QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JamesVincent »

Jeffrey wrote: I mean holy hell, in the UK Phase three video, they're pointing a Geiger counter at the damn thing.
I must admit I had a good laugh out of that. I thought they were using a fancy EMF meter or a thermogram up until they zoomed in and you could read what it said. Then they said it wasn't putting out radiation, so I started laughing again.
And in the latest video they claim that the QEG exploits the piezoelectric effect.
They turned it into a fancy tweeter? :sarcasmon:
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

JamesVincent wrote:http://www.lowes.com/pd_182583-40683-GS ... facetInfo=

Just sayin'.....
I know, eh? Everything that perpetual motion machines promise solar delivers. Sunshine is just as free and plentiful as quantum vacuum happy vibrations, but it isn't imaginary (except in Prince Rupert). The hardware is expensive, just like the QEG, but again it isn't imaginary so the value is way better. Oh well, at least the QEGers aren't smug about driving priuses :sarcasmon:
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

Basically, it is a "HOPE" Machine*.

Big hopes, and not a small sum of money is invested in QEG.
Those who invest in such nonsense, without a more sound technological argument, are engaging in Magical Thinking - expecting that by wishing hard, and praying a little maybe, you can change the world.

No wonder they point a geiger counter at it. The expect the Hope alone with somehow cause Free Energy to materialise.

*It makes great sense that a "Hope" machine would be promoted by Hopegirl
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:http://www.lowes.com/pd_182583-40683-GS ... facetInfo=

Just sayin'.....
I know, eh? Everything that perpetual motion machines promise solar delivers. Sunshine is just as free and plentiful as quantum vacuum happy vibrations, but it isn't imaginary (except in Prince Rupert). The hardware is expensive, just like the QEG, but again it isn't imaginary so the value is way better. Oh well, at least the QEGers aren't smug about driving priuses :sarcasmon:
You have an acquaintance with Prince Rupert? I've heard it's beautiful, a pristine oceanside setting with the coast mountain range rising up directly behind it. Unspoiled virgin wilderness. I have no personal knowledge of this although I spent a weekend there once. It rained like hell the entire time I was there and that, along with fog and mist, resulted in a visibility of about 200 feet. Apparently entirely normal weather there, a typical Prince Rupert summer.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by morrand »

Jeffrey wrote:
convert VArs back to a usuable current
This right here is confusing as hell because either they have no idea what the hell they're doing because that's basically a nonsensical statement or they're measuring random things to confuse the rubes.

I mean it looks like they have no idea how to use the $20k in measuring equipment they purchased, they use technical terms in ways that shows they have no idea what the words mean.
In this video, they're using a transformer to "filter out" the reactive power, force the voltage and current into phase, and somehow convert reactive into real power. (Actually, they've apparently connected some sort of resistive load to the transformer, for which you expect voltage and current to be in phase, but never mind.)

Thing is, they're connecting to the 3100 turn side of the machine, which is the one that contains the capacitors. And indeed, when they initially scope the leads on that side, it looks (from the relative voltage of the two traces shown) like current is leading voltage, which is precisely what you expect on a capacitor bank. I don't know what help it'd be trying to force current into phase with voltage on that side, given that the output is actually on the other winding, but, y'know, whatever makes you happy.

What they are doing, though, is using the cap bank to produce a huge amount of reactive power. It will do that, naturally, and I think that's ultimately the point of the capacitors. They're throwing the caps across one set of windings, and it's generating a lot of VArs back into the machine, and also raising the voltage on those windings in order to support those VArs. Then, you take a semi-ignorant engineer or technician, who measures the current and voltage, multiplies, and, hey presto! Overunity! All this business about "resonance" is bunkum. They could put the same capacitors straight across the wall socket, and get similar results. (Well, not quite, since the reactive power would go back out the wall and into the power grid, but at any rate the rotating part of the machine is more for show than anything.)

They're apparently clueful enough to realize that it's reactive power they're seeing, and to realize that the reactive power itself is pretty much useless in this context. So, trying to convert it to real power makes sense, assuming you don't understand how it comes into being, because if you did, you'd know that (a) the relation between the voltage and current is driven by the load, not the source alone, therefore you need to change the load to change the power factor; and (b) once you do change the load, you find that the reactive power doesn't turn into real power, but instead it just sort of vanishes.

They are also apparently not clueful enough to realize that waving your hands carelessly around anything requiring a 20 kV probe, or involving an unguarded rotating shaft, is a bad idea.
I mean holy hell, in the UK Phase three video, they're pointing a Geiger counter at the damn thing.

