QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

My favorite part is this:
How long will it take?
This work has no reference point, so it is extremely difficult to calculate calendar dates and deadlines. We’ve attempted to do this in the past, and then realized that we are working with the laws of nature, that shockingly don’t like to follow corporate schedules. J We will always do our best to report in real time the advances that we have made and inform everyone of what our intentions and plans are for the near future.
Whoops, I guess some of the true believers were getting agitated when free energy was promised in April...and May...and July....and now she won't even bother with dates. But please keep giving money, true believers, Hope Girl needs your money for her bank account science.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by rogfulton »

Anyone with a Google+ account, check out posts by user +sioxs. A true believer if there ever was. The hashtags are almost as entertaining as the post - #energy, #incaseyoumissedit and #incaseyouwanted2know.

Here's a brief quote:
sioxs wrote:130 years ago Nikola Tesla invented and patented an energy generator. This is a resonance machine that only needs 1KW of input power to produce 10KW of output power.  His patents are now in the public domain.
The Fix the World Organization has reproduced Teslas design with a few modern twists to generate the same results.   Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself.
We have freely given this technology to the people of the world.
Sound familiar?
Nearly all of the comments mirror ours here on our beloved Q.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JamesVincent »

SomeDumbAss wrote:130 years ago Nikola Tesla invented and patented an energy generator. This is a resonance machine that only needs 1KW of input power to produce 10KW of output power. His patents are now in the public domain.
The Fix the World Organization has reproduced Teslas design with a few modern twists to generate the same results. Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself.
We have freely given this technology to the people of the world.
I'll break it down step by step for you SomeDumbAss, don't want you to get lost.

It was 120 years ago.

Tesla's patent does not say anything about it requiring less energy then it puts out, it was actually meant to be driven by a steam engine or other self-running engine. Here, let me quote from the actual patent:
Tesla wrote:In the construction of my engine above referred to I have followed and applied this principle, that is to say, I employ a cylinder and a piston which in any suitable manner I maintain in reciprocation by steam or gas under pressure.

The entire generator relies on that piston being in motion from an outside force. Notice how he referred to it as an engine, meaning it runs off of something. If it had run off of electricity it would have been a motor.

His patents have been public domain for quite awhile now, like 100 years, and, if you had ever bothered to study Tesla, his patents weren't really protected when they weren't public domain. Read up about the fights between him and Marconi... or Edison... or Westinghouse. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Your Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides absolutely nothing but hours of entertainment to the people following it. It did give me a reason to call my stepdad and discuss electrical theory, something I hadn't done in about 20 years or so, thanks for that.

No, actually, you gave nothing since WTF has decided that anyone that uses it must pay for it, that's kinda the opposite of free in my mind. And, if you call that geriatric looking schematic the "plans", you probably made it so someone ends up hurting themself trying to build it.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

Technically what they actually "open sourced" were designs for the WITTS generator which is an even older scam where the guy was charging $40,000 for the designs and help building them. It's possible part of the donations went towards buying the fake plans off WITTS then making them public which appears to have really pissed the guy off.

One possibility is that Hope Girl and Robitaile are really dupes that fell for WITTS.

One tiny thing I think we missed. In the UK Phase 3 video we get a cameo from OPCA figure "Allegedly Dave".


Dave fell for the "right to travel" nonsense in 2012 and lost his car in the process. If you want some good fun audio, here he is trying to spin his courtroom loss:

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Gregg »

One possibility is that Hope Girl and Robitaile are really dupes that fell for WITTS.
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened, and they think they can figure out the part that WITTS keeps secret. Except of course, the part they keep secret is it doesn't work and its all a big con. They then copied the WITTS business model, offering consultations for $300 per hour and the rest of the big roadshow is all an infomercial for their crowd funding vacation tour.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by JamesVincent »

I had actually never heard of WITTS so I looked them up. The OPPT and WITTS belong together. This statement from their about page:
WITTS Ministry is the oldest and perhaps the only ministry of its kind. We have introduced a large percentage of modern technology. We pioneered and introduced everything from motors to lights to computers to CD’s to lasers. Our ministry dates back to the time of Michael Faraday.
Would probably shock quite a few people, most especially the people that actually invented the things mentioned. According to them they have many inventions in different technology fields including this list:
Automobiles which run totally on water and air, the only exhaust is oxygen, water, and air.
Electric energy generators that need no fuel and make no noise with no exhaust output and will power your home or car indefinitely.
Mechanical energy motors that need no input once started and can be built to run any load.
Anti-gravity machines that can travel as easiily through outer space as through air. These can also be built to travel through water (oceans), and even through solid earth.
This former mechanism can be built as a device that is pedal operated (like a bicycle) and is able to fly through the air with no motor, wings, or propellers.
Propulsion and transportation.
Sky Well technology extracting thousands or millions of gallons of clean water from the air.
Atmospheric scrubbers to transform carbon dioxide and methane into breathable oxygen and helpful base elements.
Ocean water desalinization. Transform thousands of gallons an hour into usable fresh water for agriculture, etc.
Growing centers to make tons and tons of fresh produce. Vegetables with 10 fold increase in protein and enhanced nutrition.
Transmutation of basic elements, derived from the quantum field.
Not going to go through their many technological marvels, I would think anyone with common sense could see they are false, but that is a pretty impressive list. Too bad it isn't true. Funny thing that their number one, cars that run on air and water, is a reality and has been for awhile. Just hasn't been made economically feasible yet.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by ACG »

