head in my hands wondering, what the heck is going on?

If you consider yourself to be an “awake” person like I do, then no doubt you’ve experienced the pain of coming up against the “sleepers”. Where you feel like you’re the only one that “gets it”. And you might have just stopped trying to convince your family members or your friends about things like chemtrails, or vaccines, or harp, or Monsanto. You may feel tired and worn out for all the effort.

Lately it seems that the level of intensity has been kicked up about 20 notches. I believe it may have really started to intensify after 2012 came and went and “nothing happened”. Then we had 2013, which I’ve personally named “The Year of Nothing” and finally 2014, which has earned a title in my mind as “The Year of Betrayal”.

For me, it really hit around 6 months ago when suddenly, a wide array of people I knew started doing the most diabolical acts of harm to others and self-sabotage. To be really honest, I was confused. I wanted to understand what this was because it was happening so much and so often to so many people I knew. A psychic friend of mine told me “Batten down the hatches and get ready for the storm. Things are going to get really ugly”. He was right. It was then that I realized that we are truly and surely in the real Zombie Apocalypse.

What is the Zombie Apocalypse?

The fictional metaphors that have been sensationalized in our pop culture in multiple zombie movies depict the reality of what is happening to people in our current society. “ Zombification” is a “soul disease” that transforms it’s victims into a hollow shell, propelled only by an instinctive need to feed on others, sentencing their victims with the same soulless plight to which they are imprisoned.


Zombification shows itself in many ways in our society and our personal relationships. People are acting strangely or differently. For example, they will act one way in front of a group , then change their behavior dramatically, almost like a split personality disorder. The behavior is usually characterized by a complete and utter absence of critical thinking void of moral code where an individual completely disregards the knowledge of consequences for their actions.

We are seeing people who are becoming zombified and experiencing a “death of the self”. They have lost their true identity of who they are as a person. Researcher Michael Tsarion mentions this concept in his work on “Psychic Vampirism.” Tsarion says,

The man who has murdered his own self becomes a predator who lives to consume what others create. The self-murdered person is the greatest threat in the world. He is violent and destructive towards himself and everyone he encounters. He can occupy positions of little importance or of the greatest importance. He can destroy a single life or that of a world. He cares nothing for the trail of destruction and ruin he leaves. He cares only for the satiation of his insatiable appetites…..He seeks you and all that is yours.

Does that sound familiar? Who can you think of in your own life or in our world that has seemingly turned on themselves and their own best interests to then become violent, destructive and detached from any moral sense of responsibility?
This is part of the reset of human civilization. It is the transition into an increasing awakened population looking for the truth and trying to come to their own discoveries of how things work in nature. In many cases, you feel like the only awakened person and everyone around you is a zombie. When you have this realization and start to see the world from a larger perspective, you begin to realize just how asleep everyone is.

When I found myself at this realization point, I felt like I was alone. I was disheartened, and I felt the deep pain of betrayal. But then I realized how many other awake people were having the same experiences and felt the same way. I have managed to overcome my feelings of despair by using a combination of blatant in-your-face-humor, research, and some mental and lifestyle disciplines to help me completely combat my feelings and turn all of this around for the better.

Tools to Help you Cope: Real Speaks / Our Zombie Youtube Video / our Hysterical eBook

My loving partner Tivon and I put together a special platform called “Real Speaks”. (http://www.realspeaks.com) This is a place where we can put out individual presentations that we feel can help a lot of people who are trying to understand how to cope with some of the very difficult situations that many people are facing in these tumultuous and uncertain times.

Our Real Speaks Zombie Video below is a candid conversation recorded on the fly while we were driving. It is meant to express through our own personalities how we view these changes in people around us and most importantly what we are doing to cope.

Losing friends and family and betrayals during this civilization reset can be an incredibly painful experience for many to go through. We wanted to ease the blow with some humor and lighten up a heavy topic to make this easier to cope with. So with this in mind, we’ve used brain dead zombies and Michael Jackson’s Thriller and zombie catch phrases to present this material.


WARNING - This video is 30 minutes of babbling, mostly behind a still picture.
"Follow the Money"