And in the latest video they claim that the QEG exploits the piezoelectric effect.
Thank you for the pointer to the "Phase Three" video. I admit that I only got as far as the "major renovations" part of the video (where they're making over a garage to look like a tacky Chinese buffet) before I had to stop for air.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

They're apparently clueful enough to realize that it's reactive power they're seeing
Alternative theory: they get high one day while fooling around with the fancy measuring equipment, flip the switch into var mode, "Hey this number is bigger" and they decide to give that number out as proof of Overunity then go back to remodeling the house with donations.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

Anyone notice this latest update from QEG scammer Hope Girl:
http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/ ... on-course/

Yes, you too can take a free "CICU Certification Course" on how to scam people out of more money to make a QEG device which doesn't actually work! Topics include (for real, this is from the blog post):

Basics and Definitions
New Paradigm Business Model
FTW CICU Give Back Agreement Proposal
Opensourcing and Co-Development Environment
Introduction to Crowdfunding
CICU Logistics
CICU Marketing and Social Media
Funding your CICU and Be-do.com CICU Crowdfunding Form
CICU Networking and Registration Form
Final Overview and Next Steps

Oh, about that "Give Back Agreement" - https://hopegirl2012.files.wordpress.co ... ement.docx

When you make your own QEG machine you are now agreeing to fund the Fix The World Organization, AKA Hope Girl's bank account. You must choose AT LEAST TWO of the following:
- A percentage of each QEG sale
- A fixed dollar amount of each QEG sale
- A lump sum dollar amount

So, even though Hope Girl has scammed $100k out of idiots on the internet to fund a free energy machine which doesn't work, she has already drawn up agreements to ensure she gets money out of every fellow scammer who tries this.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JennyD »

LightinDarkness wrote:
When you make your own QEG machine you are now agreeing to fund the Fix The World Organization, AKA Hope Girl's bank account. You must choose AT LEAST TWO of the following:
- A percentage of each QEG sale
- A fixed dollar amount of each QEG sale
- A lump sum dollar amount
Doesn't this qualify as a pyramid scheme now? Just thinking out loud here..
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

Yep, that seems to be a pyramid scam to me. Of course, the issue is that since the QEG isn't real free energy you are essentially "selling" fancy looking machines that do nothing. I would say that would reduce the chance of ever making a sale, but we are dealing with OPPT level stupidity here and as such I can imagine a lot of idiots would buy one.

After all, if it doesn't work, its not because its cargo cult science - its because you projected bad thoughts at it! :haha:
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually, I think it is a scamchize, common law patent pending scam franchise network, she's selling franchises of her scam, and the fees she is asking for are her franchise fees, so that you can go out and sell the scam to other unsuspecting fools.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

When you make your own QEG machine you are now agreeing to fund the Fix The World Organization, AKA Hope Girl's bank account. You must choose AT LEAST TWO of the following:
- A percentage of each QEG sale
- A fixed dollar amount of each QEG sale
- A lump sum dollar amount


Maybe you should do what Hope and her family did:
+ Steal the technology from someone else
+ Change the name
+ Call it your own.

Goodness me. I remember how very important she said that this Free Energy device be "open sourced", and now she is trying to capture a revenue stream from it (!)

This is being an ultra-Hypocrite, it seems

Maybe she should change the name of her organization from Fix-The-World, to either: Scam-The-World, or Scams-R-Us. But that's not her style... too honest. Anyone who has a name like Ms. Feigen, and calls herself: "Hope Moore", has set out to fool people.
Last edited by DailyPlanet on Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by ACG »


I find it strange, but expected, that over at the be-do forum one of the most important threads has 0 replies. http://be-do.com/index.php/en/forum/pennsylvania-usa The Pennsylvania thread announcing that James Robitaille is just around the corner completing self-running. Been up for 15 days and not a single reply. Also its mentioned there was to be a fundraiser demonstration of the device, time of which has come and gone. No mention of fundraiser and self running. Fleece The World and dolla dolla bill girl have went dark. Not a peep from the 5,000 Chinese Engineers, Taiwan, Morocco, UK, or the hundreds of groups conducting their own builds (so be-do-ers say). By the way, Taiwan has moved on from this to another scam. A motor generator scam coined QMoGen. That there should tell the qeg believers something. When she does pop up and present her long list of reasons for so and so, I guarantee the post on her blog will be "great news!!!" "We Love You!!"...[insert the usual b.s.]
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:Anyone notice this latest update from QEG scammer Hope Girl:
http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/ ... on-course/
What I noticed was the end of July had come and gone, but there's nothing about how the QEG is self-running as promised. Here's all that Ms. Girl says:
The final completion of self-running on the QEG will bring about a major change for many who have been following its development. This time is almost upon us, and we at FTW want to make sure that The People are ready for whats coming!
Any day now.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by davids »

I don't know beans about technical stuff, but do know how to think.

I think this article has some interesting observations about questionable claims of energy systems that "break the laws of physics."

https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/h ... 9318dd1ae6
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Deep Knight »

Hope Girl wrote:In our last post we mentioned that we felt confident we would have phase 3 complete by the end of July. We are running a few days behind from this deadline. The reason for this is that we are working with the laws of nature and have reached a point where it is difficult to predict exactly how much more time the QEG needs to run while it draws in energy from the atmosphere to “condition” (change the molecular structure) of the core, which is needed for self-running. This is fully explained below, and parts of this process are shown in the video. Perhaps missing our self imposed deadline is natures way of correcting us and helping us to move away from schedules and calendars, and allowing ourselves to flow in the energy we are now able to harness?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JamesVincent »