WITTS is a whole other level of con. Claiming thousands of technologies as theirs. Delusion of grandeur is always a big red flag. Very contradicting for them to say they are here to help the world but show no effort to do so. Instead, charge copious amounts of money for so called plans and consultation. Then used hand picked "testimonials" who do not demonstrate the claim as proof of the claim. Sorry, WITTS does not sell anything. (LOL). Give out knowledge as a FREE gift to those who give from their heart donations as they see fit, as long as it fits in multiples of $100. Structured gifts for structured donation amounts.

WITTS claim all their technologies also have healing side effects. But soon as Fleece The World got in on their action, WITTS put out a hit piece to send fear into any who attempted to build a qeg sans donation to WITTS. Naturally danger is involved with heavy high rotation and high voltage devices. WITTS tried to scare people that just being in the room would cause much harm to people from dangerous quantum energies. This was not ever mention before FTW came along with their side show. Well witch is it WITTS? Does your technologies heal or do harm?

I predict the qeg fiasco will go on for years but only by the die hard elk. The reaction is coming to a still. The post on dolla dolla bill girl's blogs are shrinking. Maybe one or two replies to the every 30 day updates on be-do forum. You know its bad when members of their forum ignore the official update post.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

Hopegirl and QEG claim their latest victim: (nearly)

Sterling Allen of Pure Energy Systems News needs money to keep running PESWiki. Here's the donation page : http://pesn.com/2014/09/03/9602533_Free ... isappears/

Free Energy News Disappears
"Did you know that in reality, we've actually come very close, several times, to this headline coming to pass..."

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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by ACG »

Peswiki had said this over and over for years. This time it just might come to pass. Ever since the last 2 years a particular admin over there has been abusive. Everyone is pissed of at the site now. But of course Sterling cannot see this simple truth. He will feel it in his pocket book soon enough.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

So, ACG, your view is that:

+ It was an incompetent Administrative person, and
+ Sterling's backing of a loser (QEG)

That caused donations to his website to dry up ?

I find the timing of the bursting of the QEG bubble, and the drying up of his site,
to be more than pure coincidence.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by ACG »

Both. One is just newer than the other. The admin issue is that last straw breaking the camels back.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

Sterling has a long history of involvement with fraudulent free energy scams which bordered on collusion. People probably got sick of it.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Jeffrey »

Just going to leave this link here and not say anything about it:

http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/ ... g-forward/
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

So, to recap:

- This scam has garnered about $150,000 across multiple fund raising platforms, not including in-kind donations like free hotel stays that probably raises the total amount to $175,000 or more.

- As early as March of this year we were told the QEG would bring us free energy in mere weeks.

- At this point the people involved - including Hope Girl's parents - have flown around the world between America, Morocco, Taiwan, and Great Britain at least 3 times.

- Not one of "Fix The Worlds" projects has actually ever accomplished anything.

- Updates on the QEG "progress" have moved from telling us when we would get free energy to vague promises about work being done and how there are XX many QEG teams. All of whom, by the way, are paying Hope Girl's dad something like $300/hour in "consulting fees." I am not even counting all the money they have raking in on QEG scam fees in their total in my first point.

- So Hope Girl's dad is losing his house. This is the same house that supposedly $20k or so of the money donated went to "house upkeep" while they were flying around the world. So much for accurate accounting of where the money goes (HOW SURPRISING, REALLY), unless he happens to live in a mansion that costs more than $20k/year in upkeep.

- Now they want MORE MONEY to move the entire scam to Morocco. Where it will cost even more money to import parts for the QEG scam. I love how she tries to give business reasons for leaving the country, we all know the real reason is that she wants to hook up with the OPPT nuts so that she can move on to the next type of scam when this one runs out.

- Yet, still, idiots are donating. This truly shows you that as long as you tell people what they want to hear, they'll keep throwing money at you. If she fully funds this thing after nearly half a year of grifting people for over a hundred thousand dollars, then it will be a sad testament to human gullibility.