Deep Knight wrote:
Hope Girl wrote:...The reason for this is that we are working with the laws of nature and have reached a point where it is difficult to predict exactly how much more time the QEG needs to run while it draws in energy from the atmosphere to “condition” (change the molecular structure) of the core, which is needed for self-running. .....
In other words, we were trying to fight the laws of physics and the law won. Nothing to see here, just move along.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

Hadn't quite thought of it in those exact terms, but yeah!! :snicker:
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JennyD »

Deep Knight wrote:
Hope Girl wrote:In our last post we mentioned that we felt confident we would have phase 3 complete by the end of July. We are running a few days behind from this deadline. The reason for this is that we are working with the laws of nature and have reached a point where it is difficult to predict exactly how much more time the QEG needs to run while it draws in energy from the atmosphere to “condition” (change the molecular structure) of the core, which is needed for self-running. This is fully explained below, and parts of this process are shown in the video. Perhaps missing our self imposed deadline is natures way of correcting us and helping us to move away from schedules and calendars, and allowing ourselves to flow in the energy we are now able to harness?
Uh.... yeah Hope........... I think that you finally realized that there's some laws even the OPPT's UCC filings can't have an effect on (in their minds of course)
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by ACG »

Extra! Extra! read all about it! http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/ ... formations
First, we need to express that WHAT WE ARE TRYING TO DO IS NOT EASY!
August 27, 2014
The QEG is portable, the size of an average home generator, can easily hook up to your existing electrical system, and weighs approximately 120 pounds. The QEG can power your entire home, several of them can power anything from a skyscraper to a cruise ship, and you will never have to pay an electric bill ever again.
http://www.fixtheworldproject.net/what-is-the-qeg-.html March 2014.

Between the technical work that James is trying to do, and the intense travel schedule, and providing the most detailed and transparent updates to everyone, we’ve certainly met our share of challenges along the way.
Intense travel schedule? That must be con code for 30 day vacation get-aways. Self imposed and non contributing travels at that. Instead of working locally, FTW goes to places lacking both components and building equipment. Places yet to be both ever mentioned again and "Saved" as was the original claim mind you. Uups, I just screwed the pouch on FTW's out of site is out of mind hypnotic money lure.
We gave away this suppressed technology for free through opensourcing.
So you gave away a suppressed reluctance generator? The inverse of which is powering the desk fans of houses all over the planet. Open sourcing? You mean a pdf file of an electric circuit had a link to download from? Sort of like the billions of other electrical circuit schematics that can be downloaded for free.
Now engineers all over the world have a starting point for experimenting with this particular way of harnessing energy.
They already had a starting point for decades now. But who am I to rain on your delusions of grandeur parade. 72 references to switched reluctance generators: http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInfor ... 6m_nijFKSo
We are transparently reporting our progress DURING the research and co-development stages.
If I done so once I done it 100 times. No longer going to comment on that one.
We are not selling anything.
Instead you are directing all the heavy cost items to "select" sources for purchase (cough kick cough back). You are structuring a multi level market percent give back to you. You are receiving large donations for over a year, money of which could have installed multiple gas powered or solar power water pump systems in the places you used as bait.
You may or may not have heard about this, but it noteworthy to highlight it here. This special on 60 minutes features the “Bloom Box”. It’s a new energy source that was developed that uses fuel cells. It does require a small amount of fuel to operate, but we have a suspicion that this was only done so that the company would be “allowed” to develop this product.
I know I heard about bloom box but those you hopegirl want to target are those who have not and those you know who will not bother to research bloom box. This gets you more funding by using examples that have nothing to so with your qeg scam. As predictable as a meth head without a fix and a pocket full of change your current blog uses yet again the history of non related ventures as support for your revenue. Michael Jordan was once kicked from a team but look at him now? She actually implied the qeg will work because Jordan and a few singers failed once but won out in the end. I cannot believe people fall for hopegirl's Bee Ess. But we have a suspicion? I rest my case.
In our stages of development there were additional expenses that went above and beyond what we originally put in our phase 3 budget.
Do tell.
Every contribution no matter how big or small helps us to maintain the work that we do and allows us to report our results to the people....
To keep our transactions clean, we are closing donations on the QEG phase3 go fund me campaign. [paypal link]
Yet, using paypal. What does she mean by "clean"? The funding sites started to crack down?

Is it self running yet?

We have a well thought out strategy for the announcement of this. It will be opensourced to everyone so that it can be protected from suppression. To do this right, there is a lot of preparation work involved that will take some time, during which we are carefully providing open transparent information on the blogs that is safe to release in the interim.
That is long winded con code for NO.
Where can I buy one?
For engineers that are interested in purchasing and building a QEG so that they can experiment and co-develop with us you can purchase a core from Torelco and the rest of the QEG kit from Tesla Energy Solutions LLC. T
Please walk through this kick back, I mean, this door.

Cough, clears throat... And what of the UK report?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

And the fantasy rolls on.

So several of these could poser a skyscraper, and yet they can't seem to get on to light a lightbulb for more than a few seconds. Real reality based technology there.

I keep wondering if the idiot in the UK didn't finally manage to electrocute himself, or if the electricity board shut him down for messing with their mains and endangering their networks.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.