- Fix the World should be renamed Grift the World.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by Alcibiades »

LightinDarkness wrote:- As early as March of this year we were told the QEG would bring us free energy in mere weeks.
Thanks, LiD. Yes, the free energy ne'er-do-wells are hoping to be on the move again. There should be plenty of vacancies at Aouchtam, the One People epicentre, since it seems quite a few of the former residents have tired of a life of lethargic inactivity and/or ennui and moved on. Or perhaps Heather did not live up to expectations.

Another good business reason for moving to Morocco if you're into conning people is that it's one of a handful of countries, such as Iceland and Nicaragua, that hasn't got an extradition treaty with the US. Not that the US authorities are likely to be pursuing them - theirs is pretty small beer as far as fraud goes and could be defended as 'in good faith' activity for a sincerely held belief.

Nothing like a bit of low-key grifting to keep you living the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed. Let's see how their new flimflam pans out.
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

What's that old saying:
"You can fool ALL of the people some of the time, and
SOME of the people all of the time, but
You cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

Apparently the size of the OPPT cult, and those still interested is now down
to just 100-200 people. And many of those may be the "merely curious", or
bystanders of the OPPT circus.

And people have woken up, since Heather and Hopegirl first arrived on the scene.

After 7,700+ views of her recent video:
Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf and Sacha Stone on The One Network

She attracted only:
+ 161 Subscribers
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by DailyPlanet »

QEG is "Growing"
(ie has run out of money, and wants to suck in new money)

For what?
"We are asking for Donations to help with the following:"

$5,000 – Continued support for The QEG: The Peoples Free Energy Project. To assist with buying testing equipment, and minimal living expenses for volunteering lead FTW QEG Engineer.

$5,000 – FTW Moroccan Business Entity Formation: Includes Bookeeping and legal fees for one year.

$2,000 – FTW Office space in Tangier Morocco, Rent for one year. (required for business start up)

$5,000 – Airfare to fly two FTW council members to Morocco for business start up

$3,000 – To help with the expenses of launching new projects. (one year of internet, software fees, phone bills, shipping set up, local transporation )

$2,000 – Paypal Fees an Fundrazr fees
$22,000 Total

> http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/ ... g-forward/
What happened to the previous money?
Check the link above.
-$75,000 was raised in crowdfunding to pay for the project
-160,000 people downloaded the plans to build an alternative energy device for co-development.
-Sixty QEG prototypes are now being built by teams around the world.
-Forty countries are developing small business units centered around producing their own energy.
These numbers are based on data that we can track through our own systems, however these are low estimates as the opensourcing nature of the project has created a momentum that is not always possible to track. Still, that’s a lot of people working towards the same goal, which means we are close to a breakthrough! With so many teams working in their own individual ways, information is shared primarily through skype groups and QEG forums*... The teams working on the QEG inspired by the opensourcing of it by FTW are endeavoring to set an example of doing things a different way by sharing information. With all of this combined effort, it is only a matter of time now and someone will eventually break through. We are ready for it!
*FACT: The Main QEG Skype rooms seem to have died. (According to two of our friendly insiders there, the postings have dried up to almost nothing. And those who have teams still working, are seeking different technology, since no one is making any real progress, beyond the meaningless "resonance" stage, with QEG.)
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by LightinDarkness »

Oh dear, the latest grifting campaign has not been successful like the others - 11 days in and Hope Girl has only raised $1.1k of her $22k goal. In past campaigns at this point her grifting had been 70 or 80% funded, sometimes higher.

I think she got so used to the idiots throwing money at her that she was just expecting it to happen again. But then she posts updates like this, which show a jaw dropping level of stupidity for someone who is seeking yet even more money from the gullible QEG/OPPT idiots:
Update on the QEG family: Val and Jaime are currently packing up their home in PA and moving everything into storage. They will be bringing the PA QEG with them to join the QEG and full lab at Tesla Energy Solutions in Florida. Here Jaime will be able to continue working on the QEG in probably one of the most promising environments we've had so far. Fully stocked lab and lots of genius engineers to brainstorm and help out.
So after people have dropped $150k+ to fly James around the world 3+ times, all of this work could have been done in Florida?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by notorial dissent »

How much you want to bet that the "fully stocked lab and lots of genius engineers" is someone's mangy garage with a couple of other idiot putterers trying to electrocute themselves?
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Re: QEG : Has it reached "Over-unity"?

Post by rogfulton »

notorial dissent wrote:How much you want to bet that the "fully stocked lab and lots of genius engineers" is someone's mangy garage with a couple of other idiot putterers trying to electrocute themselves?
Don't think you will get any takers on Q, elsewhere - who knows?
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